Teacher: Miss Vasquez Room 1109 s1
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English 5/6 Syllabus
Teacher: Miss Vasquez Room 1109 Contact Information: 619-401-4862 [email protected] vasquezenglish.wikispaces.com
Course Description: You will improve your communication skills through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Our emphasis will be on developing your critical thinking skills and your own personal creativity. Together, we will patiently endure spelling, grammar, and vocabulary, as they are vital to writing and reading. We will read and write in various styles and genres.
Core works of Literature (5/6) The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger Selections from Pearson’s The American Experience Literature Anthology Outside Non-Fiction Sources
Grading Policy: All work is based on a point system. Points are then converted into percentages and a letter grade is assigned. These points are divided into categories, which have a varying weight on the class grade.
100 ~ 90% = A, 89 ~ 80% = B, 79 ~ 70% = C, 69 ~ 60% = D, 59 ~ 0%= F
Grades are always available for you to keep track of your progress and assignments at mygradebook.com, the grades are always subject to change due to un-graded assignments. Individual grades will not be discussed during class. However, I am more than happy to talk with you before school or after school if you have a question.
Final grade will be based on your performance in the following categories
Reading Standards 35% Writing 35% Speaking 15% Participation 15% Reading (35%) Writing (35%) Speaking (15%) Participation (15%) Sub-Categories: Sub-Categories: Sub-Categories: Sub-Categories:
Outside Reading 15% Writing Exercises 20% Informal Presentations 40% Credit/No Credit 60% Comprehension 30% Drafts 30% Formal Presentations 60% Class Participation 40% Assessments 55% Final Drafts 50% Example Assignments: Example Assignments: Example Assignments: Example Assignments:
OUTSIDE READING WRITING EX. INFORMAL CREDIT/NO CREDIT Reading Log (OR) Introduction practice Socratic Seminars Quickwrites-not graded for Book Reports Research projects content Grammar Article Analysis Presentations ‘Ticket out the door’ COMPREHENSION Literature Presentations Reading comp. questions-not Vocab Exercises DRAFTS graded for accuracy Reflections of Readings Baseline Essay FORMAL Roots packets Comprehension Quizzes Parts of Process Essays Speeches Signed Papers (syllabus, Permission slips, etc) outside reading project Revision WLAK final projects Learning Objectives Analysis, & Synthesis questions Socratic Seminars CLASS PARTIC. Literature, Essay, Speech, and FINAL DRAFTS Memorized passage/poem/speech Volunteering to read aloud Poem selections from anthology, Essay Finals Raising hand to add to class AVID weekly and other sources Timed Writings discussion Film Critiques WLAK terms on board ASSESSMENTS Acting Vocab & WLAK Quizzes The Crucible Roles End of unit tests Calendars/Agendas Roots Midterm/Final Review Activities
1 Make-Up Work (Absence): On the day you return from an excused absence, it is your responsibility to ask me, at an appropriate time, for what you missed and your responsibility to complete the make-up work. You are required to make up all missed work for any absences, failure to do so will result in a zero score!
Late Work: Not all assignments may be made up. Check with the teacher beforehand. It is not fair for students who did complete the assignment on time to receive the same possible credit as a student who decided to take extra time to complete the assigned work. Late work is not generally accepted without attending Tutorial/Night Library after school or losing a percentage of the grade earned! Exceptions may be made on an individual basis and at the discretion of the teacher. Late work must be submitted with cover sheet.
Plagiarism/ Cheating: Plagiarism is illegal and immoral. If you copy someone’s work or ideas and give the impression they are your own or neglect to give proper credit to the true author, you will receive a zero for that assignment and possibly a failing grade for the entire quarter and/or term. The same applies if you are the one being copied from. Also, parent contact will be made and the office will be alerted of this offense so that it can go on your permanent record.
Expectations Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the classroom. Show respect with your words, actions, and attitude. Prove to others that you deserve respect. Encourage your peers. Be considerate. We are all doing the best that we can. The rest of the rules are just expansions on this first rule. No profanity or disrespectful behavior/language (this is a given.) Observe all rules in the student handbook. All school policies will be enforced! Electronic devices must be turned OFF and be invisible to me! NO text messaging! These items will be confiscated and sent to the office. This policy is NON-NEGOTIABLE! Have all appropriate materials and supplies with you every day. Be seated and quiet, ready to learn, when the bell rings. Class is dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. THERE WILL BE NO SLEEPING IN THIS CLASS, I REPEAT, NO SLEEPING-PERIOD!
There will be consequences for not following class expectations including, but not limited to: parent contact, detention, TAS, referral, and possible removal from the class.
A g r e e m e n t s F o r S u c c e s s 2 Students: I have read and understand the expectations, classroom procedures, and discipline plan. I will honor it and in turn, become a more phenomenal human being.
______Signature Date
Parents: My child has discussed Miss Vasquez’s expectations, classroom procedures, and discipline plan with me and actually showed me all of the papers. I understand it and will support it. If I ever have any concerns, I will contact Miss Vasquez either through e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (619-401-4862).
______Signature Date
Home Phone______
Work Phone ______ext. ______
Cell Phone or Pager Number______
Parent’s/Guardian’s E-mail Address ______
Student E-mail Address (optional)______
Thank you for your cooperation!
Miss Vasquez