Fremont Presbyterian Church of Sacramento

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Fremont Presbyterian Church of Sacramento

FREMONT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SACRAMENTO Minutes of the Stated Session Meeting December 21, 2011

Call to Order:

Following dinner together, at 6:45 p.m. in Ferguson Hall A, The Reverend Dr. Donald Baird, Session Moderator, led a study of the Magnificat. Beginning in Luke 1: 46, Mary sings of the blessings God gives to her, and she praises Him. Through the Savior, the Magnificat becomes a reality. After concluding the study with prayer, Dr. Baird asked the Session to move to Ferguson Hall C.

The Session reconvened at 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Baird thanked Clair Parsh and Dan Johnson for their three years of service as elders and presented each of them a book. Mark Eshoff thanked Brooks Erickson and gave him a book in appreciation for his service as an elder for the past three years.

Motion 1: To grant privilege of the floor to staff and visitors present (MSP).

Dr. Baird led the Session in reading the Fremont Presbyterian Church Mission Statement: Who We Are and Our Purpose.

Agenda: Elders Marcia Garrison, Vicki Meyer, and Char Gezi requested time under Announcements.

Motion 2: to accept the agenda as presented (MSP).

Attendance (A quorum):

Elders Present: Marty Boersma, Russell Brown, Sean Doherty, Brooks Erickson, Marcia Garrison, Char Gezi, Chris Jaime, Dan Johnson, Lynn Jordan, Vicki Meyer, Clair Parsh, Carol Skinner Elders Excused: Ken Moody Elders Absent: Andy Bodemeijer Clergy Present: The Reverend Dr. Donald Baird,The Reverend Dr. Daniel Willson Staff Present: James Baird, Cathy Cole, Carmen Enz, Mark Eshoff Deacon Representative: None Others: Patti Dusel (Elder-elect), Jeff Hightower (Elder-nominee), Darlene Jantz (Elder-elect), Martha Lake, Linda Larson (Elder- elect), Bruce Ogden, Skip Ohs (Elder-elect), Glen Thomas (Elder-elect)

Special Report:

Parish Nurse Carmen Enz and Health Ministry Team member Martha Lake gave an overview of Fremont’s Faith Food Fitness Challenge 2012 which will be launched on Sunday, January 15, at 4:00 p.m. The new documentary “Age of Champions!” will have its first screening in Sacramento at this event. Keith Ochwat, the director of the film, will introduce the film and lead a question-and-answer Session after the screening. On January 22, the 6-week FAITH component of the challenge will begin. James Baird prayed for this ministry.

Session Minutes 12/21/11

Page 1 Clerk’s Report:

Motion 3: to approve the minutes of the Stated Session Meeting of November 30, 2011 (MSP).

Motion 4: to approve the minutes of the Called Session Meeting of December 4, 2011 (MSP).

Motion 5: to approve the minutes of the Called Session Meeting of December 13, 2011 (MSP).

The Clerk Pro-Tem shared three (3) items of correspondence. The first was a copy of a letter from Stephen Wong to The Presbytery of Sacramento.

A letter of encouragement from Chandra Domich was received.

A copy of a letter from Harris and Barbara Morris to The Presbytery of Sacramento was also shared.

The clerk pro-tem was asked to write notes to thank the three members who wrote the letters and to tell them about the upcoming prayer time.

A sign-up sheet for the 2012 Ask an Elder Schedule was circulated.

Motion 6: to accept the Clerk’s report (MSP).

Session Calendar:

Christmas Eve Worship December 24, 2011 Family Worship—4:00 p.m. Modern Worship—5:30 p.m. Candlelight Services—7:00, 9:00, 11:00 p.m. Communion January 1, 2012 Called Congregational Meeting January 3, 2012 Ordination/Installation of Elders and Deacons January 8, 2012 Ask an Elder January 8, 2012 (Skinner) Presbytery Meeting January 9, 2012 February Grapevine Deadline January 10, 2012 Stated Session Meeting January 25, 2012

Dr. Baird expressed appreciation for the commitment made to prepare for Christmas and added the January 9th Presbytery Meeting to the Session Calendar.

Consent Agenda:

Item 12-4 was pulled from the Consent Agenda.

Motion 7: to approve the four remaining items on the consent agenda (MSP). Those items were:

Item 12-1—to approve the Membership Report—Rolls and Register, for Session Meeting on December 21, 2011.

Rolls (Book of Order G-10.0302a,b)

Additions/Changes to Membership Rolls: Book of Order G-10.0302a

Additions – None (0)

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Page 2 Deletions from Rolls: Book of Order G-10.0302b

Member Deaths – Three (3)

November 10, 2011 Doris Berglund

November 14, 2011 Georgina Hamilton

November 23, 2011 Christine McDuffee (Deacon)

Certificates of Transfer – Two (2)

November 22, 2011 Glenda Carter, to First Presbyterian Church, Carson City, NV

November 22, 2011 Greg Geeting, to Westminster Presbyterian Church, Sacramento, CA

Requests to be Placed on the Inactive Roll – One (1)

November 29, 2011 Lisa Wood

Requests to be Dropped – Thirteen (13)

October 17, 2011 Kathy B. Lewis

November 8, 2011 Jacob White Erin Hall Eric and Lynn Bonzell

November 9, 2011 Jill Bert Peter and Teresa Billes George and Cheryl Osborn

November 15, 2011 Catherine Lewis Bryan and Barbara Clark

Dropped – No Known Address (NKA) – None (0)

Dropped – Act of Session – Forty-Seven (47)

November 30, 2011 Courtney Ankrim Sarah Asbury Shauna Asbury Jarad Backlund Jennifer Baham Stephanie Browning Katherine Campbell Cherise and David Canning

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Page 3 Erin Clutter Ross Drury Ryan Drury Mitchell Egan Michael and Amy Fitzgibbon Sandra and Herbert Foster Alexandra Hanson Nancy Harbolt Mary Harris Leila Hellmuth Kourtney Huezo Anne Iaccopucci Shirley Kaiser Kristina Kivinen Doreen and Kelly Mahoney Jason and Michelle Moss Robin Nance Gregory Nicholas Lisa Nunes Sandy Powell Willy Reinheimer Maggi and Wayne Rodger Tania and Kevin Roeser William and Kelly Sassman Janelle Schultz Steven Shearer Christopher Shearer Lita Siebenthal Dorothy Turner Gayman Wong Barbara Wright

Register (Book of Order G-10.0302c)

Marriages – One (1)

November 19, 2011 Allison Davis (m) Timothy (Mychal) Clements (nm) Officiated by Pastor Timothy W. Clements Fremont Presbyterian Church Sanctuary

Infant Baptisms – Two (2)

November 13, 2011 Abigail Grace Carleson, born July 13, 2006 Child of Christopher and Kirsten Carleson Officiated by Dr. Donald Baird Assisted by Elder Carol Skinner

November 13, 2011 Nathaniel Victor Carleson, born November 28, 2007 Child of Christopher and Kirsten Carleson Officiated by Dr. Donald Baird Assisted by Elder Carol Skinner

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Page 4 Funeral/Memorial Services – One (1)

November 20, 2011 Doris Berglund (m) Officiated by Rev. Lisa Schilbe Fremont Presbyterian Church Christ Chapel

Item 12-2—to approve the serving of Communion on the following dates in 2012: January 1, February 5, March 4, April 1, April 5 (Maundy Thursday), May 6, June 3, July 1, August 4 (Worship Service at All Church Conference), August 5, September 2, October 7, October 14 (Men’s Retreat worship service), November 4, November Leadership retreat, and December 2.

Item 12-3—to appoint Bob Schroeder as Session representative from the College of Elders (consistory) to the 2012 Nominating Committee.

Item 12-5—to elect Elaine Moody to serve as Clerk of Session in 2012 and Carol Wyatt and Patty Howard to serve as Clerk Pro Tems in 2012.

Item Pulled from the Consent Agenda:

Motion 8: to set Tuesday, February 7, 2012, as the date of the Stated Congregational Meeting (Item 12-4)(MSP). Note: the item was pulled to correct a typographical error.

Action Items:

Financial Report: Elder Brooks Erickson presented the financial report. The Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2011, showed Total Assets of $8.8 million, Liabilities and Funds of $2.6 million, Net Worth of $6.2 million and Designated Reserve of $77,193.

The Statement of General Fund Revenues and Expenses for the month ending November 30, 2011, showed Revenues for November of $121,901 and Expenses of $152,408, giving a loss for the month of $30,508. Year-to-Date Revenues of $1,545,489 were less-than-budget by $38,878 (-2.5%) and Expenses of $1,682,061 were less-than-budget by $50,951 (+2.9%), giving a year- to-date loss of $136,572 and a year-to-date variance of $12,074 (-8.1%).

In his analysis of the Financial Report, Brooks said that the end of November shows a good bottom line because expense over revenue is better than expected by $12,000. In his written report to Session, Brooks pointed out that Identified Giving fell sharply below budget in November but conservative spending helped lessen this impact. He noted $40,136 was received on the current capital campaign, which is above the monthly typical amount of $15,000 in the last several months. A General Fund budget recommendation is expected to be presented to Session for approval in January.

Motion 9: to receive the November Financial Report (Item 12-6) (MSP).

Session took a brief break for beautiful and delicious cakes baked at Ettore’s and provided by Pam Dolk and Ann Bruce who manage Fremont’s coffee bar. Dr. Baird presented a book to Elder Sean Doherty and thanked Sean for his three years of service on Session.

Old Business:

Negotiation Team:

Session Minutes 12/21/11

Page 5 Elder Carol Skinner pointed out the Presbytery of Sacramento Guidelines for Churches Considering Seeking Dismissal from the PC(USA) state that the Presbytery negotiation team will negotiate only with designated active members of the congregation about all terms of the congregation’s dismissal to another entity. In the Preamble to the Guidelines for Dismissal, Presbytery states its commitment “to providing a faithful and equitable process through which a Congregation may graciously be dismissed to another reformed denomination.” Fremont’s negotiation team has not been invited to meet with the Presbytery team.

The called Presbytery meeting on Monday, January 9, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. at Celtic Cross Presbyterian Church was discussed. The stated purpose of the meeting is to consider a motion to establish an Administrative Commission to determine if there is a schism at Fremont.

Motion 10: to convene an Executive Session (MSP).

Motion 11: to exit the Executive Session (MSP).

Motion 12: to convene an Executive Session meeting and to include and grant privilege of the floor to everyone present (MSP).

Motion 13: to exit the Executive Session (MSP).

There was a short break. The meeting was called back to order at 9:45 p.m.

Carol presented the names of the proposed commissioners for the January 9th Presbytery meeting.

Motion 14: to appoint as Fremont’s commissioners to the Presbytery meeting of January 9, Marty Boersma, Patti Dusel, Mark Eshoff, Jeff Hightower, Ken Moody, Carol Skinner, and Glen Thomas with Brian Wyatt and Nancy Smith as alternates (MSP).

Carol spoke about Chandra Domich’s letter and the need for an on-going call to prayer.

Motion 15: to plan a prayer vigil for January 9 (MSP).

Incoming Elders Linda Larson and Skip Ohs will take responsibility for planning the prayer vigil.

Motion 16: to appoint a committee to develop a contact list so Session can do one-on-one contact to let those wanting to stay PC(USA) know we care about them (moved and seconded).

After more discussion, a substitute motion was presented.

Motion 17: to substitute the following language for Motion 16: to create an organized pastoral outreach from the Session asking how we can meet the needs of those members wanting to stay in the PC(USA) (MSP).

Motion 18: to adopt the language in Motion 17 (MSP).

Elders Marcia Garrison, Char Gezi, and Vicki Meyer will coordinate this outreach.

2012 Budget Update:

The Executive Committee (budget team) will meet again in the second week of January. Elders were asked to sign-up to make calls to members who have not completed a pledge card and to return their lists with added comments by January 8. Conversations should end with the question, “How can I pray for you?”

Session Minutes 12/21/11

Page 6 New Business:


Pastor’s Report:

Dr. Baird and Session acknowledged the efficient work of Elaine Moody, Clerk of Session, and asked the Clerk Pro Tem to thank Elaine.

Other Staff Reports:

Executive Minister Mark Eshoff reported that he will be going to Orlando, Florida, to listen to presentations at the Fellowship of Presbyterian Covenanting Churches.

Executive Secretary Cathy Cole had no report.

James Baird, Minister for Congregational Life and Small Groups, talked about the upcoming events associated with the Luis Palau Festival and invited elders to attend the Martin Luther King event at which Luis Palau will speak on January 15.

Ask an Elder:

The Session was asked to refer to the detailed written report and to sign-up to serve in 2012. The written report summarized comments from several people in response to Session’s letter of December 6, 2011, to the congregation.


Elder Marcia Garrison reported the Pumpkin Patch at the Earl Warren Pancake Breakfast brought in $650.00. “Go” Day will be Saturday, April 14, and will address the needs of individuals, including military families. California National Guard Chaplain Dana Durham will be asked to share ideas of how Fremont might help. Mark Eshoff spoke about the need for outreach on ”Go” Day so that Fremont can bring the love of Christ into the community.

Elder Vicki Meyer asked for people to volunteer to be ushers at the five Christmas Eve services and to be candlelighters at the 9:00 p.m. service.

Elder Char Gezi thanked Session for prayers for her eye surgery and said her eyesight is better than expected.

Motion 19: to adjourn the meeting (MSP).

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. with James Baird leading Session in prayer.

Patti Dusel Clerk Pro Tem

Session Minutes 12/21/11

Page 7

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