Year 9 Science - Red Bull Gives You

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Year 9 Science - Red Bull Gives You

Year 9 Science - “Red Bull Gives You??”


In this unit you will conduct 2 investigations, exploring the main chemicals in energy drinks and the effect they have on the digestive system.


1. Energy Drink debate

2. Practical Investigation – The effect of energy drinks on the digestive system.

3. Research Investigation – explore the side effects & health benefits of energy drinks.

(Group Poster and Presentation)

4. Key Term Glossary

5. Peer Reviews and Reflections


A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works. Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin and nicotine are all drugs. A drug must be able to pass from your body into your brain. Once inside your brain, drugs can change the messages your brain cells are sending to each other, and to the rest of your body. They do this by interfering with your brain's own chemical signals.

Scientists think that all addictive drugs activate the brain's 'reward system', by increasing the release of a chemical called dopamine from nerve cells in key areas of the brain. Dopamine release occurs after pleasurable experiences, for example after food or fun activities, but can also be induced by some drugs. Drugs that artificially increase dopamine release in this way may cause craving for more, and thereby be addictive. Many of the ingredients in energy drinks affect the way your body works and therefore can be considered drugs. Caffeine is the most common drug found in energy drinks and has the chemical formula C8H10N4O2. Caffeine is used to provide a "boost of energy" or a feeling of heightened alertness by stimulating the nervous system, cardiac muscle, and respiratory system. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, cola and guarana.

Taurine is another common ingredient in energy drinks and is in conjunction with caffeine to enhance the stimulation of the nervous system and increase energy. Taurine is actually an amino acid, a natural substance that our bodily systems encounter every day. However the

1 taurine in energy drinks is a synthetic chemical and problems can arise because it is used in such high concentrations and interacts with other chemicals in energy drinks.

Level 7 (WELL BELOW) Level 8 (BELOW) Level 9 (STANDARD)

Demonstrate an understating of Able to describe the risk factors Able to list main chemicals in the properties of the chemicals in of the chemicals found in Energy Energy Drinks Energy Drinks. Drinks. Science Understanding Able to describe some effects of Demonstrate understanding that Able to describe how chemicals the chemicals in Energy Drinks. chemicals affect different cells and in Energy Drinks affect the cells organs in the body differently. and organs in the body.

Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Science as a Human how scientific understandings have how advances in science and how science knowledge is used to Endeavour changed people’s understandings technologies can significantly inform and impact people’s lives. of the world. affect people’s lives.

Able to decide which variable Investigate questions should be changed and measured Make predictions based on science scientifically and in fair tests. knowledge and investigate appropriate investigations, to appropriately. collect reliable data. Able to accurately observe, measure and record data. Summarise data from own Use knowledge of science Science Inquiry Skills investigations and use science concepts to draw conclusions Use results from practical understandings to draw that are consistent with experiments to develop conclusions evidence explanations. Communicate ideas and findings Communicate ideas and Communicate ideas and findings using scientific language. information using appropriate using scientific language. scientific language, conventions and representations.

2 Tasks 1 – Energy Drink Debate (opinion statement)

What do you know about energy drinks? Answer the following questions:

1. How many energy drinks are there?

2. List as many energy drinks you know.

3. How many different types of energy drinks have you tried?

4. How do energy drinks affect you mentally?

5. How do energy drinks affect you physically?

6. Why do some energy drinks have a daily maximum amount?

In small groups discuss the pros and cons of drinking energy drinks. You should consider:

 What are the pros and cons of energy drinks?

 What are the harmful or beneficial chemicals within energy drinks?

In the box write an individual statement of your opinion of energy drinks – are your for or against them and why?

3 Tasks 2 – Practical Investigation: The effect of caffeine on the digestive system.

You will need to:

 Collect a sample of tripe (stomach lining) liver & a ‘tooth’

 Examine each sample under a microscope. Make notes of what it looks like and draw diagrams.

 Put a piece of each sample into a test tube and cover with your energy drink. Observe the colour of your sample & energy drink and the size of the sample.

 Make a control set, by placing another piece of each sample into a test tube this time cover with water. Observe colour of sample & water and the size of the sample.

 At the start of each science lesson make these same observations and record on the results table.

 At the end of the investigation examine each sample under a microscope. Make note of your observations and draw diagrams.

Individual Report Write Up

The effect of energy drinks on the digestive system.

AIM (what is intended to be done)

HYPOTHESIS (what might happen)

EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS (what was used)

METHOD (what was done in bulleted points)

4 RESULTS (use the tables overleaf to record your findings)

DISCUSSION (use these questions to help you discuss your findings)

 Which tissue sample had the greatest change in colour and which had the least change in colour?

 For which tissue sample did your energy drink show the greatest change in colour and which had the least change in colour?

 Which tissue sample had the greatest size change and which had the least size change?

 Overall, describe what happened to the tissue samples in the energy drink throughout the investigation

 Suggest reasons why this might be happening.

CONCLUSION (Was your aim answered?)

Using your observations what effect did your energy drink have on the samples of the digestive system? Using your observations from task 2 and information from task 3 reflect on your original opinion of energy drinks, has your opinion changed? Are you now for or against energy drinks? What evidence do you have to back your opinion?

5 Observation Sample Initial Observation 1 Observation 3 2


Liver Water (control)



______Liver (Energy drink)


Microscope Examination - Start Microscope Examination - End Observation Diagram Observation Tri pe

Live Water r (control)

Too th

6 Tri pe

______Live (Energy r drink)

Too th

7 Tasks 3 – Group Research Investigation

Make a list of the key ingredients in your energy drink.

As a group research the main ingredients (e.g. caffeine, taurine, sugar, added vitamins, salt/sodium). Make an information poster showing the following information. Use the space below to record information you find out.

1. The health benefits of each main ingredient

2. Recommended dietary intake of each main ingredient

3. The side effects of each main ingredient, if you have too much.

You may use paper or digital technology (glogster, prezi, etc) to create your poster but remember to write the information in your own words. DON’T PLAGERISE! Don’t forget to check your work against the assessment rubric to ensure you will get the highest marks.

You are also required to prepare a short presentation of your research including your conclusions from task 2, to share with the class.

Tasks 4 – Key Term Glossary 8 For each word below give a brief description of what it is. It is also expected that you know how to spell each of these words correctly.







Independent Variable

Dependant Variable











Self Teacher Below Standard Above Total Total

9 I can understand the I can determine the aim for I can determine an investigation but need the investigation but need appropriate aim and help in determining the assistance in making a hypothesis for the aim and a hypothesis. hypothesis. investigation. I can follow the I can follow the I can follow the experimental procedure experimental procedure experimental procedure Practical with assistance and can safely and can describe most accurately and safely and report describe some of the of the steps. can describe it in a clear steps. step-by-step process. I can make observations I can make and record I can make and record clear but need help recording observations are recorded observations and explain them. I can begin to link and make some connections how they relate to the aim of these to the aim of the to aim of the investigation. the investigation.. investigation. Some required I can research information I can use appropriate information (health (health benefits, side effects research strategies to find all benefits, side effects & & recommended dietary of the required information recommended dietary intake) for some of the main (health benefits, side effects intake) is included but ingredients, but evidence has and recommended dietary little evidence of not been provided. intake) for all of the main research is shown. ingredients, including supporting evidence. Presentation I can use paper to create I can use some ICT to create I can use appropriate ICT to the poster and the poster and presentation, create the poster and presentation, but it is not which are clear and easily presentation, which are clear clear or easily understood. The poster has and easily understood. The understood and only text some images and the poster has a balance of text or images have been presentation is somewhat and images and the used on the poster. entertaining to the audience. presentation is entertaining to the audience. Independent I can complete my own I can sometimes work well I can work well on my own learning work, but require help on my own and will ask for report. I can pay attention to and reminders to stay on help from others to fill in the the quality of my own task. missing gaps. learning and I was on task throughout the investigation. Cooperative I can take part in I can work well in a group I can organise & share learning practical activities, but and I can organise some of equipment. I can encourage need to be reminded the equipment without others & be an active many times to find my asking for help. I can work participator in my group. I equipment and how to be in a group, although can share ideas & be stay safe in the lab. sometimes need to be extremely mature when reminded to be safe in the conducting practical lab. experiments. Timeframe I can complete some I can complete tasks within I can complete individual tasks in set timeframes, the set timeframe, but need and group tasks in set but need additional time help prioritising my timeframes, prioritising my and help prioritising my available time and utilising available time and utilising available time and appropriate resources. appropriate resources. utilising appropriate resources. Conclusion of I can form an opinion, I can use some parts of I can use scientific Report but need help evidence from practical and knowledge and evidence formulating an argument research investigations to from practical and research based on evidence from make a conclusion. I can investigations to make a practical and research give a somewhat clear conclusion. I can give a investigations. argument for my opinion. clear argument for my opinion. GRAND TOTAL

10 Group Participation Assessment Sheet

Name: ______Please score each member in the group, as well as yourself, on their Research participation in the group. -Information and ideas they brought to the group. Scores are to be between 1-5; 1=The least amount of work compared Poster Creation with other group members -How they worked with other 3=The same amount of work as other members in the group to group members create the poster. 5=The most amount of work compared with other group members Presentation -Contribution to giving the presentation. Name: ______Name: ______

Research Research -Information and ideas they -Information and ideas they brought to the group. brought to the group.

Poster Creation Poster Creation -How they worked with other -How they worked with other members in the group to members in the group to create the poster. create the poster.

Presentation Presentation -Contribution to giving -Contribution to giving the presentation. the presentation.

End of Unit Reflection

11 1. Something I enjoyed about this unit was......

2. Something I would change in this unit is………..

3. How did you achieve goal one?

4. How did you achieve goal two?

5. How did you develop and use skill one?

6. How did you develop and use skill two?

7. Have you learnt what you wanted to know at the start of the unit? (Explain whether you have or haven’t and how you did it or why you don’t think you have)


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