Laboratory Syllabus and Exercise Schedule BIOB 101 Fall, 2016

Laboratory meet on M, T, W or Th. Consult your section number for meeting day/time. Labs meet in NS 202 Lab Manual: Discovering Biology: a Symbiosis Laboratory Guide. Compiled by K. Murray

Laboratory Course Content BIOB 101 lab exercises are designed to accomplish 3 primary objectives: a) help you understand more completely, in an on-hands fashion, fundamental principles of Biology, b) cultivate your self-directed, inquisitive and experiment-based learning abilities, and c) experience a collaborative and communication-based learning/work environment. In most cases the lab exercises will overlap completely with lecture material. However, sometimes lab investigations parallel or expand further on lecture topics. In both cases however, you will be provided with as much background information as possible during the “Introduction” period of a lab session.

Student Expectations BIOB 101 laboratory students are expected to follow the some basic course conditions:

 Arrive on time for lab session and do not interfere with instructors valuable (and somewhat time constrained) Introduction discussion.

 Come to lab prepared for the investigation by reading over lab before-hand. It is at the discretion of your Instructor to give a quiz at the beginning of lab on the upcoming investigation, if she/he deems necessary.

 Work in self-motivated but collaborative fashion with other individuals in your investigation group.

 Attend the full 2-hour session, as your Instructor may present summary statements at close of lab. Furthermore each student is expected to help in lab clean-up and reorganization at the close of lab.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of BIOL 100 laboratory students will have a broader and deeper understanding of the Science of Biology and how these perspectives can enrich their daily lives. The skills developed in laboratory and the precision thinking required to understand concepts explored in lecture will provide students with an appreciation of the rigors encountered in scientific research. Students will also be prepared to better interpret important sociological and cultural dilemmas related to the natural sciences. Grading Your grade in BIOB 101 Laboratory will be determined as follows.

 Performance on weekly quizzes that cover previous week activities. Each quiz worth 10 points.

 Completion of (on time) 2 lab reports that summarize a specific lab investigation. Your lab Instructor will inform you of what exercises the reports will cover and report format. Each report will be worth 15 points.

 Completion of 1 research paper on a topic of your choice related to and complementary to any of the lab exercises scheduled for this semester. Your Instructor will provide guidance on research paper format and library/internet research tools. 20 points.

 Bioethics presentation. Up to 30 points can be accrued by the quality of your (with partner) Bioethics Presentation at end of semester. Your lab Instructors will describe this assignment in class.

 Additional points (up to 15) can be obtained by adherence to the above-listed Student Expectations.

Note: the grade assigned by your lab instructor is based on points accrued as described above; this numerical value is factored into (33%) your overall grade for BIOB 101.