Student Assessment Guide - Unit

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Student Assessment Guide - Unit

Student Assessment Guide - Unit

Unit Code: CHCICS301B

Unit name: Provide support to meet personal care needs

Unit Purpose: This unit of competency describes the knowledge and skills required by workers within their designated role and responsibilities to support or assist a client with their personal care needs within the framework of an individualised care support plan

Requirements to successfully complete this unit of competency

The individual being assessed must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge, being:

 Understanding of own work role and responsibilities  Processes and strategies to support people with personal care needs  Basics of body hygiene and grooming  Basics of oral hygiene  Knowledge to interpret a personal care support plan, including terminology, basic understanding/knowledge of human body systems, goals, objectives, actions  Personal safety and security risks associated with provision of personal care support  Strategies to minimise personal safety and security risks associated with provision of personal care support  Role of carers  Common equipment and aids utilized in provision of personal care support  Principles and practices of confidentiality and privacy  Principles and practices in undertaking technical skills associated with supporting/assisting people to meet personal care needs  Significance of service setting including specific contexts of supporting personal care needs in a residential care setting and in a client’s private home  Work health and safety (WHS) issues and procedures, (including those related to manual handling and infection control)

as well as skills, including:

 follow organisation policies and protocols

 liaise and report appropriately to supervisor and/or health professional

 make informed observations and report appropriately

 adhere to own work role and responsibilities

 obtain relevant information from a personal care support plan

 provide physical and psychosocial support to the person when assisting with personal care needs

Student assessment guide – CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs Version 1 Page 1 of 6 Community Health Hospitality & Service Skills Faculty. Personal & Community Service Section February, 2014 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled.  provide personal care support within the individual personal care context

 respond to a client’s personal preferences wherever appropriate

 provide general hygiene and grooming including physical ability to:

. perform personal care tasks

. provide oral hygiene

. perform client lifting and use moving methods

. use aids and equipment

 support a person’s direction and participation in provision of personal care support

 use processes, aids and equipment appropriately in provision of personal care support

 communicate effectively with people requiring personal care support

 identify variations to personal care support requirements

 identify and respond to risks associated with providing persona care support

 demonstrate safe and effective use of workplace technology in line with work health and safety

(WHS) guidelines

 apply reading and writing skills required to fulfil work role in a safe manner and as specified by

the organisation/service:

. this requires a level of skill that enables the worker to follow work-related instructions and directions and the ability to seek clarification and comments from supervisors, clients and colleagues

. industry work roles will require workers to possess a literacy level that will enable them to interpret international safety signs, read client’s service delivery plans, make notations in clients records and complete workplace forms and records

 apply oral communication skills required to fulfil work role in a safe manner and as specified by

the organisation:

. this requires a level of skill that enables the worker to follow work-related instructions and directions and the ability to seek clarification and comments from supervisors, clients and colleagues

. industry work roles will require workers to possess oral communication skills that will enable them to ask questions, clarify understanding, recognise and interpret non-verbal cues, provide information and express encouragement

 apply numeracy skills required to fulfil work role in a safe manner and as specified by the


Student assessment guide – CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs Version 1 Page 2 of 6 Community Health Hospitality & Service Skills Faculty. Personal & Community Service Section February, 2014 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. . industry work roles will require workers to be able to perform basic mathematical functions, such as addition and subtraction up to three digit numbers and multiplication and division of single and double digit numbers

 apply basic problem solving skills to resolve problems of limited difficulty within organisation protocols

 work effectively with clients, colleagues and supervisors

It is recommended that assessment or information for assessment will be conducted or gathered over a period of time and cover the normal range of workplace situations and settings

 this unit must be assessed in a work context and under the normal range of workplace conditions

 where, for reasons of safety, space, or access to equipment and resources, some assessment takes place away from the workplace, the assessment environment should represent workplace conditions as closely as possible

Assessment methods You will be required to successfully complete all assessments for this unit to demonstrate your competence in this unit:

Assessmen Assessment Method Assessment Grading t No. 1. Role play case scenario co-assessed with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory CHCAC401D, CHCAC317A 2. Completion Skills log book Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory 3. Third Party Report Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory

Assessment schedule You will be assessed for this unit as per the following schedule: Assessmen Assessment Date Assessment Venue t No. 1. TBA Clinical Rooms C114 2. Work Placement Facility

Reporting of assessment outcomes Your Transcript of Academic Record lists all of your results in all your study to date. This is an ungraded unit; therefore your result will be recorded and reported to you as Competent (AC) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). If you have achieved competency in this unit but are unable to finish the qualification, you will receive a Transcript of Academic Record showing only the units you have completed. You will also receive a Statement of Attainment for the unit/units you have successfully completed. Your final reported results can be accessed from the DET Student Portal

Recognition and credit transfers: You can apply to have your previous study, work and/or life experiences recognised. Recognition of Prior Learning will be determined according to TAFE NSW Recognition Policy.

Student assessment guide – CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs Version 1 Page 3 of 6 Community Health Hospitality & Service Skills Faculty. Personal & Community Service Section February, 2014 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. To obtain a graded / competent outcome The learners result is based on the evidence provided to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency and grading criteria.

The learner is able to satisfactorily apply all elements, the performance criteria, the essential knowledge & skills & the critical aspects of assessment specific to the unit in a range of situations. The learner uses known information in relevant situations.

To obtain a not yet competent grade The learner has not provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate achievement of all elements, performance criteria, the essential knowledge & skills & the critical aspects of assessment specific to the unit.

If you are unable or do not provide sufficient evidence for this unit, the assessor will provide you with feedback and guidance on what you will need to do before you can attempt to achieve this unit of competency again.

What student will need Resource implications for assessment include:  Australian Aged Care text book

 Clinical Procedural Skills Booklet

 Black biro

 Full uniform

Assessment feedback, review or appeals Your teacher will provide feedback not later than three (3) weeks after all assessment activities have been conducted. If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your teacher or head teacher. You will have three (3) weeks from the date you receive your results in which to make an appeal and request a review. You will receive a response within ten (10) working days after receipt of the request. Your head teacher will address the appeal in accordance with Assessment Guidelines for TAFE NSW.

Assessment: reasonable adjustments If you are a student with a disability it is important for you to indicate this on you enrolment form and make contact with the Teacher/Consultant for Students with a Disability in you Institute for further information. If possible, this should happen before you enrol. They will provide you with appropriate information about the range of units available. Teachers and teacher consultants will arrange for students with a disability to be given reasonable adjustment in assessment on an individual needs basis. Student assessment guide – CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs Version 1 Page 4 of 6 Community Health Hospitality & Service Skills Faculty. Personal & Community Service Section February, 2014 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Teachers may make reasonable allowance for the learners, based on the evide4nce provided, in accordance with the TAFE NSW Assessment policy and guidelines. This may relate to the timeframe for submitting/attempting the assessment task or to an alternative form of assessment evidence to be used for assessing eh learner’s level of achievement.

Recognition and credit Credit may be applicable for previous study. You may be eligible to apply for recognition for previous learning, experience and skills. Talk to your teacher to discuss what credit or recognition you can apply for. Additional recognition information is available on the T A FE N S W - SW S i i n t ernet s i t e .

More about assessment "E v e r y S t ud e n t ' s G u i d e t o A s s es s m e n t i n T A FE NS W" provides information you need to know about assessment including information about the kinds of assessment, how you will be accessed and a checklist to confirm that you have all the information to support your study. Every student studying in TAFE NSW can access a copy of Every Student's Guide to Assessment on SWSi Internet. Copies are provided by your teacher when you receive your assessment guides.

Student support and services You will receive a copy of the institute Student service guide A-Z on enrolment. The guide and links to the following support services are all available on the SW S I i n t ernet

 Aboriginal student support  Counselling and career advice  Disability services  International student services  Library services  Multicultural education  Student association

Student acknowledgement – receipt of assessment information Once you commence study you will be required to sign or acknowledge that you have received the student assessment guidelines for the course and units of competency in which you have enrolled.

Contact details: Unit teacher: Irene Swyer Phone: 02 97805536 Email: [email protected] Head teacher: Anne Maley Phone: 02 978055726 Email: [email protected] Section: Personal & Community Services Section, Bankstown College of TAFE

Student assessment guide – CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs Version 1 Page 5 of 6 Community Health Hospitality & Service Skills Faculty. Personal & Community Service Section February, 2014 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled. Student assessment guide – CHCICS301B Provide support to meet personal care needs Version 1 Page 6 of 6 Community Health Hospitality & Service Skills Faculty. Personal & Community Service Section February, 2014 Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled.

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