Second Semester Study Guide

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Second Semester Study Guide

Second Semester Study Guide

American Imperialism/Progressive Reform (TR, Taft, Wilson)  Goals of American Imperialism  Nationalism  Theodore Roosevelt o Foreign policy o Domestic policy  Rough Riders  Panama Canal  Spanish-American War o Cuban Campaign o Philippine Campaign  Sphere of Influence  Arguments for + against imperialism  Election of 1912 o Bull Moose Party  Goals of Progressive movement  Yellow press o Hearst o Pulitzer  Participants in Progressive movement o Muckrakers o TR’s Progressive achievements o Taft’s Progressive achievements o Wilson’s Progressive achievements  Major achievements of Progressives  Settlement Home Movement o Jane Addams

WWI (Wilson)  Woodrow Wilson  Causes of WWI o Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand  American policy at beginning of WWI  Countries of Central Powers  Countries of Allied Powers  Reasons US entered the war o Lusitania o Submarine warfare o Zimmerman Note  Selective Service Act  Methods of fighting/new innovations in WWI o Trench warfare o Convoy system o New technology  Home Front o Espionage & Sedition Acts\  Russian Revolution  End of WWI/Big Four o Fourteen Points o League of Nations o Treaty of Versailles o US Senate Reaction to Treaty of Versailles

The 1920s (Wilson, Harding, Coolidge)  The Red Scare o Causes of o Effects of  Booming economy/buying on credit  Prohibition (18th Amendment) o Bootleggers o Speakeasies  Flappers (19th Amendment)  Jazz Age  Harlem Renaissance  Marcus Garvey o UNIA  W.E.B. DuBois o “Talented Tenth”  Scopes Trial o Fundamentalism vs. Modernism

The Great Depression (Hoover)  Economic danger signs o Decline in housing starts  Black Thursday  Black Tuesday  Causes of the Great Depression  Hoover’s reaction to Great Depression – “Too little, too late”  Life in the Great Depression o Hoovervilles o Discrimination increases o Stresses on families o Dust Bowl . Dorothea Lange . How did farmers adapt?  Bonus Army  Reasons for Hoover’s unpopularity

The New Deal (FDR)  Election of 1932  Fireside chats  New Deal programs  Second New Deal programs  Criticism of the New Deal o From Progressives o From Republicans  FDR’s court-packing  Effects/legacy of the New Deal  Isolationism  Keynesian Economics

WWII (FDR, Truman)  Causes of WWII o Hitler’s actions in Europe o Aggression of German, Japan, Italy o Leaders of involved countries o Countries of Axis Powers o Countries of Allied Powers  American policy at beginning of WWII o Lend-Lease Act  Pearl Harbor  Japanese Internment  German tactics  American tactics  Dwight Eisenhower  Douglas MacArthur  Yalta Conference/Potsdam Conference o Big 3  Manhattan Project o Led by Robert J. Oppenheimer  Dropping of the atomic bombs o Hiroshima o Nagasaki  The Holocaust  Nuremburg Trials  Home Front o Shift to wartime production o War bonds o Victory gardens o Rosie the Riveter o “Double V” campaign o Liberty ships

Truman  Foreign o Iron Curtain o Containment . Domino Theory o Truman Doctrine o Marshall Plan o German division/Berlin Airlift o NATO/Warsaw Pact o Fall of China . Chaing Kai Shek . Mao Zedong o Korean War

 Domestic o GI Bill o Baby boom o National Security Act o Election of 1948 o “2nd Red Scare” . HUAC – Hollywood 10 . Loyalty Review Boards . Alger Hiss . Rosenburgs . McCarthyism

Eisenhower  Foreign o Brinkmanship o Eisenhower Doctrine o Sputnik  Domestic o Federal Highway Act o Economy o Women o Suburbs o Consumerism o Beatniks o Entertainment o Civil Rights . Civil disobedience . Brown v. Board of Education . Rosa Parks . Civil Rights Act . Martin Luther King, Jr.

JFK  Foreign o Cuba . Bay of Pigs . Cuban-Missile Crisis o Berlin Wall o Nikita Khrushchev  Domestic o Peace Corps o Economy – Keynesian Economics o Space – NASA o Civil Rights . Sit-ins . Freedom Rides . CORE . March on Washington, 1963 . MLK . Universities in the South . Birmingham Violence . Civil Rights Act o Assassination . Lee Harvey Oswald . Warren Commission

LBJ  Foreign o Vietnam . Causes . Ngo Dinh Diem . Ho Chi Minh o Gulf of Tonkin Resolution o Vietminh o Vietcong – “VC” o Ho Chi Minh Trail o Ground War – Search + Destroy Missions o Chemical War – Defoliants o Tet Offensive o General William Westmoreland o Robert McNamara o My Lai Massacre  Domestic o Great Society . Programs? o Civil Rights Act of 1964 . Voting Drives . Race Riots . Malcolm X . Black Panthers . MLK Assassination . Other minorities o Women . Betty Friedan . Feminine Mystique . NOW o Environment . EPA

Nixon  Election of 1968  Foreign o Vietnamization o Cambodia – Kent State o America pulls out of Vietnam o South Vietnam falls to Communism o Détente o US policy toward China o SALT o Watergate o Supreme Court

Ford  Domestic o Nixon Pardon o Oil shortages + price controls – OPEC

Carter  Election of 1976  Foreign o Soviet-American relations  SALT II  Afghanistan o Middle East  Camp David Accords – Nobel Peace Prize  Iranian Revolution  Hostages  Pahlavi vs. Ayatollah Khomeini  Domestic o Economy + Deregulation o Energy Crisis – Oil o Nuclear power  3-Mile Island

Reagan  Election of 1980  Foreign o Military buildup o Iran-Contra Affair  Domestic o Conservative Revolution – Rise of the Neo-Cons o Economy – Reaganomics o AIDS George H. W. Bush  Foreign o Invasion of Kuwait o Persian Gulf War o End of Cold War o Fall of Communism + USSR in Eastern Europe o Saddam Hussein o Desert Shield  Desert Storm  Domestic o Taxes – Economy o Civil Rights

Clinton  Election of 1996 – H. Ross Perot (Am. We Stand Party)  Foreign o NAFTA  Domestic o Health Care o “Don’t ask, don’t tell” o Brady Bill o Newt Gingrich o Impeachment o Monica Lewinsky

o Terrorism at home . World Trade Center, 1993 . Federal Trade Building, Oklahoma – 1995 . Waco, TX – 1993

George W. Bush  Election of 2000  Foreign o 9/11 o War on Terror o War on Iraq

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