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Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures- 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION
The principles of fairness, validity and transparency of assessment practice for all students are fundamental to the administration of qualifications in Tertiary Education Organisations and underpin these Rules and Procedures.
These Rules and Procedures are an administrative guide for Tertiary Education Organisations assessing achievement standards for students. They replace the Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures for Tertiary Education Organisations 2004 in 2005.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority will publish operational rules and provisions that supplement these Rules and Procedures at appropriate times during 2005. The operational rules and provisions will be reproduced either on the Rules and Procedures web pages, in supplementary written material, or in sets of instructions to candidates.
Tertiary Education Organisations are welcome to copy parts of this document for use within their student communities, but otherwise the document is subject to copyright.
The Office of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority is located at:
125 The Terrace Wellington
Postal address: New Zealand Qualifications Authority PO Box 160 Wellington
Telephone: 04 802 3000 Fax: 04 802 3112 Website: www.nzqa.govt.nz
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION
3 LEVELS OF AUTHORITY 3.1 Delegations within the Qualifications Authority 3.2 Contractors for Specialist Services 3.3 Relationships with Tertiary Education Organisations
4 GENERAL ASSESSMENT RULES AND PROCEDURES 4.1 Timing of Assessments 4.2 Fees 4.3 Entry and Eligibility Requirements 4.3.1 Entry 4.3.2 Eligibility Home School Students 4.4 Assessment Appeals 4.5 Breaches of the Rules 4.5.1 Suspension of Results 4.5.2 Responsibility for Investigation 4.5.3 Penalties and to whom they apply 4.5.4 Breaches of the Rules – External Assessment 4.5.5 Breaches of the Rules – Internal Assessment 4.5.6 Appeals against Decisions relating to Breaches of the Rules 4.6 Reporting 4.7 Use of Technology and Equipment for Assessment Purposes 4.8 Assessment Specifications 4.9 Translation of External Assessments and Moderation Materials
5 TERTIARY EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS ASSESSMENT RULES AND PROCEDURES 5.1 Accreditation Requirements 5.1.2. Use of achievement standards QA Standard One 5.2 Moderation Requirements 5.2.1 NZQA Managed Systems NZQA Managed Moderation Systems Moderation for Tertiary Education Organisations National External Moderation of Assessor Decisions Assessment Plan and Materials for Moderation Sending Material Submission Dates Meeting Requirements
6 QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY-BASED ASSESSMENT RULES AND PROCEDURES 6.1 General Conditions for External Assessment 6.1.1 External Examination Centres 6.1.2 Return of External Assessment Material 6.1.3 Special Assessment Conditions General Guidelines for Chief Executive’s Nominees External Assessments under Special Assessment Conditions Special Assessment Conditions Application Form Exclusions of Assistance General Guidelines for Examination Assistants 6.1.4 Compassionate Consideration Application for Compassionate Consideration Processing Applications for Compassionate Considerations Compassionate Considerations for Graphics, Technology and Visual Arts external standards 6.1.5 Assessment for Graphics, Technology and Visual Arts external standards 6.1.6 Appeal of External Assessment Results
7 NCEA CERTIFICATION RULES AND PROCEDURES 7.1 Award of Certificates 7.1.1 Literacy Requirement For level 1 Literacy requirements for Level 1 Cook Islands domiciled students 7.1.2 Numeracy Requirement For level 1 7.1.3 Fee for award of NQF National Certificates 7.2 Transition Arrangements 7.2.1 Credit Exemptions 7.2.2 Claiming Transition Arrangements 7.2.3 Application for Transition From School Certificate and/or Sixth Form Certificate and/or University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarship to the National Certificate of Educational Achievement 7.3 Exclusions 7.4 Credit Inclusion 7.4.1 New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications 7.4.2 NCEA Credit Inclusion list New Zealand Institute of Management University of Waikato Certificate of Studies, English Young Enterprise Certificate International Computer Driving Licence New Zealand Scholarship Certificate Certificate In Microsoft Office Specialist – Master Zayed College For Girls – Arabic Course For Year 11 (Level 1) Cisco Certified Networking Associate, Courses With Schools 7.4.3 Credit Inclusion Process INTRODUCTION
(a) These Rules and Procedures have been prepared by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority in pursuit of its function as defined in Part XX of the Education Act 1989.
(b) The Qualifications Authority revokes the New Zealand Qualifications Authority Rules and Procedures for Tertiary Education Organisations Assessing Against Achievement Standards 2004 on 31 January 2005, provided that all terms and conditions delivered in the 2005 Rules and Procedures apply to assessment against all of the 2004 secondary school qualifications.
(c) These Rules and Procedures will be effective from 1 February 2005 until 31 January 2006.
(d) These Rules and Procedures specify the general requirements for the administration of achievement standards assessment in Tertiary Education Organisations.
(e) The principles of fairness, validity and transparency of assessment practice for all candidates are fundamental to the administration of qualifications in Tertiary Education Organisations and underpin these Rules and Procedures.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 1 1 DEFINITIONS
In these Rules and Procedures, unless the context otherwise requires: “Accreditation” means the status awarded when an organisation has shown it is capable of delivering an approved course or assessing against standards on the National Qualifications Framework. “Assessment” means the collection and interpretation of evidence about a learner’s achievement, whether carried out by external methods, internal methods, or a combination of external and internal methods or any other approved method. “The Qualifications Authority” means the New Zealand Qualifications Authority established under section 248 of the Education Act 1989. “Candidate” means a learner entering for a Qualification. “Certification” means the documentary evidence (including a diploma, certificate, or other documented recognition of attainment) that a qualification has been awarded. “The Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Qualifications Authority. “The Chief Executive” means the Chief Executive Officer of the Qualifications Authority. “The Chief Executive’s Nominee” means the person delegated in writing by the Chief Executive to carry out the duties specified in section 3.1(d) of these Rules and Procedures. “A Credit” or “Credits” means a numerical value assigned to a standard on the National Qualifications Framework or a qualification on the Register that represents the estimated time needed for a typical learner to demonstrate that all specified outcomes have been met. “Exclusions List” means the list maintained and published by the Qualifications Authority of achievement standards and unit standards that have been identified as having the same learning outcomes, with the consequence that if a candidate enters for both standards, only one standard will count for the purposes of attaining credits for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement. “Externally assessed performance-based subject” means an achievement standard or conventional school subject that involves the submission of materials (other than a written examination paper) to an external assessor.
“Managing National Assessment” means the processes or systems whereby a Tertiary Education Organisation is able to achieve valid, fair, accurately and consistently marked internal assessment to the national standard. “The Minister” means the Minister of Education.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 2 “Moderation” means the process aimed at ensuring that all assessors who assess against standards are using comparable assessment methods, and are making similar and consistent judgements about learner performance. “National Qualifications Framework” means all the nationally registered qualifications and the nationally registered standards (unit standards and achievement standards) from which those qualifications are derived. “Chief Executive’s Nominee” means a staff member(s) nominated by the manager or director of a tertiary institution, who carries out duties and responsibilities on behalf of the institution, and liaises with the Qualifications Authority for the purpose of the administration of these Rules and Procedures. “A Qualification” means the requirements for certification established by a recognised standards-setting body or an education Tertiary Education Organisation. For the purposes of these Rules and Procedures a qualification is any of the National Certificates of Educational Achievement, any other NQF qualification, Sixth Form Certificate (transitional) and the New Zealand Scholarship, and “Qualifications” means all of them. “Record of Learning” means a list of all unit standard and achievement standard credits, National Certificates and other NQF qualifications that a learner has achieved. “Standard” means either a unit standard or an achievement standard, or both, and is a nationally registered statement of learning outcomes, each of which describes a specific level of performance to be achieved in order for the learner to earn credits.
“Tertiary Education Organisation” means a New Zealand polytechnic, college of education, wananga, private training establishment, industry training organisation or government training establishment. “The Register” means the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications, a comprehensive list of all quality assured qualifications in New Zealand (all qualifications quality assured by a recognised approval and accreditation body are automatically included on the Register).
“University Entrance” means the common educational standard established, after consultation with the universities and the New Zealand Vice- Chancellors' Committee, and maintained by the Qualifications Authority as a prerequisite for entrance to university for people who have not attained the age of 20 years under section 257 of the Education Act (1989).
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 3 2 ABBREVIATIONS COMMONLY USED IN THESE RULES AND PROCEDURES
ITO Industry Training Organisation
MNA Managing National Assessment
NCEA National Certificate of Educational Achievement
NQF National Qualifications Framework
ROL Record of Learning
UE University Entrance
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 4 3 LEVELS OF AUTHORITY
3.1 Delegations within the Qualifications Authority
(a) The Qualifications Authority has overall responsibility for the determination of these Rules and Procedures.
3.2 Contractors for Specialist Services
(a) The Chief Executive’s Nominee will appoint under contract national assessment panel members, setters, examiners, materials’ developers, critiquers, examination moderators, assessors, markers, checkers and moderators, to undertake assessment duties.
(b) Each contract with a specialist service Tertiary Education Organisation must provide, among other things:
(i) that all contractors will receive training or induction for their roles at the Qualification Authority’s expense (ii) for the contractor’s duties to be specified in a schedule for services prepared by the Qualifications Authority (iii) that the materials produced by contractors for assessment purposes are copyright to the Qualifications Authority and may only be reproduced with the written permission of the Chief Executive’s Nominee.
3.3 Relationships with Tertiary Education Organisations
A manager or director will nominate a Chief Executive’s Nominee(s) to: (a) receive candidate entries and fees, and forward these to the Qualifications Authority at set times (b) verify that candidates are eligible to enter for the achievement standards (c) monitor the processing of internal assessment procedures (d) verify internal assessment results for all achievement standards (e) liaise with their institution’s Examination Centre Manager (f) ensure the availability of suitable accommodation and equipment for the conduct of external assessment, in particular the external examinations, where a Tertiary Education Organisation meets the criteria to be established as an Examinations Centre under 6.1.1(b) and 6.1.1(c).
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 5 (g) consider and make recommendations to the Chief Executive’s Nominee on applications for compassionate consideration and special assessment conditions (h) facilitate the disciplinary process established by the Qualifications Authority in cases of candidate misconduct or breaches of these Rules and Procedures.
The manager or director may delegate part of the Chief Executive’s Nominee’s responsibilities to another member of the staff, but in terms of these Rules and Procedures the Qualifications Authority will only deal or consult with, or take recommendations from, the manager/director or the Chief Executive’s Nominee.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 6 4 GENERAL ASSESSMENT RULES AND PROCEDURES
This section sets out the general conditions that apply to assessment systems administered by Tertiary Education Organisations and the Qualifications Authority.
Subject to the provisions of the Education Act 1989, the Education Amendment Act 1990, and these Rules and Procedures, the Qualifications Authority has the power to do whatever it considers necessary or expedient for the due administration of the achievement standards.
The processes used to assess candidates against the standards will be administered in accordance with the registered achievement standards, and their assessment specifications and published by the Qualifications Authority.
The Qualifications Authority may make further rules or provisions relating to the conduct of internal and external assessments for any of the achievement standards, and for the conduct of candidates in such assessments. Any such rules or provisions will be reproduced either on the Rules and Procedures web pages at www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea, in supplementary written material, or in sets of instructions to candidates published by the Qualifications Authority.
4.1 Timing of Assessments
(a) The Qualifications Authority will publish the dates for the external examination period for the achievement standards, before 1 December in the year preceding the assessment. The key dates for other annual assessment procedures will be published during term one in the year of the assessment. The Group Manager Secondary Education may alter these dates in extenuating circumstances.
4.2 Fees
(a) The Chief Executive will advise the Minister of the schedule of fees proposed for entry to any of the achievement standards by the end of the year preceding the year of the Assessment.
(b) The Chief Executive’s Nominee will advise Tertiary Education Organisations of the year’s schedule of fees for the achievement standards, no later than 31 March in the year of the assessment. If necessary, the Qualifications Authority will advise Tertiary Education Organisations that the schedule of fees is subject to the Board’s consent.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 7 (c) A penalty fee may apply if candidates fail to meet entry deadlines.
(d) A fee for appeals of assessment decisions may apply under section 4.4(b).
(e) A search and confirmation fee will apply for certified statements of official results under section 4.6(e).
(f) A special processing fee may be charged under section 6.1.1 if special examination arrangements are provided for a candidate.
(g) A fee will apply under section 6.1.3 for the return of external assessment material to candidates with an overseas address.
(h) A reconsideration fee will apply under section to applications for reconsideration of externally assessed written examinations.
(i) An accuracy review fee will apply under section for reviews of results in performance based achievement standards or subjects.
(j) A fee will apply under section 7.1(c) for the issue of NQF certificates to eligible learners.
(k) Candidates who have not paid the appropriate fees will not receive any official or unofficial results for that Qualification or standards.
4.3 Entry and Eligibility Requirements
4.3.1 Entry (a) Every candidate for an achievement standard must make entry for that standard in a way and at a time determined by the Qualifications Authority, and must make entry through, and pay the relevant fees to, an accredited Tertiary Education Organisation.
(b) In making an entry, a candidate agrees to abide by these Rules and Procedures and any other rules and provisions made by the Qualifications Authority (for external assessment) or the accredited Tertiary Education Organisation (for internal assessment) in relation to that standard.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 8 4.3.2 Eligibility Achievement standards (a) Any person is eligible to enter for achievement standards provided that: (i) they meet the specified eligibility criteria for the standards they seek to enter (ii) they have not been disqualified from entry for the standards they seek to enter (iii) they have been disqualified from entry for the standards they seek to enter in that year, but they have lodged an appeal against that disqualification.
(b) The Chief Executive’s Nominee may permit entry for any of these standards, despite the candidate not meeting the eligibility criteria if, in the Nominee’s opinion, extenuating circumstances justify allowing entry.
(c) In relation to entry for achievement standards:
(i) there are no prior course completion requirements (ii) candidates can enter for any achievement standards or unit standards, except that where an achievement standard and a unit standard are included in the Exclusions List, only one standard will count credits towards the NCEA qualification (iii) there is no requirement to enter for a minimum number of credits in any year. Home School Students
(a) Home schoolers and other persons who are not enrolled in a school are eligible to enter for Qualifications through an accredited Tertiary Education Organisation. Associated administrative costs are a matter for negotiation between the candidate and the Tertiary Education Organisation.
(b) A home schooled student who wishes to enter for achievement standards must establish a link with (i) a registered school, or (ii) an approved Tertiary Education Organisation. The school, or Tertiary Education Organisation, must have the relevant National Qualifications Framework accreditation.
(c) The home schooled student, irrespective of the nature of the link school or Tertiary Education Organisation, must meet all entry and eligibility criteria for the NCEA as specified in the Assessment and
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 9 Certification Rules and Procedures for Secondary Schools for the year in which entry is made.
(d) There is no obligation on the part of any school or Tertiary Education Organisation to act as a link school for home school students wishing to enter for NQF assessment.
Requirements (e) Before accepting an entry for any achievement standard, the school’s Principal’s Nominee or the Tertiary Education Organisation’s Chief Executive’s Nominee must be satisfied that: (i) the assessment programme undertaken by the home schooled student is fair, valid, reliable, consistent and at the national standard (ii) all relevant internally assessed work has been moderated by the Tertiary Education Organisation (iii) the link school carries out the necessary administration tasks for entering home school students in NCEA examinations (iv) the home school student’s results will be processed along with those from the link Tertiary Education Organisation.
Costs (f) A school or Tertiary Education Organisation whose Principal’s Nominee or Chief Executive’s Nominee agrees on their behalf to perform the linking or any other services for home school students may, at its discretion, recover from the student(s) costs incurred in the process.
4.4 Assessment Appeals
(a) External Assessment: The Qualification Authority’s procedure for candidates who wish to appeal their external assessment results is set out in section 6.1.6 of these Rules and Procedures.
(b) Internal Assessment:
(i) Each Tertiary Education Organisation must adopt a written policy for dealing with appeals of internal assessment results. A candidate who wishes to appeal their results for internal assessment must follow their institution’s policy.
(ii) If the candidate is not satisfied that internal assessment appeal processes have been followed they may, on the payment of a fee, lodge an appeal in writing to the Qualifications Authority. The appeal will be investigated by the Qualifications Authority if necessary, in consultation with the Chief Executive’s Nominee from the candidate’s institution. If, as a result of that investigation, the Chief Executive’s Nominee is satisfied that
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 10 the Tertiary Education Organisation’s internal assessment appeal processes have not properly been followed, then the Chief Executive’s Nominee may recommend the Tertiary Education Organisation to reconsider the candidate’s appeal in accordance with those processes. The Chief Executive’s Nominee will give the candidate written confirmation of the outcome of the investigation.
4.5 Breaches of the Rules
(a) If it is alleged that a candidate or any other person has been guilty of any dishonest practice or any other breach of these Rules and Procedures in connection with any achievement standard, including in particular:
(i) impersonation – a person is alleged to have impersonated or dishonestly claimed to be a candidate entered for an achievement standard (these Rules and Procedures apply both to the alleged impersonator, and to the candidate who has allegedly been impersonated) (ii) assisting/hindering candidates – a person is alleged to have influenced, assisted or hindered candidates, whether dishonestly, fraudulently or unwittingly (iii) dishonest practice by a candidate - a candidate is alleged to have attempted to dishonestly or fraudulently access information or materials not permitted in the examination, or access information or materials or other help from another person, or in the case of performance based assessment, submitted material for assessment that is not their own
the matter will be dealt with as set out in sections 4.5.1 to 4.5.6.
4.5.1 Suspension of Results (a) The Chief Executive’s Nominee may suspend the release of all or part of the results of any candidates for whom an allegation under section 4.5(a) has been made until the allegation has been dealt with.
4.5.2 Responsibility for Investigation (a) A case of impersonation, assisting/hindering candidates, or dishonest practice by a candidate in an external assessment will be investigated by the Qualifications Authority in accordance with section 4.5.4.
(b) A case of impersonation, assisting/hindering candidates or dishonest practice by a candidate in an internal assessment will be
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 11 investigated by the Chief Executive’s Nominee in accordance with section 4.5.5.
(c) A case of impersonation or assisting/hindering candidates may also be referred to the police for investigation and action.
4.5.3 Penalties and to whom they Apply (a) In a case of impersonation, both the candidate who it is alleged has been impersonated and the impersonator (if the impersonator is also a candidate for an achievement standard in the same year) will be investigated and may be penalised under section 4.5.4 or 4.5.5, whichever applies. (b) A case of assisting/hindering candidates by a person who is also a candidate for an achievement standard in the same year will be investigated, and that person may be penalised under section 4.5.4 or 4.5.5, whichever applies. (c) If, in a case of assisting/hindering candidates, the person is: (i) an employee of a Tertiary Education Organisation, the Qualifications Authority may, in addition to any other penalty, revoke that Tertiary Education Organisation’s accreditation (ii) an employee of the Qualifications Authority, the Qualifications Authority may, in addition to any other penalty, suspend or dismiss that employee for misconduct (iii) contracted to the Qualifications Authority, the Qualifications Authority may, in addition to any other penalty, terminate that person’s contract.
(d) In a case of dishonest practice by a candidate, the candidate will be investigated and may be penalised under section 4.5.4 or 4.5.5, whichever applies. 4.5.4 Breach of the Rules – External Assessment (a) The allegation will be investigated by the Qualifications Authority, if necessary in consultation with the Chief Executive’s Nominee from the candidate’s institution or candidates’ institution(s). The official dealing with the allegation will give the candidate written notice of the allegation, and will invite the candidate to make written comment to the Qualifications Authority on the allegation within a period of at least 14 days from the date of the Qualification Authority’s notice.
(b) If, following the investigation, the official considers that there is substance to the allegation, a formal hearing conducted by the Chief Executive’s Nominee will be convened. The candidate will be given reasonable notice of the date of any hearing and will be given
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 12 the opportunity to appear in person before the Chief Executive’s Nominee.
(c) If, at the hearing, the Chief Executive’s Nominee finds the candidate guilty of misconduct in respect of the allegation made, the Chief Executive’s Nominee may:
(i) warn or censure the candidate; or (ii) disqualify the candidate from entering further achievement standards; and (iii) in either case, direct that all or part of the candidate’s results be cancelled.
(d) The Qualifications Authority will give the candidate written confirmation of the Chief Executive’s Nominee’s decision within 14 days of the hearing.
4.5.5 Breach of the Rules – Internal Assessment (a) The Chief Executive’s Nominee will investigate the allegation as agent of the Qualifications Authority.
(b) The Chief Executive’s Nominee must allow the candidate an opportunity to make an explanation and will decide on any disciplinary action to be taken in accordance with the Tertiary Education Organisation’s written policy and procedures.
(c) If the Chief Executive’s Nominee considers that the alleged misconduct is serious enough to warrant cancellation of results, then the Chief Executive’s Nominee must report the matter to the Qualifications Authority in writing and may make a recommendation on appropriate disciplinary action. The Chief Executive’s Nominee must then consider the allegation and the Chief Executive’s Nominee’s recommendation (if any) and make a decision in that regard. Further evidence may be sought from the candidate. If the Chief Executive’s Nominee finds the candidate guilty of misconduct then the Chief Executive’s Nominee may recommend that the Tertiary Education Organisation:
(i) warn or censure the candidate; or (ii) disqualify the candidate from entering further qualifications; and (iii) in either case, direct that all or part of the candidate’s results be cancelled.
(d) The Qualifications Authority must give written confirmation to the Chief Executive’s Nominee and the candidate of the Chief Executive Nominee’s decision and any penalty imposed within 14 days of the decision being made.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 13 4.5.6 Appeals against Decisions Relating to Breaches of the Rules (a) A candidate may appeal to the Chief Executive against a decision made by the Chief Executive’s Nominee relating to breaches of the Rules and Procedures by giving notice in writing within 14 days of being notified of the decision.
(b) Upon receipt of a notice of appeal, the Qualifications Authority must give the candidate notice of the date set for determination of the appeal, which must be at least 21 days from the date of the Qualification Authority’s notice. The Qualification Authority’s notice must also advise the candidate that he or she may make submissions in writing and may elect to appear in person when the appeal is being determined.
(c) A candidate who appeals against disqualification will, pending the determination of the appeal, be allowed to make an entry for an achievement standard in any year to which the disqualification would otherwise apply.
(d) The Chief Executive may allow or dismiss the appeal or vary the penalty, but may not impose any penalty which the Chief Executive’s Nominee could not impose. The Chief Executive’s decision is final.
4.6 Reporting
(a) The Chief Executive’s Nominee will dispatch notices to candidates showing their results for:
(i) achievement standards before 1 February in the year following the year of assessment.
(b) The Chief Executive’s Nominee may set alternative dates for the dispatch of result notices to candidates in extenuating circumstances.
(c) Candidates will receive an official certificate in a form approved in writing by the Chief Executive when all requirements for the Qualification have been fulfilled in terms of these Rules and Procedures.
(d) Result notices and Records of Learning will be in a form determined by the Qualifications Authority.
(e) Certified statements of official results will be available upon written application to the Qualifications Authority and payment of a search and confirmation fee. The Chief Executive’s Nominee will provide a certified record of results and qualifications gained, which may be used as evidence of past achievement.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 14 4.7 Use of Technology and Equipment for Assessment Purposes
(a) For both internal and external assessment, candidates may use relevant technology and other equipment unless their use is prohibited by these Rules and Procedures, the achievement standard, unit standard, the related support documentation, assessment specifications, subject prescriptions, or specific instructions for candidates for external assessment.
(b) For written external assessment:
(i) In general, electronic calculators can be used provided they are silent, hand-held, non-printing and contain their own power source.
(ii) Computers may be used only:
. for candidates entering under special assessment conditions where use of a computer is approved and is essential to fairly complete the assessment . in individual subjects where specified by the relevant standard, prescription or assessment specifications and in either case subject to any conditions for the use of computers set down by the Qualifications Authority.
(iii) Cellphones and pagers are prohibited.
(iv) Calculators with a dictionary or translation function or those identified as having high-level algebraic manipulation capability are prohibited unless specifically allowed by a standard or subject prescription.
(iv) ‘Palm tops” and pocket PCs have a large storage capacity and an ability to install software to make them operate like a symbolic manipulator and are prohibited.
(c) Any possible misuse of calculators during an examination will be handled through the Qualifications Authority's standard procedure for investigating misconduct in examinations.
The following models are prohibited in 2005
Type Model Texas Instruments TI89 TI92 TI92Plus TI92E
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 15 TI92ii TI95 Voyager 200 Casio CFX9970G FX Algebra 1.0 FX Algebra 2.0 Hewlett Packard HP38G HP39G HP39+ HP40G HP48G HP48G11 HP48+ HP48GX HP49G HP49+
Type Model Compaq iPAQ series Dell Axim Casio Casiopeia series ClassPad 300 Hewlett Packard Jornada series Toshiba Epocket PC series
4.8 Assessment Specifications
The Qualifications Authority will advise Tertiary Education Organisations of changes to assessment specifications for achievement standards before 1 December of the year preceding the assessment.
The Group Manager Secondary Education may set alternative dates for advising Tertiary Education Organisations of changes to assessment specifications in extenuating circumstances.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 16 4.9 Translation of External Assessments and Moderation Materials
(a) Tertiary Education Organisations must advise the Qualifications Authority by 1 April in the year of the assessment if they have candidates who wish to be assessed through the medium of Mäori language.
This includes: (i) candidates who require a translated version of the external assessment in Te Reo Mäori (ii) candidates who intend to submit written assessments wholly or partially in Te Reo Mäori except for level 1 Te Reo Rangatira or Te Reo Mäori standards (iii) candidates completing internal assessments in Te Reo Mäori who will have their work sent to the Qualifications Authority as part of the Tertiary Education Organisation sample for moderation.
(b) For international languages examination papers, only the instructions and source materials in the paper giving information to candidates will be translated into Te Reo Mäori.
(c) Papers for English external assessment will not be translated into Te Reo Mäori.
For achievement and unit standards the Qualifications Authority requires Tertiary Education Organisations to be accredited and engage in National External Moderation and have internal moderation systems in place.
5.1 Accreditation Requirements
(a) Accreditation involves an evaluation of the capacity of a Tertiary Education Organisation to assess against standards registered on the NQF. More information can be obtained from the Approvals, Accreditation and Audit unit in NZQA or at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/for-providers/aaa/index.html.
(b) Accreditation is required for any standard for which candidate achievement is to be assessed by the Tertiary Education Organisation and reported to the Qualifications Authority.
5.1.2 Use of Achievement Standards (a) The Qualifications Authority standard for registration and accreditation is known as QA Standard One. This standard is the tool for Approvals, Accreditation and Audit to decide whether a Tertiary Education Organisation has a sound and stable learning environment. This leads to decisions on registration and accreditation. Standard One
Defining goals and objectives 1.1The Tertiary Education Organisation has measurable goals and objectives for education and training.
Systems to achieve goals and objectives 1.2The Tertiary Education Organisation puts into practice quality management systems to achieve its goals and objectives, including: 1.2.1 governance and management 1.2.2 personnel 1.2.3 physical learning resources 1.2.4 learner information, entry and support 1.2.5 development, delivery and review of programmes 1.2.6 assessment and moderation 1.2.7 notification and reporting on learner achievement 1.2.8 research
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 18 Achieving goals and objectives 1.3 The Tertiary Education Organisation is achieving its goals and objectives, and can assure that it will continue to do so.
5.2 Moderation Requirements
(a) The Qualification Authority requires sufficient information to enable judgements to be made on the capacity of a Tertiary Education Organisation to assess to the standard within the scope of the accreditation. If the moderation check reveals that a Tertiary Education Organisation’s assessment is of poor quality, and there is no evidence of a strategy to improve the situation, steps may be taken towards the removal of accreditation.
5.2.1 NZQA Managed Moderation Systems (a) Tertiary Education Organisations will be allocated a submission date for sending assessment material for moderation for achievement standards from the school subjects. NZQA Managed Moderation Systems for Achievement Standards in 2005
Accounting Technology Agricultural and Horticultural Science Reo Mäori (includes Te Reo Rangatira) Art History Visual Arts Biology /Human Biology Chemistry Classical Studies Dance Drama Economics English Geography Graphics Health Education History Home Economics Information Management Languages (includes Chinese, Cook Islands Maori, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Samoan, Spanish) Mathematics Media Studies Music Physical Education Physics Science Social Studies
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 19 Moderation For Tertiary Education Organisations
(a) As part of their accreditation, Tertiary Education Organisations are required to engage in internal and National External Moderation processes. (b) The purpose of moderation is to ensure that: (i) Assessments are fair, valid and at the national standard (ii) Assessors are making consistent judgements about candidate performance. (c) National External Moderation is a process that helps to ensure that assessment is consistent nationally. (d) Internal moderation is the responsibility of individual accredited organisations which manage the quality of their assessment practices in the use of standards. This process helps to ensure consistency of assessment between assessors at single and/or different sites. (e) The key component for Tertiary Education Organisations is the annual National External Moderation of 20% of assessor decisions for internally assessed achievement standards in all curriculum areas. (f) Tertiary Assessment and Moderation will report failure to meet moderation requirements to the relevant Quality Assurance Body. National External Moderation of Assessor Decisions (a) The National External Moderation of assessor decisions will be carried out by trained moderators selected for their assessment expertise. Assessor decisions may include decisions about and suitability of assessment material as well as decisions about learner achievement. The national moderator for each curriculum area will monitor the work of moderators. (b) Tertiary Education Organisations will be notified of their submission date for achievement standards. Each Tertiary Education Organisation will have one submission date. Assessment Plan and Materials for Moderation (a) An assessment plan is required for achievement standards in 2005 to allow selection of standards for moderation. (b) Moderators ensure the confidentiality and security of all assessment materials and assessed work belonging to Tertiary Education Organisations and learners. (c) For achievement standards: When an achievement standard is identified for moderation the Tertiary Education Organisation should send the relevant assessment materials and eight samples of learner work on the allocated submission date. The eight samples should be selected to illustrate the range of assessor judgements ie not achieved, achieved, merit, excellence. Where eight samples are not available a note of explanation should be notified. Where no learner samples are available for the selected standard the Tertiary Education Organisation may be asked to provide them at a later date.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures- 20 - Sending Material (a) The Tertiary Education Organisation sends assessment materials and the required samples of assessed learner work to the allocated moderator/s by the submission date. A completed cover sheet needs to be attached to each standard being submitted for moderation. The forms are available online at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/for-providers/moderation/tertiary.html.
(b) The samples of learner work should give sufficient evidence of the student performance against the standard for the moderator to check the appropriateness of the assessor judgement. This evidence may take the form of a portfolio, a written test, a research assignment, an audiotape, a videotape, photographs, a CD, a model, a computer disc, a zip file or recording video. In cases where the assessor/tutor believes the photograph or tape provides insufficient evidence of the quality of the student work it may be supported by an attestation or signed checklist. If an audio or videotape includes more than one learner then the individual performance needs to be clearly identified by the Tertiary Education Organisation. Similarly, where the recording is a group performance (eg music, drama, English) the individual whose assessment is being checked should be clearly identified for the moderator on the form Student Identification for Video/Audio Evidence. Submitted audio and video tapes should only contain the performance of learners selected for moderation purposes. Submission dates
(a) The submission date is allocated to the Tertiary Education Organisation and the moderator is informed. This submission date is the one on which moderation materials are due for receipt at the moderator’s address provided by NZQA.
(b) NZQA sends each moderator a manual and details of the expected materials due for moderation in advance. Notification of any changes/resubmission details for Tertiary Education Organisations is forwarded to the moderator and Tertiary Education Organisation. (contact person)
(c) If materials are not received three weeks after the due date, then the moderator completes a Report for Materials Not Received and sends a copy to NZQA and the Tertiary Education Organisation.
(d) Copies of completed moderation reports will be returned to the Tertiary Education Organisation along with assessment materials.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 21 Meeting Requirements (a) The Tertiary Education Organisation meets National External Moderation requirements when they meet moderation deadlines, provide assessment materials and make assessment judgements at the national standard. (b) Meeting Deadlines Contact NZQA, not the moderator, if there is a delay in sending assessment materials to the moderator. (c) Using Valid Assessment Materials If assessment materials do not meet the national standard or require modifications, the Tertiary Education Organisation/assessor(s) will need to make changes before they are used again. NZQA may require modified materials to be submitted for further moderation. (d) Making Assessment Judgements If assessment judgements are not at the national standard, NZQA may require further samples of learner work. (e) Tertiary Assessment and Moderation will report failure to meet moderation requirements to the relevant Quality Assurance Body.
This section applies to external assessment systems administered by the Qualifications Authority.
6.1 General Conditions for External Assessment
(a) The following administrative systems will apply to all external achievement standards:
6.1.1 External Examination Centres (a) Examinations will be held at such times and places as determined by the Group Manager Secondary Education. (b) Examination Centres will be established annually by reference to candidate entry numbers and distance between schools. (c) Candidates enrolled through a Tertiary Education Organisation must identify an examination centre at a local school. It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive’s Nominee to liaise with the Principal’s Nominee at the examination centre to confirm that the examination centre agrees to accept tertiary candidates and ensure that suitable accommodation and equipment is available at the centre. Associated administrative costs are a matter for negotiation between the Tertiary Education Organisation and the examination centre. (d) In all cases the published examination timetable will apply.
6.1.2 Return of External Assessment Material (a) By 1 February in the year following assessment the Qualifications Authority will return external assessment material to candidates who provide a New Zealand address. (b) Candidates who have provided an overseas address must apply on the approved form to the Qualifications Authority before 1 March, and pay a specified fee, if they require their external assessment material to be returned. (c) The Qualifications Authority will exercise all due diligence and care in processing external assessment materials and returning them to candidates, but it will not accept any liability for the non-delivery of these materials to a candidate, or the non-delivery to the Qualifications Authority of materials sent in for a review or reconsideration. If the materials are lost, the candidate will be precluded from a review or reconsideration. (d) All unclaimed external assessment materials will be disposed of on or after 30 June in the year following the year of the assessment. (e) The Qualifications Authority may alter these dates in extenuating circumstances.
6.1.3 Special Assessment Conditions
(a) Candidates with permanent or long-term conditions or learning difficulties, which they believe will significantly impair their performance in specified external assessments - in particular written examinations - may apply to the Qualifications Authority for special assessment conditions (for example, a time
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 23 allowance, modifications to question and answer booklets, or the use of an examination assistant such as a reader/writer).
(b) Special assessment conditions are not available for externally assessed achievement standards for Technology, Graphics, and Visual Arts and those specifically excluded from assistance.
(c) In approving applications for special assessment conditions the Qualifications Authority uses two main criteria.
(i) Candidates identified as having permanent or long-term conditions such as
physical disability
sight impairment
hearing impairment
medical conditions which are long-term illnesses such as eating disorders, depression, diabetes and epilepsy
significant proven reading or writing difficulty.
(ii) Candidates who have already been diagnosed as requiring special assessment conditions assistance and receive ongoing support from the school.
(d) Students must be receiving on-going support to manage their learning difficulties. Tertiary Education Organisations must be able to detail the specific on-going programmes of learning support that they have provided and continue to provide for students identified with significant learning difficulties. These must be provided in accordance with the Tertiary Education Organisation’s policy, for any internal assessments and Tertiary Education Organisation-based examinations and also for the Graphics, Technology and Visual Arts externally assessed standards.
(e) Tertiary Education Organisations are not to approve special assessment conditions in situations where there is an exclusion of assistance or where the integrity of assessment would be compromised by reducing the validity and reliability of assessment.
(f) Tertiary Education Organisations must make online applications for special assessment conditions each year by the date notified.
(g) Tertiary Education Organisations should refer to the attached documents when making application for special assessment conditions.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 24 Special assessment conditions commonly approved
The special assessment conditions commonly approved for external assessment, particularly examinations, include:
Time Allowance Extra time may be granted for examination sessions. It should be borne in mind that too much time may be counter-productive. Separate accommodation is not provided in cases of extra time except in very special circumstances.
Supervised breaks or rest periods may, in special circumstances, be approved. Approval may be given for additional time as well as rest breaks, according to need.
Modifications to Examination Question and Answer Booklets Modifications can be made to the visual presentation of booklets, usually for sight-impaired candidates: enlarged/large-print papers Braille versions of papers special coloured papers. Use of Computers and Other Equipment Use of computers or other technological aids such as Closed Circuit Television will be permitted for candidates who have difficulty with reading or writing, if this is the usual method of communication. Approval will not be granted if the request is made on the grounds that a candidate has untidy writing nor will approval be granted for an examination assistant to word process a candidate’s responses.
Examination Assistant
assistance by a Reader (RA) assistance by a Writer (WA) assistance by a Reader/Writer (RWA).
Where an examination assistant (for example, a reader/writer) is requested, an extra 30 minutes and separate accommodation may also be available to candidates for an examination session.
The examination assistant is appointed by the Examination Centre’s Principal's Nominee and is not to be the subject teacher, private tutor, a relative or a family friend. The examination assistant should be able to read or write in a manner appropriate to the examination content. For example, he/she must be able to pronounce technical terms and/or write special symbols correctly.
Special Assessment Conditions for the Hearing Impaired The following special assessment conditions are available for hearing impaired examination candidates:
Separate accommodation Extra time
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 25 Use of a thesaurus Interpreter/signer – a person who will either use New Zealand sign language or signed English or will read and orally interpret the questions.
Signing of instructions (and/or questions for hearing-impaired candidates in exceptional circumstances) will be permitted if this is the usual method of communication in the classroom and the examination cannot be completed by other means.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 26 Special Assessment Conditions Applications
Preparing an Application Before making an application for special assessment conditions, the Tertiary Education Organisation should consider the candidate’s record. The Tertiary Education Organisation must have evidence that the candidate requires special assessment conditions. If not, an external advisory service may need to be consulted in order to obtain specific evidence. A Tertiary Education Organisation must have evidence of ongoing support, and have further developed a profile of the candidate’s learning difficulty. This evidence must be retained in the school as the Qualifications Authority may request this evidence.
Special assessment conditions must not give the candidate an unfair advantage over other candidates. For example, the fact that a candidate is a ‘slow reader’ or a ‘speller’ does not, in itself, justify special assessment conditions assistance. In such circumstances there will usually be some underlying cause of the candidate’s difficulty.
It may be more appropriate for candidates exhibiting ‘slow processing’ to enter a reduced number of standards to complete within one examination session.
The reason for applying for special assessment conditions must be specified. Detailed information is required to support the application for the special assessment condition being sought. Without this information, the application will not be accepted.
Applications should only be made where the Tertiary Education Organisation has provided such assistance. Confirmation is required that special assessment conditions already have been provided for the candidate in the Tertiary Education Organisation’s internal assessments. Applications should also detail candidates’ history of in-school support prior to entry for the national external assessment.
The type of evidence required in support of an application ranges from medical diagnosis and/or professional testing to evidence that the Tertiary Education Organisation has recognised that a candidate has a significant learning difficulty, and has been providing learning assistance. The Qualifications Authority will only accept psychological testing from a New Zealand registered educational psychologist. All evidence in support of an application must have been recorded within two years of the year of examination and relate to the candidate’s record at secondary school and/or tertiary institution.
If a candidate is identified with a significant learning difficulty in the year of entering the examinations it will be necessary to support the application with professional evidence from a New Zealand Educational psychologist. Where a candidate is a recent arrival at a Tertiary Education Organisation, the previous school or Tertiary Education Organisation should provide this evidence.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 27 Note:
1. Special assessment conditions are not available to candidates for whom English is a second language simply on the basis that they have difficulty with reading and writing English.
2. No English and/or translation dictionaries (including electronic dictionaries and translators) are permitted in Qualifications Authority examinations.
3. Special assessment conditions will not be granted to candidates with short-term disabilities such as an illness or an accident suffered immediately prior to the external assessment. The option available to these candidates is to apply for a Compassionate Consideration, either on the grounds of impaired performance or because they were unable to sit the examination at all. For example, a writer will not be provided for a candidate who breaks an arm in an accident. Working with a writer is a skill that candidates need to develop. The main reason for not approving such applications is that a candidate may in fact be disadvantaged by not having previously worked under special assessment conditions.
Completing an Application Online All applications are to be made online by the Tertiary Education Organisation. Applications must reach the Qualifications Authority by the date notified each year. All specific inquiries and requests for advice for special assessment conditions must be sent to the Qualifications Authority.
Applications not supported by the Tertiary Education Organisation must not be submitted.
1. The name and contact details of readers, writers, reader/writers and other examination assistants are not required when applications are made. Tertiary Education Organisations must provide this information directly to their Examination Centre Manager early in term 4.
2. Although applications for special assessment conditions are made at the level of the individual standard, the provision of the conditions is collated into examination sessions. For example, a reader/writer approved for one external standard is provided for the entire examination session, irrespective of the number of standards entered, but is available to assist only with the standard applied for.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 28 Exclusions of assistance
The following external levels 1, 2 and 3 achievement standards are excluded from the specific special assessment conditions assistance listed. Level 1 Achievement Standard Special Assessment Conditions Assistance Reader Writer Computer Other Graphics 90037 X X 90038 X 90039 X 90040 X Information Management 90034 X 90035 X 90036 X Languages
Chinese 90075 X1
Cook Islands Māori 90081 X1
French 90087 X1
German 90093 X1
Indonesian 90099 X1
Japanese 90105 X1
Korean 90111 X1
Samoan 90122 X1
Spanish 90128 X1 Chinese 90076 X Japanese 90106 X Korean 90112 X Te Reo
Te Reo Māori 90133 X1 Te Reo Māori 90134 X Te Reo Rangatira 90138 X Visual Arts 90020 X X notes the exclusion of the specific special assessment conditions available X1 for text in target language Note: In the case of the writing assessment for international languages and Te Reo, the writer must not be relied on to provide the correct spelling and the use of accents. To ensure authenticity the candidate must spell each word for the writer.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 29 Level 2 Achievement Standard Special Assessment Conditions Assistance Reader Writer Computer Other Graphics 90318 X X 90319 X 90320 X 90321 X Languages
Chinese 90385 X1
Cook Islands Māori 90391 X1
French 90398 X1
German 90404 X1
Indonesian 90410 X1
Japanese 90487 X1
Korean 90416 X1
Samoan 90422 X1
Spanish 90429 X1 Chinese 90386 X Japanese 90488 X Korean 90417 X Te Reo
Te Reo Māori 90441 X1
Te Reo Rangatira 90444 X1 Visual Arts 90235 X 90479 X 90480 X 90481 X 90482 X
X notes the exclusion of the specific special assessment conditions available X1 for text in target language Note: In the case of the writing assessment for international languages and Te Reo, the writer must not be relied on to provide the correct spelling and the use of accents. To ensure authenticity the candidate must spell each word for the writer.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 30 Level 3 Achievement Standard Special Assessment Conditions Assistance Reader Writer Computer Other Languages
Chinese 90549 X1
Cook Islands Māori 90555 X1
French 90561 X1
German 90567 X1
Indonesian 90674 X1
Japanese 90573 X1
Korean 90579 X1
Samoan 90585 X1
Spanish 90591 X1 Chinese 90550 X Japanese 90574 X Korean 90580 X Te Reo
Te Reo Māori 90544 X1
Te Reo Rangatira 90538 X1 Visual Arts 90659, 90660,90661,90662 X 90663,90664, 90665, 90666 X 90667, 90668, 90669, 90670 X X notes the exclusion of the specific special assessment conditions available X1 for text in target language Note: In the case of the writing assessment for international languages and Te Reo, the writer must not be relied on to provide the correct spelling and the use of accents. To ensure authenticity the candidate must spell each word for the writer. work on extra paper for a long answer question.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 31 6.1.4 Compassionate Consideration (a) Candidates may, in accordance with these Rules and Procedures or their Tertiary Education Organisation’s policy, apply for compassionate consideration of their internal assessment or external assessment results.
(b) In the case of internal assessment:
the Tertiary Education Organisation’s missed assessment policies will apply. Each Tertiary Education Organisation must have a written policy setting out how applications for missed assessment are to be made, and how such applications will be dealt with.
(c) In the case of external assessment:
(i) Candidates who have been prevented from sitting examinations or otherwise presenting materials for external assessment, or who consider that their performance in an external assessment has been seriously impaired because of exceptional circumstances beyond their control, may apply to the Qualifications Authority to be granted a result on the grounds of eligibility for compassionate consideration.
(ii) Except in exceptional circumstances, compassionate consideration will only be granted for a circumstance that occurs within one month of the start of examinations or the submission of work for other external assessment. The Qualifications Authority may vary these conditions for performance-based external standards.
(iii) An applicant for compassionate consideration must:
complete the Qualifications Authority’s application form and submit it to the Tertiary Education Organisation by the closing date supply a copy of their admission slip with the application supply appropriate medical or documentary evidence.
(iv) The Tertiary Education Organisation must process all applications for compassionate consideration, and retain any supporting information. Applications should be made online on the Qualifications Authority website, by the specified date for processing.
(v) In cases where an event has occurred that is likely to result in applications from a group of candidates (such as a local emergency or the death of a student from the Tertiary Education Organisation), the Qualifications Authority should be contacted before the Tertiary Education Organisation takes any further action.
(vi) The Qualifications Authority may accept late applications, or other applications for compassionate consideration which do
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 32 not comply with paragraph (iii) above, but under no circumstances will applications for compassionate consideration be accepted after result notices have been released. (vii) In considering whether or not to grant a result to an applicant, the Qualifications Authority will consider:
information from the Chief Executive’s Nominee of the candidate’s Tertiary Education Organisation in each of the external achievement standards the quality of any work actually completed and submitted by the candidate that directly relates to each external achievement standard.
Where there is no pre-existing evidence of achievement, no result can be awarded.
(viii) Candidates must apply to their Tertiary Education Organisation in the first instance if they wish to appeal a compassionate consideration decision.
(c) In the case of Graphics, Technology and Visual Arts external standards:
(i) The procedure for making an application in non-examination performance-based achievement standards differs from that for examination achievement standards.
(ii) To be eligible for a compassionate consideration in performance-based standards, a candidate must have suffered a temporary impediment or non-permanent disability occurring within one month of the submission date for the portfolio(s).
(iii) A physical injury or an emotional trauma during the last three to four weeks of portfolio preparation can impair performance. Such cases will require a signed statement from a medical practitioner in support of the application.
(iv) A physical disability or epilepsy, chronic relapsing conditions such as glandular fever or ME, and ongoing personal trauma such as the effects of an earlier death in the family are not generally accepted as grounds for compassionate considerations.
(d) In the case of Visual Arts levels 1 and 2 external assessment:
Tertiary Education Organisations are responsible through their policies for managing compassionate consideration of Visual Arts for levels 1 and 2.
(e) In the case of Visual Arts level 3 external assessment:
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 33 Applications for compassionate considerations must be made earlier than applications for other external standards/subjects because the portfolios of the candidates involved need to be identified early in the assessment process. Application for Compassionate Consideration
(a) Tertiary Education Organisations will be asked to provide the names of three reference (similar-achieving) candidates for each achievement standard for which the candidate is seeking a compassionate consideration. (b) The result for the applicant is generated by the Qualifications Authority from reference candidates’ examination results. (c) The Tertiary Education Organisation can provide supplementary information in support of an application where the pool of reference candidates is small (or non-existent), or where there are large achievement gaps between the reference candidates and the candidate seeking a compassionate consideration. (d) Applicants for compassionate consideration may actually have sat the examination in one or more of the achievement standards entered. (i) If the result awarded to the applicant in the compassionate consideration process is higher than the result achieved by the applicant in the examination, the applicant’s compassionate consideration result becomes his/her examination result. (ii) If the result awarded to the applicant in the compassionate consideration process is lower than the result scored by the applicant in the examination, the actual result achieved stands. (e) Submission of Applications to the Qualifications Authority (i) The 2005 examinations will commence on 14 November and conclude on 10 December. Applications for compassionate consideration will be processed in time for inclusion in the result notices dispatched in January 2006. (ii) To assist Tertiary Education Organisations, and to speed up the processing of compassionate consideration applications, there is an electronic system for the transfer of information on reference candidates from Tertiary Education Organisations to the Qualifications Authority. (iii) Candidates and Tertiary Education Organisations will be advised of the deadlines for compassionate consideration submissions later in the year.
6.1.5 Assessment of Graphics, Technology and Visual Arts external standards (a) The externally assessed standards for Graphics, Technology and Visual Arts are assessed by means other than external examinations.
(b) The Assessment Specifications published by the Qualifications Authority before 1 December each year provide information about the processes relating to the assessment of these standards for the following year.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 34 (c) The logistics of the assessment processes, including the submission of student work, deadlines and timetables, are notified during the year by the Qualifications Authority.
(d) Candidates’ work must be authenticated by schools in accordance with their own policies for authenticity. 6.1.6 Appeal of External Assessment Results (a) Candidates may appeal results of external assessments by applying for a review or reconsideration except in the case of: (i) Cook Islands Mäori, Indonesian and Korean where schools are responsible through their policies for any review of results. Details of the process are provided to schools during the year.
(ii) Visual Arts and Technology where details of the processes are provided to schools during the year.
(b) Candidates who return external assessment material to the Qualifications Authority for a review or reconsideration may have part or all of their entry for the Qualification cancelled if they have altered or added to the assessment material in any way.
(c) A candidate may make a request for a review of external assessment material if the candidate considers a mechanical error (such as a section of work not assessed, or the incorrect transfer of grades) has been made in the assessment of the material.
(i) The Group Manager Secondary Education will fix the closing date for review requests provided that at least seven days are allowed to candidates after result notices have been issued and external assessment materials returned. In exceptional circumstances, the Qualifications Authority may accept late applications. (ii) The review request must be made in writing to the Qualifications Authority and must specify the nature of the perceived error.
(iii) Candidates who make a review request are not eligible to make an application for a reconsideration in the same standard.
(iv) Schools are responsible through their policies for the procedures for review of external assessment material for Visual Arts, Cook Islands Māori, Indonesian and Korean achievement standards.
(v) A candidate whose result is changed following a review will be sent a new result notice.
(d) Reconsiderations
(i) Reconsideration of externally assessed standards is available where practicable. Candidates may apply for a reconsideration if they believe that their work has not been assessed correctly.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 35 (ii) A candidate may apply for a reconsideration of a result in an external assessment provided a review has not also been made for the same achievement standard. Applications must be made on the form provided with the result notice and be accompanied by the reconsideration fee determined by the Qualifications Authority.
(iii) The Group Manager Secondary Education will fix the closing date for reconsideration applications provided that at least seven days are allowed to candidates after result notices have been issued and external assessment materials returned. In exceptional circumstances the Qualifications Authority may accept late applications.
(iv) The reconsideration will include reassessment of the student work using the original assessment schedule(s) and the checking of mechanical processes.
(v) A candidate whose final result is improved will be sent a new result notice and a refund of the reconsideration fee.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 36 6.2 University Entrance
(a) Students will be qualified for entrance to a university in New Zealand if they have obtained:
(i) a minimum of 42 credits at level 3 or higher on the National Qualifications Framework, including a minimum of 14 credits at level 3 or higher in each of two subjects from the 'approved subject' list, with a further 14 credits at level 3 or higher taken from one or two additional domains on the National Qualifications Framework or approved subjects, and
(ii) a minimum of 14 numeracy credits at level 1 or higher in Mathematics or Pangarau on the National Qualifications Framework, and
(iii) a minimum of 8 literacy credits at level 2 or higher in either English or Te Reo Māori; 4 credits must be in Reading and 4 credits must be in Writing. The literacy credits will be selected from a schedule of approved achievement standards and unit standards (see below).
The ‘approved subjects’ document is attached below.
(b) Credits can be accumulated over more than one year. Where a unit standard and an achievement standard assess the same learning outcome they are mutually exclusive for the NCEA qualifications and university entrance purposes. (c) University Bursaries results can be recognised through University Entrance transition arrangements. (d) The Board of the Qualifications Authority has approved the list of approved subjects for university entrance. Note that some common courses of study, such as Home Economics, Outdoor Education and Technology are based on standards from more than one domain. Schools delivering courses of this nature need to be aware of this when setting up students' programmes. The attached table lists each "approved subject" for university entrance showing which relevant subfield, domain and / or individual standards apply. (e) University Entrance transition arrangements (i) Students who were not assessed against level 2 English or Te Reo Maori standards or Mathematics in 2003 could be disadvantaged in their opportunities to meet the literacy requirement for university entrance from 2004. To avoid this, the following transition arrangements are in place:
Students gaining Sixth Form Certificate (transition) (SFC(t)) grade 5 or higher in English or Te Reo Rangatira in 2003 or 2004 will be deemed to have met the literacy requirement for university entrance. Students gaining grade C or higher in University Bursaries English or Te Reo Rangatira in 2003 will be deemed to have met the literacy requirement for university entrance.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 37 Students gaining a SFC(t) Grade 4 or higher in Mathematics will be deemed to have met the University Entrance requirements of 14 numeracy credits at Level 1 or higher.
(ii) Students who entered a combination of University Bursaries subjects and unit or achievement standards in 2002/2003 will be able to count their Bursaries results for the new university entrance provision. For these purposes, a grade C or higher in Bursaries will be deemed equivalent to 14 level 3 credits in an ‘approved subject’.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 38 ‘Approved Subjects for University Entrance’
Approved Subject Field/Subfield/Domain/Standards Accounting Domain Accounting - Generic Agriculture & Horticulture Domain Agricultural & Horticultural Science Biology Domain Biology Chemistry Domain Chemistry Chinese Domain Chinese Classical Studies Domain Classical Studies Computing Domain Generic Computing Cook Islands Māori Domain Cook Islands Māori AS90515, AS90516, AS90517 Design (Practical Art) US9072, US9073 Drama Subfield Drama Economics Domain Economics English Subfield English French Domain French Geography Domain Geography German Domain German Graphics Subfield Design History Domain History History of Art Domain Art History Indonesian Domain Indonesian Japanese Domain Japanese Korean Domain Korean Latin Domain Latin Domain Trigonometry Domain Geometry Mathematics with Calculus Domain Calculus AS90638, AS90639 US5267, US11102, US12344 Subfield Statistics and Probability Statistics and Modelling AS90644, AS90647 US5256, US5264, US5262, US5272 Media Studies Domain Media Studies Music Studies Domain Music Studies AS90659, AS90663, AS90667 Painting (Practical Art) US9066, US9067 AS90660, AS90664, AS90668 Photography (Practical Art) US9064, US9065 Physical Education Domain Physical Education Physics Domain Physics AS90661, AS90665, AS90669 Printmaking (Practical Art) US9069, US9068 Samoan Domain Samoan Domain Core Science Science Domain Earth Science AS90662, AS90666, AS90670 Sculpture (Practical Art) US9070, US9071 Spanish Domain Spanish Social Studies Domain Social Studies Te Reo Rangatira or Te Reo Māori Subfield Reo Māori
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 39 Literacy Requirements for University Entrance
The standards fulfilling the university entrance literacy requirement are detailed in the tables below. English standards fulfilling the literacy requirement for university entrance from 2004 Standards Credits Reading Writing Scholarship X X Achievement standards 90720 4 X 90721 4 X X 90722 4 X X 90723 4 X X 90724 2 X 90726 3 X X 90375 3 X 90376 3 X 90377 3 X X 90378 3 X X 90379 3 X X 90380 3 X 90381 3 X X Unit standards 8834 6 X 8823 4 X 8841 6 X 8842 6 X 8835 6 X 8825 5 X 12427 4 X 12428 4 X 12430 3 X 12429 3 X 12905 4 X 12419 4 X 12420 4 X 12422 3 X 12421 3 X X = the standard is recognised for reading and/or writing credits.
Note 1 Where standards count for either Reading or Writing, an individual student may not count credits for both Reading and Writing unless it is the Scholarship standard.
Note 2 Waikato Certificate of Studies, English:
Certificate of Studies (CS) 2.1 and 3.1 can count for the university entrance Writing requirement. Certificate of Studies (CS) 2.2 or 2.2(i) and 3.2 can count for the Reading requirement.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 40
Te Reo Maori and Te Reo Rangatira standards fulfilling the literacy requirement for university entrance from 2004 Standards Credits Reading Writing Scholarship X X 90441 6 X 90444 4 X 7266 3 X 90544 6 X 90538 4 X 7267 3 X 7268 10 X 90445 4 X 90448 6 X 7258 3 X 90545 4 X 90539 6 X 7259 3 X 7260 10 X
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 41 7 NCEA CERTIFICATION RULES AND PROCEDURES
This section provides information on the issue of documentation to learners who have entered for National Certificates of Educational Achievement.
7.1 Award of Certificates
(a) Before 1 February candidates will be sent an individual notice of the results gained in each of the standards entered in the previous year. Following the release of the result notices to candidates, results of candidates will be made available to their Chief Executive’s Nominee.
(b) Each candidate who enters for achievement standards will have their credits recorded on the Record of Learning. Candidates will be sent a Record of Learning in April following the year of the entry.
(c) The official notice will be a National Certificate of Educational Achievement approved in writing by the Chief Executive and showing the candidate’s full name, year of entry and level of certificate. The official notice will be issued to eligible candidates on application and receipt of the relevant fee.
(d) An NCEA level 1 will be issued to learners who have: (i) achieved 80 credits at level 1 or higher (ii) eight credits from approved standards for literacy skills (iii) eight credits from approved standards for numeracy skills
(e) An NCEA level 2 will be issued to learners who have: (i) achieved 60 credits at level 2 or higher (ii) twenty credits at any level These 20 credits may include credits which counted toward the Level 1 Certificate
(f) A NCEA qualification (level 3) can be issued to learners who have: (i) achieved 60 credits at level 3 or higher (ii) and twenty credits at level 2 or higher. These 20 credits may include credits which counted toward the Level 2 Certificate.
7.1.1 Literacy Requirement For level 1
(a) A minimum of 8 credits is required from the following Sub-fields and/or unit standards.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 42 FIELD Sub-field HUMANITIES English MĀORI Reo Māori
FIELD: HUMANITIES Sub-field: Communication Skills domain: interpersonal communications
Unit Unit Standard Title Level Credit No. 1277 Communicate information in a 2 3 specified workplace
domain: reading
Unit Unit Standard Title Level Credit No. 2977 Read texts for practical purposes 1 4 2989 Read and assess texts to gain 2 4 knowledge
Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credit 10792 Write formal personal 1 3 correspondence Literacy requirements for Level 1 Cook Islands domiciled students
(a) The literacy requirements for NCEA level 1 include recognition of Cook Islands Māori as follows:
(b) A minimum of 8 credits is required from the following Sub-fields and /or domains and/or unit standards.
FIELD Sub-field HUMANITIES English MĀORI Reo Māori
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 43 FIELD Sub-field domain HUMANITIES Languages Cook Islands Mäori
FIELD: HUMANITIES Sub-field: Communication Skills domain: interpersonal communications
Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credit 1277 Communicate information in a 2 3 specified workplace
domain: reading
Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credit 2977 Read texts for practical 1 4 purposes 2989 Read and assess texts to gain 2 4 knowledge
Unit No. Unit Standard Title Level Credit 10792 Write formal personal 1 3 correspondence
7.1.2 Numeracy Requirement For level 1
(a) A minimum of 8 credits is required from the following Sub-fields and/or domain.
FIELD Sub-field domain SCIENCES Mathematics any Statistics and Probability any MÄORI General Education pangarau Māori
7.1.3 Fee for award of NQF National Certificates
(a) When a learner has completed a National Certificate they or their Tertiary Education Organisation must notify the Qualifications Authority in writing so their qualification can be included on their Record of Learning.
(b) The cost of the certificate is $15.00. This certification fee must be included with a completed application to the Qualifications Authority.
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 44 7.2 Transition Arrangements
(a) Transition arrangements are available to learners who may be affected by the transition period to the NCEA.
(b) Transition arrangements apply to learners who entered for: (i) School Certificate in 2000 and/or 2001 (ii) Sixth Form Certificate in 2001 and/or 2002. (iii) UEBS in 2002 and/or 2003. Transition arrangements for NCEA level 1 have expired. The final date for candidates to claim these transition arrangements for NCEA level 2 and level 3 is 15 March 2005. (c) SC, SFC, SFC(t) and University Bursaries grades can be used to provide credit exemptions for NCEA levels 2 and 3.
7.2.1 Credit Exemptions
School Certificate Te Reo Mäori from 2000 and/or 2001 Tuhituhi Credit Körero Credit Level Exemptions at Level Exemptions at NQF Level 1 NQF Level 1 1 12 1 12 2 9 2 9 3 6 3 6 4 3 4 3 5 0 5 0
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 45 Sixth Form Certificate Grades Credit Exemptions from 2001 and/or 2002 1 & 2 24 at level 2 3 & 4 18 at level 2 5 12 at level 2 6 6 at level 2 7 0 8 & 9 0
Sixth Form Certificate Credit Exemptions (transitional) Grades from 2003 and/or 2004 1 & 2 24 at level 2 3 & 4 18 at level 2 5 12 at level 2 6 6 at level 2 7 0 8 & 9 0
University Bursaries Grades Credit Exemptions from 2002 and/or 2003 A 24 at level 3 B 19 at level 3 C 14 at level 3 D 7 at level 3 E 0
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 46 7.2.2 Claiming Transition Arrangements
(a) Application Procedure
Applications for transition exemptions must be made through the learner’s Tertiary Education Organisation. The Tertiary Education Organisation will use the Tables of Credit Exemptions to complete the approved Application for Transition From School Certificate and/or Sixth Form Certificate and/or Sixth Form Certificate (transitional) and/or UEBS to the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 2 and Level 3), collate results, and forward it to the Qualifications Authority for processing. Transition will only be awarded to learners who apply for transition exemptions.
(b) Fees
Anyone who uses grades and/or levels from School Certificate and/or Sixth Form Certificate or Sixth Form Certificate (transitional) or UEBS for credit exemptions towards one of the National Certificates of Educational Achievement is required to be registered on the Record of Learning. However, they will not be required to pay additional NZQA fees for the credits exempted through these transition arrangements.
(c) These transition arrangements do not apply to people who achieved a School Certificate grade prior to 2000 and/or Sixth Form Certificate grade prior to 2001. People in this situation who wish to attain a National Certificate of Educational Achievement can have their existing achievements recognised through the Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL) through their Tertiary Education Organisation. They are required to be registered on the Record of Learning and to pay the relevant credit fee plus any additional costs associated with the RPL process.
Note Mathematics and English grades, and Te Reo Mäori levels may be used to meet the requirements of the Literacy and Numeracy Elective. A maximum of 48 credit exemptions may be obtained through these transition arrangements. Credit exemptions awarded through transition for a subject grade and/or level may only be used to meet the credit requirements for one of the National Certificates in Educational Achievement. Transition arrangements for level 1 have expired.
(d) Appeals
It is the intention of the Ministry of Education and the Qualifications Authority that these transition arrangements are fair and do not disadvantage any existing candidate. Anyone who thinks that they have been disadvantaged by the transition process should contact:
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 47 The Manager Secondary Education Group NZQA PO Box 160 WELLINGTON
7.2.3 Application for Transition From School Certificate and/or Sixth Form Certificate and/or University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarship to the National Certificate of Educational Achievement
(a) The above mentioned form, which is found in the relevant Qualifications document on the NZQA website, should be completed by applicants for transition between qualifications as specified in the transition action plan registered with the relevant National Certificate of Educational Achievement. The application must be processed through the applicant’s Tertiary Education Organisation.
Section A is to be completed by all applicants. Section B is to be completed for any subject where the applicant has provided a copy of their original result notice or certified statement issued by the Qualifications Authority (which must be sighted by the Chief Executive’s Nominee), or confirmation from Tertiary Education Organisation records. Section C is to be completed for any subject where the applicant is unable to produce evidence of the subject result. Applications in which this section has been completed are subject to confirmation by the Qualifications Authority. Section D must be signed by an appropriate person (eg, the Chief Executive’s Nominee or Chief Executive) at the Tertiary Education Organisation to certify that the results recorded are correct.
Completed forms are to be sent by the Tertiary Education Organisation to the:
The Manager Assessment Secondary Education Group New Zealand Qualifications Authority PO Box 160 WELLINGTON
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 48 7.3 Exclusions
(a) The NCEA will not use credits more than once for the same learning outcome. Where a unit standard and an achievement standard assess the same learning outcome they are mutually exclusive for the NCEA.
(b) Mutually exclusive standards for 2005 for NCEA will be published by the Qualifications Authority as an Exclusions List in the Rules and Procedures for Secondary Schools.
7.4 Credit Inclusion
(a) The NCEA has provision for recognition of credits from other qualifications that are quality assured. Quality assured qualifications of 40 credits or more are registered on the New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications. All credit-included qualifications appear on the Approved List for NCEA Credit Inclusion. Credit inclusion is granted for a limited and specified period of time, after which reapplication is required.
7.4.1 New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications
(a) The New Zealand Register of Quality Assured Qualifications is a comprehensive list of all quality assured qualifications in New Zealand of 40 credits or more.
(b) Once quality assured, application for the recognition of credit equivalents towards the NCEA should be made to the Qualifications Authority by the qualification developer (or delegated agent in New Zealand) only. For the purpose of credit inclusion there needs to be identification of credit values, levels and outcome components. Credit inclusion should also meet the requirement of the NCEA that a learner can only be awarded credits and credit equivalents from common learning outcomes once. The Qualifications Authority will publish an approved list of qualifications recognised for credit inclusion.
(c) Credit equivalents from credit inclusion may only be used once and do not appear on the Record of Learning and do not contribute to the University Entrance level 3 requirements.
7.4.2 NCEA Credit Inclusion list
(a) As at 1 February 2005 the following qualifications are on this list: New Zealand Institute of Management, Certificate in Management University of Waikato Certificate of Studies, English Young Enterprise Certificate International Computer Driving Licence New Zealand Scholarship Certificate Certificate in Microsoft Office - Specialist Zayed College for Girls - Arabic Course for Year 11 (level 1) Cisco Certified Networking Associate
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 49 Asdan Youth Awards Scheme(Silver, Gold And Universities/Platinum) Unitec Certificate In Management Certificate In Computing And Internet Core Competencies New Zealand Institute Of Management, Certificate in Small Business Management
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 50 New Zealand Institute of Management NZIM Certificate of Management has granted credit inclusion until 31 December 2006 (10 credit equivalents per paper) for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 2 and Level 3, up to a maximum of 80 credits total. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may only be used once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, CERTIFICATE OF MANAGEMENT CREDIT EXCLUSIONS AND RELATED EXCLUSIONS LEVEL 2 Inclusions Exclusions Number Credits NZIM number Title Credit equivalents AS US AS US 90236 6 806 Applied economics 10 90237 6 4255 3 807 Introduction to financial services 10 4256 2 12353 3 90221 2 90224 4 808 Introduction to accounting 10 90225 4 90226 3 10338 2 8543 2 810 Introduction to law 10 None 8544 3 8554 2 90359 2784 3 3 90367 2786 3 3 811 Introduction to computing 10 90368 2798 3 2 90370 5941 3 2
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 51 LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions Number Credits NZIM number Title Credit equivalents AS US AS US 90641 5257 3 3 814 Business statistics 10 90643 5259 4 3 1840 3 1986 5 836 Enterprise research project 10 6403 4 9677 3
NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT NO EXCLUSIONS These qualification components are deemed to be at Level 3 for the purposes of credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). NZIM Number Title Credit equivalents 801 Employment relations 10 802 Introduction to marketing 10 803 Human resources 1: People at work 10 805 Introduction to management 10 809 Human resources II: Personnel practice 10 812 Workplace communication 10 815 Quality management 10 817 Information systems 10 819 Problem solving and decision making 10 822 Managing small projects 10 Valid until 31 December 2006
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 52 University of Waikato Certificate of Studies, English The Waikato Certificate of Studies (English) has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 2 (24 credit equivalents) and Level 3 (24 credit equivalents) until 31 December 2005. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA may be used only once and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO CERTIFICATE OF STUDIES, ENGLISH CREDIT INCLUSIONS AND RELATED EXCLUSIONS UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO CERTIFICATE OF STUDIES, ENGLISH LEVEL 2 Inclusions Exclusions Credit Number Credits Number Title Equivalents AS US AS US Produce a folio of processed pieces of writing 90375 8825 3 5 2.1 6 of publication standard 90376 8826 3 5 90377 12419 3 4 Respond to a range of print texts and 90378 12420 3 4 2.2 (i) 6 hypertexts of a general adult level of difficulty 90380 12422 3 3 12423 3 Respond to a performance text of a general 90379 12421 3 3 2.2 (ii) 3 adult level of difficulty 12424 3 2.3 Maintains a work file 2 12905 4 Presents to a defined audience using a range 90374 8827 3 4 2.4 3 of techniques 8828 4 Undertakes a language investigation project 2.5 3 90381 8824 3 3 under teacher guidance
2.6 Works collaboratively in a group setting 1 None 829 2
Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 53 UNIVERSITY OF WAIKATO CERTIFICATE OF STUDIES, ENGLISH LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions Credit Number Credits Number Title Equivalents AS US AS US Produce a folio of processed pieces of writing 90720 8835 4 6 3.1 7 having studied critically a range of genres 8836 6 90721 12427 4 4 Respond to a range of demanding and 90722 12428 4 4 3.2 relatively complex texts, some with a critical 8 90723 12429 4 3 reputation 90724 12430 2 3 Undertake a performance project and research 3.3 4 90725 8837 3 5 presentation Use a refined research methodology to access 3.4 and critically respond to sources in 2 investigating an issue 90726 8824 3 6
Produce a formal report based on the 3.5 3 investigation of an issue 90726 8824 3 3
Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 54 Young Enterprise Certificate The Young Enterprise Certificate has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 3 (24 credits) until 31 December 2006. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may only be used once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
LEVEL 3 INCLUSIONS EXCLUSIONS Title Credit NZIM Credits Unit Credits equivalents Certificate of equivalents Standard Management 24 836 10 7377 4 17497 4 Young Enterprise Enterprise 8085 4 Certificate Research 6403 4 Project 2925 10 9681 3 1986 5 1307 3
Note: There are no achievement standard exclusions
Valid until 31 December 2006
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 55 International Computer Driving Licence The International Computer Driving Licence has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 2 (19 credit equivalents) until 31 December 2005. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may be used only once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER DRIVING LICENSE Inclusions Exclusions ICDL Credit Unit Standard Unit Standard Title number equivalents Number Credits Basic concepts of information 6743 2 Module 1 3 technology 2780 9 Using the computer and 2780 9 Module 2 3 managing files 2781 3 Module 3 Word processing 3 111 5 Module 4 Spreadsheets 3 2784 3 Module 5 Database 3 2786 3 Module 6 Presentation 2 5946 3 Information and Module 7 2 5941 2 communication Note: There are no achievement standard exclusions Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 56 New Zealand Scholarship Certificate The New Zealand Scholarship Certificate has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 3 (24 credit equivalents per Scholarship standard), up to a maximum of 72 credit equivalents total until 31 December 2005. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may be used only once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
NEW ZEALAND SCHOLARSHIP CERTIFICATE CREDIT EQUIVALENTS AND RELATED EXCLUSIONS Inclusions Exclusions Learning Area Scholarship Standard Credit equivalents Language and There are no Languages English 24 exclusions Chinese 24 French 24 German 24 Japanese 24 Latin 24 Spanish 24 Te Reo Mäori 24 Cook Island Maori * 24 Indonesian * 24 Korean* 24 Samoan * 24 Te Reo Rangatira * 24 Sciences Biology 24 Chemistry 24 Physics 24 Science 24 Agriculture and Horticulture * 24 Mathematics Accounting 24 Mathematics with Calculus 24 Statistics and Modelling 24 The Arts Art History 24 Drama 24 Media Studies 24 Music Studies 24 Visual Arts 24 Dance* 24 Practical Music * 24 Social Sciences Classical Studies 24 Economics 24 Geography 24 History 24 Social Studies * 24
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 57 Physical There are no Education exclusions & Health Physical Education 24 Health * 24 Home Economics * 24 Technology Graphics 24 Technology 24
* Not examined in 2004/2005
Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 58 Certificate In Microsoft Office Specialist – Master The Certificate in Microsoft Office Specialist - Master has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 2 (12 credit equivalents) and Level 3 (25 credit equivalents) until 31 December 2005. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may be used only once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
CERTIFICATE IN MICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST – MASTERLEVEL 2 Inclusions Exclusions Title Credit equivalents Unit Standard Number Credits 107 5 Microsoft Office Word 4 111 5 Microsoft Office Excel 4 2784 3 Microsoft Office Outlook ® 4 5941 2
CERTIFICATE IN MICROSOFT OFFICE SPECIALIST – MASTER LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions Title Credit equivalents Unit Standard Number Credits Microsoft Office Power Point ® 4 5940 5 Microsoft Office Access 5 2787 5 Microsoft Office Word Expert 5 112 5 Microsoft Office Excel Expert 5 2785 5 Microsoft Office Project Core 6 No exclusions Note: There are no Achievement standard exclusions Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 59 Zayed College For Girls - Arabic Course For Year 11 (Level 1) Zayed College for Girls - Arabic Course for Year 11 (level 1) has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 1 (10 credit equivalents) until 31 December 2005. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may be used only once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
ZAYED COLLEGE FOR GIRLS - ARABIC COURSE FOR YEAR 11 (LEVEL 1) Inclusions Credit equivalents Exclusions Arabic for Year 11 10 There are no exclusions Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 60 Cisco Certified Networking Associate The four components of the Diploma in Computer Networking that make up Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA) Courses with Schools have been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement at Level 3 (12 credit equivalents per course component, 48 credit equivalents total) until 31 December 2005. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may be used only once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORKING ASSOCIATE, COURSES WITH SCHOOLS LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions CCNA Credit Course Component Title Number equivalents CCNA 1 Networking Basics 12 There are no CCNA 2 Routers & Routing Basics 12 exclusions Switching Basics & Intermediate CCNA 3 12 Routing CCNA 4 WAN Technologies 12 Valid until 31 December 2005
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 61 Asdan Youth Awards Scheme
The ASDAN Youth Awards Scheme has been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 1 (Silver – 12 credit equivalents), Level 2 (Gold - 12 credit equivalents) and Level 3 (Universities/Platinum 12 credit equivalents) until 31 March 2006. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may only be used once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
LEVEL 1 Inclusions Exclusions Credit Unit Title Credits equivalents Standard 3503 2 ASDAN Youth Awards Scheme, Silver 12 8817 2
LEVEL 2 Inclusions Exclusions Credit Unit Title Credits equivalents Standard 7118 3 7123 2 ASDAN Youth Awards Scheme, Gold 8829 2 12 9677 3 12349 3
LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions Credit Unit Title Credits equivalents Standard 4251 2 ASDAN Youth Awards Scheme, 9681 3 12 Universities/Platinum 9705 3 11097 3
Note: There are no Achievement standard exclusions
Valid until 31 December 2006
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 62 Unitec Certificate in Management
The two components ‘Entrepreneurial Business’ and ‘Personal Effectiveness’ from the UNITEC Certificate in Management have been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 3 (12 credit equivalents each, 24 credit equivalents total) until 31 December 2006. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may only be used once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions Component number Title Credit equivalents
APMG 436 Personal 12 Effectiveness APMG 4361 Entrepreneurial 12 There are no Business exclusions
Valid until 31 December 2006
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 63 Certificate in Computing and Internet Core Competencies The three modules of the Certificate in Computing and Internet Core Competencies that are not unit standards have been granted credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 2 (11 credit equivalents) until 31 December 2006. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may only be used once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
LEVEL 2 Inclusions Exclusions Module Module descriptor Credit number equivalents
1 Identify different types of computer, and 3 factors to be considered when purchasing There are no a computer. exclusions 2 Change operating system settings, install 3 and remove software. 3 Investigate the impact and appropriate 5 use of computers and the internet The Certificate in Computing and Internet Core Competencies also includes 31 credits from unit standards. Because they are on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), and count towards NCEA automatically, they are not listed above.
The unit standards are 111, 2780, 2781, 2784, 5940, 5941, 6743 and 18758.
Valid until 31 December 2006
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 64 New Zealand Institute of Management, Certificate in Small Business Management NZIM Certificate in Small Business Management has granted credit inclusion (10 credit equivalents per paper) for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 2 and Level 3 up to a maximum of 80 credits total until 31 December 2006. This credit inclusion is limited to NCEA, may only be used once, and may not be used for any other NQF qualifications.
NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, CERTIFICATE IN SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CREDIT EQUIVALENTS AND RELATED EXCLUSIONS LEVEL 2 Inclusions Exclusions NZIM Title Credit Number Credits number equivalents AS US AS US 90236 6 806 Applied economics 10 None None 90237 6 4255 3 Introduction to financial 807 10 None 4256 None 2 services 12353 3 90221 2
90224 4 Introduction to 808 10 None None accounting 90225 4
90226 3 10338 2 810 Introduction to law 10 8543 2 or or None None 8544 3 854 Law and small business 10 8554 2 90359 2784 3 3
90367 2786 3 3 Introduction to 811 10 computing 90368 2798 3 2
90370 5941 3 2
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 65 LEVEL 3 Inclusions Exclusions NZIM number Title Credit Number Credits equivalents AS US AS US 90641 5257 3 2 814 Business statistics 10 90643 5259 3 3
These qualification components are deemed to be at Level 3 for the purposes of credit inclusion for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
NZIM Number Title Credit equivalents 851 Principles of small business management 10 852 Establishing a small business 10 853 Operating a small business 10 855 Planning for improved performance 10 801 Employment relations 10 803 Human resources 1: People at work 10 809 Human resources II: Personnel practice 10 812 Workplace communication 10 815 Quality management 10 817 Information systems 10 819 Problem solving and decision making 10
Valid until 31 December 2006
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 66 7.4.3 Credit Inclusion Process
(a) Credit equivalents from credit inclusion may only be used once and do not appear on the Record of Learning and do not contribute to the University Entrance level 3 requirements. (b) If a Tertiary Education Organisation wishes to activate the credit inclusion process for their students they should request the appropriate form and send it to the Qualifications Authority with their student results.
(c) The credit inclusion process will require a Tertiary Education Organisation to identify: (i) the learners who are applying (ii) the number of credits being applied for (iii) the qualification the credit inclusion is for (iv) the relevant qualification from the approved list (v) the evidence for believing the learner has the particular qualification.
(d) The application forms for credit inclusion are available online at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/acrp/secondary/forms.html
Assessment and Certification Rules and Procedures 67