Fisher College of Busines, the Ohio State University s1
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Instructor: Vasu Unnava Classroom: SB 230 (7:30AM-9:18AM) Office: 313 Fisher Hall Office Hours: By Appointment Email: [email protected] & Special Hours before Quizzes and EXAMS Telephone: (614) 292 3212 URL:
Required Text:
Lehmann, Donald R. & Russel S. Winer (2004), “Product Management,” McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-286598-9
Supplementary Course Material
All other course materials such as class slides, lab instructions and study guides will either be available on CARMEN or given out in the class.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to:
Help you understand the role and the responsibilities of product managers in organizations Introduce the data and analytical tools that product managers rely on when they make product and pricing decisions Enable you to assist a product manager Understand important factors in designing and developing a product concept
The management of products and services is at the very core of marketing and encompasses the famous four P’s- product, price, place and promotion. The problems discussed in this course will mainly focus on product design and pricing issues. However, the tools introduced to help make product and pricing decisions based on consumer and market data will also be useful in making advertising, promotion and channel decisions.
This course builds on your understanding of consumer behavior and marketing research and emphasizes the analytical component of product design and pricing decisions. One of the major challenges product managers face in their daily routine is to distill meaning from loads of incoming data and to act accordingly. The tasks of assistants to product managers therefore involve analytic work on a routine basis. This course will help you perform these tasks.
Course Organization:
Class sessions will make use of summarizing important concepts and then applying the concepts. Reading relevant assignments before the class and active participation will be leading contributions to learning experience in this classroom. Lectures will focus on main parts of the material and typical class session involves lecture, discussions and group activities. Lab assignments focus on data analysis using EXCEL and SPSS software packages.
Vasu Unnava BUS M&L 756 Spring 2011 Page 1 of 6 COURSE EVALUATION
Your grades will be evaluated as follows:
1. Best two of three Quizzes 20%, (10% each Quiz) 2. Lab Submissions 20%, (5% each Lab) 3. EXAM I and EXAM II 40%, (20% each EXAM) 4. Group Product Design Assignments (five) 15%, (3% for each assignment) 5. Group Product Design Team Evaluations 5%
TOTAL 100% BONUS OPPORTUNITIES: Bio Sheet 1% Pricing Bonus 3% TOTAL including BONUSES 104%
Re-grading requests will be accepted in writing within 1 week of receipt of the grade. Emails will not be accepted.
Grading Scale
The grading scale, and point conversion that will be utilized for the final grade is as follows: Grade GPA Grade GPA A = 93-100 % 4.0 C+ = 77-79 % 2.3 A- = 90-92 % 3.7 C = 73-76 % 2.0 B+ = 87-89 % 3.3 C- = 70-72 % 1.7 B = 83-86 % 3.0 D+ = 67-69 % 1.3 B- = 80-82 % 2.7 D = 63-66 % 1.0 E = below 62
1. Quizzes: Each Quiz 10% or 20% total points
There will be three quizzes during the quarter and the dates for quizzes are given in the syllabus. Only best two scores will be counted towards your grade. Questions will come from the lecture and textbook topics. You are permitted to use a calculator and to have ONE DOUBLE-SIDE, 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper with notes, definitions, etc. to use in quizzes.
2. Lab Sessions (SB 219): Each 5% or 20% total points
The course aims at hands-on approach to product management to develop required skill set to help make decisions. The lab sessions are designed to understand the data, analyze it and make recommendations on design and pricing. Four lab sessions are scheduled through the course. You will use EXCEL and SPSS packages to conduct data analysis. After each lab, you will submit your lab files in a drop box on CARMEN. Instructions to lab sessions will be posted on CARMEN before the start of the lab. You can work in a group of two for lab sessions.
Vasu Unnava BUS M&L 756 Spring 2011 Page 2 of 6 3. EXAM I and EXAM II Each 20% or 40% total points
EXAM I and EXAM II will consist of multiple choice questions based on lecture notes, class discussion, lab sessions and the required textbook. Students are responsible for all topics in the assigned chapters of the textbook whether or not they were discussed in class. You are permitted to use a calculator and to have ONE DOUBLE-SIDE, 8 ½” x 11” sheet of paper with notes, definitions, etc. to use in quizzes and exams.
During exam and quizzes, NO questions will be taken, unless a typo or some other mistake in the exam makes a clarification necessary. During the exam and quizzes, only pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, calculator, and your one-page note are allowed to be left on the table.
4. Group Product Design In-class Assignments Each 3% or 15% of total points
This is group assignment. Your group will be responsible to come with a concept for product/service, define competition, find market potential and customer segments, define attributes and finally decide on pricing.
5. Group Evaluations 5% of total points
You will evaluate your group members. 5% is allocated to group member evaluations.
1. BONUS OPPORTUNITY (1%): Due on 4/4/11 by 7:30AM
You can earn one bonus point when you will turn in a brief description of yourself including a photo Due date is 4/4/2011 and the time is before the beginning of the class. Emails are not accepted. It will help in making the class interactive. You may want to include your short term, long term career objectives and one interesting fact about you. No emails are accepted.
2. Pricing Bonus (3%) Due on June 9, 2011 by 7:30AM:
You can earn 3% bonus points by doing a case on pricing. Details will be posted on CARMEN. This is not group work, but individual effort. You will drop it in a drop box on CARMEN by June 9, 2000 by 7:30AM.
Important Notes
All exam dates, assigned reading due dates and lab submission dates are included in the Course Outline. Please make note of these dates and plan your quarter accordingly. If you are unable to attend a class, please notify me by email unless it is an emergency. With a valid written excuse (medical excuse for illness), missed exams will be dealt with on an individual basis. There may be a points penalty for taking exam late; therefore, avoid this. Without a valid written excuse, missed exams will be recorded as zero pints. There will be no accommodation for missing presentations. A medical reason for absence in more than 2 consecutive classes needs to be supported by a letter from health care provider.
You are encouraged to ask questions by email and/or set up an appointment. Emails will not be counted as class participation. Questions will be answered by return email, during a one-on-one meeting, or during the next class session. At any time, you are encouraged to set up an appointment for one-on-one assistance.
Please let me know if you have a disability and need accommodations to make the learning environment more effective. Also, let me know if you are a client of Student Disability Services and need accommodations.
You are responsible for everything that takes place in class, including changes to assignments or schedules, whether you are present or not. If you must miss class, please arrange with a classmate to share notes.
Please come to class on time. Late arrivals may cause a deduction of points from your final grade. Turn off your cell phones and pagers before you come to class. Do not take calls in class. Do not use your PDA or wear head phones while class is being conducted. They cause the class to become distracted from the main issues. If students are found using cell phone or texting, points will be deducted from their overall grade. Do not engage in side conversations as they cause distractions to the class.
Any changes to the syllabus will be posted online and discussed in class. You are responsible for following the most recent syllabus.
Vasu Unnava BUS M&L 756 Spring 2011 Page 4 of 6 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT)
Academic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities. Thus, The Ohio State University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Students must recognize that failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and this syllabus may constitute “Academic Misconduct.”
The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section 3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct, so I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing with academic misconduct.
If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated the University’s Code of Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University.
If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me.
Other sources of information on academic misconduct (integrity) to which you can refer include:
The Committee on Academic Misconduct web pages ( Ten Suggestions for Preserving Academic Integrity ( suggestions.html) Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity (
Vasu Unnava BUS M&L 756 Spring 2011 Page 5 of 6 BUS M&L 756 Course Outline* SPRING 2011 Text Book: “Product Management,” by Donald R Lehmann and Russell S. Winer Week Date Topic Reading, Ch Assignments Due No.
1 1-1 3/28 M Syllabus
2 1-2 3/30 W Introduction 1 Bio Sheet Due 3 2-1 4/4 M Competition 3 & 5 Q1@ beginning of 2-1 4/6 W Competition 3 & 5 4 the class Guest Speaker: Mr. Brent Badger, 3-1 4/11M 5 JP Morgan Chase Industry/Company: 3-2 4/13 W 4 & 7 Design Project 1 6 Category Attractiveness Lab 1: Market Potential & Diffusion 7 4-1 4/18 M Lab 1 Submission Industry/Company: 4-2 4/20 W 4 & 7 Design Project 2 8 Market Potential and Sales Forecasting
9 5-1 4/25 M EXAM I
10 5-2 4/27 W Customer Analysis 6 Lab 2: Market Segmentation Q2 & Lab 2 6-1 5/2 M 11 Submission Customer Analysis 12 6-2 5/4 W 6 Design Project 3
13 7-1 5/9 M Product Attributes and Image 8 and 9
14 7-2 5/11 W Product Attributes and Image 9 Design Project 4 Lab 3: Product Configurations Q3 & Lab 3 8-1 5/16 M 15 Submission
16 8-2 5/18 W Pricing 10
17 9-1 5/23 M Pricing 10 Design Project 5 Lab 4: Optimal Pricing 18 9-2 5/25 W
19 10-2 6/1 W EXAM II 6,8,9 and 10 Submission of Bonus Opportunity on 11 6/9 Thurs 20 Pricing before 7:30AM
*Note: Subject to change if necessary. Please check the information on CARMEN for lecture slides, announcements or files.
Vasu Unnava BUS M&L 756 Spring 2011 Page 6 of 6