Final Report SK05/IB/EN01

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Final Report SK05/IB/EN01

Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01



Project Title: Establishment of the Environmental Quality Standards for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environmental Offices for Implementation of Water Controls and Monitoring

Partners: Central Finance and Contracting Unit located at Štefanovičova 5, 817 82 Bratislava 15, Slovak Republic (“the Contracting Authority”),

Agency for Co-operation of Local Authorities with its (current) office at Via Vittorio Amedeo II, 24, 10121 Turin, Italy ("the Member State Partner" – MS).

Date: 21 September 2008

Twinning Contract number: SK - 05 - IB - EN - 01

1 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01


The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

2 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Section 1: Project data

Twinning Contract Number SK05/IB/EN01

Project Title: Establishment of the Environmental Quality Standards for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District Environmental Offices for Implementation of Water Controls and Monitoring

Twinning Partners (MS and Agency for Co-operation of Local Authorities, Italy BC): (MS) Central Finance and Contracting Unit, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (BC) The Final Recipient of the Action: Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMÚ)

Duration of the project: 21.06.2006 – 20.09.2008

MS Project leader: Stefano Cocchi

BC Project leader: Lea Mrafková

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Section 2: Content


2B - BACKGROUND...... 10



2E - IMPACT...... 45


2G - CONCLUSIONS...... 49

2H - RECOMMENDATIONS: lessons learned...... 50

2I - ANNEXES...... 55

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List of acronyms adopted

AAC Annual Average Concentration APAT Agenzia per la Protezione dell’ Ambiente e Servizi Tecnici (= Italian National Environmental Protection Agency) ARPA Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente (= Regional Environmental Protection Agency) BAT Best Available Technologies BC Beneficiary Country CFCU Central Finance and Contracting Unit CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque (Research IRSA National Council Water Research Insitute) CSI Consorzio Sistema Informativo Piemonte (Piedmont Information System Consortium) DS Dangerous Substances DFR Draft Final Report EC European Commission ECD Delegation of the European Commission EQS Environmental Quality Standard(s) EU European Union GIS Geographical Information System HW Hardware IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, Directive 96/61/EC IR Inception Report IS Information System ISS Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italian National Institute of Health) IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management KÚ Krajsky Úrad (Regional office) MAC Maximum Admissible Concentrations MoE Ministry of the Environment MoU Memorandum of Understanding ME Million Euro MS Member State of the European Union MSP Member State Partner OÚ Obvodný Úrad (District Office) PC Personal computer PL Project Leader

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PRP Pollution Reduction Programme, approved by the Slovak Government and confirmed through the Government Decree No. 561, of June 16, 2004 PS Priority Substances RBD River Basin District SAŽP = SEA SEA Slovak Environmental Agency (= SAŽP) SEoV Suhrna Evidenica o Vodach (Central Water Register) ŠGÚDŠ State Geological Institute “Dionýz Štúr” SHMÚ Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute SW Software ToR Terms of Reference WFD Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC) WW Waste Water WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant

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The purposes of the project were to  establish Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for dangerous substances covered by the List of Relevant Dangerous Substances for the Slovak Republic in the Programme of Pollution Reduction, implementing the provisions of Article 7 of Council Directive 76/464/EEC, which requires the setting of quality standards and emission controls;  establish a communication network and a Management Information System at regional and district level, to co-ordinate the control and reporting activities and to implement an effective feedback with central government agencies.

The project delivered the needed EQS (see table). The complete set of achieved results and procedures was reported in a note „Odvodenie Environmentálnych Noriem Kvality EQS (Environmental Quality Standard) v SR“ (Derivation of EQS in SR) sent to the Ministry of Environment as a basis for a proposal to include those new EQS in Slovak regulations. The overall process in deriving EQS was reported in the bilingual Slovak-English booklet Environmental Quality Standards for Chemical Pollutants in Slovakia”.

N° Name of Dangerous Substance Calculated Calculated AA EQS [μg.l-1] MAC EQS [μg.l-1] 1 Biphenyl (Phenylbenzene) 1 36 2 Bisphenol A 10 460 3 Clopyralid 700 3000 4 Desmedipham 1 15 5 Metabolic product EHPC 12 not applicable (ethyl 3-hydroxy-phenylcarbamate ) 6 Dibuthylphtalate 10 48 7 Diphenylamine 1.6 31 8 Ethofumesate 6.4 50 9 Phenanthrene 0.38 2 10 Glyphosate –IPA 7290 11 Glyphosate 15 540 12 Glyphosate-trimesium 72 13 Glyphosate acid 64 14 MCPA 1.6 15 15 4-methyl-2,6-di-terc buthylphenol 1.4 17 16 Pendimethalin 0.3 2 17 Vinylbenzene (styrene) 0.63 60

Hardware (87 computers plus printers) for regional and district offices was delivered and installed according to the project’s time schedule. The software tender was delayed and could only be completed in June 2007. The HW and SW constituting the basis of the information system are ready but the testing of the system is still under way.

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At local offices the full installation and testing of the SW tools are not fully in place because of the said delay on SW tender.

The project has produced a draft design of network implementation. The proposal aims at having the relevant institutions accessing and exchanging information amongst each other. The project recommends to the central and the local offices of the Ministry of the Environment to create an overall framework, standard procedures and a strong co-operation with additional public bodies.

The project developed a Technical Guide for Monitoring and Control Planning. This Manual was used in training activities in May, June and July 2008 aiming to improve the co-operation between different offices in the implementation of the combined approach principle in the authorization process for the release of permits to discharge DS and in monitoring activities. Trainers participated also at preliminary training seminars on the use of acquired HW and SW tools with special attention to the use of GIS systems. It was not possible to implement the full training course on the revision of monitoring and control programmes due to the unavailability of the dedicated new SW at regional and district offices.

The late SW procurement and testing has substantially hindered the development of the inter-institutional communication network due to the lack of operational tools and the manual of procedures to be used for promotion and demonstration purposes. Moreover, formal agreements for co-operation and data exchange between institutions were declared a precondition from the various interested institutions for a sustained engagement in these activities. Anyhow, the project has forwarded a proposal to connect through a network the institutions managing water procedures and permits. To this end the project has prepared a report on “Procedures to ensure the horizontal co-ordination amongst the different institutions based upon the information exchange standards as requested by the software”.

The EQS developed for discharging DS into water and the guidance provided on planning, execution and evaluation of monitoring and control of water quality using the information system will strengthen and enhance the capacity of the central and district administration responsible for water quality to implement the national legislation and the EU acquis on water quality, which was set as the project’s wider objectives.

Specifically, after their formal adoption the proposed EQS will be used to  update discharge permits,  revise the authorization process,  fully comply with the combined approach principle,  promote a re-examination of the Slovak Pollution Reduction Program,  upgrade technical skill of reference laboratories,  revise periodically the national list of DS.

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The new HW and SW upgrades the overall national capacity in data acquisition, storage, handling, management and sharing between central and local environmental information systems devoted to the issues related to DS. Moreover, the national reporting duties both from local to central levels as well as the reporting towards the EU info systems improve. The project activities have promoted the development of an improved common understanding of issues related to DS and of an effective operational network of the subjects involved in control and monitoring of DS and in the authorization process in order to support national compliance with EU reporting duties

The Technical Guide for Monitoring and Control Planning makes available more advanced criteria for planning activities according to EU best practices. Among other things it promotes the idea to improve the cost-benefit ratio of control and monitoring activities as requested by the Common Implementation Strategy of WFD. It also stresses the need to adopt Quality Assurance and Quality Control approaches at regional and local level. The group of trainers from the Trenčín Region represent a core group of experts for the diffusion of the EU common water policy objectives and practices in the field of DS impacting water resources. They can also improve the public participation and awareness on these issues. Local offices will thus be pushed to adopt a more proactive attitude to interact with other peripheral as well as with central authorities.

The main conditions (formal bilateral agreements, technical network architecture) to promote a national inter-institutional network and to optimise the policies on DS polluting the water resources and dangerous for the ecosystem and human health were identified.

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Starting Point

The "Comprehensive Monitoring Report on Slovakia’s Preparation for Membership" dated 2003, Chapter 22: Environment, p. 41, outlines the following remarks concerning the environmental sector and this project specifically: “Ensuring compliance with the Acquis requires significant investments, but also brings significant benefits for public health and reduces costly damage to forests, buildings, landscapes and fisheries. A strong and well- equipped administration at national, regional and local level is imperative for the application and enforcement of the environment Acquis”. In the area of water quality, legislation is in place and is in line with the acquis, except for the recent framework acquis on water, which needs to be completed by accession. Administrative capacities are largely in place and function, but nevertheless require strengthening. Transitional arrangements until 31 December 2015 for urban waste water and until 31 December 2006 for discharges of certain dangerous substances, with intermediate targets, have been agreed. By establishing pollution reduction programmes for priority substances, the Slovak Republic as a Member State is implementing the provisions of Article 7 of Directive 76/464/EEC, which requires the setting of EQS and emission controls. In addition, based on the experience from on-going activities in the Slovak Republic it would be necessary to strengthen the administrative capacity in the water sector, institutions and organisation involved. The Slovak legislation has been aligned to the Directive 76/464/EEC on pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community. The directive aims at eliminating or at reducing the pollution of these substances. “Daughter directives” further regulate selected substances. The New Water Act and its relevant regulation, which transposes the above mentioned EU legislation need after enforcement the following measures:  set up the EQS for all relevant chemical substances discharged into the water  permits issued should be time-limited and the individual chemical substances should be included,  sufficient monitoring of dangerous substances in surface waters and discharges should be performed. The enforcement is still lagging behind in the Slovak Republic. The competent authorities are in place. However, prior authorisation procedures do not cover all dangerous substances falling under the List of Relevant chemical substances for the Slovak Republic. The Slovak authorities in view of the adoption and implementation of the WFD and Council Directive on dangerous substances have already undertaken some steps:  New Water Act entered into force in July 2004,  The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute has made extensive surveys of dangerous substances based on inventory of polluters discharging dangerous substances. These results were used to develop the Programme of Pollution Reduction of Dangerous Substances in Waters.

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 The Ministry of Environment has reviewed the current Slovak emission limit values for dangerous substances and has prepared the Pollution Reduction Programme (PRP) legally binding since June 2004 1. The Government Order No. 491/2003 (revised for Government Order 296/2005) on permissible level of water pollution applies the “combined approach” by setting out ambient quality standards and emission limit values for dangerous substances and industries, however, the above-mentioned Order is not fully in line with the PRP programme aiming to reduce the pollution of water bodies caused by dangerous substances relevant for the Slovak Republic due to missing data and information, mainly on EQS legally established in other EU MS or on dose-response data needed to establish the EQS as requested by the WFD according to the procedure stated in Annex V, section 1.2.6 of the directive. The statement mainly refers to 17 substances of the list of 59 relevant priority substances that suffer of lack of such relevant data and information. Moreover the BC was interested to account for the on-going update of the EU legislation represented by the Commission Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC to be approved soon. Special attention is paid to the new concept of EQS introduced by the said Proposal as the Annual Average EQS (AA-AQS) that takes into account the long term effects of dangerous substances on the aquatic ecosystems as well as to the Maximum Available Concentration (MAC-EQS) reflecting the acute effects of dangerous substances on the same ecosystems. The justification for this project derives from the fact that the changes in the regulatory and legal framework assign new duties to the Regional and District State Offices. These latter ones are not yet fully geared to respond to the new duties. This is also clear from the Comprehensive Monitoring Report on Accession quoted above, they require in fact:  strengthening of their operational capabilities especially in terms of information flows with central offices and horizontally,  upgrading of organisational structure in terms of competencies and use of human resources,  training of staff to respond to new duties, training in both general and legal aspects as well as for practical operational duties. The key new responsibilities for which local State Offices require increased abilities relate to:  controls of water quality in water bodies,  controls of water discharges,  authorisation process for water discharges (including dangerous substances),  data collection and management, reporting and communication.

Other Member States have already a well developed system of Regional and District Offices which perform duties similar to the ones identified by the law for Slovak Regional and District offices. As an example, the Italian territorial and operational organisation in planning and executing activities is concerned with:

1 Government Decree No. 561 of 16 June 2004

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- the identification process to assess the priority industrial and productive sites releasing dangerous substances into the environment aiming to prepare an effective and cost sustainable control and monitoring plan; - the release of the authorization and permit to discharge dangerous substances into the aquatic environment, with special attention towards the real process of integrated authorization for IPPC sites (Remark: in the Slovak Republic the majority of industrial installations discharging dangerous substances are IPPC sites, which are controlled by the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate; see the previous SK02/IB/EN/01 Project Implementation and Enforcement of the Council Directive on discharges of dangerous substances into the aquatic environment) - the control on the compliance with the permit conditions - the monitoring of the environmental quality of the impacted water bodies - the application of the “combined approach” principle - the information flow process and reporting activities at central and EU level - the evaluation of the costs of control and monitoring activities at regional level

This organisation model was taken as a reference with special attention paid to the experiences and achievements of the Italian regions Piedmont, Veneto and Tuscany with their provinces that are (or until recently were) strongly affected by dangerous substances issues (as both point and/or diffuse pollution sources).

This approach is motivated by a number of reasons. Firstly, it is the good level of fulfilment of the requirements of EU legislation by said regional authorities. Secondly, these authorities make a full application of the combined approach (controls on the discharge of dangerous substances taking into account the quality of the final receiving water bodies). Thirdly, these authorities have strong operational interactions between the authorities endorsing the national policy on this subject and the regional environmental agencies entitled with the control and monitoring activities as decided and funded by the Regional Governments. All Italian Regions have their own Regional Agency (21 Regions and Autonomous Provinces and 21 Agencies).

Moreover, this twofold network (Region/Provinces and Agencies) that is co-ordinated at the central institutional level by the Ministry of Environment (Regions) and the National Environmental Protection Agency (APAT for the ARPA/APPA Regional Agencies) represents the basis of the National Information System and the Governmental Reporting duties (National Environmental Data Yearbook by APAT, Report to the Parliament and Reports to EU, EEA and WISE by the Ministry of Environment supported by APAT).

This project has produced a strong effort to transfer into the frame of Slovak legal and administrative reality the above achievements to support the adoption of good practices, the strengthening of the local State Water Offices (Regional and District Offices) and the promotion of an effective integration of activities (territory observation, monitoring and controls) and shared knowledge within involved local and central authorities, also through the upgrading of information technology tools in terms of both HW and SW.

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Pursuing the strengthening of the overall national capabilities in the environmental water policy a further concern of the project was to examine the inter-institutional interaction in the field of information exchange in Slovakia aiming to improve integration and to overcome the negative effects produced by the lack of formal agreements between different Slovak authorities and institutions. The final foreseen goal is to share within a National Information Exchange Network all useful information on the presence and impacts of dangerous substances in the aquatic environment. This achievement will promote a common understanding of the environmental conditions of water resources, the awareness on the National Policy goals to be reached by avoiding at the same time duplication of similar activities and favour a sound cost-benefit approach and an effective use of human and financial resources.

The economic analysis of the River Basin District Management Programmes including control and monitoring plans remains a big challenge in the implementation of the EU common environmental policy as it was strongly remarked in the Commission document on the First assessment analysis on the implementation of the WFD. This is also the condition in the Slovak Republic where, as in many other MS, economic analysis is a widely ignored tool in planning territorial control and monitoring activities at regional and district levels.

There are no projects being carried out or planned in the near future that are directly related or parallel to the present project. However, several related projects have been implemented in the past whose results have been fully accounted for during the work performed under the present project.

The projects listed below have contributed to the transposition of the acquis concerning water quality controls and IPPC with the consequent strengthening of the central State Agencies in charge of water policy and discharge permits. However, the updating of the regulatory framework has not been fully implemented in the practice of the regional and district State Water Offices responsible for enforcement of policy measures at local level. Furthermore, the Environmental Quality Standards for dangerous substances relevant for Slovakia have been set only partially. The previous projects have thus not touched on these key issues for the full implementation of the acquis on water. For this reason the support of other MS that have already gone through the process of setting national EQS and fully establishing territorial controls in line with EU requirements is essential.

With respect to dangerous substances and institutional reinforcement the following was done for the Ministry of the Environment in the framework of past Phare assistance:

SK02/IB/EN/01 Implementation and Enforcement of the Council Directive on Discharges of Dangerous Substances into the Aquatic Environment Project completed in August 2005 (starting date June 2003). Achieved results:  Introduction of a national water quality monitoring system covering all dangerous substances,

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 Implementation of programmes for the elimination of List I substances and for reduction of discharges of List II substances,  Permit regime in place,  Strengthening of the professional staff of regulatory bodies and of industry representatives.

SR99/IB/EN/01 Institutional Reinforcement and Assistance in the Approximation and Transposition of Environmental Legislation in the Legislation of the Slovak Republic (EMAS, GMO, application of the assessment of water toxicity and early warning system at entry points to the water supply through continuous biological monitoring). Project completed in November 2002 (starting date January 2001). Achieved results:  Application of water toxicity evaluation in permitting processes of water authorities  Definition of an integrated index of water quality status  Standardisation and application of ecotoxicological tests  Introduction of early warning systems for monitoring drinking water quality

SR98/IB/EN/01 Harmonisation of Sectoral Policy and Institutional Reinforcement in the Area of Water Protection and Management. Project duration (1999 – 2000) The project aimed at assessing and subsequently implementing the requirements of the Water Framework Directive with regard to the legal and organisational powers and obligations of current water management authorities and organisations in the Slovak Republic. The outputs of the project were used for the transposition and implementation the Water Framework Directive. Linked activities, mainly task 1d/ “ Review of human impact on environmental conditions influencing water quality “

SR0007/IB/EN/02 Strengthening of the Slovak Environmental Inspectorates Completion: June 2002 This project aimed at enabling the Slovak Environmental Inspectorates to perform integrated inspections of industries in accordance with the EU principles, developed recommendations targeted at introducing integrated inspections and inspection manuals for 6-8 large industrial plants.

In the frame of bilateral assistance the following projects were financed:

PM.SK.12.01/NASS (Project Management Group, Ireland as partner)

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Protection of Waters against Pollution caused by Nitrates from Agriculture Completed in December 2001 (starting date July 2001) Results:  Identification of the vulnerable zones in the territory of Slovakia.  Preparation of a ‘Code of Good Agricultural Practice’.  Development of Guidelines for Action Plan and implementation programme.  Dissemination of the information.

Danish Environmental Protection Agency / DEPA / Project The Preparation of an Integrated EU Approximation Strategy in the Environmental Sector Launch: September 1999, Completion: October 2001 The estimation of administrative and financial needs, detailed analyses of all directives and the development of the necessary implementation plans and financial strategies, in particular for those directives for which transitional periods were requested and prepared.

The Joint Danube Survey June 2001 Germany and Austria and the national activities by the individual riparian countries of the Danube River Basin. The Joint Danube Survey (JDS) was aimed at producing comparable, accredited water quality information for the whole length of the Danube River.

MD.SK.09.01/DW (Finance by DEPA, Denmark) Implementation of Directive on the Quality of Water for Human Consumption Completion: December 2001 Result: A developed contextual plan, timeframe and financial plan for the required actions and measures for implementation of the Directive. Dissemination of the information to the public and various involved authorities.


The table below (Table 1) reports the project’s objectives, purpose and the mandatory results. They were not amended during the implementation period.

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Table 1. Project objectives, mandatory results, benchmarks and assumptions

Intervention logic Benchmarks Sources of Assumptions Information (external to project) Overall Strengthening and Central State Water Official Relevant Objective enhancing the capacity of Administration and reports of the budgetary the central administration District Offices take Slovak allocation from and of the District Offices concrete actions in Ministry of Slovak responsible for water quality implementing EU Environment Government. to implement the national acquis on water Continued legislation and the EU quality commitment to acquis on water quality. allocate adequate human resources Project Establishment of the EQS List of missing EQS Official Allocation of Purpose for dangerous substances approved and publications of financial and covered by the List of published by the the Slovak human resources Relevant Dangerous Slovak Ministry of Ministry of to the two tasks Substances for the Slovak Environment Environment Republic in the Programme of Pollution Reduction, implementing the provisions of Article 7, which requires the setting of quality standards and emission controls.

Establishment of a Regional and SHMÚ reports communication network and District a Management Information Environmental System at Regional and Offices responsible District Level, to co-ordinate for water quality the control and reporting connected through a activities and to implement functioning web an effective feedback with based network with central government central State Water agencies. Administration Mandatory COMPONENT 1 Results 1.1 Environmental Quality List of EQS Official Approval Standards for dangerous published and publications of procedures at the substances relevant for the enforced by law the Slovak Slovak Ministry of Slovak Republic (on the List Ministry of Environment level of Programme Pollution Environment timely Reduction). implemented

COMPONENT 2 2.1 Selected Regional and The information SHMÚ reports Co-financing on District Water Offices system is functioning Slovak side timely provided with disbursed communication network and management information system able to perform collection, elaboration and transmission of data for required reporting, for process of issuing permits.

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Intervention logic Benchmarks Sources of Assumptions Information (external to project) 2.2 After installation of The information SHMÚ and Trainee staff communication network and system is functioning District and made available management information and the relevant data Regional by Regional and system operators trained. and reports are Offices District Offices regularly produced reports COMPONENT 3 3.1 Improvement of the The production of Project Continued abilities of the Regional and District monitoring reports, commitment of District Offices regarding and control SHMÚ Regional and the monitoring and control programmes, for the reports, District Offices in programmes for compliance selected Districts, Regional and terms of staff with permits for discharging will indicate the District resources dangerous substances. achievement of this Offices Programming ability of result. reports Regional and District Offices improved, monitoring and control programmes developed and approved in selected Regions/Districts.

3.2 Key staff in charge of The participation of Project Continued monitoring and controls of the relevant staff to reports, commitment of water quality, waste water the training will be SHMÚ Regional and discharges trained on using certified through reports, District Offices in standards and evaluation participation Regional and terms of material methods certificates indicating District and staff topics and practical Offices resources abilities acquired. reports

COMPONENT 4 Records of 4.1 Co-ordination between communications and central and local State reporting between Water offices improved, central and local regular information flows water offices established up to the quality required by the prevailing legislation. Relevant approved 4.2 Improved protocols adopted by interdepartmental co- collaborating ordination by developing administrations protocols of co-ordination

The above general and specific project objectives were implemented on the basis of a general workplan organised in 4 components grouping the different project activities identified to reach the project purposes. The Component 1 activities (Environmental Quality Standards for dangerous substances relevant for the Slovak Republic (on the List of the Pollution Reduction Programme) were planned to set up the EQS relevant for all chemical substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Slovak Republic.

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Providing a complete set of standards of dangerous substances relevant for the Slovak territory (the National List) will support the enforcement of the national Water Act and the fulfilment of the regulations established in the Pollution Reduction Plan in terms of controls of the released discharge permits and monitoring of water quality for a complete list). The needed new EQS refer to 17 substances formerly lacking of sufficient data from international literature and databases on dose-response.

The Component 2 activities (Strengthening of Capabilities of Selected Regional and District Water Offices) were planned to strengthen the operational capabilities of Regional and District State Offices facing the new duties that are required to fully comply with EU and National legislation. This includes an improved information flow between central and local offices, the upgrading of organisational structures in competencies and resources, the training of staff involved in monitoring of water quality, control of water discharges and release of discharge permits within the authorization process and the improvement of data collection and management, reporting and communication.

The Component 3 activities (Programming ability of Regional and District Offices) in selected Regions/Districts were based on the “Training of Trainers” approach to ensure in the near future the diffusion of the project results all over the Slovak territory With the support of the Ministry of Environment the Region of Trenčín together with several of its Districts - Trenčín, Prievidza and Levice - were selected to train trainers by jointly developing and testing the proposed methodological and operational tools in a multi-step approach. This included data collection and analysis, training seminars and practical exercises by using the results achieved in Component 1 and 2 activities.

The Component 4 activities (Co-ordination between central and local State Water offices, regular information flow, improvement of the interdepartmental co-ordination) were focused on the improvement of information flow about the uses of dangerous substances and their environmental impacts between all interested institutional and competent subjects. Central environmental authorities are wishing to promote the development of National Information Systems on the relevant issues identified as project objectives. The main concern to reach the objective of an inter-institutional network was identified in the possibility of establishing and sharing of a set of common information standards through formal agreements between involved institutional subjects.

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Developments outside the project

All original assumptions of the project were fulfilled during the project realization but some important developments in the relevant policy area took place at EU level and in the BC.

In the field of Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) (Component 1 project activities) new relevant issues appeared after the signature of the Covenant. The Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC2 (expected approval by the end of 2008) had to be examined and accounted for in project activities. The proposed new directive which affected activities of Component 1 includes: - a re-examination of the EU Decision n. 2455/2001/EC of 20/11/20013 establishing the list of priority substances in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC. In the Decision the list of 33 priority substances was established as Annex X of Directive 2000/60/CE. The re-examination includes those 33 priority substances and other 8 different dangerous substances. - the introduction in the EU regulation of new definitions of environmental standards as the Annual Average Concentration (AAC-EQS) of the DS in the aquatic environment (representative of the ecotoxicological long-term effects on the aquatic ecosystems) and the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC-EQS) (representative of the acute ecotoxicological impacts). As a consequence the Project has also included the definition of the MAC-EQS of the list of 17 substances under Component 1 activities. However the introduction of new MAC-EQS standards referred to acute ecotoxicological impacts into national regulations entrains relevant technical difficulties. Its practical application represent a very new and challenging approach for pollution prevention and water protection. When this standard will be adopted new technical guidelines and regulations will be needed. New guidance for the analytical detection of dangerous substances will be adopted in the future by the EU Commission (draft working documents are under examination), which will define reference methods for dangerous substances and hence detection limits that should be compared with any new proposed EQS. In the Slovak Republic two developments affected the territorial organisation of the environmental offices involved in duties facing the issues related to the project activities: 1. The identification of River Basin Districts as requested in the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council “Towards Sustainable water Management in the European Union. First stage in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE- Commission reports on WFD Art. 3 and Art. 5 Reports of MS. 4

2 COM (2006) SEC (2006) 947 3 EC OJ n. L 331 of 15/12/2001 (2001) 4 (COM(2007)128 SEC82007) 363)

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In the case of the Slovak Republic the Commission argued that Slovakia includes only two international River Basin Districts: Danube and Vistula instead of the 6 District (Danube, Váh, Hron, Bodrog, Hornad, Poprad and Dunajec) originally designated by the Slovak Government in the Art.3 Report (5 pertaining the Danube River international catchment area and the other to the Vistula international catchment area). This remark will affect the organisation of the official subjects involved in EU common water policy implementation and hence the organisation of the official subjects involved in control and monitoring planning and information flows. 2. The ongoing process in the Slovak Republic of reconsidering the regional and district organisation in the environmental field, which will identify the new authorities entitled with the control and monitoring activities at national level.

Both developments will redraw the scenario of the offices entitled to benefit of the project results of Component 2, 3 and 4. These aspects were considered in the project but could not substantially affect the work plan as they represent a future scenario and still have produced no effects on Slovak administration.

As far as the official subjects that were the target of the project activities a general problem existed that had some negative impacts on project activities. It was the sceptical position of regional and district officials facing the perspective of adopting a proactive attitude in their duties to promote and support changes and updating of the governmental regulations referred to their territory. This attitude was favoured also by the lack of sufficient and homogeneous information exchange between the different subjects involved in different steps of the overall process leading from the identification of the challenge due to the potential pollution produced by dangerous substances to the planning of effective control and monitoring activities and the release of discharge permits for those substances. The interaction between those subjects is by far insufficient and not considered to be a priority by themselves. The main attitude was not to improve the search of information and data from “complementary” sectors (which is the basis of the application of the combined approach and of a sound cost-effective planning process) but simply to “correspond formally” to the objectives and targets set by the central government authority. The training efforts of the project and the joint development – by project experts and trainers from the selected Trenčín Region – of a Technical Guidance for Planning Control and Monitoring Activities at local level (Manual for planning) were the main activities performed to overcome this critical point.

The time schedule of the project and hence the timing of some benchmarks were adjusted to cope with some delay in the tendering procedure for software and hardware. Therefore the period to carry out some activities foreseen in the work plan was extended to the “flexibility period” from month 24 to 27 as notified in Side letter no. 9 of 15.04.2008. The reason for this extension of the activities was that the implementation of the training part of Component 2 and also of Component 4 was not possible until the software for networking the environmental offices had been installed. The installation was delayed due to the fact that the tendering procedure was much longer than expected (nearly one year instead of three months as originally estimated).

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Due to the above delay the decision was adopted to start with a preliminary introductory training event focused on basic GIS functions to be included in the SW through an experimental seminar developed by the Project STEs and supported by experts from SHMÚ: “Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in water domain: basic functions, data retrieval, editing and spatial analysis” (Bratislava, SHMÚ, 17 -18 March 2008) The workshop was attended by 10 experts from Trenčín Regional Authority (n.1) and District Authorities of Trenčín (n. 4), Levice (n.1) and Prievidza (n.5) They received information and performed practical exercises on 12 PC working places made available by SHMÚ (Computer Training Room). SHMÚ provided all the needed SW licences for the two day workshop.

Four different lessons were given on: basic functions of ArcGIS (Arcview and ArcMap) (spatial data, thematic maps and layouts, bookmarks, calculating distances); data retrieval (spatial queries, geographical causes, export of .lyr and .shp files); editing (data, points, polygons, poly-lines); use of GIS in the water domain, exercises.

This approach will allow the Slovak trainers to be better acquainted with the new tools developed by the project.

Moreover, a training programme including exercises on a reduced set of water data (mainly data from groundwater provided by SHMÚ central info system) was performed on 27 – 30 July 2008 with the new SW tools installed.

Some problems occurred during the installation of hardware and software in SHMÚ. HW problems depended on the shortage of storage capacity of the SHMÚ database server. Other problems concerned the installation of Oracle 10G licenses. SHMÚ bought licenses for the operation system Unix and database server Oracle 10G in November 2007. However until May 2008 some problems occurred with the installation and they were solved only at the end of May. After this date the database was partially populated with data owned by SHMÚ and was usable in training seminars. The installation of the application modules was carried out in July 2008 according to the architecture of the Information System for Water Register Management, which includes the following SW modules:  importing  report  Review-of-data  GIS Map and GIS viewer

A main external problem met in the project realization was the poor readiness of authorities and institutions outside the environmental field to assume voluntarily a proactive approach to share information in a structured way. Their main concern was the request for a preliminary formal agreement with the Ministry of Environment before starting any practical and effective cooperation to share information through an organized network. The above attitude had a big impact on the result expected for Component 4. Some institutions (the Geological Institute) were even not available to meet and discuss these issues and limited and short-hand information was provided. The project action was then focused on expert meetings to explain the mutual interest in information sharing and exchange and underlining that the proposed network will not

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substantially affect the information systems and procedure in place but it will strongly improve effectiveness, avoid duplication and shortcut costs. The project strongly recommend to the officials of the Ministry of Environment to take the lead in promoting the requested inter-institutional formal agreements.

Project developments

No changes in key staff or re-orientation of the project occurred during the project realisation. Some minor technical changes were communicated through due side letters and referred to the involvement of a small number of STEs:

- Ms Cristiana Sabia Colucci (CSI Piedmont for training on information systems; side letter N°1), - Mrs Gasparetto (CSI Piedmont for training on information systems; side letter N° 8), Mrs Foschia (ACEL for IPPC integrated authorisation process; side letter N°.3) and Mr. Riccardo Quaggiato (ARPA Veneto for control planning, side letter N° 3) - Mr. Agostino Profeta (ARPA Piedmont for the assessment of ecotoxicological assays, side letter N°4) - Mr. Tomasello (Province of Alessandria for economical analysis and management; side letter N°.5) and Mr Carpano (ACEL for management and inter-institutional networking; side letter N°.7) as well as the inclusion of a new activity 3.2.3 (Addendum approved by EU official and CFCU) on the Study Visit to Italian Central Authorities and Institutions based in Rome (Ministry of Environment, National Environment Protection Agency - APAT, National Institute of Health -ISS, Water Research Institute of the Italian National Research Council - CNR IRSA) as key actors in the policy on dangerous substances threatening the water environment. The new activity took place in Rome during the three month flexibility period on 29 June – 4 July 2008 involving 10 officials from the Slovak Ministry of Environment, SHMÚ, Trenčín region and Trenčín, Prievidza and Levice districts.

Component 1 The complete set of EQS for the list of DS relevant for the Slovak Republic (Annex 2) as identified in the National Pollution Reduction Programme was established including the 17 for which previously available data were lacking. These final EQS were established through a stepwise process according to the workplan including examination of EU and MS legislation, international databases, scientific literature, risk assessment studies and practical ecotoxicological assays (acute and chronic) at three different trophic level as stated by the procedure set by the WFD. The achieved results and procedures were reported in a note „Odvodenie Environmentálnych Noriem Kvality EQS (Environmental Quality Standard) v SR“ (Derivation of EQS in the Slovak Republic) sent to the Ministry of Environment as a basis for a proposal to include those new EQS in Slovak regulations.

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Component 2 Tenders for HW and SW procurement to enhance and strengthen the local (regional and district environment offices) and central information management and exchange capacities were achieved in due time for HW. The HW procurement was finalised: 87 computers for regional and district offices were delivered and installed. The activities suffered from a delay in launching the tender for the SW procurement. However, the HW and SW packages are available at central level on SHMÚ server and can be installed in the regional and district offices after examination of their technical facilities. This work could not be made in the project duration period and will be a future task of the beneficiary after the end of the project. Nevertheless, training activities, although not to the expected extent as planned in the project timetable, were performed at least on the basic functions of the installed SW during the flexibility period from July to September 2008. It is expected that the completion of the testing and installation as well as the training activities of Slovak experts will be continued by SHMÚ after the project closure on 21 September 2008.

Component 3 The “training of trainers” activities, which represented the core activity of the component, could be fully developed according to the three planned steps: - Identification of the trainer groups from the Trenčín Region and Districts - Joint development of a new approach for planning control and monitoring activities relevant in the authorization process to release permits to discharge DS in the aquatic environment taking into account all relevant requirements and criteria set by the EU and national legislation (the „combined approach principle“, the reference to EQS reflecting the ecosystem protection from DS impacts, the quality approach in the detection of DS in the aquatic environment, the inclusion in the planning process of the economic evaluation of the planned activities) - Partial testing of the new tools provided by a central-local network with shared data and information on relevant issues connected with above activities - Training programme including several study visits to Italian sites to promote the dissemination of best available techniques

No problems were met in the identification of trainers and the development of technical tools to prepare an updated approach in planning control and monitoring activities. The joint assessment of the existing data set, exchange procedures and reporting activities as well as the identification of the critical points to be overcome to meet the requirements deriving from the new duties in control and monitoring plan required by EU and national legislation were positively achieved. This result allowed to develop a Technical Guide for Planning (the “Manual”) to be used in normal field work as well as in training programmes.

All study visits for Slovak experts were performed in due time and extensive demonstrations of best practices in use were reached.

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The need to get a more in-depth view of the challenges represented by the new development of EU legislation in the field of EQS for DS (the quoted proposal of a new directive on dangerous substances) to be faced by central authorities made it necessary to introduce a new activity (3.2.3 The Study Visit to Central State Italian Authorities) by means of an Addendum to the Contract. However, the delay met in the availability and testing of SW tools expected from activities of Component 2 prevented from fully developing the training programme as expected from the work plan by using both the new criteria established in the Manual and the new data management and exchange tools provided by the new SW. In the original workplan the final achievements of Components 3 and 4 activities were strongly linked to the availability, installation and testing of updated HW and SW tools (Component 2). As a consequence of the delay in the results of this last component these final parts of the workplan can only be finalised after the completion of the project. These problems were faced both by planning a preliminary and reduced training activity in the flexibility period (July – September 2008) and improving the operational capabilities of the central SHMÚ server mainly in storage capacities (new licenses for Operation System Unix and DB Server Oracle 10G).

Component 4 The improvement of inter-institutional co-ordination between institutions concerned with natural water resources, human health, agriculture and geological activities was pursued through the overview of control activities and inter-institutional communications and the assessment and preparation of proposals to improve communication networks. The work was continuously discussed with the expert group from the pilot basin at Trenčín. The component activities strictly depended on the results expected from Components 1, 2 and 3. The delay in SW procurement and testing had a strong impact on the Component 4 activities and affected mainly the preparation and realisation of discussion and dissemination seminars with competent and interested authorities and institutions to endorse the inter-institutional communication network.

The main institutions concerned were:

The Authority of Public Health (Úrad Verejného Zdravotníctva) of Bratislava The Office is collecting data (40 sampling points) and reporting (twice a year a report is sent to EU) on bathing water quality in lakes and pools (rivers are no bathing sites in Slovakia). Data are collected at district office (Obvodný úrad, OÚ) and regional (Krajský úrad, KÚ) levels and forwarded to the central department in Bratislava where they are collected in Excel files in a file system. Until now no database is available to store data. A data management system under a project funded by the EU and developed by Slovak Environment Agency (SEA) is now under testing and in the future the system will be provided with a GIS component having characteristics similar to the system that will be developed within SHMÚ.

The Slovak Environmental Agency SEA (SAŹP) collects data on water management from various public bodies and prepares reports to be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and the EU.

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For drinking water data a specific database is at present under tendering and scheduled to be operational sometimes along the year 2008. Data comes from SHMÚ. For bathing water the data is managed within the framework of SEIS (Shared Environmental Information System) and submitted to the Ministry of Health and through EIONET to the European Commission. SEA uses the WISE system to manage reporting activities to the EU.

The Controlling and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSUP) is a national budget organisation directly managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic. Among its activities is the recording of the use of pesticides in Slovakia for agriculture. Two of the institute’s departments are concerned with selling and marketing of pesticides and uses of pesticides on the field. The institute maintains data at national and regional level. However, this is missing at the local level (municipality). Some data is classified and unavailable to the general public, some data still is in paper format. The agency is working to produce the electronic version of all data available. Data are available from the year 1991 onwards at national level and at district level from 1993 onwards. At present data do not converge into thematic or GIS maps.

The State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) provided only indirect information.

Environmental Inspection of Bratislava. Main discussed issues were the standard forms developed under Component 3 activities in the authorization and control processes: the authorization application form, the technical installation form, the operational check list for industrial plants. The main problem encountered by the project was the lack of any formal agreement between the national environmental authorities and other institutions managing water data for a structured, shared system of information exchange. To arrive at the project objectives the approach was followed to present a proposal of networking for data sharing, mainly based on the concept of a centralised catalogue of metadata (e.g. what is available and where) and several connected data sets where data concerning water is managed. The proposal was generally received with a positive interest mainly by those Institutions which had an information system under development. SEA suggested to apply a standard metadata structure from ENVIROINFO (European catalogue of environmental information sources). The main conclusion was that the inter-institutional network must be promoted by bilateral formal agreement with institutions outside the environment sector represented by the MoE.

The following tables contain summary information about expert missions (Table 2), workshops and seminars (Table 3), and study visits (Table 4) that were organised and performed in the frame of the project.

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Table 2. Planned versus actually performed expert missions

Component Planned Actual Percentage of man/days man/days total

Project Co-ordination Costs 80 76,5 95,62% (Project Leader ) Component 1 Action 1.1.1. 7 7 100,00 % Action 1.1.2 20 20 100,00 % Action 1.1.3 17 17 100,00 % Action 1.1.4 5 2 100,00 % Action 1.1.5 20 20 100,00 % Component 2 Action 2.1.1. 14 14 100,00 % Action 2.1.2. 15 15 100,00 % Action 2.1.3. 13 13 100,00 % Action 2.2.1. 5 5 100,00 % Action 2.2.2. 5 5 100,00 % Action 2.2.3. 10 8,14 81,42% Component 3 Action 3.1.1. 69 67 97,10% Action 3.1.2. 42 41,29 98,31% Action 3.1.3. 40 38,22 95,7% Action 3.2.1. 35 33,79 96,54% Action 3.2.2 19 16,64 87,58% Action 3.2.3. 2 0 0% Component 4 Action 4.1.1. 30 31,57 105,23% Action 4.1.2. 34 32,71 96,20% Action 4.2.1. 20 20,43 102,15% Action 4.2.2. 20 15,36 76,80% TOTAL 522 499,51 95,69%

The total number of missions is 154.

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Table 3. Workshops/seminars carried out and number of participants (Slovak participants in brackets)

Total Activity Date Venue Title of seminar / workshop number of code participants Establishment of the EQS for Water and Strengthening of Regional and District SHMI 1.1.1, 3.1.1 14.08.2006 Environment Offices for Implementation 47(42) Bratislava of Water Controls and Monitoring Kick-off meeting

1.1.3, 3.1.1 12-13.12.2006 Modra Priority Dangerous Substances Water: 65 (51) Seminar on Control and Monitoring Activities in relation to the Authorization 1.1.3, 3.1.1 14-15.12.2006 Košice Process 38 (17) Technical Workshop on Advanced analytical methods for Chemicals of the SHMI 3.1.2 14.06.2007 List of Dangerous Substances Relevant 21 (17) Bratislava For Slovak Republic Environment (detection limits) “One Year Project Achievement” SHMI 1.1.2, 1.1.5 29.11.2007 Seminar on First Year Project Results 26 (23) Bratislava (Leaflet) Environmental Quality Standard for 6 06-07.12.2007 Turin, Italy Dangerous Substances relevant to the 1 Surface Waters of Slovak Republic, Workshop on :Use of Geographic SHMI Information System (GIS) in Water 2.2.3, 4.1.2 18-19.03.2008 18(12) Bratislava Domain: Basic Functions, Data Retrieval, Editing and Spatial Analysis SHMI Seminar on Sampling and Sample Bratislava Processing in Monitoring and Control 3.1.3, 3.2.1 12.05.2008 23 (14) Activities to detect Dangerous Substances in the Acquatic Environment SHMI Seminar: Quality Assurance and Quality Bratislava Control in Monitoring and Control 3.1.3, 3.2.1 13.05.2008 Activities on Pollution produced by 23 (12) Dangerous Substances in Water Bodies and Wastewater Discharges Workshops (Training of Trainers) on 3.1.3, 4.2.1 10-11.06.2008 Trenčín River Basin Characterization & River 21(9) Basin Pressures and Impacts Seminar on the Authorization Process for Waste Water Discharge, Control 3.1.3, 3.2.1 15.07.2008 Trenčín 17(9) Planning Activities and Control and Monitoring Costs Seminar on Use of Geographic 2.2.3, 2.2.2, SHMU Information System II (GIS): Editing, 30.07.2008 18 (14) 4.1.2 Bratislava reporting, Water Register Data, GIS Integrated Application 2.2.3,3.2.2, 3.1.1,3.2.1, 12.09.2008 Trenčín Final Seminar on Project Outputs 40(28) 4.1.2,4.2.2 Total number of participants 358 (248)

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Table 4. Study visits carried out within the project No. Destination Date of study visits No. of participants Activity 1 Venice (Venice Region) 01- 05/ 04 /2007 10 3.2.2 2 Turin (Piedmont Region) 14-17 / 10 /2007 10 3.2.2 3 Rome (Central Italian Institutions) 29/06-03/07/2008 10 3.2.3 TOTAL 30

Main subjects of the study visits: 1. Control and Monitoring activities 2. Permitting process, IPPC, control,planning of DS, monitoring, activities and processing of data within information system 3. Dangerous substances control and monitoring activities and the enforcement of the EU legislation on water protection from chemical pollution

Project visibility

The main steps to ensure the project visibility were the following.

Kick-off meeting The kick-off meeting for the Twinning Project presentation to Slovak institutions and experts was held in Bratislava in the SHMÚ on 14 August 2006. The meeting was attended by 42 persons from Slovak Ministry of Environment, Italian Embassy, Water Management Authorities (Bratislava, Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica), Regional Water Offices (Žilina, Trenčín, Bratislava, Trnava, Košice, Nitra, Prešov), District Water Offices (Čadca, Dunajská Streda, Žilina, Trenčín, Trnava), Ecotoxicological Center, SHMÚ, ACEL (Agency for the Cooperation of Local Authorities). Italian/Slovak translation was provided. Presentations given by Slovak and Italian experts allowed to highlight the different objectives and expected results of the project which were discussed by participants. A summary of the Project was distributed in English and Slovak language.

Bilateral meeting with Slovak national institutions Meetings took place in different dates and locations during the second year of Project activities as scheduled in the work plan. Outputs of the meetings are discussed in sections below. These meetings had the main scope to promote the proposed inter-institutional network on water resources according to Component 4 activities. The SHMU information systems were the proposed environmental reference for networking and data exchange.

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The selected national institutions were: The Authority of Public Health (Úrad Verejného Zdravotníctva) of Bratislava The Slovak Environmental Agency SEA (SAŹP) The Controlling and Testing Institute in Agriculture (ÚKSUP) The State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (ŠGÚDŠ) Environmental Inspection of Bratislava Water Research Institute

Dissemination Seminar on Project First Year Results held in Bratislava on 29 November 2007 at SHMÚ premises . Seminar was mainly devoted to the Component 1 results reported through three presentations: - Identification of the list of DS relevant for the Slovak Republic and establishment of their EQS (Lea Mrafková PL), - 2007 updating of EQS of the list of DS relevant to the Slovak Republic (B. Pennelli, STE) and - Ecotoxicological Essays to provide technical data for the definition of EQS of substances when no international data were available (Martina Solenská, Ecotoxicological Centre Bratislava). The seminar was attended by 23 experts from the MoE SR, Slovak Environmental Inspection (SIŽP), River Basin Authorities (SVP), Regional and District Environmental Offices (OÚ ŽP, KÚ ŽP) and Ecotoxicological Centre Bratislava (ETC). During the seminar the leaflet in English and Slovak languages “One Year Project Achievement” was distributed.

The Booklet: Environmental Quality Standards for Chemical Pollutants in Slovakia. It was edited in Slovak and English as bilingual version jointly with the Ecotoxicological Centre of Bratislava. It is devoted to all actors concerned at central and local level with issues related to the handling and release of dangerous substances into the aquatic environment including private sector stakeholders. The formal presentation of the booklet was made during the final seminar devoted to the presentation of the project results scheduled on 12 September 2008 at Trenčín.

Italian Congress 7° Convegno Nazionale Fitofarmaci e Ambiente (7th National Conference Plant Protection Products and the Environment), Turin, 6 – 7 December 2007. Italy. Presentation on Environmental quality standards for priority pesticides relevant in the aquatic environment in the Slovak Republic by Claudio Fabiani ACEL RTA, Stefano Cocchi ACEL, Bruno Pennelli ISS, Agostino Profeta ARPA Piemonte, Lea Mrafková SHMÚ Bratislava, Peter Rončak SHMÚ Bratislava, Martin Murin Ecotoxicological Centre Bratislava, Martina Solenská Ecotoxicological Centre Bratislava. Many experts from the Italian Regional Environmental Protection Agencies express their interest for the achieved results.

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Study visit to Italian central authorities and institutions The visit was also an occasion to present the project results to the Italian government and national institutions and authorities and to promote co-operation at bilateral and EU level. The study visit on 29 June – 3 July 2008 was hosted by main central Italian institutions: Ministry of the Environment, National Environmental Protection Agency (co-ordinating 21 Regional agencies officially involved in monitoring and control of dangerous substances), National Water Research Institute (official methods), National Health Institute (official representative of Italy in the EU Working Groups for adoption of standards and the inventory of toxic substances). The main issues discussed were:  The adoption of the expected new requirements as endorsed by the quoted Commission Proposal of a new directive on dangerous substances through a direct exchange with competent offices of another MS with a longer experience, that was directly involved in the legal implementation and endorsement of new EU legislation.  The adoption of advanced technical standards not usually met in ongoing controls and monitoring activities. The Italian process of the enforcement of new environmental standards has already involved 21 Italian Regions and Environmental Agencies under the co-ordination of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, the National Environment Protection Agency.  The enforcement of co-ordination between central and local offices and the inter- institutional networking at central and regional level. The participants of the study visit were state administration experts (10 experts) from MoE and from the Offices of Environment, which are trained as trainers in this twinning project.

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Component 1 Environmental Quality Standards for dangerous substances relevant for the Slovak Republic (on the List of the Pollution Reduction Programme).

Mandatory results: List of EQS published and enforced by law

The list of 17 substances relevant for the Slovak Republic lacking of data and for which the establishment of EQS was requested is reported in Table 5.

Table 5. List of substances for which EQS had to be determined

1 Biphenyl (Phenylbenzene) 2 Bisphenol A The full 3 Clopyralid implementation of the provisions of Article 7 of 4 Desmedipham Council Directive 76/464/EEC, which requires 5 Methabolic product EHPC the setting of quality standards, was the starting (ethyl 3-hydroxy-phenylcarbamate ) point for the establishment of Environmental 6 Dibuthylphtalate Quality Standards (EQS) of those 7 Diphenylamine substances reported in Table 5 identified in the 8 Ethofumesate Pollution Reduction Programme as relevant for 9 Phenanthrene the Slovak Republic but still lacking of those 10 Glyphosate -IPA standards. 11 Glyphosate 12 Glyphosate-trimesium To achieve this 13 Glyphosate acid objective the following activities were planned 14 MCPA and carried out:  15 4-methyl-2,6-di-terc buthylphenol evaluation of existing data on the 16 Pendimethalin dose-response for the 17 Vinylbenzene (styrene) dangerous substances relevant for the Slovak Republic,  development of the database on DS, based on literature data, for the 17 substances lacking EQS,  selection of the most suitable method for the determination of each missing EQS,  preparation of a tender (ToR, documents) for ecotoxicological tests for those substances with insufficient data  the winner identification (Ecoxicological Center Bratislava) and the execution of the ecotox assays. The procedure for the setting of EQS is described in the Water Framework Directive, Annex V, point 1.2.6. The methodology is described in the document „Technical and methodological guideline for deriving EQS for priority substances pursuant Art. 16 of Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)” and „Technical guidance document in support of Directive 93/67/EEC on risk assessment for new notified substances and Commission Regulation (EC) No.1488/94 on risk assessment for existing substances“.

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In deriving EQS we proceeded according to the above mentioned guidelines and requirements of the Water Framework Directive. EQS derivation was mainly based on experimental ecotoxicological data after a full recognition and assessment of the existing useful ecotoxicological data from DBs, scientific literature and international legislation.

Data from ecotoxicological studies could be collected from the following databases:

 Risk Assessment Reports EU-RAR, IUCLID, ESIS ( chemicals/),  The Aquire Ecotox database (  OECD integrated high production volume (HPV) database (http://cs3-

Moreover the following achievements of the EU Community work on dangerous substances were accounted for:

1. The draft of Directive on EQS (COM (2006)397) as originated from regular meetings with Member States experts in the field of science and industry through the Technical Advisory Forum

2. Outputs of the meetings with the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Eco-toxicity and the Environment – SCTEE on the establishment of EQS (final position was adopted by SCTEE during the 43rd plenary session held on 28 May 2004)

Details of the whole procedure and the ecotoxicological assays for the calculation of EQS with special attention to those 17 substances in the framework of the project are reported in the document - Derivation of Environmental Quality Standards (EQWS) in the Slovak Republic - Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Dangerous Substances. Final Report, 7 June 2007 - and summarized in Annex 3.

The final EQS derived for the list of 17 substances is reported in Table 6

Table 6. The EQS for the 17 DS of the Project

N° Name of Dangerous Substance Calculated Calculated AA EQS [μg.l-1] MAC EQS [μg.l-1] 1 Biphenyl (Phenylbenzene) 1 36 2 Bisphenol A 10 460 3 Clopyralid 700 3000 4 Desmedipham 1 15 5 Metabolic product EHPC 12 not applicable

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(ethyl 3-hydroxy-phenylcarbamate ) 6 Dibuthylphtalate 10 48 7 Diphenylamine 1.6 31 8 Ethofumesate 6.4 50 9 Phenanthrene 0.38 2 10 Glyphosate –IPA 7290 11 Glyphosate 15 540 12 Glyphosate-trimesium 72 13 Glyphosate acid 64 14 MCPA 1.6 15 15 4-methyl-2,6-di-terc buthylphenol 1.4 17 16 Pendimethalin 0.3 2 17 Vinylbenzene (styrene) 0.63 60

Already at the end of the first quarter (August 2006) for 15 out of 17 dangerous substances lacking EQS such values could be proposed for the inclusion in national legislation and administrative procedures. Correspondingly the technical activities could be concluded at the end of the 4th quarter, which was two quarters ahead of the scheduled time. At that point the following results were achieved:  AA-EQS and AA-MAC values assigned to all 17 dangerous substances formerly lacking of EQS  preparation of a proposal for the establishment of the EQS for the 17 DS for which do not yet exist.  database on dangerous substances updated (Slovak Water Register, managed by SHMU)  draft booklet “Environmental Quality Standards for Chemical Pollutants in Slovakia” with new EQS and the relevant procedures prepared  a Guide Line on the calculation of discharge concentration limits for dangerous substances prepared

Scientific and technical results were presented to experts on a seminar in the 6th quarter (November 2007) and on the project web site. The newly derived EQS values await legal enforcement; the consultation process and the adoption by the Ministry of Environment is still ongoing.

The enforcement of the proposed EQS into the National legislation was subjected by the Ministry of the Environment to a national and international consultation process before assuming a formal decision about the enforcement of new binding legal regulations on the authorization of discharge of concerned dangerous substances and the release of relevant permits. The main concerns to this point were: - the political and economical fallout on productive sectors of assuming very strict environmental standards for dangerous substances’ release, - the review process of the National Pollution Reduction Plan in place,

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- the need of improving the analytical facilities with advanced and costly instrumentation and the update of available analytical competencies, - the need for re-examination of released permits.

The complete set of achieved results and procedures were reported in a note „ Odvodenie Environmentálnych Noriem Kvality EQS (Environmental Quality Standard) v SR“ (Derivation of EQS in SR) sent to the Ministry of Environment as a basis for a proposal to include those new EQS in Slovak regulations. The overall process in deriving EQS was reported in the booklet Environmental Quality Standards for Chemical Pollutants in Slovakia”, which was edited in a bilingual Slovak- English version. The booklet was distributed during the final seminar for the presentation of project results held in Trenčín on September 12th, 2008. Slovak Ministry of Environment decided to submit the proposal to a large consultation process still under way before the formal legal enforcement of EQS.

Component 2: Selected Regional and District Water Offices provided with communication network and management information system able to perform collection, elaboration and transmission of data for required reporting, for the process of issuing permits. After installation of communication network and management information system operators trained.

Mandatory results: The information system is functioning and the relevant data and reports are regularly produced.

The activities planned for this component aimed to:  Assess the existing situation and to propose the necessary hardware and procedures for the KU and the OU to accomplish the new tasks following the 2004 institutional reform;  prepare the technical specifications for hardware and a database to be procured, to implement the approved communication network and management information system;  to provide support for the preparation of the tender dossiers to procure said items; and to improve the communication network and management information system on dangerous pollutants in water.

The institutional reform being implemented since 1 January 2004 constitutes the rationale to the present organisation and kind of technical equipment installed at Regional Offices (KÚ) and District Offices (OÚ). The reform has moved the competence of the Environmental Departments within KU and OU from the Ministry of Interiors (previous responsible institution) to the Ministry of Environment (new responsible institution). Before the reform the Ministry of Environment provided only policy guidance to environmental staff within KÚ and OÚ and assessed the results of the associated implementation work; now the Ministry of Environment is directly responsible to supervise the additional execution of implementation work and to sustain all expenses for salaries and equipment, in addition to assessing the results of the implementation work. Since neither the level of access to all kind of

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environmental information nor the competencies among public bodies was fully clear, the project has performed missions to assess the technical infrastructures and existing competencies among KÚ and OÚ.

The experts have acknowledged that there are significant differences in terms of technical infrastructures (e.g. operational system, SW and PCs) between the Regional and the District Offices, which are often under-equipped to comply with their institutional duties. Some offices (e.g. Trenčín OÚ) are not fully aware of the available information databases via Internet. The experts have informed the KÚ and OÚ visited that the Twinning Project has prepared some information on the existing databases available via internet on: water impacts from illegal and legal landfills, contaminated sites registry, and industrial pollution.

The project has produced a draft design of network implementation following the initial assessment of the existing situation. The proposal aims at having the relevant institutions accessing and exchanging information amongst each other; therefore the central and the local offices of the Ministry of the Environment need an overall framework, standard procedures and a strong co-operation with additional public bodies whose data are shared, such as the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate, the Slovak Environmental Agency and the Land Registry Office.

Within this framework a visit of 6 SHMÚ staff was performed on 2 - 4 December 2007 to ARPA Veneto in Italy, aiming at discussing the data structure of the IS Water Section at Veneto Environmental Protection Agency, at Padova and Piedmont Consortium for the Regional IS at Turin, to gain information helpful to support the project activities to upgrade the IS at SHMÚ Bratislava concerning the procurement and the installation of new HW/SW tools in central, regional and district water offices. The visit has discussed the structure of DB for monitoring components and the data model, as well as the architecture of the Water Observation System of CSI (with service-oriented architecture).

HW was procured in 2006 from the company Microcomp s.r.o., Nitra (date of signature: 18.09.2006), based upon a framework contract between the Ministry of Environment and the company, who was the winner in a tender launched by the Ministry in 2005. 87 computers plus printers for regional and district offices were delivered and installed.

The SW tender was formally launched on 25.07.2007. The tender issues included:  the analysis of the existing information systems,  a draft of a new information system,  the development of information systems,  a pilot implementation including import of the existing database, compatible with the current information systems,  training of key users (12 persons) and administrators (4 persons),  final implementation of the information systems.

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The SW tender was delayed. It was scheduled to commence in October 2006 for three months, but it was only completed in June 2007 as the CFCU and SHMÚ could not agree on the kind of tender to be launched (e.g. best quality/price ratio or lowest financial value), and some staff responsible to take decisions had changed in both institutions.

During a meeting on 26 July 2007 at CFCU the received offers were evaluated by STE from the project and from SHMÚ. The successful tenderers are Goldmann Systems a.s. and Esprit, s.r.o. Activities started in October 2007 after signature of the contract.

Regarding the SW development, this was completed only at the end of May 2008. SHMÚ purchased the licenses for the operation system Unix and DB server Oracle 10G in November 2007, but when commencing the data base installation two problems were identified: the server’s lack of storage capacity and some difficulties to install the Oracle 10G license, solved only at the end of May 2008; since this date the system works.

The HW and SW constituting the basis of the information system are in place but due to the delay in the SW tender launch and to the unexpected needs of strengthening the loading capabilities of the central SHMÚ server the testing of the system is still under way.

The delay in SW procurement has brought about the impossibility to fully implement the training part of Components 2 and 4 until the software for networking is installed in the environmental offices, so the project was forced to delay said activities and has issued Side Letter no. 9 for this purpose.

In the last part of the project two training seminars were executed to test a demo version of the proposed SW. However, only a partial testing of the system was performed on a reduced set of data on groundwater that was loaded for training purposes. The completion of the activities as reported in the workplan will continue after the formal end of the project. Specifically, the seminars were organised as follows:

 On 17 – 18 March 2008 the Project has delivered an introductory two-day workshop on the “Use of Geographic Information Systems in the water domain: basic functions, data retrieval, editing and spatial analysis” in Bratislava. The workshop was attended by representatives from Trenčín Regional Authority (1 trainee) and the District Authorities of Trenčín (4 trainees), Levice (1 trainee) and Prievidza (5 trainees), and it has comprised theoretical and practical modules.  On 27 – 30 July 2008 a seminar was held in Bratislava on SEoV software to manage water discharge and abstraction authorisations and GIS for ground waters (15 participants).

The seminars have included the following modules:  importing data  data reporting  data review

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 GISMap and GIS viewer

However, the whole set of data will be uploaded into the database by the end of September 2008, because the HW and SW environment was not prepared for a parallel testing and implementation of the developed IS and in turn the outputs achieved from the project could not be presented to SHMÚ for control and/or testing.

To follow some requests from SHMÚ the Project has provided support on various topics:  A list of user requirements illustrated with real examples (e.g. SHMÚ system’s administrator, SHMÚ users for editing, all users from Regions and Districts).  To identify the adequate HW to connect the regional and the district offices to the SHMÚ’s information system.  Experience on the three-tiers architecture, chosen by SHMÚ, to develop the information system on water permit involving regional and district offices.  Experience on using geo-databases to store geographical and alphanumeric information.  How to access data stored in different database through ArcIMS application.  How to manage the connection and edit at the same time geo- and not geodata stored in different database.  The number of ESRI AGE licences to be acquired.

Component 3: Improvement of the abilities of the Regional and District Offices regarding the monitoring and control programmes for compliance with permits for discharging dangerous substances. Programming ability of Regional and District Offices improved, monitoring and control programmes developed and approved in selected Regions/Districts. Key staff in charge of monitoring and controls of water quality, waste water discharges trained on using standards and evaluation methods.

Benchmark : The production of district monitoring and control programmes, for the selected districts, will indicate the achievement of this result. The participation of the relevant staff to the training will be certified through participation certificates indicating topics and practical abilities acquired.

A representative group of Trenčín Region was selected as expert trainers. An extensive examination of the relevant steps of the control and monitoring activities planning was performed with the identification of the basic data and information to be shared between different involved offices to improve planning capabilities. The overview was the basis to develop jointly (Project STEs and Trenčín group experts) a Technical Guide for Monitoring and Control Planning (the Manual). The Manual was edited in Slovak and English languages and was used as a tool in training activities aiming to improve the co-operation between different offices in the implementation of the combined approach principle in the authorization process for the release of permits to discharge DS and monitoring activities.

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An extensive programme of training seminars was developed covering all issues included in the Manual. Trainers participated at preliminary training seminars on the use of acquired HW and SW tools (Component 2 activities) with special attention to the use of GIS systems. The production of a complete control and monitoring program was not achieved due to the delay on the installation of the new SW tools at regional and district offices.

The project aimed at further strengthening the administrative capabilities of the state water administration, especially at regional and district level. The main goal was to enhance their operational capabilities considering the requirements from the Water Framework Directive 60/2000/EC and Council Directive 76/464/EEC with respect to dangerous substances. It was considered necessary to provide staff from the sate water administration with training in both general and legal aspects as well as for practical operational duties including information flow with central offices and horizontally. Specifically, the following objectives were set out:  Improvement of the abilities of the Regional and District Offices regarding the monitoring and control programmes for compliance with permits for discharging dangerous substances.  Training of key staff in charge of monitoring and controls of water quality and waste water discharges on using standards and evaluation methods

The following actions were planned to achieve the objectives:  training of staff of selected Regional/District environmental offices on control and monitoring programming also in relation to the authorisation process,  assistance in the preparation of control and monitoring programmes, preparation of a programming manual/procedures,  assistance in the implementation of some control and monitoring activities in a pilot region or district,  training of staff of selected Regional/District environmental offices and training of trainers from national environmental institutions on standards and procedures to be implemented in the control and monitoring activities and in the issuing of relevant authorisations,  study visits for state administrators and regional staff in the twinning partner country.

A first round of training seminars was held in December 2006 in the west (Modra) and the east (Košice) of the country, which provided the participants with an extensive package of documentation. The actual status and needs of the various authorities with respect to competencies, data availability and hierarchical and functional relations was established through an intensive consultation process.

In the 4th quarter the Trenčín region was identified as the pilot area for testing the application of the manual on approaches and procedures towards an improved planning and handling of all issues related to dangerous substances and the monitoring and control of water quality in general.

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Slovak staff expressed the need for a targeted manual that would take into consideration the country-specific situation. The structure and content of this manual was ready by the end of the 3rd quarter and a draft version in Slovak was distributed in September 2007. The topics covered in the manual were the basis for expert missions that aimed at explaining and discussing in detail the various issues. These working groups dealt with:  WG 1 River Basin status and monitoring (Location: Bratislava)  WG 2 Pressures and Impacts (Location: Bratislava and Trenčín)  WG 3 Analytical methods and Quality Assurance (Location: Bratislava)  WG 4 Reporting and Information System (Location: Bratislava)  WG 5 Management and costs (Location: Bratislava)

Specific training seminars were carried out in May, June and July 2008, which covered all the above-mentioned topics of the 5 working groups. During training activities a recognition of the national reference laboratories and reference official methods to detect the DS relevant for the Slovak aquatic environment were defined to improve the quality level of the offices involved in analytical activities performed within the control and monitoring work. The list of reference laboratories and methods are available in the Project web site. The strengthening of planning capabilities of local experts was pursued through the joint development of a Manual for Planning which included the following main topics

Chapters 1. Objectives 2. Areas where the Manual should be applied 3. To whom the Manual is addressed 4. Guidance to chemical monitoring under the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE 5. Dangerous Substances, Priority and Priority Hazardous Substances control. The European approach 6. Water monitoring 7. The authorization process for wastewater discharge 8. Control Plan 9. Reporting and Information System 10. Control and monitoring costs 11. List of Annexes Annexes Annex 1 Legislation Annex 2 Guide for the discharge limit calculation Annex 3 Monitoring Annex 4 Standard forms in the authorization and control process for authorization application, installation technical form, operational check list for industrial plans Annex 5 Technical Inquiry in the control process Annex 6 Priority Index in control planning Annex 7 Sampling Method and the Minimal Sampling Quantities in Discharged Municipal and Sanitary Waste Water in Slovak Regulations Annex 8 Reference documents Annex 9 Monitoring and Control activities’ costs

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“ Training of trainers” activities were pursued with a detailed program of seminars which included the main issues of the above Manual (see Table 7).

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Table 7. Overview of training and dissemination seminars. All dates are from 2008.

Date Title Venue Speakers/Trainers March 17- Use of Geographic Information Bratislava Lea Mrafková, Luca Viarengo, Cristina 19h System (GIS) in Water Domain: basic SHMI Gasparetto functions, data retrieval, editing and spatial analysis Training Workshop May 12th Sampling and sample processing in monitoring and control activities to detect dangerous substances in the aquatic environment Technical seminar May 13th Quality management and Quality Bratislava Menegus , Profeta , Sesia Assurance procedures WRI Krascenits, Šilhárová Technical seminar SVP Piešt´any: Veronika Kláneková May 26-30th River Basin Characterization Bratislava Crivellaro, Fava, Sesia SHMI/ Mazzoni, Nagel, Pennelli, Trenčín SHMI: Dobiašová, Mrafková, Žakovičová

May 26-30th River basin Pressures and Impacts Trenčín Foschia, Mazzoni, Pennelli, Nagel, Porro, Cartello, Crivellaro SHMÚ: Mrafková KÚŽP Trenčín: Jana Hurajová OÚŽP Trenčín: Viera Glesová OÚŽP Prievidza: Katarína Henželová SIŽP Zilina: Katarína Medvecová SVP Piešťany: Veronika Kláneková May 26-30th The authorization process and the Trenčín Foschia, Mazzoni, Pennelli, Nagel, water environmental objectives Porro, Cartello, Crivellaro SHMI: Mrafková KÚŽP Trenčín: Jana Hurajová OÚŽP Trenčín: Viera Glesová OÚŽP Prievidza: Katarína Henželová SIŽP Zilina: Katarína Medvecová SVP Piešťany: Veronika Kláneková May 26-30th Management and costs Bratislava/ Fava, S.Fabiani, Tommassello, Trenčín Cocchi SHMI, SVP, WRI June 29th Training on New SW Viarengo, Gasparetto July 3rd July Training on New SW Bratislava Viarengo, Gasparetto, Mrafková, 27– 30th SHMU Durkovičová

The involvement of the Slovak experts was considered high, although a number of constraints were noticed that result from the present national legal framework and the established approach towards planning, monitoring and control in the state water administration. Therefore at the end of the component’s activities the following conclusions were expressed:  A stronger and formally agreed integration among different competencies and offices involved in monitoring and control activities is still lacking, but it is needed to fulfil the WFD criteria for a sound application of the combined approach principle.

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 The training of staff in the pilot area reflects experiences of experts acting in a sub- basin of the river Vah pertaining to the Trenčín region. In the future a broader participation of experts from the other regions belonging to the Vah river basin should be promoted.  The relevant authorities in the pilot area do not dispose of the whole set of information, data and indicators to really perform a sound planning of their activities. In the other hand it is well known that in Slovakia this planning process is ruled at Central level and local officials seem not to be directly or proactively involved in the planning process.  The standards for information exchange among central and local offices need to be more clearly established.  The last comment applies also to the linkage and co-operation of different central institutions.

Due to the delayed tendering, delivery and implementation of the new software tools the practical exercise in planning the monitoring and control programme in the pilot area had to be postponed to the flexibility period and it had to be restricted to a demonstration of the available features. Study visits of Slovak state administrators took place in the 4th (April 2007) and 6th (October 2007) quarter. An additional study visit was planned and carried out in the flexibility period (June/July 2008) of the project as “Action 3.2.3 - Study Visit to Italian Central Authorities and Institutions to be implemented in June 2008”. The respective Addendum to the Twinning Contract became effective on 23.06.2008. It was dedicated to the meeting with the main national Italian authorities and institutions operating in the field of water quality protection and control.

Component 4: Improvement of inter-institutional co-operation This component strictly depended upon the available results from the other three components. The late SW procurement and testing has brought about a negative impact upon Component 4, mainly to develop the inter-institutional communication network, due to the lack of operational tools and the manual of procedures to be used for promotion and demonstration purposes.

The project has visited relevant Slovak institutions storing and sharing environmental data; the following are the main results:

 The Authoritory of Public Health (UVZ Urad Verejneho Zdravotnictva) collects data at district (obvod) and regional (kraj) levels and forwards it to the central department in Bratislava, where it is stored in Excel files. To date no database is available to store data. The Authority is interested in sharing data with SHMÚ and other public bodies concerning water quality.  The Controlling and Testing Institute in Agriculture (UPSUP, Bratislava) is an Agency belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture. ÚKSUP records the use of pesticides for agriculture in Slovakia. The Agency has its own IT system to inter-link data collected, based upon the DOS System. Although it is somehow dated nonetheless the Agency still appreciates its usefulness.

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The proposal for Directive 2006/0258(COM) to collect data requires to send it to the Central Institute of Statistics, and it was expected to become operational by the end of year 2007; implementing this requirement is at present the Agency’s main priority. There is a general interest to share data and to create an overall system to manage it, however this process shall be agreed upon and start at high institutional level.  The Slovak Environmental Agency (SEA) is responsible for collecting data on water management from various public bodies and for preparing the associate reports to be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and the EC. SEA representatives were very interested in implementing the project’s proposal of connecting several data providers and have suggested to apply a standard metadata structure from ENVIROINFO (the European catalogue of environmental information sources). Regarding drinking water data, a specific database using data from the SHMÚ is at present under tendering and scheduled to be operational sometimes along year 2008.

The project has noted some general interest for networking on the part of the institutions visited, however the direct involvement of the MoE is regarded necessary to define a formal agreement for data exchange and to establish the links between relevant institutions. The project has acknowledged a poor interest to share data and to create an overall system to manage it, of course this process shall be agreed upon and start at high institutional level. The lack of human and financial resources appear as the main reason behind this situation.

The project has forwarded a proposal to connect through a network the institutions managing water procedures and permits. The proposal aims at making available data from several different databases to those searching for data not by building a new centralised data warehouse, rather by keeping data at its original location and sharing it. Therefore, to develop a shared interface which can be accessed by the centralised database of metadata (= what information is where) would be the sole common point amongst the institutions connected. The main characteristics of the proposed solution are:

. it is possible to access remote data stored in a centralised database through pre- defined queries; . the user can run the queries over data that the data “owner” has decided to share; . the concept of transferability: the system can be applied especially to data managed via RDBMS – relational databases, e.g. Oracle and Access - where there is a need for access to information from different and remote databases. The user is able to access the centralised catalogue of metadata via a common interface, in which others queries (as data locator) are stored. Each query can be run on a specific database, according the query implementation, some data can be accessed and made available (not all the data sets) so as the database’s owner decides. The result of the query can be kept into a “txt” file or other, to be downloaded by the user.

The project has prepared a report on “Procedures to ensure the horizontal co-ordination amongst the different institutions based upon the information exchange standards as requested by the software”. Activity 4.2.1.

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Mandatory results not entirely achieved

Component 2.  Installation of communication network  Management information system operators trained.

The full installation and testing of the SW tools upgrading the information system and communication network on DS control and monitoring activities are not fully in place at local offices because of the delay on SW tender as already discussed above.

Component 3  Monitoring and control programmes developed and approved in selected Regions/Districts.  Key staff for monitoring and controls of water quality and waste water discharges trained.

It was not possible to implement the full training course on the revision of monitoring and control programmes due to the unavailability of the dedicated new SW as already explained above. It was, however, possible to produce a comprehensive guidance document (the Manual) that treats all relevant aspects for adjusting and upgrading monitoring and control activities. In the training of trainers, the main features of these new tools were explained and demonstrated and their practical application was shown during the study visits.

Component 4  Co-ordination between central and local State Water offices improved, regular information flows established up to the quality required by the prevailing legislation.  Improved interdepartmental co-ordination by developing protocols of co-ordination

The lack of operational tools and of the manual of procedures belonging to it – as a consequence of the delay in SW development – limited the possibilities of the project to promote and demonstrate advanced means of inter-institutional co-operation. Moreover, formal agreements for co-operation and data exchange between institutions were declared a precondition from the various interested institutions for a sustained engagement in these activities.

Overview mandatory results achieved (See Annex 1).

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1) General. The EQS developed for discharging DS into water and the guidance provided on planning, execution and evaluation of monitoring and control of water quality using the information system will strengthen and enhance the capacity of the central and district administration responsible for water quality to implement the national legislation and the EU acquis on water quality, which was set as the project’s wider objectives.

2) Environmental Quality Standards. The proposal „Odvodenie Environmentálnych Noriem Kvality EQS (Environmental Quality Standard) v SR“ (Derivation of EQS in SR) sent to the Ministry of Environment for inclusion in the National Regulations of the defined EQS of the list of 17 DS relevant for the Slovak aquatic environment and to date lacking in the official PRP could be formally enforced in Slovak legislation after the completion of the consultation process promoted by MoE both at national and EU level. In that case a set of legally binding EQS to be used by officials involved in planned control and monitoring activities on DS impacting the Slovak aquatic environment will be available both to: update the released permits to discharge the DS included in the national list of 59 DS relevant for the SR to revise the authorization process to release discharge permits referred to the DS included in the list of 17 DS lacking of EQS by defining the discharge limits according to the procedures and criteria included in the Manual for planning control and monitoring activities to fully comply with the principle of the combined approach set by EU water policy for pollution prevention and protection of water bodies to promote a re-examination of the PRP to upgrade the technical skill and capacities of reference laboratories involved in DS detection through the procurement of more advanced instrumentation to revise periodically the national list of DS relevant for the SR as requested by EU legislation (DS National Inventory and Art. 21 Committee of the WFD) according to the changes in the human technologies, productions and activities in the Slovak territory according to the procedures set in the Manual as well as to those discussed in the guidance Environmental Quality Standards for Chemical Pollutants in Slovakia”.

3) Information systems and reporting The procurement, installation and test of the new HW and SW will upgrade the overall national capacity in data acquisition, storage, handling, management and sharing between the central and local environmental information systems devoted to the issues related to polluting DS. The national reporting duties both from local to central levels as well as the reporting towards the EU info systems will be improved.

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The environmental common knowledge between all subjects involved in control and monitoring of DS and in the authorization process for DS discharge permit release will be updated and improved. The basis to develop an effective operational network of the subject involved in control and monitoring of DS and the authorization process have been set to support national compliance with EU reporting duties.

4) Planning of control and monitoring activities New more advanced criteria for planning activities according to best practices in use in EU are available through the Manual and the trainers training activities. A first inclusion in planning activities of the economic assessment of control and monitoring activities to improve cost-benefit ratio as requested by the Common Implementation Strategy of WFD was promoted. The need to promote QA and QC approaches at regional and local level was promoted. The selected group of trainers from the Trenčín Region could represent a core group of experts for the diffusion all over the Slovak territory of the EU common water policy objectives and practices in the field of DS impacting water resources. Local offices involved in the above issues will be pushed to adopt a more proactive disposition to interact within themselves and with the central authorities and share a common view and knowledge to promote and effective national operational network of water protection programmes. Above experts could improve the public participation and awareness on the issues examined.

5) Inter-institutional networking The main conditions (formal bilateral agreements, technical network architecture) to promote a national inter-institutional network and to optimize the policies on DS polluting the water resources and dangerous for the ecosystem and human health were identified.

Unexpected results of the project.

A first example in Slovakia of the procedures to establish EQS as Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MAC-EQS) as requested by the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive 2000/60/EC5 was positively worked out on the basis of ecotoxicological assays.

A study visit to Italian Central Authorities (included in the Workplan with an Addendum) was a chance to promote co-operation at central level between Slovakia and Italy.

5 COM (2006) SEC (2006) 947

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(a) In what way will the results of the project / recommendations be utilised by the BC administration? The state administration of the BC in the field of Environment on both national and regional levels will use project results in the authorization process and in improving their communication with stakeholders and other sectors to protect and make prevention measures in water management in Slovakia. Scientifically sound established 17 EQSs for water in Slovakia can be used in the transboundary water bodies as well. Iinformation and communication system as one of the results of the Twinning project will be a usefull tool for all state administration bodies in water management to improve the reporting and communication for water body protection and sustainable development. Trained staff of the Regional Office of the Environment should highly contribute to the nationwide capacity building of the other regional offices and district offices in Slovakia. (b) How is the BC administration going to continue with the work started under the project? The Environmental Authorities can use the Project results to: - implement the legislative compliance with EU regulations and water policy principles (water bodies overall protection, pollution prevention, combined approach, polluters pays, economic analysis) - improve the planning processes of control and monitoring activities for a more effective environmental protection of water resources, ecosystems and human health - to promote the diffusion of QA and QC approaches in control and monitoring activities - to promote the development of national information network for a more effective and shared knowledge of the threat due to DS - to improve reporting duties at national and EU level

Regarding sustainability, most of the activities executed will enable relevant stakeholders to benefit from the project’s outputs to execute their daily future duties and the SHMÚ has the capacity to properly administer and manage the developed IS. However, for a proper functioning of the system in line with the national and EU legislation, the quality of human resources is a precondition. Therefore, the training of trainers deserves a specific attention as well as consequent training of the staff not involved in the pilot training.

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(c) In case of failure to achieve the mandatory results in their entirety, what future actions should the final BC administration take in order to achieve them? The mandatory results were achieved in their entirety as were defined in the Project fiche and Twinning project. Therefore, is is expected that state administration bodies in Slovakia will use these results and recommendations in their day-to-day work for water bodies protection and sustainable use on both national and transboundary levels. There is no doubts that all results can bring benefits for all stakeholders in water management in the Slovak Republic and even to be useful for other sectors on national level and after publishing on EU level for other Member States as well.

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Overall Assessment

The project has progressed with some delay to procure the intended software and hardware, in turn delaying their installation and operation. Nonetheless the equipment procured is of use to the beneficiaries. The relevant EQS have been calculated and agreed upon, the MoE still shall issue their final acceptance but on the basis of the preliminary discussions held the project can assess that the result will be accepted and the missing EQS will be made official. With regard to co-ordinating the district, regional and central offices the project has prepared and submitted a relevant and feasible proposal, at the time of this report still under evaluation. Overall, the project has matched its intended purpose and proposed solutions which are effective, practical and cost-effective. However because of the suffered delay and some partial achievements some project activities (Information System and Inter-Institutional Network) should be continued to reach all the expected results.

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2H - RECOMMENDATIONS: lessons learned

1. In the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council “Towards Sustainable Water Management in the European Union. First stage in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC” [COM(2007) 128 final] [SEC(2007) 363] the following remark referred to the Slovak republic was made on the Art.3 Report requested by the WFD on the designation of the River Basin Districts: In its first submission, Slovakia had identified 6 River Basin Districts, which were in fact sub-basins; 5 are sub-basins of the Danube international RBD and one part of the Vistula international RBD. There are in fact only 2 RBDs in Slovakia: Danube and Vistula. Moreover the Government has undertaken a re-examination of the territorial organization of the administrative and technical environmental offices. Both facts can strongly change the expected targets of the results produced by the Projects.

2. Among the expected mandatory results a formal and legally binding provision to adopt the proposed EQS for the DS in the list of 17 substances considered by the working plan is lacking because the official decision was taken to promote a large consultation procedure on the proposed standards. The consultation can produce a change of the proposed values. Two suggestions: - enlarge as much as possible the stakeholders and the public group to be informed on the proposed standards, the technical procedure used to define such standards and results of the consultation, - before the forma adoption of the EQS, consider the opportunity to propose such values to the Committee of Art.21 of the WFD entitled for the periodical four year revision of the list of PS and PHS. This step can strengthen the proposal for new EQS and promote an enforcement agreed with other EU MS administrations. 3. The difficulties to adopt new EQS for DS often steams from the very low concentration level in water represented by those EQS. This fact, as generally agreed in most MS administrations, entrain two different remarks: - adoption of severe EQS in water can require the procurement of most advanced and costly technical instrumentation and increase the costs of monitoring and control activities. Moreover the more advanced the technique the higher the requested professional skill of human resources, - the need to promote the approaches and methods to define EQS for the same DS either in the sediments or in the biota aiming to facilitate the analytical detection and to reduce the monitoring needs (the frequency of monitoring in water is much higher in water than in sediment or biota)


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For technical and economical reason many EU MS have adopted the decision to cope with the analytical work on DS mainly PS and PHS with an organization based on reference laboratories to guarantee minor costs and ensure a best quality of the results.

5. Strengthening of the operational and planning capabilities of central and local offices/subjects involved in control and monitoring activities required an effective network of information systems for exchange and manage suitable information and data. Network should be promoted and updated to avoid lack and duplication of information, share the territorial knowledge, improve reporting and reduce operational costs.

6. Networking should be develop internally to the environmental field and at the inter institutional level. In the first case a strong coordination by a central institution (capacity building and training) is needed. In the second case official and formal agreements are needed between institutions of diffrent fields as a precondition to promote a real and effective network for information exchange that defines also the procedures and exchange standards.

7. Art. 10 of the WFD establishes that all point and non-point emission sources into surface water must be controlled on the basis of the Combined Approach Principle integrated the control of emissions with the ecological quality objective for the receiving water body. The Combined Approach principle was set as the basis of the guideline to planning control and monitoring activities on the Manual proposed by the Project to all subjects involved in those task. The combined approach principle requires both an appropriate degree of integration within administrative and technical activities and an operational integration within control and monitoring programs. How to reach this result strongly depends on national regulations and operational procedures and the relationship among the involved actors/offices at central and local level. The Project achievement on the expert training activities suggests the need of a strong support and coordination of the Central Authority to reach those integrations. Moreover as many industrial sites listed in the Slovak PRP are IPPC sites a strong integration between the subjects involved in the authorization process and Inspection such be promoted.

8. Ongoing discussions on combined approach principle implementation in discharge authorization process suggest to include into legislation the emission trading approach. Where more than one subject is responsible for emission of the same specific pollutant in one basin, it could be useful to suggest a regime of emission trading.

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In these cases a total pollutant load from all the activities will be defined by the regional authority in consideration of receiving capacity and environmental objective. This load can be shared between different partners on the basis of some pollution trading activities between them, in consideration of minimum intervention cost.

9. The implementation of legislation and the PRP could require the updating of official forms to make it easier the comply with the combined approach. The process is circular (see the regulatory chain): from past difficulties and lessons learned the state water authority offices should adopt a proactive attitude and suggest changes to the central authority. This attitude will improve activities to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of measures adopted for DS pollution reduction.

10. I. The authorization to discharge waste waters (as well as the planning of control activities) requires that all involved competent authorities and offices share a common view of the territory. II. The shared territorial knowledge should integrate data from: Monitoring of the ecological and chemical status of water bodies Control on existing pressures Technical documentation provided by the applicant requesting the permit For an effective sharing of data aiming to assess the effectiveness of measures adopted to reduce pollution, requires the adoption of a system for data quality verification and validation III. Information and data flows on the authorization release process and the Integrated Environmental Permit should be in place within all the subjects involved in the District River Basin Management Plan. IV. The use of standard forms in any step of the authorization process makes easier and transparent the process both for the applicant and for the receiving Office.

12. At present the identification of the DS, PS and PHS relevant for the river basin districts in Slovakia as well as the national monitoring programmes are defined at central level by the Ministry of Environment. However, changes in human activities, materials used or produced in industrial processes and land uses may occur at District River Basin level producing changes in environmental pressures and impact. Criteria for updating official lists of dangerous substances as well as the review of measures adopted in the PRP can be useful to introduce new priorities and suitable changes in planned control and monitoring activities to reach a good cost-benefit ratio. Updating of ongoing activities is necessary because of the unavoidable shortage in available technical and economical resources. That knowledge is helpful in negotiations between local and central authorities.

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13. The Technical Guide for Planning Control and Monitoring Activities suggest to perform an analysis to give a priority to those activities. Why the prioritising approach? Giving a priority in terms of frequencies and formal or technical activities to be performed account for the limited human, financial and technical resources usually available. Activity costs are reduced.

14 Economical evaluation of the planned control and monitoring activities are unusual at regional and district level. Costs analysis approach should be promoted also with the inclusion of skilled personnel in the planning process.

15. The general Economical Analysis must be performed at District River Basin level. Why the Control and Monitoring activities cost assessment performed at Regional, River Basin and Districts level should be relevant for local offices ? The economical assessment relevant aspects are:

Helps to define the budgetary needs of the to cope with its administrative and technical office duties Strengthens on a practical basis the capacity versus upper decisional levels of the office in negotiations Supports the control activities facing the management of conflicts toward stakeholders and the public Allows to perform a cost-benefit evaluation to set priority actions facing the defined objectives Improves the cost effective use of human thus giving relevant support in defining the and technical resources action programmes

16 Final remarks:

Preamble 14 of WFD (14) The success of this Directive relies on close cooperation and coherent action at Community, Member State and local level as well as on information, consultation and involvement of the public, including users.

53 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Preamble 46 of WFD (46) To ensure the participation of the general public including users of water in the establishment and updating of river basin management plans, it is necessary to provide proper information of planned measures and to report on progress with their implementation with a view to the involvement of the general public before final decisions on the necessary measures are adopted.

54 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01


Annex 1 Overview mandatory results achieved Annex 2 EQS for relevant substances proposed by the Proposal of Directive 2006/0129 (COD) Annex 3 Summary of EQS for the 17 DS relevant for the project

55 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Annex 1 Overview mandatory results achieved

Deadlines according to revised time schedule (Side letter no. 9 of 15.04.2008)

Component ACTIVITY expected Deadline Delay expected ASSESSMENT to date Self- MANDATORY [project +/- BENCHMARKS assessment RESULTS month] [months] (Activities) Rate (Components) HS (Highly satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory) 1) SETTING 1.1 Environmental Quality Standards List of EQS Mar08 almost achieved (formal adoption HS ENVIRONMENTAL for dangerous substances relevant published and [21] pending) QUALITY STANDARDS for the Slovak Republic (on the List enforced by law FOR DANGEROUS of Programme Pollution Reduction) The Project has calculated all the SUBSTANCES IN WATER missing EQSs values for 17 DS so as scheduled, both as average and max. values. The MoE is still under a consultation process to give their final acceptance and publish the EQS values in the Slovak Gazette. 1.1.1 Evaluation of the existing Jul06 Report identifying achieved HS results and information on the dose- [1] some of the missing response for the dangerous EQS on the basis of Evaluation of the dose-response substances relevant for the SR. literature. undertaken. Preparation of technical Tender documents specifications for tendering ecotox finalised. Tender documents prepared, assays, tender launch and Contract awarded tender launched and awarded evaluation. regularly. 1.1.2 Development of the database Aug06 Revised database achieved HS on DS, based on literature data, for [2] on DS the 17 substances lacking EQS The Slovak Water Register, the database on DS, is developed and updated. There is now a list of EQS for 59 DS relevant for Slovakia. EQS Technical Booklet on the procedure to establish EQS for DS in water produced.

56 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 1) SETTING 1.1.3 Selection of the most Sep06 Report with achieved HS ENVIRONMENTAL suitable method for the [3] planning of QUALITY determination of each missing selected tests Selection of the most STANDARDS FOR EQS suitable method is executed. DANGEROUS In addition to evaluating the SUBSTANCES IN dose-response, the Project WATER has prepared a booklet on “Environmental quality standards for chemical pollutants in Slovakia”. Proposal for a new Slovak National Regulation on established EQS prepared. 1.1.4 Perform the ecotoxicological Nov07 Report with data achieved HS tests (or other methods) for those [17] on tests carried substances, where no data on out The eco-toxicological tests dose-response are available in were performed regularly. the literature. Guidelines on the calculation of the DS concentration limits are produced (final draft). 1.1.5 Establishment of the EQS Mar Gazetting of the Not achieved U for 17 dangerous substances [21] new EQS relevant for the Slovak Republic. The EQS are established for all 17 DS. The MoE is still under a consultation process to give their final acceptance and publish the EQS values in the Slovak Gazette. Booklet „Environmental Quaity Standards for Water Chemcal Pollutants in Slovakia“ (English and Slovak versions: editing on road).

57 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 2) 2.1 Selected Regional and District The information Sep06 partly achieved (HW and SW S COMMUNICATION Water Offices provided with system is [3] procured and staff in NETWORK and communication network and functioning and principle trained) MANAGEMENT management information system the relevant data INFORMATION able to perform collection, and reports are SYSTEM elaboration and transmission of regularly data for required reporting, for produced. process of issuing permits. 2.1.1 Assessment of existing Jul06 Report describing achieved HS communication network facilities [1] current situation and procedures between local of HW and SW The Project has assessed and central offices in charge of infrastructure of said communication network environmental controls and regional offices facilities and procedures and monitoring and issuing of relevant has prepared a proposal on authorisations, identification of how to establish upgrading needs according to the communication network links tasks assigned by the prevailing between the central and the legislation local offices. 2.1.2 Preparation of a proposal Aug06 Technical report achieved HS for establishing communication [2] with plan for network links between local and implementation of The Project has prepared a central offices in charge of a network system proposal, which is regarded environmental controls and relevant and feasible and it monitoring and issuing of relevant was accepted by SHMU to authorisations accomplish the new tasks set out by the January 2004 institutional reform to collect, elaborate and transmit data on permit issuing.

In addition, it has defined the ToRs for procurement and designed the first draft design to implement the network.

58 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 2) COMMUNICATION 2.1.3 Preparation of technical Sep06 Technical achieved HS NETWORK and specifications for hardware and [3] specifications for MANAGEMENT database software needed to tender for The project has prepared the INFORMATION implement the approved procurement of HW technical specifications which SYSTEM communication network and and SW submitted were agreed on the part of management information system. to CFCU SHMU, CFCU and the MoE. As Support for the preparation of the well, the support to prepare the tender dossier for acquisition of tender dossier was provided. communication network and The tender was launched. management information system 2.2 After installation of communication The information Aug08 partly achieved U network and management information system is [26] system operators trained. functioning. 2.2.1 Support in the tender evaluation May07 Technical report on achieved HS and procurement of the [11] tender evaluation. communication network and The Project has co-operated management information system. with CFCU and SHMU experts to evaluate the tender. It has delivered an introductory seminar on SW. 2.2.2 Assistance in the installation of May08 HW and SW partly achieved (central part S the communication network and [23] installed in the only) management information system relevant regional (actual installation to be provided by offices. The software is developed. the service and supply contract Installation was finished by mentioned below). 31.07.2008. The project has prepared the first draft for the SW’s User Manual and delivered associated training in Trenčín. 2.2.3 Training of the staff of regional Aug08 Selected regional partly achieved U and local environmental offices to use [26] staff able to operate the networking facilities in day to day the network system, The project has delivered duties. 90 staff trained in training seminars on GIS for the operation of the water discharge and surface system. waters, ground waters, and how to use the software procured. Total trainees: 26

59 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 3) TRAINING STAFF 3.1 Improvement of the abilities of The production Mar08 partly achieved U OF REGIONAL the Regional and District Offices of District [21] OFFICES ON regarding the monitoring and monitoring and The Project has prepared a MONITORING AND control programmes for control manual on approaches and CONTROL compliance with permits for programmes, for procedures to plan DS discharging dangerous the selected monitoring. A total of 5 substances. Programming ability Districts, will Working Groups were set up of Regional and District Offices indicate the to discuss the manual and improved, monitoring and control achievement of how to best make use of it: programmes developed and this result. WG1 (river basin status and approved in selected monitoring), WG2 (pressure Regions/Districts. and impacts), WG3 (analytical methods), WG4 (reporting and information system), WG5 (management and costs). 3.1.1 Training of staff of selected Feb07 Training report partly achieved (training on S Regional/District environmental [8] containing training Manual) offices on control and monitoring aids and programming also in relation to deliverables. 90 The Project has delivered the authorisation process. Regional/District effective training on staff trained. standards and evaluation methods for water monitoring in December 2006, May, June and July 2008 in Modra and Kosice. A total of 68 trainees have participated. 3.1.2 Assistance in the Jun07 Report on partly achieved S preparation of control and [12] assessment of monitoring programmes, current monitoring Assistance provided via preparation of a programming and control STEs’ missions and manual/procedures. structure. Pilot dedicated training. monitoring and control programme In addition the manual in selected referred for Activity 3.1 region/district/water above applies as well here. body.

60 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 3) TRAINING STAFF 3.1.3 Assistance in the Mar08 Execution of not achieved U OF REGIONAL implementation of some control [21] monitoring and OFFICES ON and monitoring activities in the control according to Assistance rendered. MONITORING AND second year of the project in a pilot plan. Lessons learned: the CONTROL pilot region/s or districts. relevant authorities in the pilot area do not have available the whole set of information, data and indicators to plan their activities properly. On the other hand it is well known that the Slovak planning process is ruled centrally, and local officials seem not to be directly or proactively involved in the planning process so this discrepancy is expected to remain. 3.2 Key staff in charge of The participation Jun08 +/- 0 partly achieved S monitoring and controls of water of the relevant [24] quality, waste water discharges staff to the trained on using standards and training will be evaluation methods. certified through participation certificates indicating topics and practical abilities acquired. 3.2.1 Training of staff of selected Jan08 12 trainers trained achieved S Regional/District environmental [19] to instruct field staff offices and training of trainers on monitoring and See the training delivered from national environmental control standards. under Activity 3.1.1 in June institutions on standards and 40 regional/district and July 2008. Slovak staff procedures to be implemented in staff trained on have started the execution of the control and monitoring monitoring and monitoring and control activities and in the issuing of control standards. according to the pilot plan relevant authorisations. (2008).

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Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 3) TRAINING STAFF 3.2.2 Study visit for 30 state Oct07 +/- 0 30 staff trained on achieved (study visits) S OF REGIONAL administrators and regional staff [16] (refers to organisation of OFFICES ON (duration 6 days each) in the study control and Two study visits to Italy MONITORING AND twinning partner country. Carrying visits monitoring system. executed (4th and 6th CONTROL out of dissemination seminars in only) 100 regional and Quarters) for a total of 20 other Regions/Districts. district staff trained participants were directed to on operating the main Italian institutions monitoring and operating in the field of water control system. quality protection and control; some of these are partners for this Project and in any case the institutions visited execute tasks similar to the tasks performed by the Slovak representatives. 3.2.3 Study Visit to Italian Central Jun08 +/- 0 Study visit carried achieved S Authorities and Institutions to be [24] out. implemented in June 2008. The third study visit was made to Central al Italian Institutions in Rome in June 2008 (Addendum to Twinning Contract). Total participants 10.

62 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 4) IMPROVEMENT 4.1 Co-ordination between central Records of Feb08 slightly achieved U OF INTER- and local State Water offices communications [20] INSTITUTIONAL CO- improved, regular information and reporting The Project has organised ORDINATION flows established up to the quality between central some meetings with SHMU required by the prevailing and local water and other water institutions legislation. offices. to discuss the perspectives of future coordination among SHMU and others public bodies involved in water resources management. No official reply was received. 4.1.1 Assessment of activities Oct07 Report on slightly achieved (through U carried out in the course [16] functioning of consultations with Component 2. Preparation of a network system. institutions) manual of procedures for Manual of ensuring data flow. Preparation of procedures. 25 Preparation of proposals on proposals to improve staff trained in the how to implement a data communications among dissemination interchange network among institutions, (laboratories, water seminars on public bodies managing quality department, the hydrology communication. water resources. personnel collecting samples, inspectors, etc.). The Project has presented a proposal to improve the communication flow amongst relevant institutions. No official reply was received. The manual of procedures and standards for data flow is in its final form. 4.1.2 Support for the Feb08 INTRANET not achieved U implementation of an INTRANET. [08] among involved offices working. A fully operating INTRANET is implemented within SHMU network, used to share data and applications.

63 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Component ACTIVITY MANDATORY Deadline Delay BENCHMARKS ASSESSMENT to date Self-assessment RESULTS 4) IMPROVEMENT 4.2 Improved interdepartmental Relevant Aug08 slightly achieved U OF INTER- co-ordination by developing approved [26] INSTITUTIONAL CO- protocols of co-ordination. protocols Concerning INTERNET ORDINATION adopted by network only informal reports collaborating were provided, not proposals administrations. to improve co-ordination. 4.2.1 Overview of control Jul08 Proposal for co- partly achieved S activities which require [25] ordination complementary interventions from procedures, A workshop was executed in environment, health, agriculture procedures for July 2008 on the use of the State institutions and also private consultation of new version of the water sector. Preparation of a proposal private sector and register software (SEOV). for a structured co-ordination. stakeholders. 25 staff trained. 4.2.2 Carrying out of seminars for Aug08 Co-ordination not achieved U discussion and dissemination of [26] procedures the proposals for a structured known and No seminars were executed inter-institutional co-ordination. discussed. 90 to discuss inter-institutional staff trained in proposals. seminars.

64 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Annex 2 EQS for relevant substances proposed by the Proposal of Directive 2006/0129 (COD)

No. CAS No. Name of chemical AA-EQS EU MAC-EQS EU substance Directive Directive 2006/0129 2006/0129 (COD) ) (COD) [g.l-1] [g.l-1] 1 15972-60-8 Alachlor 0,3 0,7 2 62-53-3 Aniline 3 120-12-7 Anthracene 0,1 0,4 4 7440-38-2 Arsenic and its compounds 5 1912-24-9 Atrazine 0,6 2 6 71-43-2 Benzene 10 50 7 98-10-2 Benzensulfonamid 8 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 0,005 0,1 9 205-99-2 Benzo(b)flouranthene** Σ0,03 Not applicable 10 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene** Σ0,03 Not applicable 11 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)pyrelene*** Σ0,002 Not applicable 12 95-16-9 Benzthiazole 13 92-52-4 Biphenyl (phenylbenzene) 14 80-05-7 Bisphenol A 15 117-81-7 Bis(2-etylhexyl)-phthalate 1,3 Not applicable (DEHP) 16 1702-17-6 Clopyralid 17 50-29-3 DDT (izomers DDD, DDT, 0,025 DDE) 18 13684-56-5 Desmedipham 19 84-74-2 Dibutylphthalate 20 107-06-2 1,2-dichloroethane 10 Not applicable 21 122-39-4 Diphenylamine 22 26225-79-6 Ethofumesate 23 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 24 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 0,1 1 25 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 26 1071-83-6 Glyphosate 27 118-74-1 Hexachlorbenzene 0,01 0,05 28 2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos **** 0,03 0,1 29 5598-13-0 Chlorpyrifos-methyl **** 0,03 0,1 30 7440-47-3 Chromium and its compounds 31 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene*** Σ0,002 Not applicable 32 34123-59-6 Isoproturon 0,3 1 33 7440-43-9 Cadmium and its ≤ 0,08 (1class) ≤ 0,45(1 class) compounds* 0,08 (2 class) 0,45 (2 class) 0,09 (3 class) 0,6 (3 class) 0,15 (4 class) 0,9 (4 class) 0,25(5 class) 1,5 (5 class) 34 74-90-8 Cyanides 35 58-89-9 Lindane ( g- hexachlorocyclohexane)

65 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

No. CAS No. Name of chemical AA-EQS EU MAC-EQS EU substance Directive Directive 2006/0129 2006/0129 (COD) ) (COD) [g.l-1] [g.l-1] 36 7440-50-8 Copper and its compounds 37 94-74-6 MCPA 38 128-37-0 4-methyl-2,6-di-terc butylphenol 39 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1,2 Not applicable 40 7440-02-0 Nickel and its compounds 20 Not applicable 41 25154-52-3 Nonylphenols 0,3 2 42 104-40-5 4-(para)-nonylphenol 0,3 2 43 1806-26-4 Oktylphenols 0,01 Not applicable 44 140-66-9 4-(terc)-oktylphenol 0,01 Not applicable 45 7439-92-1 Lead and its compounds 7,2 Not applicable 46 7439-97-6 Mercury and its 0,05 0,07 compounds 47 1336-36-3 PCB and its congeners 48 40487-42-1 Pendimethalin 49 122-34-9 Simazine 1 4 50 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethene 10 Not applicable 51 120-82-1 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene 0,4 Not applicable 52 79-00-5 1,1,2-trichloroethane 53 79-01-6 Trichlorethene 10 Not applicable 54 67-66-3 Trichloromethane 2,5 Not applicable (chloroform) 55 1582-09-8 Trifluralin 0,03 Not applicable 56 108-88-3 Toluene 57 100-42-5 Vinylbenzene (styrene) 58 1330-20-7 Xylenes (isomeres) 59 7440-66-6 Zinc and its compounds

66 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Annex 3 Calculation of EQS in the framework of the Project (SK05/IB/EN-01) Proposed AA-EQSs

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance Freshwater fish and molluscs, accumulation, growth, Ecotox USEPA histological, morphological endpoints on short and long term exposure. EC50 >4 mg/L (72 h, The substance might be of difficult monitoring due Scenedesmus subspicatus) to its known instability in the aquatic environment IUCLID – public data on EC50 = 1,44 mg/L (48h, (OECD-SIDS, SIDS Initial Assessment Report for 4-methyl-2,6-di- 128-37-0 high volume chemicals. Daphnia pulex) 70 / SF 50 = 1.4 μg/L SIAM 14, 26-28 March 2002. UNEP terbutylphenol EUR 19559 EN LC0 ≥ 0.57 mg/L (96h, PUBLICATIONS). (butylhydroxytoluene) Brachydanio rerio) Monitoring should be limited at the point of emission. NOEC chronic Daphnia magna OECD-SIDS, SIDS 21d = 70 μg/L Initial Assessment NOEC Scenedesmus Report for SIAM 14, 26- subspicatus = 400 μg/L 28 March 2002. UNEP OECD proposal of PNECwater: PUBLICATIONS 70 μg/L / SF50 = 1.4 μg/L EC50 184.7 mg/L (72 h, Desmodesmus subspicatus) EC50 449.9 mg/L (48h, Daphnia magna) LC50 274.33 mg/L (96h, Ecotox testing A safety factor 10 is applied to the most sensitive of Poecilia reticulata) 98-10-2 Benzensulfonamide (Twinning Project 1.0 / SF 10 = 0.1 mg/L the chronic endpoints, covering all the three trophic NOEC chronic Daphnia magna SK05/IB/EN/01) levels. 21d = 1 mg/L NOEC Desmodesmus subspicatus = 100 mg/L NOEC chronic Poecilia reticulata 200 mg/L Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the EU proposal of EQS: The QSAR procedure utilised for Council on 0.03 μg/L (as a sum of Benzo(b)fluoranthene is available on: Common Benzo(b)fluoranthen 205-99-2 environmental quality QSAR derived EQSs Benzo(b)fluoranthene and Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework e standards in the field of Benzo(k)fluoranthene) Directive, Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). water policy and intended as annual average. Final version Brussels, 31 July 2005 amending Directive 2000/60/EC. 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Proposal for a Directive QSAR derived EQSs EU proposal of EQS: The QSAR procedure utilised for

67 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance of the European Parliament and of the Council on 0.002 μg/L (as a sum of Benzo(g,h,i)perylene is available on: Common environmental quality Benzo(g,h,i)perylene and Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework standards in the field of Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene) Directive, Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). water policy and intended as annual average. Final version Brussels, 31 July 2005. amending Directive 2000/60/EC EC50 = 64 mg/L (96h, Pimephales promelas) LC0 = 65.5 mg/L (96h Brachydanio rerio) IUCLID – public data on LC50 = 87.2 mg/L (48h Oryzias high volume chemicals. latipes) EUR 19559 EN LC50 = 110 mg/L (48h Oryzias latipes) LC50: 58.8 – 69.7 mg/L (96h, A safety factor 50 is applied to the most sensitive of 95-16-9 Benzothiazole Pimephales promelas) 0.1 / SF 50 = 0.002 mg/L the two chronic endpoints available. EC50 149.79 mg/L (72 h, Desmodesmus subspicatus) EC50 26.98 mg/L (48h, Daphnia Ecotox testing magna) (Twinning Project NOEC chronic Daphnia magna SK05/IB/EN/01) 21d = 0.1 mg/L NOEC Desmodesmus subspicatus = 100 mg/L

Ecotox USEPA Substance not accounted by the “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending Directive CSTEE 1994 2000/60/EC”. 1 μg/L (CSTEE and Danish 92-52-4 Biphenyl Full set of ecotox data Danish legislation legislation) Ecotox data available are coherent with the EQSs (Statutory Order No. already set. 921, 8th October 1996) For the intrinsic properties of the substance there is IUCLID – public data on a concern for the risk of accumulation into high volume chemicals. sediments. EUR 19559 EN

68 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance EC 1999. Study on the prioritization of substances dangerous PNEC aquatic = 0.032 mg/L to the aquatic (based on a NOEC crustaceans environment. EC of 3.2 mg/L – data from ECB) Commission ref. 98/788 (3040/DEB/E1). The proposed EQS of 0.01 mg/L is preferable 80-05-7 Bisphenol A 0.556 / SF 50 = 0,01 mg/L because it derives from two trophic levels NOECs. NOEC fish = 0.556 mg/L (Rainbow trout, 12d) Ecotox USEPA EC50 algae 96 h = 2.7 mg/L NOEC water flea 7d = 0.94 mg/L

1702-17-6 Chlorpyralid 7.0 / SF 10 = 0.7 mg/L Important: in the case of natural surface waters intended for human consumption, the EQS is compulsorily set by European legislation at 1 μg/L LC50 Brown trout =103 mg/L for the total pesticides content. IUCLID – public data on (96h) high volume chemicals. EC50 water flea= 225 mg/L The proposed EQS of 0.7 mg/L is preferable as it EUR 19559 EN (48h) derives from chronic testing with higher ecological EC50 algae 6.9 mg/L (72h) relevance.

No major metabolites are known

EFSA Scientific Report Rainbow trout, acute LC50 53 (2005) 50, 1–65, mg/L Conclusion regarding Rainbow trout acute LC50 >99.9 the peer review of the mg/L pesticide risk Daphnia magna acute EC50 130 assessment of the mg/L active substance Daphnia magna acute EC50 clopyralid >99.0 mg/L finalised: 14 December Green alga acute EbC50 47.6 2005 mg/L Green alga acute ErC5077.4 mg/L Green alga acute EbC50 30.9 mg/L Green alga acute ErC5030.0 mg/L Fathead minnow chronic NOEC 10.8 mg/L Daphnia magna chronic NOEC 17 mg/L

69 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance

Daphnia magna chronic NOEC 7.0 mg/L Chironomus riparius chronic NOEC 50 mg/L

Bluegill sunfish, acute LC50 0.25 mg/L Rainbow trout chronic NOEC 28d 0.2 mg/L Daphnia magna acute EC50 0.45 Desmedipham, mg/L 0.01 /SF 10 = 0.001 mg/L Desmedipham SANCO/4061/2001 13 Daphnia magna chronic NOEC February 2004 0.01 mg/L Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata Important: in the case of natural surface waters EbC50 72h 0.15 mg/L intended for human consumption, the EQS is Selenastrum capricornutum compulsorily set by European legislation at 1 μg/L 13684-56-5 EbC50 96h 0.01 mg/L for the total pesticides content.

An EQS for the major metabolite EHPC is proposed as well. Rainbow trout 96 hours LC50 42 mg/L Desmedipham, Daphnia magna 48 hours EC50 Metabolite EHPC SANCO/4061/2001 12 /SF 1000 = 0.012 mg/L 12 mg/L 13 February 2004 Selenastrum capricornutum 96 hours EbC50 23 mg/L

84-74-2 Dibutylphthalate EC 1999. Study on the Full set of ecotox data. 0.1 / SF 10 = 0.01 mg/L prioritization of PNEC water 0.01 mg/L (derived substances dangerous from a NOEC fish chronic of 0,1 to the aquatic mg/L, for the use of the environment. EC substance according to Dir. Commission ref. 98/788 93/793 EEC) (3040/DEB/E1)

70 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance

Finnish Environment EQS (annual average): 0.01 Institute (proposal) mg/L

EC 1999. Study on the prioritization of substances dangerous PNEC water 0.0016 mg/L 122-39-4 Diphenylamine to the aquatic (derived from a 0.16 / SF 100 = 0.0016 mg/L environment. EC NOECcrustacean – ECB) Commission ref. 98/788 (3040/DEB/E1) EC 1999. Study on the prioritization of Important: in the case of natural surface waters substances dangerous PNEC water 0.0064 mg/L intended for human consumption, the EQS is 26225-79-6 Ethofumesate to the aquatic (derived from a 0.32 / SF 50 = 0.0064 mg/L compulsorily set by European legislation at 1 μg/L environment. EC NOECcrustacean – ECB) for the total pesticides content. Commission ref. 98/788 No major metabolites are known (3040/DEB/E1). 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 19 / SF 50 = 0.38 μg/L The proposed EQS of 0.38 μg/L is preferable as it EC 1999. Study on the derives from chronic testing with higher ecological prioritization of relevance. substances dangerous PNEC water 0.00003 mg/L A standard for sediments set by USEPA is to the aquatic (derived from an acute LC50 fish available. environment. EC – Fraunhofer Institute) Commission ref. 98/788 (3040/DEB/E1)

Ecotox USEPA Long term 60d NOEC Rainbow trout (μg/L): 19 (development and growth); 38 (growth); 44 (behaviour, development and growth). Long term 21d NOEC Daphnia magna (μg/L): 48 (growth and mortality); 183 (reproduction). 72h EC50 algae (μg/L): 333

71 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance

Ambient quality criteria: 30 μg/L, based on acute toxicity; NOAA, National 6.3 μg/L, based on chronic Oceanic Atmospheric toxicity. Administration (US) Sediment Threshold Effect Level: 41.9 μg/kg dw

Important: in the case of natural surface waters Acute fish: EC50 >1000 mg /L intended for human consumption, the EQS is Long term fish: NOEC 917 mg /L compulsorily set by European legislation at 1 μg/L Glyphosate, Acute invertebrate: EC50 930 72.9 /SF 10 = 7.29 mg/L for the total pesticides content. Glyphosate-IPA 6511/WI/6/99 final, 21st mg /L January 2002 Chronic invertebrate: NOEC 455 EQSs for the two main formulations of glyphosate mg /L and for the major metabolite (glyphosate acid) are Chronic algae EC50 72.9 mg/L proposed as well.

1071-83-6 EC50 Scenedesmus quadricauda: 7.2 mg/L IC50 4d Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata: 7.8 mg/L LOEC 96h Scenedesmus quadricauda: 1.5 mg/L Glyphosate Ecotox USEPA 1.5 /SF 100 = 0.015 mg/L NOEC 96h Scenedesmus acutus: 2 mg/L LC50 Daphnia magna: 0.01 mg/L LC50 96h Rainbow trout: 5.4 mg/L Glyphosate- Glyphosate, Acute fish: EC50 1800 mg/L 0.72 /SF 10 = 0.072 mg/L Trimesium 6511/WI/6/99 final, 21st Long term fish: NOEC 50 mg/L January 2002 Acute invertebrate: EC50 12 81591-81-3 mg/L Chronic invertebrate: NOEC 1.1 mg/L Chronic algae EC50 0.72 mg/L

72 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance

Acute fish: EC50 38 mg/L Long term fish: NOEC 25 mg/L Glyphosate, Acute invertebrate: EC50 40 1st metabolite 6511/WI/6/99 final, 21st mg/L 0.64 /SF 10 = 0.064 mg/L (glyphosate acid) January 2002 Chronic invertebrate: NOEC 30 mg/L Chronic algae EC50 0.64 mg/L

EC 1999. Study on the prioritization of substances dangerous PNEC water = 0.2 mg/L (derived to the aquatic from a NOEC aquatic plants – environment. EC German EPA) Commission ref. 98/788 (3040/DEB/E1). Short term maximum permissible concentration: The Netherlands 0.0017 mg/L; national legislation Long term maximum permissible concentration: 0.017 μg/L; Important: in the case of natural surface waters The Italian national EQS (by the 2008): 1 μg/L intended for human consumption, the EQS is legislation EQS (by the 2015): 0.1 μg/L compulsorily set by European legislation at 1 μg/L for the total pesticides content. 94-74-6 MCPA 16.2 / FS 10 = 1.6 μg/L IUCLID – public data on No major metabolites are known high volume chemicals. Full set of ecotox data. EUR 19559 EN The proposed EQS of 1.6 μg/L is preferable as it derives from a complete set of chronic ecotox data with higher ecological relevance. SANCO/4062/2001 – Full set of ecotox data. final 15th April 2005

Ecotox USEPA Full set of ecotox data.

Finnish Environment NOEC Lemna gibba 0,0162 Institute (proposal) mg/L (14d)

73 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Name of chemical CAS No. Source of information Type of data Proposed EQS Notes substance EC 1999. Study on the prioritization of substances dangerous PNEC water = 0.32 μg/L to the aquatic (derived from Pendimethalin, environment. EC 7477/VI/98) Important: in the case of natural surface waters Commission ref. 98/788 intended for human consumption, the EQS is (3040/DEB/E1). compulsorily set by European legislation at 1 μg/L 40487-42-1 Pendimethalin 3 /SF 10 = 0.3 μg/L for the total pesticides content. Pendimethalin, NOEC fish: 6 μg/L No major metabolites are known 7477/VI/98 final, 13th NOEC crustaceans 21d: 14.5 January 2003 (re- μg/L evaluation) NOEC algae 5d: 3 μg/L

EC 1999. Study on the prioritization of substances dangerous PNEC water = 0.63 μg/L to the aquatic (derived from a NOEC algae – environment. EC ECB) Commission ref. 98/788 (3040/DEB/E1)

Danish legislation (Statutory Order No. Provisional EQS = 0.25 mg/L 921, 8th October 1996)

Vinylbenzene The proposed EQS of 0.63 μg/L is preferable as it 100-42-5 PNEC = 0.63 μg/L (styrene) derives from PNEC value. IUCLID – public data on high volume chemicals. Full set of ecotox data EUR 19559 EN

Acute fish 96h LC50: 4.08 mg/L Acute invertebrates 96h LC50: 2.99 mg/L Acute algae 72h EC50: 1.74 Ecotox USEPA mg/L Chronic invertebrates 7d NOEC: 0.06 μg/L; Chronic algae 96h EC50: 0.72 μg/L

74 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Section 3: Expenditure

Provide total figures of disbursement for key groups of costs

75 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 Resident Twinning Advisor Remuneration Mr. Claudio Fabiani (24 months) Basic salary and non-wage labour costs 5.680,00 24 136.320,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 17.040,00 6% of salary+non-wage labour costs 8.179,20 1.022,40 1.022,40 1.022,40 1.022,40 1.022,40 1.022,40 1.022,40 1.022,40 Total RTA remuneration 144.499,20 18.062,40 18.062,40 18.062,40 18.062,40 18.062,40 18.062,40 18.062,40 18.062,40 2 Daily allowances (50%) 87,50 730 63.875,00 7.962,50 8.050,00 7.875,00 7.962,50 8.050,00 8.050,00 7.962,50 7.962,50 Allowances for RTA for first 30 days 175,00 30 5.250,00 1.925,00 3.325,00 Allowances for spouse and children for first 30 days

at 50% Health and accident insurance for RTA 200,00 24 4.800,00 1.056,18 2.168,67 1.575,15 Health and accident insurance for spouse Health and accident insurance for children Accommodation (see appropriate ceiling for each BC) 1.000,00 23 23.000,00 2.500,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 2.500,00 Estate Agent’s Fee 1.000,00 1 1.000,00 1.000,00 Removal Costs (up to 780kg for RTA, 390kg for 2,00 spouse and 195kg per child) Storage Costs Vehicle transport Excess Luggage (up to 50kg) Travel to and from place of duty – RTA 450,00 1 450,00 450,00 Travel to and from place of duty – spouse 450,00 Travel to and from place of duty – child 450,00 Monthly return trips – RTA 450,00 23 10.350,00 450,00 1.350,00 1.350,00 1.350,00 1.350,00 1.350,00 1.350,00 1.350,00 450,00 Annual return trip – spouse 450,00 Annual return trip – child 450,00 School fees (1 child for 1 year) Total RTA Allowances 108.725,00 12.837,50 13.456,18 12.225,00 12.312,50 12.400,00 14.568,67 12.312,50 11.812,50 6.800,15 Total BC Co-financing 3 RTA training Return flight Brussels 400,00 1 400,00 566,85 -166,85 3 per diems in Brussels 201,00 3 603,00 402,00 201,00 Total RTA Training 1.003,00 968,85 34,15 4 RTA assistant

76 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter RTA's assistant salary I 1.000,00 24 24.000,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 19.500,00 Total RTA Assistant Costs 24.000,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 19.500,00 5 Project preparation Project Leader, Cocchi - fees 450,00 4 1.800,00 1.800,00 RTA, Fabiani - fees 450,00 3 1.350,00 1.350,00 ‘Project Management Costs’ 4.725,00 4.725,00 Per diems 175,00 6 1.050,00 1.050,00 air tickets 680,00 4 2.720,00 2.720,00 Total preparation costs 11.645,00 11.645,00 Total BC Co-financing 6 Project co-ordination costs PL working days in Slovakia, fees 450,00 80 36.000,00 4.725,00 3.150,00 3.600,00 2.700,00 3.600,00 3.375,00 2.700,00 2.925,00 7.650,00 1.575,00 Project Management Costs 54.000,00 7.087,50 4.725,00 5.400,00 4.050,00 5.400,00 5.062,50 4.050,00 4.387,50 11.475,00 2.362,50 international travel 680,00 16 10.880,00 2.040,00 1.109,29 1.360,00 1.360,00 1.253,00 1.854,19 1.360,00 1.360,00 1.860,16 -2.676,64 per diems 175,00 80 14.000,00 1.575,00 1.050,00 1.050,00 875,00 1.575,00 1.400,00 875,00 1.050,00 4.100,00 450,00 visibility costs lump sum 2.000,00 169,10 318,22 767,59 745,09 audit certificate lump sum 4.000,00 4.000,00 Office management costs Total Project Co-ordination Costs 120.880,00 15.596,60 10.352,51 11.410,00 8.985,00 11.828,00 12.459,28 8.985,00 9.722,50 29.085,16 2.455,95


COMPONENT 1 - SETTING ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARDS FOR 1 D.S. IN WATER Evaluation of the existing results and information 1.1.1 on the dose response for DS relevant for Slovakia 3 experts for a total of 15 m/d Experts from ISS and ARPA Piemonte working days in Slovakia 350,00 7 2.450,00 2.450,00 project management costs 3.675,00 3.675,00 international travel 680,00 3 1.699,54 1.699,54 per diems 175,00 7 1.225,00 1.225,00 translation 15,00 20 293,84 293,84 -0,00 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of


77 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter sub-total Activity 1.1.1 9.343,38 9.343,38 -0,00 1.1.2 Develpment of database on DS based on literature 4 experts for a total of 20 m/d Experts from ISS and ARPA Veneto working days in Slovakia 350,00 20 7.000,00 4.200,00 2.800,00 project management costs 10.500,00 6.300,00 4.200,00 international travel 369,94 8 2.959,48 1.704,26 1.255,22 0,00 per diems 175,00 16 2.800,00 1.925,00 875,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 production of training aids Interpretation 170,00 Translation of regulations and legislation proposals 15,00 58,73 881,00 881,00 -0,00 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 1.1.2 24.140,48 14.129,26 881,00 9.130,22 -0,00 1.1.3 Selection of the most suitable methods for establishment of the EQSs 4 experts for a total of 20 m/d Experts from ISS, ACEL and ARPA Veneto working days in Slovakia senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 17 5.950,00 5.950,00 project management costs 8.925,00 8.925,00 international travel 642,30 5 3.211,48 3.211,48 -0,01 per diems 175,00 18 3.150,00 3.150,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 Interpretation 170,00 6,63 1.127,37 1.127,37 0,00 Translation 15,00 61,88 928,20 928,20 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 1.1.3 23.292,05 22.363,85 928,20 -0,00 Execution of ecotoxicological tests for some 1.1.4 substances 2 EU experts for 10 m/d Expert from ACEL and ARPA Piemonte working days in Slovakia

78 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 5 1.750,00 1.400,00 350,00 project management costs 2.625,00 2.100,00 525,00 international travel 680,00 1 680,00 680,00 per diems 175,00 4 700,00 525,00 175,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 outside Bratislava Interpretation 170,00 ecotox tests (to be contracted in lots) 1.500,00 20 30.000,00 19.425,84 10.574,16 0,00 Organisation and logistics, publication of materials,

laboratory and ecotoxicological tests sub-total Activity 1.1.4 35.755,00 19.425,84 4.705,00 11.624,16 0,00 Activity 5 - Establishment of the EQS for the 17 1.1.5 DS for which they are missing 4 EU experts for 20 m/d: experts from ISS, ACEL, ARPA Veneto and ARPA

Piemonte working days in Slovakia 350,00 20 7.000,00 2.450,00 3.850,00 700,00 project management costs 10.500,00 3.675,00 5.775,00 1.050,00 international travel 465,32 6 2.791,94 810,62 2.024,61 -43,29 per diems 175,00 20 3.500,00 1.050,00 1.925,00 525,00 Interpretation 170,00 0,5 85,00 85,00 preparation and printing of information leaflet for 300,00 24 4.231,78 4.231,78 0,00 dissemination of results and findings

Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 1.1.5 28.108,72 7.985,62 13.574,61 6.591,78 -43,28 SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 1 120.639,63 23.472,64 41.789,69 12.690,62 26.126,97 881,00 15.722,00 -43,28 COMPONENT 2 - communication network and 2 MIS 2.1.1 Assessment of existing communication network 3 experts for a total of 15 m/d experts from CSI Piemonte working days in Slovakia - civil servants 250,00 4 1.000,00 1.000,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 10 3.500,00 4.500,00 -1.000,00

79 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter project management costs 6.750,00 6.750,00 international travel 680,00 3 2.040,00 968,24 1.071,76 per diems 175,00 15 2.625,00 2.625,00 contracting of support IT services 150,00 30 4.500,00 4.500,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 outside Bratislava interpretation 170,00 Translation 15,00 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 2.1.1 20.415,00 14.843,24 4.500,00 1.071,76 Preparation of proposal for establishing network 2.1.2 links among environmental offices 3 experts for 15 m/d experts from CSI Piemonte working days in Slovakia senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 15 5.250,00 3.850,00 1.400,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 7.875,00 5.775,00 2.100,00 international travel 680,00 3 2.040,00 1.752,19 680,00 -392,19 per diems 175,00 15 2.625,00 1.575,00 700,00 350,00 contracting of support IT services 150,00 24 3.600,00 3.500,00 100,00 interpretation 170,00 3 510,00 340,00 85,00 85,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 2.300 575,00 575,00 Translation 15,00 80 1.200,00 221,70 717,85 260,45 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 2.1.2 23.675,00 221,70 12.952,19 3.500,00 340,00 5.682,85 978,26 2.1.3 Preparation of technical specifications for procurement of HW and SW 3 experts for 15 m/d experts from CSI Piemonte working days in Slovakia

80 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 13 4.550,00 4.550,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 6.825,00 6.825,00 international travel 680,00 3 2.040,00 2.638,98 -598,98 per diems 175,00 12 2.100,00 2.100,00 contracting of support IT services 150,00 6 900,00 900,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 Translation 15,00 Contracting of support IT services sub-total Activity 2.1.3 16.415,00 16.113,98 301,02 2.2.1 Support in IT tender evaluation and procurement process 1 expert for 5 m/d experts from CSI Piemonte working days in Slovakia senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 5 1.750,00 1.050,00 700,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 2.625,00 1.575,00 1.050,00 international travel 680,00 1 680,00 557,93 122,07 per diems 175,00 5 875,00 525,00 350,00 interpretation 170,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 Bratislava Translation 15,00 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 2.2.1 5.930,00 3.707,93 2.100,00 122,07 2.2.2 Assistance in the installation of the procured IT equipment 1 expert for 5 m/d experts from CSI Piemonte working days in Slovakia senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 5 1.750,00 1.400,00 350,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 2.625,00 2.100,00 525,00

81 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter international travel 680,00 1 680,00 522,84 535,30 -378,14 per diems 175,00 5 875,00 700,00 205,00 -30,00 interpretation 170,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 2.300 575,00 575,00 Translation 15,00 Organisation and logistics of meetings, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 2.2.2 6.505,00 4.722,84 1.615,30 166,86 Training of the staff of regional and local environmental offices to use the networking 2.2.3 facilities in day to day duties 2 experts for 10 m/d expert from CSI Piemonte experts with 5-8 years of experience 250,00 750,00 -750,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 10 3.500,00 1.050,00 1.050,00 1.400,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 5.250,00 1.575,00 2.700,00 975,00 international travel 680,00 2 1.360,00 652,73 617,73 89,54 per diems 175,00 10 1.750,00 525,00 1.435,00 -210,00 interpretation 170,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 Bratislava Translation 15,00 50 750,00 119,00 515,30 115,70 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of 1.880,00 1.195,98 684,02 materials sub-total Activity 2.2.3 14.490,00 3.921,73 8.264,01 2.304,26 SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 2 87.430,00 30.957,22 8.207,93 221,70 15.052,19 3.500,00 4.261,73 10.405,69 9.879,31 4.944,23 COMPONENT 3 - TRAINING STAFF OF 3 REGIONAL OFFICES ON MONITORING AND CONTROL Training of staff of selected Regional/District environmental offices on control and 3.1.1 monitoring programming 8 experts for 40 m/d experts from ARPA Veneto, Emilia-Romagna,

Tuscany and Piemonte, Provinces of Po river basin experts with 5-8 years of experience 250,00 10 2.500,00 3.375,00 875,00 -1.750,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 54 18.725,00 6.475,00 9.800,00 2.450,00

82 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 5 2.025,00 2.025,00 project management costs 34.875,00 12.750,00 19.762,50 1.312,50 1.050,00 international travel 680,00 12 8.160,00 3.822,54 4.137,83 1.180,54 -980,91 per diems 175,00 68 11.900,00 3.675,00 7.175,00 820,00 230,00 interpretation 170,00 10 1.700,00 131,32 752,29 816,39 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 4.100 1.025,00 2.052,75 -1.027,75 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 2 350,00 350,00 Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 2 350,00 350,00 outside Bratislava Translation 15,00 160 2.400,00 2.013,83 386,77 -0,60 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 3.1.1 84.010,00 28.878,86 47.003,08 2.766,12 386,77 4.188,04 787,12 3.1.2 Assistance in the preparation of control and monitoring programmes 6 experts for 30 m/d experts from ARPA Veneto, Emilia-Romagna,

Tuscany and Piemonte, Provinces of Po river basin working days in Slovakia - FOSCHIA 250,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 42 14.700,00 5.250,00 2.100,00 5.550,00 1.050,00 500,00 250,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 22.050,00 7.875,00 3.150,00 8.325,00 1.575,00 750,00 375,00 international travel 680,00 9 6.120,00 3.250,16 1.948,34 3.874,21 397,11 -3.349,82 per diems 175,00 42 7.350,00 1.750,00 875,00 2.625,00 525,00 205,00 1.370,00 interpretation 170,00 8 1.360,00 85,00 595,00 680,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 2.400 600,00 67,00 134,00 399,00 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 2 350,00 350,00 Bratislava Translation 15,00 80 1.200,00 1.201,24 -1,24 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 3.1.2 53.730,00 18.125,16 9.426,58 20.508,21 3.547,11 2.050,00 72,94 Assistance in the implementation of some control and monitoring activities in the 3.1.3 second year of the project 6 experts for 35 m/d experts from ARPA Veneto, Emilia-Romagna,

83 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Tuscany and Piemonte, Provinces of Po river basin working days in Slovakia junior experts 0-8 yrs experience 250,00 1.250,00 1.500,00 1.000,00 -3.750,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 40 14.000,00 5.425,00 1.050,00 3.150,00 4.375,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 21.000,00 10.012,50 3.825,00 6.225,00 937,50 international travel 680,00 8 5.440,00 4.512,20 1.823,19 3.672,20 -4.567,59 per diems 175,00 40 7.000,00 3.325,00 1.575,00 2.100,00 interpretation 170,00 10 1.700,00 569,80 1.130,20 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 1.900 475,00 475,00 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 4 700,00 700,00 Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 4 700,00 700,00 outside Bratislava Translation 15,00 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 3.1.3 51.015,00 24.524,70 9.773,19 16.717,00 0,11 3.2.1 Training of staff and training of trainers on standards and procedures 6 experts for 30 m/d experts from ARPA Veneto, Emilia-Romagna,

Tuscany and Piemonte, Provinces of Po river basin working days in Slovakia junior experts 0-8 yrs experience 250,00 625,00 2.875,00 -3.500,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 35 12.250,00 2.275,00 1.400,00 2.625,00 5.950,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 2.025,00 -2.025,00 project management costs 18.375,00 4.350,00 2.100,00 11.287,50 637,50 international travel 680,00 7 4.760,00 999,01 2.717,23 1.043,76 per diems 175,00 35 6.125,00 1.400,00 700,00 4.920,00 -895,00 interpretation 170,00 6 1.020,00 340,00 680,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 2.200 550,00 134,00 416,00 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 6 1.050,00 1.050,00 Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 6 1.050,00 1.050,00 outside Bratislava

84 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Translation 15,00 100 1.500,00 939,75 231,15 329,10 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of 5.000,00 4.950,00 50,00 materials sub-total Activity 3.2.1 51.680,00 939,75 8.650,00 8.004,16 32.079,73 2.006,36 Study visits for 10 state administrators (duration 7 days each). Carrying out of 3.2.2 dissemination seminars 2 study visits in Veneto Region and the Provinces of

Po river basin air tickets for participants per diem for participants (10 staff x 4+3 nights) 175,00 70 12.250,00 6.475,00 5.250,00 525,00 interpreter 170,00 5 850,00 510,00 510,00 -170,00 per diem for interpreter and RTA 230,00 10 2.300,00 1.225,00 1.050,00 25,00 air ticket for interpreter and RTA 340,00 3 1.020,00 636,28 623,71 -239,99 intensive training costs 500,00 6 3.000,00 2.000,00 400,00 1.000,00 -400,00 transport for trainees by minibus with driver 500,00 6 3.000,00 3.000,00 expenses not documented (10€/trainee-day) 10,00 70 700,00 700,00 dissemination seminars 4 experts for 20 m/d experts from ARPA Veneto, Emilia-Romagna,

Tuscany and Piemonte, Provinces of Po river basin working days in Slovakia senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 19 6.650,00 4.025,00 2.625,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 1.800,00 -1.800,00 project management costs 9.975,00 8.737,50 1.237,50 international travel 680,00 4 2.720,00 2.400,63 319,37 per diems 175,00 19 3.325,00 4.100,00 -775,00 interpretation 170,00 12 2.040,00 1.360,00 680,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 outside Bratislava Translation 15,00 79 1.185,00 120,00 1.065,00 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of 5.000,00 4.950,00 50,00 materials sub-total Activity 3.2.2 54.015,00 10.846,28 7.833,71 32.193,13 3.141,88 Study visits for 10 state administrators (duration 4 3.2.3 days each).

85 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 1 study visits in Rome with supreme Italian Env.

Authorities. per diem for participants (10 staff x 4 nights) 175,00 40 7.000,00 9.200,00 -2.200,00 interpreter 170,00 4 680,00 680,00 per diem for interpreter 230,00 4 920,00 920,00 air tcket for interpreter and RTA 340,00 3 1.020,00 492,71 527,29 intensive training costs 500,00 3 1.500,00 1.500,00 transport for trainees by minibus with driver 500,00 expenses not documented (10€/trainee-day) 10,00 40 400,00 400,00 dissemination seminars 4 experts for 20 m/d experts from ARPA Veneto, Emilia-Romagna,

Tuscany and Piemonte, Provinces of Po river basin working days in Slovakia senior experts 8-15 yrs experience special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 350,00 2 700,00 700,00 project management costs 525,00 2 1.050,00 1.050,00 international travel 680,00 1 680,00 680,00 per diems 205,00 1 205,00 205,00 interpretation 170,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 75 18,75 18,75 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside

Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay

outside Bratislava


Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 3.2.3 14.173,75 11.292,71 1.900,00 981,04 SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 3 308.623,75 28.878,86 47.003,08 20.891,28 20.659,63 21.447,96 41.008,41 13.320,30 36.013,87 72.410,90 6.989,45 COMPONENT 4 - IMPROVEMENT OF INTER- 4 INSTITUTIONAL COORDINATION Assessment of activities carried out in the course of Component 2 and partly 3, 4.1.1 preparation of a manual of procedures for ensuring data flow 6 experts for 30 m/d experts from Provinces of Po river basin, CSI

Piemonte and ACEL working days in Slovakia

86 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter experts civil servants 250,00 1.000,00 1.000,00 -2.000,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 30 10.500,00 2.800,00 5.250,00 2.450,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 15.750,00 1.500,00 4.200,00 9.375,00 675,00 international travel 680,00 6 4.080,00 1.704,36 2.633,68 -258,04 per diems 175,00 30 5.250,00 700,00 1.050,00 3.150,00 350,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 1.700 425,00 67,00 358,00 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 4 700,00 175,00 525,00 Bratislava per diem for RTA's assistant during overnight stay 175,00 4 700,00 700,00 outside Bratislava Translation 15,00 80 1.200,00 115,35 1.084,65 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 4.1.1 38.605,00 3.200,00 9.754,36 21.766,03 3.884,61 Support for implementation of an internal network (INTRANET). Application of 4.1.2 proposed procedures 5 experts for 35 m/d experts from Provinces of Po river basin, CSI

Piemonte and ACEL working days in Slovakia 250,00 1.000,00 1.000,00 -2.000,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 34 11.900,00 1.225,00 1.800,00 1.000,00 5.425,00 2.450,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 17.850,00 1.500,00 1.837,50 2.700,00 1.500,00 9.637,50 675,00 international travel 680,00 7 4.760,00 680,00 1.260,46 522,84 2.013,70 283,00 per diems 175,00 34 5.950,00 525,00 525,00 1.050,00 700,00 4.305,00 -1.155,00 contracted services for legislative and institutional 190,00 15 2.850,00 2.850,00 compliance interpretation 170,00 4 680,00 680,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 1.600 400,00 400,00 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 4 700,00 700,00 Bratislava Translation 15,00 80 1.200,00 340,00 860,00 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 4.1.2 46.290,00 3.705,00 3.587,50 6.810,46 3.722,84 22.721,20 5.743,00

87 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Preparation of a manual of procedures for control activities requiring complementary 4.2.1 interventions from different State institutions 4 experts for 20 m/d experts from Provinces of Po river basin, ARPAs and

ACEL working days in Slovakia 750,00 -750,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 20 7.000,00 4.025,00 350,00 2.625,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 2.025,00 -2.025,00 project management costs 10.500,00 6.037,50 4.687,50 -225,00 international travel 680,00 4 2.720,00 1.553,62 854,55 311,83 per diems 175,00 20 3.500,00 1.750,00 1.845,00 -95,00 contracted services for legislative and institutional 190,00 15 2.850,00 2.819,24 30,76 compliance travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 1.450 362,50 362,50 Translation 15,00 100 1.500,00 1.492,54 7,46 Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of

materials sub-total Activity 4.2.1 28.432,50 14.858,66 13.331,29 242,55 Carrying out seminars for dissemination of the proposals for a structured inter- 4.2.2 institutional coordination 4 experts for 20 m/d experts from mandated bodies and civil servants civil servants 250,00 1.000,00 1.000,00 -2.000,00 senior experts 8-15 yrs experience 350,00 20 7.000,00 4.375,00 2.625,00 special counsellors with 15 to 15 years of experience 450,00 project management costs 10.500,00 1.500,00 8.062,50 937,50 international travel 680,00 4 2.720,00 680,00 3.956,27 -1.916,27 per diems 175,00 20 3.500,00 700,00 4.305,00 -1.505,00 contracted services for legislative and institutional 190,00 compliance interpretation 170,00 4 680,00 680,00 travel in Slovakia (0,25 €/Km) 0,25 1.800 450,00 450,00 per diem for RTA during overnight stay outside 175,00 4 700,00 700,00 Bratislava Translation 15,00 50 750,00 750,00

88 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Actions to be undertaken under the Twinning n. of Total costs 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th Unit cost 1st Quarter 6th Quarter 8th Quarter final period Balance project units MS SL 10 Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Organisation and logistics of seminars, publication of 5.000,00 5.000,00 materials sub-total Activity 4.2.2 31.300,00 3.880,00 27.378,77 41,23 SUB-TOTAL COMPONENT 4 144.627,50 6.905,00 13.341,86 6.810,46 44.227,53 63.431,26 9.911,39 PROJECT SUB-TOTAL 1.072.073,08 144.919,07 132.663,86 83.487,23 86.368,20 86.576,55 118.662,62 63.752,39 130.244,49 174.806,63 50.592,04 Provision for changes in prices (at maximum 2.5% of 26.890,74 3.083,63 440,66 1.769,04 7.568,15 3.175,95 4.573,30 1.402,95 3.776,82 313,73 786,51 sub-total) PROJECT TOTAL 1.098.963,82 148.002,70 133.104,52 85.256,27 93.936,35 89.752,50 123.235,92 65.155,34 134.021,31 175.120,36 51.378,55 BC CO-FINANCING TOTAL

95,32% 1.047.585,27

89 Final Report Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN01

Please remember that this report must be accompanied by an AUDIT CERTIFICATE (Model audit certificate: Annex VI to the Twinning Contract)

For the administration of the Member State [name and title of the individual(s) authorised to sign]



For the administration of the BC [name and title of the individual(s authorised to sign]




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