Uniform Police Protection

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Uniform Police Protection

Group 6-13-ROO1

Exhibit “B”


SPECIAL PROVISION Special Invoice and Billing Instructions Description of Areas to be Mowed Liquidated Damages Special Requirements Special Requirements – Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting Special Equipment Requirement for Hourly Line Items Traffic Control Requirements List of Equipment and Equipment Inspection Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP) Requirements

Item 1 – FY14 Trash and Debris Removal and Disposal Item 2 – FY14 Landscape/Trimming Crew Item 3 – FY14 Mechanized Sweeping Item 4 – FY14 Mowing – Roosevelt Blvd (Rotary) Item 5 – FY15 Trash and Debris Removal and Disposal Item 6 – FY15 Landscape/Trimming Crew Item 7 – FY15 Mechanized Sweeping Item 8 – FY15 Mowing – Roosevelt Blvd (Rotary)

ATTACHMENTS Map (1 Sheet) Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Sign Sketch (1 Sheet) Schedule A Mowing Diagram

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Upon the completion of each assigned cycle or work item, the Vendor will submit to the District 6-0 Roadside Unit a Billing Summary Report on the Confirmation of Service Form (Form OS-501) including properly completed Form M-609 documentation. Upon the review and verification of all work indicated on the summary, a Roadside Unit representative will notify the vendor of any corrections needed for the approval of the summary. After all corrections have been approved, the vendor will fax a revised Billable Summary Report to the District 6-0 Roadside Unit and will send the official invoice only, not including M-609 documentation, directly to the Comptroller’s Office (the address is indicated on the front face of the Purchase Order).

The Vendor must follow the Purchase Order on the official Invoice, especially in regards to the items indicated by Fiscal Year (i.e. Item 1 FY XX, Item 2 FY XX ….).

The Confirmation of Service Form (OS-501) and Roadside Activity Report Form (M-609) will be provided to the successful bidder.


Mow all areas of the Roosevelt Boulevard from 9th Street to the Bucks County Line. Mow the mainline, ramps and interchange locations in accordance to the construction specifications.


Liquidated damages may be assessed in an amount as specified in the IFB in the section titled “Liquidated Damages”. Liquidated damages may be assessed for contractor performance issues for each infraction.

Incidents of contractor performance issues will be: - Not completing the mowing cycle in the required time frame. - Not following the mowing diagram and discharging grass onto paved surfaces of the project areas. - Non-continuous work. Once started, must continue to mow until the cycle is complete. Weather and equipment issues may be taken into consideration. - Mowing over trash and debris. - Not following the mowing plan submitted by vendor and approved by the District Roadside Specialist.

2 Group 6-13-ROO1


The following requirements must be followed when performing work.

 Any Department property which is damaged by the contractor due any operation will be replaced or repaired at no additional cost to the Department.

 If the Contractor comes into contact with a dead animal (deer, etc.), notify the District Roadside Unit for its removal.

 Provide an adequate amount of equipment to properly meet the demands of the contract.

 Do not mow over delineators. Any delineators that the Contractor damages due to the mowing operation will be replaced or repaired at no additional cost to the Department

 Do not perform any operation within active construction zones or beautification areas, unless directed. Contact the District Roadside at 610-205-6987 so these zones or areas can be properly delineated prior to the start of work.

 Mowing Cycle – Provide an adequate amount of equipment to properly meet the demands of each mowing cycle within the county.

 When performing mowing operations, mow in accordance with mowing diagram.

 Display an orange flag extending three (3) feet above the cab of the mower.

 Incidental trash removal is to be performed prior to the start of mowing operations. Incidental trash removal is defined as the removal of all trash and debris which may impede mowing operations, create a hazard to the motoring public, or cause a larger amount of debris than there was previously (e.g. tires, pillows, trash bags)


All prospective bidders are required to attend a pre-bid meeting that will include a field trip to the project location. The start out point will be the District 6-0 office and everyone will be shuttled to the field review. All prospective bidders must sign an attendance sheet. Only those bidders who attend and sign the attendance sheet will be allowed to submit a bid.

3 Group 6-13-ROO1


Vehicles used on the contract on an hourly line item basis (Line 1,2 &3) shall be equipped with, at the contactors expense, a computer to monitor the work locations and a real-time GPS {Global Positioning System) Location Verifying Unit Receiver Signal System to record the location of the work vehicles using GPS satellites. The vehicle computer and GPS Location Verifying Units will be supplied, maintained and installed by the contractor at their expense for the duration of the Contract. The GPS Location Verifying Units system shall be capable of real-time and historic tracking of trucks used on the contract at the same time collectively or individually. The Department reserves the rights to download any stored or recorded information within the vehicles location monitoring units at any time during the duration of the Contract. The Contractor is responsible for providing The Department with a website access location and password to view the GPS location, of any work truck, at any time, in real-time. If the GPS location equipment is non-operational while working on the contract during normal work hours, this will be cause for non-payment during these work hours. The website shall be compatible with Internet Explorer 8 and newer versions and also be compatible with Smartphone's using the iphone, Android, Windows and Blackberry Operating Systems.

This information must be formatted into a file format compatible with the Department's existing software. The contractor will be required at their expense to provide all necessary software to provide the above-mentioned data. The material will be supplied by the contractor and shall include the following:

1. Tracking Units GPS antennas 2. 3. Power cords 4. Download cables Mapping software 5.

The computer control system shall be capable of producing a report of daily working locations and operations having an update time capability of every 15 minutes. This report shall be attached to M-609 documentation or sent electronically through email to the DRS at day's end. At minimum, the report shall include the following:

1. The date 2. Truck identification (number or operator name)

4 Group 6-13-ROO1


Conduct maintenance and protection of traffic in accordance with Publication 213 dated April 2010 or the most recent edition. Should the length of operations become excessive or if interruptions of traffic become too frequent, cease all operations in the area until necessary remedial action has been taken as directed by the Engineer. For all operations on Interstates and Expressways, perform no work impacting traffic between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. If for any reason lanes need to be closed or if there is a major encroachment, the traffic control shall be in accordance with the appropriate Figures from Publication 213 and may require a flag person.

All maintenance and protection of traffic will be incidental to the cost of the contract.

Furnish trained flaggers to control traffic adjacent to and within the construction areas in accordance with Pub 408, Section 901.3(y).

LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPMENT INSPECTION REQUIRMENTS Subject to the start of this work the Successful Bidder will be required to prepare and have inspected the equipment that will be used to perform the work. The contractor must have the company name or logo on all vehicles used on the contract. The contractor, when notified by PENNDOT, has within five (5) business days to make arrangements with the Roadside Supervisor to perform an equipment inspection. At the time of inspection the contractor must submit a List of Roadside Equipment on “Schedule A”. Do not list the same equipment on two different PENNDOT projects. The equipment listed must exclusively be used for projects as specified on “Schedule A”. If the contractor does not comply with this specification, PENNDOT reserves the right to offer the services to the next bidder.


The contractor must comply with PennDOT’s “SEMP” Program which can be found on PennDOT’s website at www.dot.state.pa.us. Go to PennDOT organizations / Engineering Districts and County Maintenance offices, click on District 6, click on Roadwork, click on Maintenance, and click on SEMP, Strategic Environmental Management Program.

5 Group 6-13-ROO1


DESCRIPTION – This work is the removal and disposal of all litter and debris four inches and larger in size from all areas within the Department’s right of way. This work will take place as directed by the District Roadside Specialist Supervisor or designee on an as needed basis. Removal will encompass all shoulders, medians, ramps, interchanges and bowl areas along the Departments right of way. All trash and debris collected must be placed in trash bags, where possible, and disposed of at no extra cost to the Department.

Personnel – One (1) Six (6) person crew One person of the crew designated as foreperson Equipment – a. Provide six (6) spring loaded Reacher/Grabbers a minimum of 32 inches long and constructed of an Aluminum shaft capable of removing litter; or an acceptable alternative as approved by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or designee. b. Transportation for all personnel, equipment and material to the work site. c. One trash truck with 6 cubic yard capacity, a roof mounted amber emergency rotating or flashing light, a “SLOW MOVING VEHICLE: sign mounted on the rear, and the contractor’s name and phone number displayed on the vehicle. Tarp the truck and place trash in bags so the trash will not blow out while transporting. d. Provide trash bags and gloves. e. ANSI Class II Safety vests, hard hats and leather boots must be worn. f. Provide a cellular phone to the designated foreperson and provide the Department Roadside Unit with the phone number. g. Ensure all personnel and equipment used for this item has license, insurance, and registrations in accordance with applicable PA Motor Vehicle Codes. h. See SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR HOURLY LINE ITEMS special provision.

CONSTRUCTION – Remove and dispose of all litter and debris four (4) inches and larger in size from all areas within the Departments right of way, as directed by the District Roadside Specialist Supervisor or designee. Highway mileposts, interchanges or other physical landmarks may be used to designate starting and stopping points. The Roadside Unit will notify the contractor with litter and debris pickup locations.

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Conduct Maintenance and Protection of Traffic operations in accordance with Publication 213. The cost of Maintenance and Protection of Traffic is considered incidental to the cost of this item.

Objects that require the efforts of more than the entire crew to lift onto the truck, can be left in place where discovered. Notify the Engineer within 24 hours of encountering such objects. Do not disturb any steel drums or other types of sealed containers which might contain solid, liquid, or gaseous chemical wastes, hospital wastes or infectious wastes. Notify the County Maintenance Manager or the District Roadside representative if any such material is discovered.

PENNDOT has other crews that clean the paved shoulders, however, if a large object is in the path of the crew’s trash truck on the shoulder, pick the object up and dispose of it as if it was removed from the area beyond the edge of shoulder.

MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT – Hour (rate is for individual crew consisting of personnel and equipment specified).

No payment will be made for hours not worked due to inclement weather, breakdowns, repairs, lunch, travel to and from the work zone in the morning and upon completion of the day, or other causes. Submit estimate for payment once a month on the entitled Confirmation of Service Form (Form OS-501) including Form M-609: Roadside Activity Report documentation. Improperly completed or missing information from Form M-609 could result in a delay in processing of estimates for payment.


DESCRIPTION – This work is the trimming of Department right of way, as directed, which is not maintained on a regular basis throughout the Roosevelt Boulevard. This work may require the use of smaller grass trimming devices to trim the grass near sign poles, guide rails, posts, light poles, slope areas, etc.

Trimming will be performed on an as needed basis and as directed by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or designee.

Personnel – One (1) Four (4) person crew One person of the crew designated as foreperson Equipment – a. Four (4) gasoline powered string trimmers. b. Two (2) gasoline powered telescopic power pole pruners that have a chain saw type cutter head. c. One (1) gasoline powered blower.

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d. Transportation for all personnel, equipment and material to the work site. e. ANSI Class II Safety vests, hard hats and leather boots must be worn. f. Provide a cellular phone to the designated foreperson and provide the Department Roadside Unit with the phone number. g. Ensure all personnel and equipment used for this item has license, insurance, and registrations in accordance with applicable PA Motor Vehicle Codes. h. See SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR HOURLY LINE ITEMS special provision.

MATERIAL – Provide all lubricants, fuels, and other items needed for satisfactory performance of equipment listed above under the Equipment heading. Equipment must be capable of trimming around trees, shrubs, planting beds, sign posts, guide rails, concrete structures, and other obstructions without damaging them. Ensure the head lights, tail lights, and four way flashers are installed to meet the state motor vehicle code requirements for light trucks.

CONSTRUCTION – Trim all islands, medians, shoulders; interchange areas, curbed traffic divider islands, sloped areas and all other areas within the right of way as directed.

Remove and dispose of all the litter and debris from the areas to be trimmed if it impedes trimming or creates a hazard to the motoring public or adjacent properties. Remove and dispose of any litter or debris that becomes uncovered due to the cutting of heavy brush. Be responsible for damage incurred to equipment as a result of trimming.

Do not damage the roots, basal areas or branches of any existing trees within this project. Do not damage any ornamental plantings or beds. Be responsible for any damage associated with trimming operation. Where damage occurs, due to this operation, repair or replace items as directed at no cost to the department.

Do not work on Saturday, Sunday and official State or Federal holidays without prior authorization from the District Roadside Specialist Supervisor only. No work is to start before sunrise or continue after sunset.

Do not trim the following areas:  areas within plant beds

Ensure that all existing traffic lanes remain open during non-working hours. Conduct Maintenance and Protection of Traffic operations in accordance with Publication 213. The cost of Maintenance and Protection of Traffic is considered incidental to the cost of this work.

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MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT – Hour (rate is for individual crew consisting of personnel and equipment specified).

No payment will be made for hours not worked due to inclement weather, breakdowns, repairs, lunch, and travel to and from the work zone in the morning and upon completion of the day, or other causes. Submit estimate for payment once a month on the entitled Confirmation of Service Form (Form OS-501) including Form M-609: Roadside Activity Report documentation. Improperly completed or missing information from Form M-609 could result in a delay in processing of estimates for payment.


DESCRIPTION – This work is the mechanized sweeping and removal of all organic and non organic debris from areas along the Roosevelt Blvd only. Work can be required and performed during the day as needed. This work will take place ONLY as directed by the District Roadside Specialist.

Personnel – One (1) licensed operator for the vehicle, designated as foreperson with a cellular phone. One (1) laborer to help to pick up trash from paved median areas.

Equipment -

a. One (1) trash and debris truck with a six cubic yard capacity, a roof mounted amber emergency rotating or flashing light, a “SLOW MOVING VEHICLE” sign mounted on the rear, and the contractor’s name and phone number displayed on the vehicle. b. One (1) mechanical dump broom sweeper, with a four cubic yard hopper and side dump capability. c. ANSI Class II Safety vests, hard hats and leather boots must be worn. d. Provide a cellular phone to the designated foreperson and provide the Department Roadside Unit with the phone number. e. Ensure all personnel and equipment used for this item has license, insurance, and registrations in accordance with applicable PA Motor Vehicle Codes. f. See SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR HOURLY LINE ITEMS special provision.

CONSTRUCTION – Dispose of debris from mechanized sweeping at no additional cost to the Department. Conduct sweeping operations on an as needed basis as directed by the District Roadside Management. Work will be limited to no more than 40 hours a week. The Roadside Specialist will notify the contractor with sweeping locations. Begin sweeping operations within 2 business days of notice to proceed and complete within

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14 business days. Ensure all personnel and equipment used for this item has a current driver’s license, insurance, and registrations in accordance with applicable PA Motor Vehicle Codes.

Conduct Maintenance and Protection of Traffic operations in accordance with Publication 213. The cost of Maintenance and Protection of Traffic is considered incidental to the cost of mechanized sweeping.

MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT – Hour (rate is for individual crew, consisting of personnel and equipment specified).

No payment will be made for hours not worked due to inclement weather, breakdowns, repairs, lunch, and travel to and from the work zone in the morning and upon completion of the day, or other causes. Submit estimate for payment once a month on the entitled Confirmation of Service Form (Form OS-501) including Form M-609: Roadside Activity Report documentation. Improperly completed or missing information from Form M-609 could result in a delay in processing of estimates for payment.


DESCRIPTION – This work is the mowing of grass in islands, medians, roadside areas, interchange areas, curbed traffic divider islands, areas at underpasses, overpasses, and viaducts, and sign structures that are partially enclosed by guide rail or fence and all other areas within the highway right of way as indicated by the description below and on the attached Location Map #1. This work may require the use of smaller grass mowing devices to mow the grass near sign poles, manholes, posts, light poles, etc.

Mowing will take place during the years of 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Over the life of the contract there will be approximately 14 mowing cycles per year. The number of cycles may be increased or decreased at the Department’s discretion. Mow in accordance with the mowing diagram.

DESCRIPTION – Provide a sufficient number of rotary mowers to efficiently complete each mowing cycle. Provide all lubricants, fuels and other items needed for satisfactory performance of equipment.

Personnel – One (1) Five (5) person crew for operating mowers One (1) Two (2) person crew to operate string trimmers, blowers, etc. One person of the crew designated as foreperson Equipment – a. Five (5) 60” riding mowers b. Two (2) 36” walk behind mowers c. Four (4) gasoline powered trimmers

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d. Four (4) gasoline powered blower. e. Transportation for all personnel, equipment and material to the work site. f. ANSI Class II Safety vests, hard hats and leather boots must be worn. g. Provide a cellular phone to the designated foreperson and provide the Department Roadside Unit with the phone number. h. Ensure all personnel and equipment used for this item has license, insurance, and registrations in accordance with applicable PA Motor Vehicle Codes.

CONSTRUCTION – Mow all islands, medians, shoulders, curbed traffic divider islands and all other areas within the right of way, as directed.

Remove and dispose of all the litter and debris from the areas to be mowed if it impedes mowing or creates a hazard to the motoring public or adjacent properties. Be responsible for damage incurred to vehicles as a result of mowing.

Mow all areas to a uniform height of 5 inches or as directed. Do not mow shorter than 5 inches unless directed by the Roadside Specialist only. All mowing will be performed in such a direction that the discharge is away from the paved surface and directed toward grass areas. Do not drop clippings on any paved surfaces. If areas mowed require equipment with baggers to prevent clippings from accumulating on paved surfaces or inlets, provide such equipment. Areas with poor quality mowing such as leaving piles of clippings and skips will be re-cut at no additional cost to the Department. Do not damage the roots, basal areas or branches of any existing trees within this project. Do not damage any ornamental plantings or beds. Be responsible for any damage associated with mowing operation. Where damage occurs, due to this operation, repair or replace items as directed at no cost to the Department.

Work continuously and complete each mowing cycle within twelve (12) business days.

Do not mow on Sunday and official State or Federal holidays. Do not mow before sunrise or after sunset.

The Department reserves the right to delete one or more mowing cycles and to increase or decrease the area to be mowed.

Do not mow the following areas:

a. Areas closer than eighteen inches to individual trees and shrubs. b. Areas within plant beds. c. Slope areas with 3:1 ratio or greater.

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Mow in accordance with the preapproved mowing plan that is required to be submitted in writing and approved by the District Roadside Specialist or Designee prior to the first mowing cycle of the contract. Any changes to the plan must receive new approval prior to startup of mowing.

While performing the actual cutting, notify the Roadside Unit in the District 6-0 office prior to 9:00 AM on Monday and Wednesday of each week that the mowing work is being performed. Use this notification to advise the District Roadside Unit of work that was performed since the previous report.

Ensure that all existing traffic lanes remain open during non-working hours. The cost of Maintenance and Protection of Traffic is considered incidental to the cost of mowing.

There is a total of 115 acres per cycle throughout the Roosevelt Blvd.


Payment will be made for the actual acre(s) mowed after the completion of each mowing cycle. For failure to complete work on time for the specified mowing cycles, liquidated damages will be assessed in accordance with the Special Provisions titled “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES”.

Submit estimate for payment once a month on the entitled Confirmation of Service Form (Form OS-501) including Form M-609: Roadside Activity Report documentation. Improperly completed or missing information from Form M-609 could result in a delay in processing of estimates for payment.

Acres may be added or deleted from this contract as areas are let for construction or created from construction. Any new cutting acreage may be added to this contract as locations are acquired during the duration of this contract.

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