Geography 9 World Religions Reading Buddhism How did Buddhism begin? About 2500 years ago, a prince named Siddhartha Gautama began to question his sheltered, luxurious life in the palace. He left the palace and saw four sights: a sick man, an old man, a dead man and a monk. These sights are said to have shown him that even a prince cannot escape illness, suffering and death. The sight of the monk told Siddhartha to leave his life as a prince and become a wandering holy man, seeking the answers to questions like "Why must people suffer?" "What is the cause of suffering?" Siddhartha spent many years doing many religious practices such as praying, meditating, and fasting until he finally understood the basic truths of life. This realization occurred after sitting under a Poplar-figtree in Bodh Gaya, India for many days, in deep meditation. He gained enlightenment, or nirvana, and was given the title of Buddha, which means Enlightened One. Three Universal Truths 1. Everything in life is impermanent and always changing. 2. Because nothing is permanent, a life based on possessing things or persons doesn't make you happy. 3. There is no eternal, unchanging soul and "self" is just a collection of changing characteristics or attributes. Four Noble Truths 1. Human life has a lot of suffering. 2. The cause of suffering is greed. 3. There is an end to suffering. 4. The way to end suffering is to follow the Middle Path. Where are Buddha's words written down? After Buddha died, his teachings were gradually written down from what people remembered. The ripitaka, or The Three Baskets, is a collection of Buddha's sayings, his thoughts about them, and rules for Buddhists monks. The Ripitaka was first written on palm leaves, which were collected together in baskets.

Shintoism What does Shinto mean? What do its followers believe? Shinto means the way of the gods. Shintoism is an Ancient religion of Japan. It started at least as long ago as 1000 B.C.E. but is still practiced today by at least five million people. The followers of Shintoism believe that spiritual powers exist in the natural world. They believe that "spirits" called kami live in natural places such as in animals, plants, stones, mountains, rivers, people and even the dead. Where do Shinto followers worship? Shinto places of worship are called shrines and are usually found in beautiful natural settings. The shrine contains an Inner Hall, which is only entered by Shinto priests since it is believed kami are present. Shinto priests can be either male or female. Purity is important to Shinto followers and therefore they rinse their mouths and wash their hands and hang up wooden tablets with prayers on them before entering the prayer hall. Once inside, the kami is summoned with a bell and offered rice or money. After which the worshiper bows twice and claps twice to welcome the kami then bows again. Is it possible to be practice both Shintoism and Buddhism? Yes, it is and many Japanese people practice both. The beliefs are very compatible and not contradictory.

Confucianism How did Confucianism begin? A Chinese philosopher named K'ung Fu-tzu or Confucius, the Westernized version, believed that a society could become perfect, if the people who lived in it exhibited "beautiful conduct." Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E. He had a government job, which he gave up to devote his life to teaching people how to behave. Today over five million people, mostly in China and the Far East, practice Confucianism. What did Confucius teach people? Confucius taught people five basic ideas about behavior: Always be considerate to others. Respect your ancestors. Try for harmony and balance in all things. Avoid extremes in behavior and emotion. If you live in peace and harmony, then you will be in contact with the spiritual forces of the universe, including nature. Confucius also taught that your well-being depends directly on the well-being of others. This principle is called Jen. Jen stresses the importance of showing courtesy and loyalty to other people. Those who practice Confucianism also believe the family and family values are very important. Children are taught to be very respectful of their parents and are taught to obey their parents. Where are Confucius' ideas written down? There are five texts, which contain Confucian scriptures. These include poems, history, rituals, and sayings.

Taoism What does Tao mean? Tao means "way". It is pronounced dow. The Way, according to Taoists, is the spiritual force that underlies the universe and is found in all things. Even though it is a part of all things, it is greater than all things. It is the ultimate reality. How did Taoism begin? The Chinese philosopher Lao Tze, the Supreme master, started Taoism in the 6th century BCE. Tao lived in the same time as another ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius. It is said that one day Lao Tze left his job and rode off west on an ox. At a mountain pass the guardian asked him to write down his teachings. This is how the sacred book of Tao called the Doodejing came to be written. It is also why you see statues and figures of Lao Tze in an ox. Today about five million people in China, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Viet Nam practice Taoism. It is not uncommon for Taoism to be combined with Confucianism and Buddhism. What do Taoists believe? Taoists believe that that they should live in harmony with the Tao or Way. If they do this they will merge with the Tao, free their soul, and become one of the Immortals. In the beginning Taoists believed there were no gods or goddesses only the Tao but over time people began worshiping Lao Tze and other important Taoist teachers. They also began worshiping forces of nature such as the sun, moon, stars and tides. What is the code of behavior for Taoists? Taoists believe that good actions will mean a better life for their soul so Taoists follow rules and guides for living. They are not allowed to tell lies, steal, commit adultery, commit murder or drink alcohol. They also have a list of good deeds to further guide they way they live. They are encouraged to obey their elders, love their parents, be tolerant, help others act, stay in excellent physical and mental shape, practice self control of mind and body, and act without thinking of themselves, in other words act selflessly.

Translating Confucius Confucius lived during the reign of the Zhou dynasty in a time of chaos. Although the Zhou ruled China, the real power was in the hands of individual feudal lords. Many scholars and great thinkers roamed the country trying to help restore order to Chinese society. Confucius used his teachings to help unite the people. When the Qin dynasty came into power, the teachings of Confucius were banned and his books burned. It wasn’t until the Han dynasty that Confucianism regained popularity. Today, the words of Confucius still inspire millions of people.

Read the following quotes from Confucius. Translate their meanings into your own words. Then choose two quotes and write two to three sentences explaining why you agree or disagree with the quote and why.

1. “Listening to music brings harmony to the mind. Right conduct brings harmony to existence.” ______

2. “When people are educated, the distinction between classes disappears.” ______

3. “Without learning, the wise become foolish; by learning, the foolish become wise.” ______

4. “When the ruler behaves himself correctly, the people will also.” ______

5. “Let your parents’ only reason for worry be whether you are healthy.” ______

6. “Your parents gave you bodies, hair, and skin, every bit of you. Take care of them.” ______

7. “The superior man loves quality; the small man loves comfort.” ______

8. “The superior man is always himself. In a low position, he does not court; in a high position, he is not condescending. He is himself, and content to be so.” ______