BOARD OF SELECTMEN Meeting Minutes – July 5, 2017

PRESENT: Doug Ludewig – Chair, Timothy McDonald – Vice Chair, and Dianna Boisvert, Sandra Schiller, and Harold Jones – Members. ABSENT: None. ALSO PRESENT: Curtis Lunt - Town Manager, Kevin Mulherin – Police Chief, Bruce Balfour – PW Director, Dan Roy – Fire Chief, David Shaw – CEO, Scott Wing, Donna Shaw, and Doreen Christ – Recording Secretary.

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. This meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Doug Ludewig – Chair, along with the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Administer Oath of Office for Elected Officials. The Oath of Office was administered for the following elected officials: Paul Ruopp – Sanitary District Trustee and Harold Jones – Board of Selectmen Member. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Sandra Schiller, seconded by Dianna Boisvert, to keep the Chair as Douglas Ludewig and Vice Chair as Timothy McDonald, the same as last year. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

3. Minutes of June 21, 2017. There was one (1) change made to this set of meeting minutes. On Page No. 1, Item No. 4, Public Comments, Line 4, add the word, “about” between the words, “mentioned” and “having”. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Sandra Schiller, seconded by Timothy McDonald, to approve the Board of Selectmen meeting minutes for June 21, 2017, as changed. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

4. Whittier Woods Proposed New Trail. Herb Whittier presented this item. He stated that the paperwork had been done this winter. They are the recipient for the trail work, however, there are now just two (2) members left on this committee. Herb Whittier is listed as the signer. The contract is for $7,900, which is $3,950 per week for two (2) weeks’ worth of work. Both Herb Whittier and Larry Buggia are all that are left on this committee. There is a need for one (1) additional person to function. It was suggested to place this need on, not only “The Advertiser”, but also on Facebook for an additional member. This work is to be done the last week of October and first week of November 2017. David Shaw will also bring up the need for an additional member at his next snowmobile meeting, which is this Tuesday, as suggested by Doug Ludewig. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Harold Jones, seconded by Sandra Schiller, to authorize Curtis Lunt – Town Manager to sign the paperwork. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

5. Sewer Commission Activities Update – Paul Ruopp, Jr. Paul Ruopp, Jr., Chair of the Sewer Commission, presented this item to the board. He stated that the Sewer Commission has been served by the Department of Environment Protection (DEP) for five (5) unlawful charges, due to a force main rupture this year. There are splits in the wall of the pipe, due to the pipe being under stress. This was not inspected properly 40 years ago. The force main needs to be replaced, as stated by the DEP. This will cost $900,000. The bonds are due to be paid off November 2018. The Special Revolving Loan Funds (SRLF) may be able to include costs. Paul Ruopp, Jr. continued to say that the DEP will need to conduct a full-system evaluation during August. The system is being mapped. Ted Berry of the CCTB has stated that this means a disruption of traffic. The manholes will need to be uncovered. This has to be done. The manholes affected are on Academy Road, Main Street, Maple Street, Welch Avenue, Pleasant Street, to name a few. There are 200 plus manholes and 15 miles of pipe. Paul Ruopp, Jr. said he will get very comprehensive reports. Also involved, with be the Towns of Winthrop and Manchester and also the City of Augusta. Winthrop has the Treatment Plant. There will be additional debt for an additional $35,000. Tex-Tech is up slightly. In January 2016 they took their business overseas, however, they have brought some business back. The budget should still come out in the black. There are $200 quarterly rates. The Winthrop Route 302 Station costs $70,000. The Maple Street generators also need to be replaced. It is the DEP’s decision on the force main breaks. Tex-Tech is billed on a percentage of flow. Paul Ruopp, Jr. will prepare an informational letter. Carleton Woolen was referenced by Timothy McDonald. The trunk line has been included in the Capital Improvement project. They are working with Wright-Pierce on three (3) options, which are: 1. Placing a liner into the force main, 2. A pipe-bursting method, and 3. Force main replacement to reduce stress. Bruce Balfour stated he has concerns with both Blue Road and Academy Road on the manhole covers. In closing, Paul Ruopp, Jr. will work with Bruce Balfour on these concerns.

6. Department Head Reports. Bruce Balfour – PW Director said his dept. will be working ditching on Back Street for the next week or so. The picnic tables came in, but are damaged. Photographs were distributed at this meeting. The picnic tables sat in Westbrook, Maine for 21 days before being delivered. The ADA table is destroyed. Extra trash barrels have been place at the beach area. Bruce Balfour reported that fencing and piping have come in for the fuel tank. Diesel fuel will be available for the Fire Department. The new plow truck is still under budget. Bruce Balfour commented that the new pedestrian crosswalk is there. The equipment is at the Transfer Station and grinding of the dirty wood pile is ongoing. Bruce Balfour distributed “Thank You” cards from the 2nd Graders for their tour and lunch. Timothy McDonald commented on the wonderful job done at the beach with the trees and shrubs. He stated that he has heard several good comments from the public. He also stated that he would like to see a sidewalk all the way over to the beach. Kevin Mulherin – Police Chief said Dana Wessling is the new Police Sargent. Rich Alexander has turned in his resignation. He is going to the City of Westbrook. Chief Mulherin has placed an advertisement for Rich Alexander’s replacement with MMA, the Police Academy’s Website, and on Facebook. Both Officers Morin and Paradis helped the Town of Winthrop for their 4th of July festivities. Money was placed in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for a cruiser. Bids have been sent out. He has received two (2) bids back. The bids were opened today. $22,404 was the low bid after the trade-in. It is an AWD. The low bidder was Darling’s. Kevin Mulherin reported that his dept. received a $5,000 trade-in. The equipment will be installed from the old cruiser to the new. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Sandra Schiller to move to accept Kevin Mulherin – Police Chief’s recommendation for the purchase of the new cruiser from Darling’s. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed). Harold Jones mentioned considering low speed during normal school hours on Academy Road. The kids are crossing all day long. The MUTC need specific hours. It was suggested to place the school hours, when in session. Harold Jones asked Chief Mulherin to expand to include the whole school day. Chief Mulherin will check into this. Curtis Lunt will send an e-mail, as an update, to the board members. David Shaw – CEO in busy working on permits. This is an endless task. He stated that he has met with the production crew for the Synder residence treehouse project. Colin Clarke, from the DEP, has approved the project. There is an open invitation to the BOS members. It is proposed to be two (2) bunkhouses and one (1) treehouse. It will be 10 feet off the ground. The owner wants a rustic look. It will be 500-600 SF. He will need engineered plans. There are 200 years left on the lifetime of the trees. Concrete posts will help hold this up. It will be 25 feet high. He stated that he has 86 active permits. It is a busy time of the year. Dan Roy – Fire Chief said work is crazy-busy. His dept. has received nine (9) calls in the past two (2) weeks. These calls include lightning strikes, structure fires, drowning, etc. His dept. has done a lot of training, such as hand drills, etc. His dept. is working on getting the rescue boat in service. The rescue boat has been named, “Marine84”. There will be unofficial training. This Friday, in the am, there will be fire safety for the small kids. It is “Fire Safety Week”. They have been busy getting the trucks ready for the Saturday parade. Complimentary coins were passed out for the Board of Selectmen members. The T-shirts will be maroon with white lettering for the sponsors on the back of those shirts. The parade begins at 3:00 pm. There will be shuttle buses every 15 minutes. The parking will be at Monmouth Academy. Doug Cloutier will be doing presentations at 4:00 pm. Mugs will be on sale for $19.00, complementary coins for $5.00, and the T- shirts will be $10.00. Beach Road will be closed at 12:00 pm. The parade route will be from Public Works down both Academy Road and Main Street. The detour will have vehicles continue down Maple Street, which will remain open. Handicap parking will be over at the boat launch. Andre Poulin has retired. He was at the Fire Dept. for 33 years. He has moved out-of-state and is unofficially done. Curtis Lunt – Town Manager updated the board by saying that the Economic Development Committee (EDC) has talked about Websites. Included in the board packets was information regarding Mix Maine Media of Augusta, Maine. Mix Maine Media has submitted a contract for $2,400. This will be funded from TIF funds. The Website will be dedicated to the EDC. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Sandra Schiller, seconded by Harold Jones to move to accept the proposal from Mix Maine Media for $2,400 for EDC Website design. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed). Curtis Lunt said that will the passing of the state budget, there are two (2) items that will affect the Town of Monmouth’s budget. As reported from the MMA – Revenue sharing is the same. In regards to the Homestead Exemption, there are reimbursement percentage changes. The reimbursement changes are back to 50%. Next year will be 62%. There will be additional school funding. Curtis Lunt updated the board on personnel changes. Mr. Childs has decided he did not want to do the job replacing Mary Mead. Mary Mead has now come back for a few hours per week to fill in until a replacement has been found. An advertisement has been placed again for her position. They have received a couple of applications. In regards to the replacement of Scott Wing, Recreation Director, Curtis Lunt is requesting help in interviewing applicants for next Thursday. Doug Ludewig volunteered to help with the interviews for the Recreation Director. Darryl Sterling, who was hired as a Consultant for the Town, did not work out the way Curtis Lunt wanted this to. He needed to dedicate more staff time.

7. Public Comments. Scott Wing stated that he is trying to find a public way to present coats to the Girls Basketball Team. He wants a band or music and a cookout (accepting donations). The coats cost $4,000. He would like to raise money to cover the coats, such as a beach party. Timothy McDonald said he would like to see these types of events and more events. The Recreation Commission would regulate. When the park closes, it should be closed. David Shaw said that it needs to be a non-profit. Scott Wing said that if they do do it, it will be Friday, July 28, 2017. He came forward to receive agreement from this board. The food would be free. Dan Roy – Fire Chief stated that with the State back to work, the on-line burning permits are back on-line today. They can be obtained by going to the Website, which is

8. Report on the Main Street TIF Activities. Curtis Lunt presented this item. Brochures have been made. Curtis Lunt distributed the brochures to board members at this meeting. Ideas and thoughts are needed. Paul Roupp, Jr. asked about utilities through TIF. Timothy McDonald stated that this is outside the preview. He suggested seeking legal advice.

9. Annual Appointments. Curtis Lunt presented this item. He stated that Board of Appeals Member Steve Kolenda does not want to be re-appointed, therefore, there is a vacancy there. The following Board of Appeals Members were appointed for a three- (3-) year term: Edward S. Phillips, Jr. and Normand Provencher, for Parks and Rec Commission: Patricia L. Hasch and Susan A. Cody, for Planning Board: Stephen J. O’Donnell, John M. Dovinsky, and David Mills, and Cumston Library Trustee: Ruth Ann Smith. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Dianna Boisvert to move to approve the above annual appointments. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

10. Application for a Catering Permit – Crostinis Catering. Crostinis Catering has submitted an Application for a Catering Permit at “A Rise and Shine B-B”, located at 19 Moose Run Way in Monmouth, Maine to take place on August 5, 2017 from 3:00 to 9:00 pm for the “Class of 1967 - Monmouth Academy”. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Sandra Schiller to move to approve the Application for a Catering Event for “Crostinis Catering”. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

11. Warrant #1 – Payroll and Payables. Curtis Lunt read a listing of items over $1,000. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Harold Jones to move to pay Warrant #1 - Payroll – $41,361 and Payables – $227493. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

12. Warrant #26A – Payables. This Warrant includes items missed by Mr. Childs at the last meeting, which were: $27,466 for Maine Municipal Health and $7,247 for the Treasurer. The following motion was made. MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Dianna Boisvert to move to pay Warrant #26A. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

13. Adjourn. The following motion was made to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: by Timothy McDonald, seconded by Sandra Schiller to move to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm. VOTED: 5-0 (Passed).

Respectfully submitted,

Doreen Christ Recording Secretary – Town of Monmouth