BLM 21 Assessment Rubric — Final Task (Presenting an imaginary trip)


Communication • includes information • includes information • includes information • includes information Paraphrase the about few of the about some of the about many of the about most of the description of the final strategies strategies strategies strategies task • identifies few of the • identifies some of the • identifies many of the • identifies most activities activities activities activities • with constant teacher • with frequent teacher • with occasional teacher • with little or no support support support teacher support

Comprehension • identifies few of the • identifies some of the • identifies most of the • identifies all or almost Read and identify main main elements and main elements and main elements and all of the main elements ideas and details of the details details details and details final task WRITING

Communication • writes few simple and • writes some simple and • frequently writes many • always or almost always Write a script for an very few compound few compound sentences accurate simple and some writes many accurate oral presentation that sentences • includes information for compound sentences simple and compound includes • includes information for some required elements • includes information for sentences • when, how, and with whom • few required elements • uses a model and makes all of the required includes detailed to travel • copies from a model minor changes to it elements information for all of • a description of two or • creates new forms and the required elements, three tourist sites makes some changes to a with creative additions • additional activities model • creates new forms and • souvenirs to be bought makes significant changes to a model

Organization of Ideas • copies from a model • uses a model and makes • creates new forms and • creates new forms and Organize the presentation minor changes to it makes some changes to a makes significant in a logical sequence to model changes to a model show events before and during the trip

Application of Language • uses substantially fewer • uses fewer than the • uses the suggested • uses the suggested Knowledge than the suggested suggested number of new number of new vocabulary number of new vocabulary Use of appropriate number of new vocabulary vocabulary items items items, as well as vocabulary; use of items • with frequent errors in • with few errors in additional vocabulary compound subjects; verb • with many errors in spelling and verb forms spelling and verb forms items pertinent to the partir; double verb spelling and verb forms theme constructions; le futur • with no errors in proche; spell correctly spelling and verb forms ORAL COMMUNICATION

Communication • provides a very brief • provides a brief • provides a clear • provides a detailed Present a trip description that description that description that description that description that includes includes only one or two includes three of the includes all of the includes all of the • when, how, and with whom of the suggested items suggested items suggested items suggested items, as well to travel as supplementary • a description of two or information three tourist sites • additional activities • souvenirs to be bought • a postcard, an itinerary, a city map, and a poster

Comprehension • begins to provide • begins to provide some • provides simple, • provides detailed, Provide feedback on minimal, very simple simple feedback accurate feedback unique feedback classmates’ presentation feedback

Application of Language • uses substantially fewer • uses fewer than the • uses the suggested • uses the suggested Knowledge than the suggested suggested number of new number of new vocabulary number of new vocabulary Use of appropriate number of new vocabulary vocabulary items items items, as well as vocabulary; use of items additional vocabulary compound subjects; verb items pertinent to the partir; double verb theme constructions; le futur proche