Middlefield Inland Wetlands
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MIDDLEFIELD INLAND WETLANDS and WATERCOURSES AGENCY 405 Main Street Middlefield, Connecticut 06455
Minutes of the February 23, 2014 Special Meeting
Darin Overton, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9:40 am.
Members Alternates X Angiletta, Irene A Dilauro, Richard X Bernotas, Randy A Li, Linda A Brown, James X Charles, Douglas X Overton, Darin Others A Poturnicki, Rob A Vito, Lee X VanderVeer, Daria
A=Absent X=Present
Approval of the Agenda
Randy Bernotas made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Doug Charles. Motion was passed unanimously.
Ross Road, Mary Drega Estate Property, Applicant: Lovely Development, Inc., 12-Lot Subdivision Review
The Commission conducted a field walk today.
Darin Overton remarked that he didn’t see anything that he hadn’t been expecting. It seems that the wetlands end up from the house area and there doesn’t seem to be much of a watershed above it. Mr. Overton did see that the area where the road will be located has been cleared in the past. Due to snow on the ground, the Commission was unable to see if there was an actual road. Darin Overton reviewed the definition of significant impact and how it would apply to this site.
Darin Overton explained that, as in the past, there are several ways to determine if there is significant activity. There will be deposition of material, but the question would be if it is going to have a substantial effect. The wetland will be changed, but the applicant will be providing two times the mitigation of what they would be filling as well as removing invasive species. Mr. Overton doesn’t feel that sections C, D, E and F really apply and it is unlikely that section G applies, but it is hard to be certain without a report from a biologist.
Daria VanderVeer would like to hear a report from a biologist and to be certain that the mitigation would actually be an improvement. Darin Overton agreed. The applicant has already met with the town engineer. Mr. Overton also thought it would be a good idea to have a biologist take a look at the property on behalf of the Commission. The fee that has been submitted (approximately $3,000) would cover what would be needed to have this done.
Daria VanderVeer believes that there should be a public hearing held so that people can get information about what will be happening. As of now, none of the neighbors have been contacted.
Daria VanderVeer made a motion, seconded by Irene Angiletta, that this is a significant activity. Darin Overton amended the motion that the determination for significant impact is mainly based on items A, B and G in section 2 of the regulations, page 10 though other sections may apply. Irene Angiletta seconded the amendment. The motion was passed unanimously.
Darin Overton explained that once a significant impact is determined, that triggers the need for additional information. It would be beneficial if the applicant can supply the additional information a week prior to the meeting. A public hearing will hopefully be scheduled for the next regular meeting.
Randy Bernotas and Daria VanderVeer both thought that this project may be a benefit for the wetland in the long run.
Darin Overton will try to arrange for a biologist to do a review.
Chairman’s Report
Darin Overton had nothing to report.
A motion was made by Randy Bernotas, seconded by Doug Charles, to adjourn the meeting. Motion was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 am. Respectfully submitted,
Debi Waz
Debi Waz Alwaz First