FORMATION CRITERIA with Mapped Selection Criteria
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Dispositions, understanding and skills
The Formation Criteria are organised under seven headings:
A. Christian faith, tradition and life B. Mission, evangelism and discipleship C. Spirituality and worship D. Relationships E. Personality and character F. Leadership, collaboration and community G. Vocation and ministry within the Church of England
Within each of these headings, the Formation Criteria are organised in clusters that are disposition-led [in shaded boxes] and emphasise the primacy and inseparability of character from understanding and skills:
Dispositions These are related to formational learning and character development. They represent the most important criteria: knowledge, understanding and skills are secondary to Christ-like character. However, disposition is not easy to assess: sometimes evidence may be more anecdotal and narrative than systematic. Dispositions are often discerned relationally and developed through a combination of learning, experience, reflection and prayer. Understanding These are related in subject matter to the dispositions, but are not an elaboration of them. They are aspirational in that knowledge and understanding is never complete: ordinands and priests will gain greater depth and breadth of understanding as they continue to pursue and reflect on lifelong learning. Skills Again, related to the first two categories, but not an elaboration of them. While skills and abilities reflect competence, they, too are aspirational: greater fluency will be achieved over time through the experience of exercising ordained ministry in a reflective mode.
2 Progression
The columns show a progression in the criteria from selection to completion of both phases of initial ministerial education (IME), including licensing for a post of incumbent status or equivalent responsibility. Selection Criteria An abbreviated version of the current Selection Criteria is contained in the first column. These are simply mapped onto the new Formation Criteria to demonstrate the connections between the two. Further work will be done to bring the Selection and Formation Criteria into closer alignment. It is likely this will take place when the Formation Criteria undergo their first revision in 2017. IME Phase 1 and Phase 2 Criteria for IME Phase 1 (to the point of ordination) and Phase 2 (to the end of curacy) are shown side by side to illustrate progression. The criteria are cumulative: where a criterion in Phase 1 does not reappear in Phase 2, it is assumed that it will be carried through into Phase 2 and beyond. Sometimes there is progression of a criterion from Phase 1 to Phase 2. In other instances, the knowledge and understanding of Phase 1 is translated into skills and abilities in Phase 2.
Ordained Pioneer Ministry
Formation Criteria for Ordained Pioneer Ministry are described on pages 13 and 14. IME Phase 1 Ordinands who are training for ordained pioneer ministry will do so through pathways that enable candidates to embed their learning in fresh expressions praxis through sustained and systematic action reflection. Although the formation criteria described above (and below) will be used to discern whether to recommend pioneer ministry candidates for ordination, progress towards the criteria will have been achieved, therefore, through a distinctive pioneer ministry pathway. Ordained pioneer ministry candidates will work towards the formation criteria with continual reference to the formation of new ecclesial communities through contextual mission. The mix of skills, gifts, knowledge and expertise that pioneer ministry ordinands bring to their training, formation and ministry, will differentiate them.
3 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 4
IME Phase 2 Those who are serving a curacy for ordained pioneer ministry will do so through pathways that enable them to embed their learning in fresh expressions praxis through sustained and systematic action reflection. Although the formation criteria described above (and below) will be used to discern a minister’s readiness to take up a pioneer ministerial post (and, where appropriate, a pioneer post of responsibility) at the completion of initial ministerial education, progress towards the criteria will have been achieved through a bespoke IME Phase 2 pathway for pioneer ministry. It is likely that dioceses will need to draw upon resources from other institutions in order to achieve sufficient sharpness of focus on pioneer ministry in IME Phase 2. Ordained pioneer ministers will work towards the formation criteria with continual reference to the formation of new ecclesial communities through contextual mission. The mix of skills, gifts, knowledge and expertise that they bring to their training, formation and ministry, will differentiate them.
The Formation Criteria are fundamentally aspirational: they are goals to work and develop towards rather than criteria that can be ‘fully met’. This means that they should be used as a vocational tool … 1. by ordinands and curates – to provide a framework for reflection on their development in ministry against the Church’s expectations at different points through the training process. 2. by tutors – to enable them to discern ordinands’ progress in the academic, formational and competency aspects of their development during IME Phase 1, which, in turn forms the basis for reporting to bishops concerning the candidates’ readiness for ordination. 3. by training incumbents and diocesan colleagues – to discern areas of and for growth and development during curacy and to provide the grounds on which to affirm the readiness of ministers to take up assistant minister, ordained pioneer minister or incumbent status posts in the Church of England. 4. by bishops – as a framework to enable them to confirm candidates’ readiness for ordination at the end of IME Phase 1 and to take up ministerial posts as priests of the Church of England at the end of IME Phase 2.
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates should have a Ordinands are Ordained ministers sustain their public Incumbents replenish their personal commitment to disciples of Christ ministry and personal faith in Christ through leadership through a life of Christian faith and an ability who are growing in study and reflection that is open to new disciplined study and and openness to learning and new insights insights. They … reflection that is open to new formation. They … through disciplined insights. They … learning and reflection. They … understand the understand the Bible as text and as holy significance of the Scripture for the church and the world Bible for the church through regular critical engagement with and the world Old and New Testament texts and issues through critical relating to their interpretation. engagement with Old and New Testament texts and issues relating to their interpretation. should be able to are able to use are able to interpret Scripture in a wide communicate their faith their exegetical and range of settings, using their exegetical and effectively. hermeneutical skills hermeneutical skills to communicate clearly to interpret and and accurately in ways that enable others communicate to learn and explore. Scripture clearly in a variety of settings. should show a knowledge and understand are able to engage in independent study of understanding of the Christian Christian beliefs Christian beliefs and practices and faith. and practices: how communicate their findings in diverse they have settings. developed in historical and cultural contexts and are interpreted today. 2. Candidates should be able to Ordinands are Ordained ministers work with and value the respect and work with those generous in their breadth and diversity of belief and practice whose understanding of respect for the within the Church of England. They … 5 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 6
Christian faith is different from breadth and their own. They … diversity of belief and practice within the Church of England. They … understand how are able to engage in independent study of Christian beliefs how Christian beliefs and practices shape and practices the moral life of individuals and shape the moral life communities. of individuals and communities. should have flexibility of mind are able to reflect are able to reflect critically on how Christian are able to exercise and be able to reflect and critically on how doctrine and ethics relate to discipleship, theological leadership for the should have the potential to be Christian doctrine church and society, communicating this church in mission. a theological leader in mission. and ethics relate to appropriately inside and outside the church. discipleship, church and society.
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates should have a Ordinands have an Ordained ministers have a deep and Incumbents … personal commitment to articulate and prayerful enthusiasm for mission and mission and evangelism. prayerful evangelism that is nourished by Christ’s They … enthusiasm for love for the world and lived out in acts of mission and mercy, service, justice and reconciliation. evangelism that is They … nourished by Christ’s love for the world and lived out in acts of mercy, service, justice and reconciliation. They … should have a knowledge and understand holistic understanding of mission and and contextual evangelism. engagement with the world in Christian mission and evangelism from biblical, theological, historical and ecclesial perspectives. should be able to engage with are able to read the are able to discern God’s mission in a lead, enable and release contemporary culture. cultural, historical, specific context by reflective and missional vision and faithful economic, social, empathetic engagement with it in light of its witness in and among those political and cultural, historical, economic, social, for whom they have religious context of political and religious characteristics. responsibility. a community, and to develop discernment of God’s mission in and beyond the church. are able to engage are able to engage courageously in in mission, mission, evangelism and apologetics in a evangelism and range of contexts and particularly in local apologetics communities and churches. 7 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 8
appropriate to specific contexts both inside and outside the church. should have effective are able to are able to communicate the gospel enable others to articulate communication skills for communicate the confidently and effectively using a variety of the gospel and participate in mission and evangelism. gospel sensitively media in diverse situations, both inside and its proclamation. and appropriately outside the church. using a variety of media, both inside and outside the church. should be able to enable enable others in are able to lead and inspire others in are able to foster and lead others in mission and mission and mission and evangelism in the local church. mission-shaped churches. evangelism and potential for evangelism in a engaging in mission-shaped range of contexts. ministry [post of respomsibility] understand the beliefs, practices and spirituality of another faith community and the nature of Christian mission in a multi faith context.
8 2. Ordinands desire to Ordained ministers are committed to see others grow in Christian education, promoting good their Christian practice, both inside and outside the discipleship and church. They … are eager to learn about and teach the faith. They …
understand how are able to nurture others in their faith children and adults development, including those with little learn, and the previous knowledge of the faith, through implications for catechesis, teaching and preaching, nurturing others in including preparation for baptism and their discipleship confirmation. and faith development through catechesis, teaching and preaching, including preparation for baptism and confirmation. understand the importance of the Church of England’s engagement with schools for the common good and for the mission and ministry of the church.
9 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 10 C. SPIRITUALITY AND WORSHIP
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates should have a Ordinands are Ordained ministers are sustained by Incumbents are sustained in disciplined personal pattern of rooted and growing disciplined personal and corporate prayer the strains and joys of prayer. in disciplined shaped by the responsibilities of public leadership by a life of prayer. personal and ministry and corporate worship in the corporate prayer tradition of the Church of England. They … shaped by the expectations of public ministry in the Church of England. They … understand are able to relate different approaches to, different and traditions of, personal and corporate approaches to, and prayer to sustain and develop their own traditions of, prayer life and those of others of all ages, personal and backgrounds and in a range of life corporate prayer in circumstances. relation to the spiritual development of children and adults. 2. Candidates should faithfully Ordinands depend Ordained ministers … participate in corporate on the grace and worship. gifts of God to sustain humble, self-giving service in gathering the people of God in worship. They … understand Christian worship and liturgy, their theological foundations and ecclesial and contextual expressions, including pastoral services, especially in relation to the 10 Church of England. are able to preach are able to demonstrate good reflective and lead worship practice in preaching and in leading – and competently in a where appropriate, presiding at – public limited variety of worship, including pastoral services, using settings, using appropriate forms of liturgy in a variety of different forms of settings. liturgy and reflecting on their practice.
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3. Candidates’ spirituality should Ordinands are Ordained ministers are growing in the love be developing. growing in the love of God and in Christ-likeness as members of God and in of the body of Christ and can testify to the Christ-likeness as grace of the Holy Spirit in their lives and members of the ministries. They … body of Christ through the grace of the Holy Spirit in their lives and ministries. They … understand historical and contemporary Christian spirituality grounded in Scripture and tradition. are able to relate are able to relate spiritual traditions to spiritual traditions corporate and individual practices that to corporate and sustain and develop their own spirituality, individual practices and those of others of all ages, that sustain their backgrounds and in a range of life own prayer life and circumstances. spirituality, and those of others of all ages and stages of life. 4. Candidates’ spirituality should Ordinands have a Ordained ministers’ spirituality permeates be world-engaging. spirituality that their perceptions of and interactions with informs their others inside and outside the church. relationship with They … others and their engagement with the world. They … are increasingly able to are able to help others discern discern God’s presence and God’s presence and activity in activity in the lives of others their relationships and in the and in the wider world. wider world.
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates should display Ordinands are Ordained ministers show insight, resilience, Incumbents … emotional stability, maturity, teachable, resilient maturity and integrity in the pressure and integrity, appropriate self- and psychologically change entailed in public ministry. They … confidence, stamina, stable in the face of robustness and resilience. pressure and changing circumstances. They … understand personality in relation to human flourishing, relating and team work. are able to balance are able to balance appropriate care of self encourage and enable care for others with with the care of others by developing colleagues to balance care for self, sustainable patterns of life and work, and appropriate care of self with including an effective support networks in the context of care of others. openness to public ministry. spiritual direction and support from others. 2. Candidates should display Ordinands are Ordained ministers are growing in self- Incumbents personify an self-awareness and self- growing in self- knowledge and commitment to Christ within integration and integrity of acceptance and a potential for knowledge and the roles and expectations of ordained authority and obedience, self-development and growth. commitment to ministry. They … leadership and service. Christ. They … They … understand the are able to approach the sacrificial impact sacrificial impact of of ordained ministry on the whole of life with a vocation to wisdom and discernment. ordained ministry on the whole of life. are able to reflect are able to reflect with insight and humility engage with others to reflect with insight and on personal strengths, weaknesses, with insight on their style of humility on failures, gifts and vulnerability in response leadership, its strengths and personal strengths, to a new context of public ministry. weaknesses in context, and weaknesses, gifts demonstrate appropriate and vulnerability. development.
13 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 14 E. RELATIONSHIPS
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates’ relationships Ordinands seek to Ordained ministers … Incumbents … reflect the love and imitate the self- compassion of God. They … giving love and compassion of Christ in their relationships. They … should be able to develop are able to form are able to form and sustain healthy healthy personal relationships and sustain healthy relationships with peers in the mixed and to relate to people who relationships inside economy of fresh and more traditional are different from themselves. and outside the expressions of church. church and with those with whom they differ. are able to handle and help resolve show skill and sensitivity in conflicts and disagreements, enabling resolving issues of conflict growth through them. within the church community. understand issues understand human flourishing in regarding human relationships and Christian pastoral care in flourishing in a range of life circumstances and contexts. relationships and Christian pastoral care. should have the potential to are able to respond demonstrate good reflective practice in a are able to supervise others exercise effective pastoral appropriately to wide range of pastoral and professional in the conduct of pastoral care. pastoral situations relationships. relationships. and reflect critically on their own practice. 2. Candidates are people of Ordinands are Ordained ministers are people who respect integrity. They … people who respect others, demonstrate empathy and honesty others, in their relationships, learning from them. demonstrating They … empathy and honesty in their relationships, learning from them. They …
14 should be able to accept the are able to live are able to live within the House of Bishops’ standards of sexual morality within the House of Guidelines: Issues in Human Sexuality and expected of ordained Bishops’ engage positively with those with whom ministers. Guidelines: Issues they differ. in Human Sexuality and relate empathetically to those with whom they differ. should have the potential to understand are able to establish and evaluate develop healthy professional professional appropriate professional boundaries in their and pastoral relationships. boundaries in ministerial practice and personal lives. ministerial practice and pastoral care. understand policies understand policies and best practice in and best practice in safeguarding and their application in a safeguarding. variety of contexts.
15 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 16 F. LEADERSHIP, COLLABORATION AND COMMUNITY
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates should have Ordinands seek to Ordained ministers seek to model their Incumbents … potential for exercising model their servant servant leadership on the person of Christ. leadership. They … leadership on the They … person of Christ. They … should display a knowledge understand show skill and sensitivity in and understanding of biblically and enabling the formation and leadership. theologically flourishing of corporate life in informed the presence of diversity. perspectives on discipleship, leadership and community formation especially in the changing and diverse contexts of the Church of England. understand issues are able to participate in and lead are able to lead teams of authority, communities, reflecting on, and being alert collaboratively in a variety of responsibility, to, the use and abuse of power. settings, including multi- power and group parish benefices. dynamics in relation to leadership and communities. should show effective are able to exercise are able to lead collaboratively and are able to facilitate change communication skills, a collaborative competently, working as a member of a creatively and sensitively, potential for collaborating with leadership as part team within a community, as an ordained exercising leadership with an others, and for exercising of a team within a person. entrepreneurial and forward creative team leadership [post community. looking approach. of responsibility]. 2. Ordinands share Ordained ministers share leadership by leadership by actively looking for, recognising and actively looking for nurturing the gifts of others. They … and recognising the gifts of others. They … 16 are able to release are able to use authority appropriately in and enable others ways that release, equip, enable and to fulfill their calling empower others, including colleagues, to to ministry and fulfill their calling to mission and ministry mission. from within a Christian community. are able to supervise and mentor others in are able to supervise lay and a limited range of roles and responsibilities ordained people in positions in mission and ministry. of responsibility in formal and informal settings of training and practice.
17 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014 18 G. VOCATION AND MINISTRY WITHIN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND
AT SELECTION AT THE END OF AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY IME PHASE 1 1. Candidates should have an Ordinands believe Ordained ministers are firmly convinced of Incumbents are ready for, inner sense of call that is themselves to be their calling to ordained ministry, realistic and open to, exercising a confirmed by others, that called by God and about its challenges, and continue to ask ministry of oversight and shows commitment to the the church to important questions about their role as vision as priests in the Church of England and that ordination in the deacon or priest in the church of God. church of God. They … shows how their vocation has Church of England. They … changed them. They … They … should have understanding of are able to are able to articulate their calling to ministry within the Church of articulate their discipleship and to ordained ministry as a England. calling to deacon or priest within the Church of discipleship and to England. ordained ministry within the Church of England. should have knowledge and understand aspects understanding of the Church of of the history, England and show willingness diversity and to work with its diversity. contemporary challenges of the Church of England and the Anglican Communion worldwide. should have a realistic understand the understand the sacrificial and corporate vocation that demonstrates sacrificial nature nature of their role in ministry and mission fulfilment of the selection and theological as a deacon or priest within the breadth and criteria for ordained ministry underpinning of diversity of a mixed economy of traditional within the Church of England. different ministries and fresh expressions of church. in the Church of England and of the ordained ministry to which they are called within the breadth and diversity of a mixed economy of traditional and fresh expressions of church. 18 2. Ordinands are Ordained ministers are rooted in the rooted in corporate traditions and practices of the Church of worship in the England and share in the spiritual life of the traditions and communities they serve. They … practices of the Church of England. They … understand the are able to represent the church in public take a lead role in working Church of life and engage in partnerships across with partners, representing England’s role and wider groups of parishes, including, where the church in public life, opportunities for possible, working with churches of different including, where possible, Christian ministry denominations and traditions and other faith working with other faith and mission in a communities and their leaders. leaders. range of public settings, agencies and faith communities, including schools.
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3. Candidates’ vocation should Ordinands are Ordained ministers are accountable and Incumbents exercise be informed and obedient. ready to be obedient in exercising ordained ministry as appropriate accountability accountable and a deacon or priest within the Church of and responsibility in faithfully obedient in England. They … and loyally receiving the receiving and authority of others, consistent exercising ordained with a position of ministry as a responsibility. They … deacon within the Church of England. They … understand the understand the legal, canonical and know and understand the significance of the administrative responsibilities of those in legal, canonical and legal, canonical public ministry within a mixed economy of administrative responsibilities and administrative church. of those having oversight and responsibilities of responsibility. the newly ordained within a mixed economy of church. are able to apply show developed skills as theologically show sophisticated skills as the methodologies reflective and reflexive practitioners in reflective and reflexive of theological relatively unsupervised settings, exercising practitioners and the capacity reflection and wise and discerning judgment. to develop these further to reflective practice energise creative, habitually and theologically informed effectively to practice. themselves and their ministry.
20 ORDAINED PIONEER MINISTRY AT SELECTION AT THE END OF IME PHASE 1 AT THE END OF IME PHASE 2 POST OF RESPONSIBILITY Pioneer ministry candidates should Pioneer ministry ordinands’ approach Ordained pioneer ministers are Ordained pioneer ministers in a post of have a clear vision of the place of their to mission and ministry beyond the particularly flexible, resourceful, responsibility are ready for, and open envisaged ministry within the wider existing church is particularly flexible, innovative and entrepreneurial in their to, exercising a visionary ministry as church’s response to God’s mission to resourceful, innovative and approach to ministry and mission priests in the church of God with a the world and a demonstrable track entrepreneurial. Thriving in unfamiliar beyond the existing church, thriving in specific focus on the oversight of record of innovation and initiative. cultures and contexts, they … unfamiliar cultures and contexts. teams leading fresh expressions of They … They … church. They … should have demonstrable self- understand and are involved in the are able to plant, lead and mature a understand the legal, canonical and motivation and a realistic and informed praxis of planting fresh expressions fresh expression of church. administrative responsibilities of those vocation to plant fresh expressions of of church. having oversight and responsibility, church within contemporary culture. including Bishops’ Mission Orders. should have well developed abilities to are unafraid to take risks in are able to inspire and nurture the initiate change and enable others to developing enterprising forms of risk-taking of others face it in a flexible, balanced and mission. creative way. are capable of learning from both enable others to develop the capacity failure and success. to learn from failure and success. understand and practice the are proficient in contextualising the contextualisation of liturgy, Church of England’s tradition and sacrament and the ministry of the practices for a variety of models of word, and the role of the ordained fresh expressions of church. minister in this. should have the capacity to evangelise are able to disciple and nurture the are proficient in clearly articulating beyond the culture of the church. faith of adults and children in fresh the faith to those outside the church expressions contexts. in a variety of ways and contexts. are able to identify, train, develop are able to supervise lay and ordained and use leaders within fresh pioneers and leaders of fresh expressions of church and release expressions of church in both informal them to develop ecclesial and formal settings of training and communities in other contexts. practice. understand how to develop are able and willing to develop sustainable, personal and communal sustainable, personal and communal support in a fresh expression context support in a fresh expression context within a mixed economy. within a mixed economy, including belonging to a peer learning network.
21 Formation Criteria for Ordained Ministry; approved Dec 2014 House of Bishops May 2014