Classical Ministries Committee Meeting

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Classical Ministries Committee Meeting

CLASSICAL MINISTRIES COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:30 p.m. at Frank Engelage’s home

Present: Pauline Drenth, Frank Engelage, Henry Kikkert, George Prins, Walt Vanderwerf, Bruce Van Hoffen, Brian van Staalduinen, John Van Staalduinen, Nellie Westerhoff, and Henry Wildeboer. Absent with notice: Andrew Beunk, John TeBrake & Kevin TeBrake

1. Opening Devotions and Prayer Time Walt read passages from Luke 3 and 4. Noted that we don’t hear about ministry until the Spirit came. We each shared an item of excitement or concern in our personal lives from our ministry work. We split into two groups to pray with and for each other.

2. Additions and Approval of Agenda a) Regarding Prayer Ministry - Walt requests permission to purchase a booklet titled “Love to Pray” by Alvin Green for distribution to all church prayer coordinators in hopes they will use it to expand on their prayer ministry. Cost per booklet is $6.50. Motion: CMC to purchase the booklet “Love to Pray” by Alvin Green at a cost of $6.50 each for distribution to all prayer coordinators within Classis Niagara. Approved. Diana is to inform Emma Winter. b) Nominations for CMC retirees. c) With the above additions the agenda was approved.

3. Minutes of November 13, 2003 Accepted as presented.

Business Arising from the Minutes No business arising from these minutes.

4. Ministry Review Reviewed the Launch Strategies for 2003.

Training (Gifted Leaders) a) Spiritual Growth Conference (March 6): Gifted leaders were found and lead a variety of interesting workshops at the recent Spiritual Growth Conference. Still, need to find a way to encourage elders to attend these conferences.

b) Divorce/Separated Care Support Group: Two leaders were found to lead another group in the St. Catharines’ area this past winter. Pauline is willing to train an interested person for another section of Classis. If you know of anyone, who might be interested please inform Pauline. We need this ministry at work throughout all of Classis. This ministry needs to be promoted outside our local churches and can be used as an outreach ministry tool.

c) Office Bearer Training: Concerns were shared re Elders not attending the Spiritual Growth Conference. We need to find out what it is that they are interested in to improve their skills in

Page 1 of 4 their elder work. Many families/individuals are leaving the CRC church and joining community churches. Why? What are we lacking? Quinte has held some good elder conferences. Perhaps we need to speak to a Quinte rep for some insight. A possible contact person might be Pete Feddema from Bowmanville. Attendance of Elders at Day of Encouragement is slightly higher but still not good.

Outreach a) Church Plant Committee has started and had their first meeting. Prayer a) Prayer Coordinators: All but one CRC church within Classis Niagara has a prayer coordinator(s) in place. In September Walt invited Prayer Coordinators and others interested in Prayer Ministry to a Concerted Prayer Rally which were well attended. Two workshops related to prayer have been held. Letters of encouragement have been sent to all prayer coordinators. The booklet “Love to Pray” will be purchased by the CMC for distribution to all prayer coordinators. Hilda VanderKlippe has done some training with the Youth in Classis Niagara. b) Walt does not have a job description as Prayer Coordinator for Classis Niagara.

Communication a) Classis Newsletter: Not encouraged by Classis so it has not and probably will not be published. b) Website: A Classis Niagara website is up and running with help from Bob Gerryts. Frank is maintaining this website.

Youth Ministry a) This ministry lacks equipped youth leaders. The seminar titled “We Gather All God’s People” led by Bill Veenstra and Neil Plantinga) is scheduled for April 24 at Redeemer and is being promoted by the Youth Ministry Team to youth leaders within Classis. See website for more details. b) In October 2004 there will be another Youth Ministry seminar dealing with “What is the Purpose of Youth Ministry?”. It appears that our youth want short term ministry activities. They seem to enjoy working on mission projects. There is an organized group of 30, many of which are youth, going to Mexico on a mission’s trip this summer. c) Ministry to Young Adults still needs work. Frank and Alida are trying to work on regional groups with common ground (ie Fruitland, Smithville, Grimsby and one St. Catharines group) working along the lines of the College and Careers group. d) GEMS and Cadets seem to have strong training sessions so for now the Youth Ministry Team is focusing on the high school age group. e) Some church councils have been visited by reps from Youth Ministry Team.

Home Missions

Page 2 of 4 A series of seminars on outreach & friendship have been held. The seminar in Fruitland had the best attendance. What else can we do in regards to training and encouraging to make our churches healthier? What does church health mean? Concerns were raised re families leaving the CRC for community churches. The Alpha Program has proven to be successful to outsiders as well as those living on the fringes in the local CRCs. We need to create a passion for spirituality. We could use the Alpha program by building on it. Have a Holy Spirit weekend or a number of smaller workshops for leaders and church members. Ask people who have gone through the Alpha program to share their story in a public setting. View the Alpha video series. The Dunamus group could help with the Spiritual aspect. Classis needs to be on board before we start. Between now and our next meeting each of us is asked to spend some time in prayer and discussion with each other regarding the above concern. Come up with one or two names of people that might be willing to work on this issue.

Ministry for the Aged This ministry needs to go beyond Shalom Manor. Many of our aged members need help with various paper work, getting help from the local community, etc. Deacons are now meeting regularly at Shalom Manor in hopes they will become more familiar with it. We need to encourage others to spend time with our aging folks. Many of them appreciate a visit and a listening ear.

5. Nominations Pauline Drenth (Training) and George Prins (Prayer) have completed their terms on the CMC committee effective this Spring. Suggested names were approved to fill these positions and Diana will e-mail them to Wenda Gerryts, Nomination Committee, before April 2nd which is their next meeting.

6. Future Meetings From now on we will focus on a particular ministry at each of our meetings. If representatives have items of joy, concern, workshop dates, etc. to share, please forward them to Diana ([email protected]) prior to the mailing of the agenda so they can be attached for information. In this way we can still pray for each other and the ministry we represent.

7. Ministry Coordinator Review Frank’s six month performance review has been completed by Brian and Walt. A Ministry Coordinator Evaluation was handed out and read by Brian. This report reflects Frank’s work. Walt will make a report at the May Classis Meeting. Frank gave us handouts highlighting various activities he has been involved in. Frank asked for members of this committee to join him at the Classis renewal conference being held in Niagara on May 3-5. Henry Kikkert would like some more information and will consider going with Frank. John TeBrake has also shared with Frank that he might be interested in attending.

8. Youth Ministries Administrative Assistant’s Job Description & Contract Erin’s job description was attached to the agenda. Henry entertained a few questions.

Motion: Approve Erin’s job description and contract as we have received it. Approved.

Henry noted that Erin’s title is “Youth Ministries Administrative Assistant”. Henry will have

Page 3 of 4 Erin sign her contract and then make copies for Emma Winter and Diana for filing purposes. Henry can sign the contract as the CMC representative. Erin will be accountable to the Youth Ministry CMC rep who in turn will report to this committee.

9. Board of Trustees Report (prepared by Andrew Beunk) RFI

10. Miscellaneous a) Reports need to go to Classis. Frank will prepare a summary for his position as well as the Launch Strategies for 2003. Frank will share our concerns re families and individuals leaving the CRC for community churches and how we might try to focus on this area of concern using the Classis Vision Statement.

b) Need to prepare a budget for Emma at our next meeting.

c) Henry to ask Erin to e-mail the Youth Ministries Committee minutes to Brian, Diana & Frank.

11. Closing Pauline closed in prayer.

12. Next Meeting Brian is to become the official Chair. Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 @ 7:30 p.m. at Brian’s home. Directions are to be included with the agenda.

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