Art One Pacing Guide

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Art One Pacing Guide

Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course ArtArt OneOne PacingPacing GuideGuide Unit Plan

Unit Author First and Last Name Amy Schoenacher School District Transylvania County Schools School Name Rosman High School School City, State Rosman, NC Unit Overview Unit Title Art Life Unit Summary This unit explores how important art is in our lives and the lives of others before us and around us. Humans throughout history have created art as a means of communication and this will be our focus. In order to become effective visual communicators, we have to possess the skills and techniques to create successful works of art. Subject Area Art Grade Level 9-12 Approximate Time Needed 14-15 weeks Unit Foundation Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will develop critical and creative thinking skills and perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art. COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will develop skills necessary for understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes. (National Standard 1) COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will organize the components of a work into a cohesive whole through knowledge of organizational principles of design and art elements. (National Standard 2 ) COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will choose and evaluate a range of subject matter and ideas to communicate intended meaning in artworks. (National Standard 3) Objectives 4.01 Use life surroundings and personal experiences to visually express ideas and feelings. 4.03 Invent original and personal imagery to convey meaning and not rely on copying, tracing, patterns or duplicated materials. 4.04 Research and demonstrate how artists develop personal imagery and style. 4.05 Apply subjects, symbols, and ideas in artworks and use the skills gained to solve problems in daily life. COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures. (National Standard 4) COMPETENCY GOAL 6: The learner will reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. (National Standard 5) COMPETENCY GOAL 7: The learner will perceive connections between visual arts and other disciplines.

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(National Standard 6) COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will develop an awareness of art as an avocation and profession.

Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Why do people make art? Question What are the purposes of art making in our society? Unit How do we communicate through art? Questions How can the works of others inspire us to make art?

What approaches and techniques are important in making artworks successful? What is the importance of an aesthetic response? Content Questions Where do artists find inspiration? What are the tools and media artists use to be successful and how do we use them correctly? Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline

Before project work begins Students work on projects After project work is and complete tasks completed

Basic skill test  Peer Rubrics Class assessments Self-evaluations discussions  In Slide show to progress review critiques  Critique s of Master works and examples

Assessment Summary Throughout the class, formal and informal assessments will be used. Informal assessments happen as teacher views guided practices and thumbnail sketches. Formal assessments such as vocabulary tests and grading rubrics will also be incorporated. Unit Details Prerequisite Skills None. Overview of Instructional Procedures/ Objectives---Some detailed lesson plans attached

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August 25- 28“Design” Lesson One: What will students do? The first few days we will spend reviewing rules and procedures. Students will put together a data notebook to log daily attendance and house handouts and rubrics. A brief introduction to the class will be presented. Some discussion of why people make art and what is art will also take place. Students will create a bathroom pass. What will students learn? Students will learn expectations of teacher as well as organization skills.

August 27-28 Lesson Two: What will students do? Students will create contour line drawings of objects placed on desks. This will help me assess skill levels of this Art One class. We also use these drawings as a reference for growth at the end of the semester. Students will rotate around the room for this exercise. An introduction to the element of line will be first. What will students learn? Students will learn about line. Students will learn vocabulary related to line. Students will learn some techniques for drawing from life.

Aug 31- Sept. 9 Lesson Three: What will students do? Students will become acquainted with the Maori culture and the tattoos in which they adorn themselves. We will delve more into line as they create a personal icon. Students will be introduced to the principle of balance and utilize symmetrical balance in a work of art. What will students learn? Students will learn about the Maori culture and reasons for creating art in that culture. Students will learn some techniques on using line and space effectively in a drawing. Student will choose subject matter for their icon design. Students will learn the importance of craft.

Sept 10-18 Lesson Four: What will students do? Students will survey a slide show on color and the vocabulary of this art element. We will look at the works of previous art one students as inspiration for a crazy color wheel. What will students learn? Students will learn about color. Students will learn how to mix color. Students will learn to create and brainstorm ideas for a crazy color wheel that must accommodate 36 colors. Students will learn how to use paint responsibly.

Sept 21-30 Lesson Five: What will students do? Students will look at the works of Alexander Calder. Students will be introduced to the element of shape and learn vocabulary based on this element. What will students learn? Students will learn about the life and works of Calder. Students will learn how to create a paper sculpture based on the idea of stabiles. Students will learn about shape and how to use materials

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Oct. 1-9 Lesson Six: What will students do? After viewing a history of Mandalas, students will plan for the creation of their own Mandala. The element of texture will be discussed as well as the principles of design. Students will use a scratching technique to reveal their Mandala. Students will be introduced to color palettes. What will students learn? Students will learn about mandalas throughout history. Students will learn about the element of texture and how to implement it in drawings. Students will learn about a new media technique. Students will learn about color schemes and how to use color effectively.

Oct. 12-23 “ Drawing” Lesson Seven: What will students do? Students will be introduced to master artists who used the element of value effectively. Using the sign language alphabet as inspiration, students will draw their own hands. They will choose a word to illustrate. What will students learn? Students will learn about value, shading techniques, chiaroscuro, and how to plan and organize a composition.

Oct 26- Nov 6 Lesson Eight: What will students do? Students will increase their use of value in a realistic self-portrait using a grid. A brief survey of portraits through history will be introduced. A focus on Chuck Close and his realistic paintings will ensue. What will students learn? Students will learn how to shade. Students will learn proportions of face. Students will learn how to enlarge using a grid. Students will learn about Chuck Close.

Nov 9- Nov 20 (15-19) gone to NCCAT Lesson Nine: What will students do? Students will discover the Op Art style. Students will survey one-point perspective drawings and techniques. What will students learn? Students will learn about Op Art and one-point perspective. Students will learn several Op Art skills and incorporate them into a composition of their choice.

Nov 23-Dec. 11 Lesson Ten: What will students do and learn? This will be to learn about hand building techniques in clay. Students will learn slab, pinch, and coil. Students will create a utilitarian vessel out of clay.

Dec. 14-22 Students will further their knowledge of one-point perspective. Students will understand how

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perspective in drawing evolved. They will create a drawings using one-point perspective with a choice of three problems for subject matter.

What will students learn? Students will learn to incorporate this technique in order to better communicate their ideas in a drawing. Students will learn how to use value to further manipulate depth in a drawing.

January 4-15 Lesson Eleven: What will students do? Students will discuss stereotypes in our culture and others. They will read an article on how the media manipulates images. Students will understand that artists often communicate social themes in their artworks. Students will think introspectively and create a box that serves as a metaphor of them. It will contain stereotypical images on the outside and more personal images on inside. The African American artist Romare Beardon will be introduced for collage inspiration. What will students learn? Students will learn the value of getting to know others and reasons why humans compartmentalize each other. They will learn how to construct a box and collage techniques. They will evaluate the works of their classmates through in progress peer critiques.

Extra Lesson Twelve: What will students do? This project is based on the unlikely combination of Marvel and Monet. Students will imagine themselves as a superhero asking big questions about life. They will superimpose their image into a cityscape from Asheville or Brevard using oil pastels on Xerox copies. They will effectively use light in the tradition of Monet. What will students learn? Students will learn about asking big questions regarding the human search for meaning and truth. Students will learn a new media technique. Students will plan and organize for creating art.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera Laser Disk VCR Computer(s) Printer Video Camera Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing Equip. DVD Player Scanner Other Internet Connection Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Web Page Development Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Word Processing E-mail Software Multimedia Other

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