Average Niche Breadths of Species in Lake Macrophyte Communities Respond to Ecological

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Average Niche Breadths of Species in Lake Macrophyte Communities Respond to Ecological


Average niche breadths of species in lake macrophyte communities respond to ecological gradients variably in four regions on two continents

Janne Alahuhta1*,2, Antti Virtala1, Jan Hjort1, Frauke Ecke3,4, Lucinda B. Johnson5, Laura Sass6, Jani


Online Resource


1 University of Oulu, Department of Geography, P.O. Box 3000, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland

2 Finnish Environment Institute, Freshwater Centre, P.O. Box 413, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland

3 Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

(SLU), P.O. Box 7050, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

4 Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural

Sciences (SLU), SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden

5 University of Minnesota Duluth, Natural Resources Research Institute, 5013 Miller Trunk

Highway, Duluth, MN 55811, USA

6 Illinois Natural History Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, 1816 South Oak

Street, Champaign, IL 61820, USA

7 Finnish Environment Institute, Natural Environment Centre, Biodiversity, Paavo Havaksen Tie 3,

FI-90570, Oulu, Finland

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*Correspondence: Janne Alahuhta, University of Oulu, Department of Geography, P.O. Box 3000,

FI-90014, University of Oulu, Finland.

2 3 Online Resource 1. Variation in the climate and water quality used to construct average niche breadths and explanatory variables within each study area. Descriptive statistics of latitude and longitude were not given.

Finland Sweden Wisconsin Climat Mean Min. Ma SD Mean Min. Max. SD Mean Min. Max SD Mean Min. Max. SD e x. . variabl es Annual 2.77 -0.24 4.8 1.15 3.83 -1.44 7.88 2.8 5.64 2.50 7.27 1.28 5.91 3.85 8.23 1.71 temper 3 4 ature (°C) Min. -13.24 -17.92 - 1.97 3.83 -10.22 -19.63 - -18.57 -23.20 - 1.86 -15.99 -20.18 -11.95 2.79 temper 9.4 2.4 15.7 ature 0 9 2 (°C) Max. 20.83 19.24 21. 0.50 19.75 14.51 21.89 1.6 27.88 22.37 29.1 1.29 26.93 25.30 28.70 1.15 temper 53 6 0 ature (°C) Water quality variabl es Alkalin 0.23 0.02 0.8 0.19 0.47 0.01 2.83 0.7 1.33 0.15 2.36 0.49 0.85 0.03 2.02 0.62 ity 9 1 (mmol l-1) Color 92.70 10.00 255 58.19 56.64 2.50 151.50 42. 21.60 3.50 93.7 16.99 10.63 5.00 30.00 6.51 (mg Pt .00 33 5 l-1) Total 28.33 4.00 120 28.38 15.14 1.04 68.00 16. 101.94 8.14 429. 95.24 20.00 10.00 140.00 20.00 phosph .00 46 78 orus 3 4 (mg l -1) Explan atory variabl es Altitud 105.32 31.9 228 44.87 204.34 3.00 746.00 17 343.42 251.83 529. 62.81 365.59 239.0 503.00 109.24 e .9 8.3 27 0 (m.a.s.l 1 .) Lake 6.16 0.43 38. 8.56 3.16 0.04 51.7 7.4 2.73 0.21 11.5 2.86 0.5547 0.202 1.3642 0.2949 Area 82 9 2 7 (km2) Species 28.26 12.00 42. 7.94 12.16 4 23 4.7 12.4 2 27 6.39 18.67 6.00 40.00 6.79 richnes 00 3 s Human 17.40 0.00 60. 15.92 9.59 0 78.17 16. 25.20 0 58.7 16.96 10.86 0.00 54.43 13.67 impact 47 73 0 (%)

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Online Resource 2. Bivariate correlations among the explanatory variables in each study region.

Finland X Y Altitude Area Richness H u m an X 1 0.4315 0.4872 -0.3946 -0.3768 - 0. 48 33 Y 0.4315 1 0.6302 -0.2021 -0.1809 - 0. 14 12 Altitude 0.4872 0.6302 1 -0.377 -0.5324 - 0. 60 61 Area -0.3946 -0.2021 -0.377 1 0.3594 0. 21 6 Richnes -0.3768 -0.1809 -0.5324 0.3594 1 0. s 55 71 Human -0.4833 -0.1412 -0.6061 0.216 0.5571 1 Sweden X Y Altitude Area Richness H u m an X 1 0.6448 -0.0817 0.2068 -0.0057 - 0. 08 51 Y 0.6448 1 0.512 0.2331 -0.1786 - 0. 37 1 Altitude -0.0817 0.512 1 0.1651 -0.3822 - 0. 51 63 Area 0.2068 0.2331 0.1651 1 0.0669 0. 08 73 Richnes -0.0057 -0.1786 -0.3822 0.0669 1 0. s 39 13 Human -0.0851 -0.371 -0.5163 0.0873 0.3913 1

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Minnesota X Y Altitude Area Richness H u m an X 1 0.1689 -0.4847 -0.2404 0.2153 - 0. 23 06 Y 0.1689 1 0.3614 0.1562 0.5902 - 0. 67 52 Altitude -0.4847 0.3614 1 0.4597 0.0494 - 0. 36 35 Area -0.2404 0.1562 0.4597 1 0.2114 - 0. 52 51 Richnes 0.2153 0.5902 0.0494 0.2114 1 - s 0. 53 27 Human -0.2306 -0.6752 -0.3635 -0.5251 -0.5327 1 Wisconsin X Y Altitude Area Richness H u m an X 1 -0.7292 -0.517 -0.3967 -0.337 0. 74 84 Y -0.7292 1 0.7795 0.2589 0.3463 - 0. 69 1 Altitude -0.517 0.7795 1 0.1025 0.5125 - 0. 66 03 Area -0.3967 0.2589 0.1025 1 0.1001 - 0. 24 19 Richnes -0.337 0.3463 0.5125 0.1001 1 - s 0. 35 8 Human 0.7484 -0.691 -0.6603 -0.2419 -0.358 1

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Online Resource 3. Linear regression model coefficients for the best average niche breadth models based on AICc for each study region.

Finland: Average climate niche breadths

Human+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -2.559e+00 1.229e+00 -2.083 0.042868 * Human -4.355e-03 1.520e-03 -2.864 0.006278 ** Y 6.519e-07 1.766e-07 3.692 0.000589 ***

Finland: Average water quality niche breadths

Altitude+Area+Human+Richness Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.9030952 0.1089732 8.287 1.32e-10 *** Altitude -0.0010572 0.0004962 -2.131 0.03862 * Area 0.0066497 0.0021262 3.128 0.00309 ** Human 0.0068996 0.0012341 5.591 1.26e-06 *** Richness 0.0070321 0.0024993 2.814 0.00724 ** Area+Human+Richness+Y (Intercept) 2.245e+00 8.085e-01 2.777 0.007971 ** Area 7.922e-03 1.959e-03 4.043 0.000204 *** Human 7.794e-03 1.152e-03 6.764 2.29e-08 *** Richness 8.292e-03 2.382e-03 3.482 0.001120 ** Y -2.176e-07 1.142e-07 -1.906 0.063054

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Finland: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

X+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.251e-02 1.060e+00 0.012 0.990633 X -7.033e-07 2.364e-07 -2.975 0.004615 ** Y 6.022e-07 1.638e-07 3.676 0.000608 *** Human+X+Y (Intercept) -3.457e-01 1.083e+00 -0.319 0.751014 Human 1.926e-03 1.413e-03 1.363 0.179568 X -5.976e-07 2.468e-07 -2.422 0.019451 * Y 5.961e-07 1.624e-07 3.670 0.000629 *** Altitude+X+Y (Intercept) -1.303e+00 1.611e+00 -0.809 0.422716 Altitude -8.178e-04 7.551e-04 -1.083 0.284466 X -5.735e-07 2.647e-07 -2.167 0.035456 * Y 7.390e-07 2.066e-07 3.576 0.000833 ***

Sweden: Average climate niche breadths

Altitude+Area+Human+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -4.806e-01 6.073e-01 -0.791 0.43293 Altitude 1.016e-03 2.248e-04 4.520 4.45e-05 *** Area 1.049e-02 4.350e-03 2.411 0.02005 * Human -5.621e-03 2.020e-03 -2.783 0.00785 ** Y 2.404e-07 9.339e-08 2.574 0.01342 *

Sweden: Average water quality niche breadths

Altitude+Area+Human+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 2.341e+00 6.575e-01 3.561 0.000887 *** Altitude -4.780e-04 2.434e-04 -1.964 0.055724 Area -8.090e-03 4.710e-03 -1.718 0.092737 Human 8.764e-03 2.187e-03 4.008 0.000228 *** Y -2.056e-07 1.011e-07 -2.033 0.047963 * Altitude+Human+Y (Intercept) 2.549e+00 6.598e-01 3.863 0.000349 ***

Altitude -4.748e-04 2.485e-04 -1.911 0.062282 Human 8.984e-03 2.229e-03 4.031 0.000207 *** Y -2.404e-07 1.011e-07 -2.377 0.021676 * Area+Human+Y (Intercept) 2.950e+00 5.975e-01 4.937 1.08e-05 *** Area -8.018e-03 4.854e-03 -1.652 0.105341 Human 1.019e-02 2.125e-03 4.797 1.73e-05 ***

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Y -3.118e-07 8.803e-08 -3.541 0.000924 *** Area+Human+X+Y (Intercept) 2.957e+00 5.901e-01 5.012 8.85e-06 *** Area -7.908e-03 4.794e-03 -1.650 0.105960 Human 9.553e-03 2.143e-03 4.457 5.47e-05 *** X 4.754e-07 3.228e-07 1.473 0.147807 Y -4.189e-07 1.134e-07 -3.695 0.000593 *** Altitude+Area+Human (Intercept) 1.0107448 0.0657901 15.363 < 2e-16 *** Altitude -0.0007427 0.0002125 -3.495 0.001062 ** Area -0.0100092 0.0047687 -2.099 0.041339 * Human 0.0083613 0.0022508 3.715 0.000549 *** Altitude+Area+Human+X (Intercept) 1.588e+00 3.864e-01 4.111 0.000165 *** Altitude -7.732e-04 2.105e-04 -3.672 0.000636 *** Area -8.924e-03 4.757e-03 -1.876 0.067161 Human 8.536e-03 2.223e-03 3.840 0.000382 *** X -3.776e-07 2.491e-07 -1.516 0.136447 Human+Y (Intercept) 3.152e+00 5.955e-01 5.293 3.11e-06 *** Human 1.040e-02 2.160e-03 4.815 1.57e-05 *** Y -3.456e-07 8.719e-08 -3.964 0.00025 ***

Sweden: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Altitude+Human Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.0739514 0.0506840 21.189 < 2e-16 *** Altitude 0.0004558 0.0001648 2.766 0.00808 ** Human 0.0034287 0.0017561 1.952 0.05686 Altitude+Area+Human (Intercept) 1.0625905 0.0509093 20.872 <2e-16 *** Altitude 0.0004288 0.0001645 2.607 0.0123 * Area 0.0050376 0.0036901 1.365 0.1788 Human 0.0035269 0.0017417 2.025 0.0487 * Altitude (Intercept) 1.1295558 0.0431363 26.186 <2e-16 *** Altitude 0.0003445 0.0001591 2.166 0.0353 *

Minnesota: Average climate niche breadths

Human+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -3.159231 2.699165 -1.170 0.2477 Human -0.009860 0.003713 -2.655 0.0108 * Y 0.113192 0.057850 1.957 0.0563 Human

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(Intercept) 2.11949 0.08655 24.490 < 2e-16 *** Human -0.01470 0.00285 -5.158 4.7e-06 ***

Minnesota: Average water quality niche breadths

X Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 8.26207 2.16898 3.809 0.000396 *** X 0.07874 0.02306 3.414 0.001308 ** Richness+X (Intercept) 8.828601 2.192636 4.026 0.000205 *** Richness -0.005397 0.004034 -1.338 0.187406 X 0.084048 0.023214 3.621 0.000718 *** Altitude+X (Intercept) 8.9452714 2.2622872 3.954 0.000257 *** Altitude 0.0004560 0.0004344 1.050 0.299153 X 0.0876649 0.0245549 3.570 0.000835 *** Altitude+Richness+X (Intercept) 9.6314515 2.2874276 4.211 0.000117 *** Altitude 0.0005080 0.0004311 1.178 0.244667 Richness -0.0057952 0.0040318 -1.437 0.157377 X 0.0943862 0.0247273 3.817 0.000402 ***

Minnesota: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

X Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 8.26207 2.16898 3.809 0.000396 *** X 0.07874 0.02306 3.414 0.001308 ** Richness+X (Intercept) 8.828601 2.192636 4.026 0.000205 *** Richness -0.005397 0.004034 -1.338 0.187406 X 0.084048 0.023214 3.621 0.000718 *** Altitude+X (Intercept) 8.9452714 2.2622872 3.954 0.000257 *** Altitude 0.0004560 0.0004344 1.050 0.299153 X 0.0876649 0.0245549 3.570 0.000835 *** Altitude+Richness+X (Intercept) 9.6314515 2.2874276 4.211 0.000117 *** Altitude 0.0005080 0.0004311 1.178 0.244667 Richness -0.0057952 0.0040318 -1.437 0.157377 X 0.0943862 0.0247273 3.817 0.000402 ***

Minnesota: Average climate-water quality niche breadths


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Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.8198370 3.4096592 2.293 0.02644 * Altitude 0.0015007 0.0006808 2.204 0.03255 * Human -0.0082914 0.0024496 -3.385 0.00147 ** X 0.0696406 0.0376242 1.851 0.07060 Human (Intercept) 1.861378 0.066027 28.191 < 2e-16 *** Human -0.011314 0.002174 -5.203 4.02e-06 *** Altitude+Area+Human (Intercept) 1.4721542 0.2377848 6.191 1.50e-07 *** Altitude 0.0013561 0.0006714 2.020 0.0492 * Area -0.0247756 0.0158645 -1.562 0.1252 Human -0.0116614 0.0024272 -4.805 1.69e-05 *** Altitude+Human (Intercept) 1.5234816 0.2390803 6.372 7.34e-08 *** Altitude 0.0009029 0.0006146 1.469 0.148 Human -0.0102096 0.0022761 -4.486 4.67e-05 *** Altitude+Area+Human+X (Intercept) 6.6293411 3.5821682 1.851 0.07079 Altitude 0.0017127 0.0007082 2.419 0.01969 * Area -0.0175798 0.0164553 -1.068 0.29107 Human -0.0096732 0.0027667 -3.496 0.00107 ** X 0.0568760 0.0394208 1.443 0.15600 Human+Y (Intercept) -0.790314 2.106210 -0.375 0.7092 Human -0.008882 0.002898 -3.065 0.0036 ** Y 0.056861 0.045142 1.260 0.2140

Wisconsin: Average climate niche breadths

Richness+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 10.328447 1.316435 7.846 5.00e-10 *** Richness 0.009704 0.006094 1.592 0.118 Y -0.198077 0.030589 -6.475 5.59e-08 *** Human+Richness+Y (Intercept) 8.808812 1.641808 5.365 2.70e-06 *** Human 0.005332 0.003526 1.512 0.1374 Richness 0.010810 0.006055 1.785 0.0809 Y -0.165727 0.036984 -4.481 5.06e-05 *** Y (Intercept) 9.54354 1.24046 7.694 7.33e-10 *** Y -0.17639 0.02783 -6.337 8.29e-08 *** Human+Y (Intercept) 8.163861 1.639213 4.980 9.39e-06 *** Human 0.004572 0.003582 1.276 0.208260 Y -0.146532 0.036218 -4.046 0.000197 ***

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Wisconsin: Average water quality niche breadths

Area+Human+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 4.202669 0.627256 6.700 2.84e-08 *** Area -0.096798 0.061356 -1.578 0.12165 Richness 0.008746 0.002866 3.051 0.00382 ** Y -0.079875 0.014690 -5.437 2.12e-06 *** Richness+Y (Intercept) 4.376585 0.627407 6.976 9.91e-09 *** Richness 0.008410 0.002904 2.896 0.00577 ** Y -0.084844 0.014579 -5.820 5.39e-07 *** Area+Human+Richness+Y (Intercept) 3.628714 0.785942 4.617 3.38e-05 *** Area -0.098123 0.061066 -1.607 0.115243 Human 0.002005 0.001669 1.202 0.235889 Richness 0.009166 0.002874 3.190 0.002626 ** Y -0.067639 0.017814 -3.797 0.000445 *** Human+Richness+Y (Intercept) 3.818803 0.790528 4.831 1.61e-05 *** Human 0.001957 0.001698 1.153 0.255058 Richness 0.008816 0.002915 3.024 0.004110 ** Y -0.072969 0.017808 -4.098 0.000172 ***

Wisconsin: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Human+Y Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 8.223942 1.750369 4.698 2.4e-05 *** Human 0.006890 0.003825 1.801 0.078213 Y -0.143498 0.038674 -3.710 0.000556 *** Human+Richness+Y (Intercept) 8.723360 1.782336 4.894 1.31e-05 *** Human 0.007478 0.003827 1.954 0.056941 Richness 0.008371 0.006573 1.273 0.209381 Y -0.158362 0.040150 -3.944 0.000277 *** Y (Intercept) 10.30321 1.34686 7.650 8.53e-10 ***

Y -0.18850 0.03022 -6.237 1.18e-07 ***

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Online Resource 4. Contribution of predictors and predictor sets on proportion of average niche breadths of lake macrophytes in each study region. Table shows commonality coefficient (unique and common) and % total contribution of each predictor sets on the regression effect.

Finland: Average climate niche breadth

Coefficient% Total Unique to X 0.0417 8.94 Unique to Y 0.1510 32.38 Unique to Altitude 0.0001 0.03 Unique to Area 0.0220 4.73 Unique to Richness 0.0001 0.01 Unique to Human 0.0882 18.92 Common to X, and Y 0.0232 4.97 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0010 0.21 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.1439 30.85 Common to X, and Area 0.0178 3.81 Common to Y, and Area 0.0202 4.33 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0019 0.41 Common to X, and Richness 0.0000 0.01 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0074 1.59 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0001 0.02 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, and Human 0.0225 4.82 Common to Y, and Human 0.0608 13.03 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0189 4.05 Common to Area, and Human 0.0208 4.46 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0025 0.53 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0195 4.17 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0161 3.46

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Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0030 0.65 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0154 3.30 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0006 0.13 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0004 0.09 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0055 1.18 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.00 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.08 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.01 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0156 3.34 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0085 1.83 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0367 7.87 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0169 3.63 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0191 4.09 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0014 0.30 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0008 0.18 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0083 1.79 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0184 3.94 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.06 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0115 2.46 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0001 0.02 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0005 0.11 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.08 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0028 0.60 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0235 5.03 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0123 2.63 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0004 0.08 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0150 3.21 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0016 0.35 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0054 1.17 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0210 4.50 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0004 0.09

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Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0006 0.13 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0011 0.23 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0031 0.67 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0003 0.07 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0188 4.04 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0011 0.23 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0005 0.11 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0029 0.62 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0113 2.42 Total 0.4664 100.00

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Finland: Average water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.0661 23.08 Unique to Y 0.1436 50.11 Unique to Altitude 0.0069 2.42 Unique to Area 0.0022 0.77 Unique to Richness 0.0018 0.62 Unique to Human 0.0093 3.24 Common to X, and Y 0.0294 10.26 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0056 1.94 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.0642 22.39 Common to X, and Area 0.0032 1.13 Common to Y, and Area 0.0014 0.49 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0019 0.65 Common to X, and Richness 0.0003 0.10 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0006 0.22 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0016 0.58 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, and Human 0.0166 5.80 Common to Y, and Human 0.0550 19.20 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0133 4.63 Common to Area, and Human 0.0062 2.17 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0012 0.42 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0310 10.81 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0164 5.74 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0160 5.59 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0017 0.60 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0002 0.05 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0042 1.46 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.01 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.09 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.03 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0053 1.84 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0226 7.87 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0437 15.23 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0112 3.90 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0093 3.24 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0027 0.96 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.09

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Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0127 4.42 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0046 1.61 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.11 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0317 11.05 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0011 0.38 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.08 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0010 0.36 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.06 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0258 9.00 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0035 1.23 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0003 0.12 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0090 3.14 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0023 0.81 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0166 5.81 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0193 6.74 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.11 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.12 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0027 0.94 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0090 3.14 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0126 4.39 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0015 0.51 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0049 1.73 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.09 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0009 0.32 Total 0.2866 100.00

Finland: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.0007 0.09 Unique to Y 0.0009 0.11 Unique to Altitude 0.0050 0.64 Unique to Area 0.0361 4.66 Unique to Richness 0.0410 5.29 Unique to Human 0.1358 17.53 Common to X, and Y 0.0003 0.04

17 18

Common to X, and Altitude 0.0005 0.06 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.0122 1.57 Common to X, and Area 0.0142 1.84 Common to Y, and Area 0.0003 0.04 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0172 2.21 Common to X, and Richness 0.0001 0.02 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0008 0.10 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0201 2.60 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.06 Common to X, and Human 0.0127 1.64 Common to Y, and Human 0.0121 1.56 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0656 8.46 Common to Area, and Human 0.0336 4.34 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0363 4.68 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0053 0.68 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0007 0.09 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0165 2.13 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0012 0.16 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0004 0.06 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0011 0.14 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0077 0.99 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.06 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0046 0.60 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0205 2.65 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0029 0.37 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0211 2.72 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0185 2.39 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0061 0.79 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0025 0.32 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0071 0.92 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0041 0.53 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0299 3.86 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.1451 18.73 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0014 0.18 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0233 3.01 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0047 0.60 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0003 0.04 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0180 2.33 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0042 0.54 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0167 2.15

18 19

Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0015 0.19 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0141 1.82 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0012 0.15 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0016 0.20 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0556 7.17 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0284 3.67 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0023 0.30 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0046 0.59 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0145 1.87 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0186 2.40 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0057 0.74 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0349 4.50 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0013 0.17 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0328 4.23 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0041 0.53 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0159 2.05 Total 0.7748 100.00

Sweden: Average climate niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.0005 0.07 Unique to Y 0.0179 2.57 Unique to Altitude 0.0660 9.49 Unique to Area 0.0395 5.67 Unique to Richness 0.0024 0.34 Unique to Human 0.0535 7.69 Common to X, and Y 0.0238 3.42 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0640 9.21 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.2545 36.58 Common to X, and Area 0.0003 0.04 Common to Y, and Area 0.0084 1.21 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0025 0.35 Common to X, and Richness 0.0002 0.03

19 20

Common to Y, and Richness 0.0023 0.33 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0001 0.01 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.01 Common to X, and Human 0.0003 0.05 Common to Y, and Human 0.0047 0.67 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0396 5.70 Common to Area, and Human 0.0058 0.84 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0002 0.03 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0736 10.58 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0118 1.69 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0013 0.19 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0406 5.84 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0013 0.18 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0095 1.36 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0270 3.88 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.01 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0006 0.08 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0030 0.43 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0324 4.66 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0756 10.86 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0001 0.02 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0008 0.12 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0011 0.15 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0001 0.01 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0004 0.06 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0048 0.69 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0009 0.13 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0147 2.12 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0005 0.07 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0000 0.00 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0040 0.57 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0353 5.07 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0003 0.04 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0020 0.29 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0179 2.57 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0001 0.01 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0115 1.65 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0249 3.59

20 21

Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0001 0.02 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0020 0.29 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0032 0.46 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0117 1.69 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0005 0.07 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0052 0.75 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0015 0.22 Total 0.6957 100.00

Sweden: Average water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.0003 0.05 Unique to Y 0.0151 2.71 Unique to Altitude 0.0206 3.69 Unique to Area 0.0291 5.22 Unique to Richness 0.0042 0.76 Unique to Human 0.1604 28.74 Common to X, and Y 0.0217 3.89 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0217 3.90 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.1197 21.45 Common to X, and Area 0.0002 0.03 Common to Y, and Area 0.0067 1.19 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0012 0.21 Common to X, and Richness 0.0002 0.04 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0027 0.49 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0041 0.73 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.02 Common to X, and Human 0.0003 0.05 Common to Y, and Human 0.0070 1.25 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0427 7.65 Common to Area, and Human 0.0088 1.58 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0004 0.08

21 22

Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0280 5.01 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0097 1.74 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0006 0.11 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0224 4.02 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0015 0.26 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0000 0.01 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0028 0.51 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.01 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0006 0.11 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.02 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0051 0.92 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0307 5.49 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0793 14.21 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0002 0.03 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0011 0.20 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0002 0.03 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0002 0.03 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0009 0.15 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0016 0.30 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0002 0.04 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0034 0.61 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0005 0.09 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.01 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0010 0.17 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0332 5.96 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0003 0.06 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0017 0.30 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0179 3.20 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0002 0.03 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0081 1.46 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0204 3.65 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0011 0.19 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0026 0.47 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0089 1.60 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and 0.0003 0.06 22 23

Human Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0041 0.73 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0012 0.22 Total 0.5580 100.00 Sweden: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.0048 2.36 Unique to Y 0.0070 3.43 Unique to Altitude 0.0595 29.29 Unique to Area 0.0363 17.86 Unique to Richness 0.0042 2.07 Unique to Human 0.0762 37.50 Common to X, and Y 0.0048 2.36 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0099 4.87 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.0201 9.90 Common to X, and Area 0.0007 0.35 Common to Y, and Area 0.0036 1.77 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0022 1.10 Common to X, and Richness 0.0008 0.40 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0018 0.90 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0234 11.53 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.06 Common to X, and Human 0.0014 0.69 Common to Y, and Human 0.0033 1.61 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0269 13.22 Common to Area, and Human 0.0059 2.89 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.15 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0096 4.73 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0015 0.74 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0015 0.72 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0173 8.52 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0008 0.39 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0112 5.50 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0152 7.49 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0001 0.03 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0005 0.26 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.20 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0016 0.79 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0062 3.03 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0077 3.80

23 24

Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0002 0.10 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0013 0.66 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0016 0.79 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0001 0.07 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0005 0.26 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0071 3.48 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.00 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0023 1.13 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0101 4.96 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.11 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0003 0.13 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0047 2.33 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0057 2.80 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0004 0.18 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0002 0.08 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0042 2.07 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0035 1.73 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0036 1.76 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0001 0.04 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0004 0.18 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0013 0.64 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0003 0.14 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0030 1.49 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0002 0.10 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0001 0.03 Total 0.2032 100.00

Minnesota: Average climate niche breadths

Coefficient % Total

24 25

Unique to X 0.0022 0.52 Unique to Y 0.0213 5.08 Unique to Altitude 0.0124 2.95 Unique to Area 0.0037 0.88 Unique to Richness 0.0046 1.11 Unique to Human 0.0508 12.11 Common to X, and Y 0.0049 1.17 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0022 0.52 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.0176 4.21 Common to X, and Area 0.0018 0.42 Common to Y, and Area 0.0045 1.08 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0031 0.74 Common to X, and Richness 0.0007 0.17 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0109 2.59 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0036 0.85 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0011 0.26 Common to X, and Human 0.0133 3.17 Common to Y, and Human 0.0422 10.05 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0101 2.41 Common to Area, and Human 0.0027 0.65 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0162 3.85 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0043 1.02 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0047 1.12 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0016 0.37 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0034 0.81 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0003 0.07 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0007 0.17 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0048 1.15 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.09 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0009 0.21 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0010 0.25 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0426 10.16 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0079 1.88 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0476 11.35 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0025 0.59 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0052 1.23 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0140 3.33 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0005 0.11 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0712 17.00 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0065 1.55 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0066 1.58

25 26

Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0031 0.74 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0005 0.12 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0007 0.17 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.09 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0008 0.18 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0135 3.21 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0038 0.91 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0017 0.41 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0247 5.88 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0500 11.92 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0020 0.47 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0010 0.23 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0013 0.31 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0133 3.16 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0005 0.12 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0008 0.19 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0100 2.39 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0120 2.87 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0050 1.20 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0000 0.01 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0366 8.72 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0102 2.43 Total 0.4192 100.00

Minnesota: Average water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.2003 79.62 Unique to Y 0.0002 0.07 Unique to Altitude 0.0166 6.59 Unique to Area 0.0016 0.64 Unique to Richness 0.0137 5.44

26 27

Unique to Human 0.0022 0.87 Common to X, and Y 0.0094 3.72 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0134 5.33 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.0010 0.40 Common to X, and Area 0.0029 1.14 Common to Y, and Area 0.0003 0.11 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0063 2.51 Common to X, and Richness 0.0172 6.84 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0029 1.16 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0152 6.05 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0011 0.44 Common to X, and Human 0.0078 3.10 Common to Y, and Human 0.0010 0.38 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0015 0.60 Common to Area, and Human 0.0011 0.42 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0054 2.13 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0033 1.31 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0045 1.80 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0009 0.35 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0007 0.29 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0105 4.18 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0184 7.31 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0040 1.60 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0071 2.84 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.08 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.08 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0186 7.37 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0011 0.42 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0015 0.60 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0022 0.89 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0002 0.08 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0008 0.30 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0126 5.01 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0110 4.37 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0004 0.16 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0010 0.39 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0008 0.30 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0064 2.53 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0023 0.90 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0040 1.60 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0004 0.16

27 28

Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0011 0.45 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0029 1.14 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0037 1.47 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0018 0.72 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0219 8.72 Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0009 0.34 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0064 2.53 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.13 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0008 0.30 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0048 1.92 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.09 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0041 1.62 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0070 2.80 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0018 0.72 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0077 3.05 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0041 1.61 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0046 1.83 Total 0.2516 100.00

Minnesota: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to X 0.0215 4.80 Unique to Y 0.0020 0.44 Unique to Altitude 0.0567 12.62 Unique to Area 0.0124 2.76 Unique to Richness 0.0006 0.14 Unique to Human 0.0747 16.64 Common to X, and Y 0.0048 1.06 Common to X, and Altitude 0.0184 4.11 Common to Y, and Altitude 0.0166 3.70 Common to X, and Area 0.0101 2.26

28 29

Common to Y, and Area 0.0026 0.57 Common to Altitude, and Area 0.0113 2.52 Common to X, and Richness 0.0006 0.13 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0012 0.26 Common to Altitude, and Richness 0.0028 0.62 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0006 0.12 Common to X, and Human 0.0389 8.66 Common to Y, and Human 0.0242 5.40 Common to Altitude, and Human 0.0254 5.65 Common to Area, and Human 0.0124 2.75 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0124 2.77 Common to X, Y, and Altitude 0.0027 0.60 Common to X, Y, and Area 0.0067 1.49 Common to X, Altitude, and Area 0.0073 1.62 Common to Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0016 0.36 Common to X, Y, and Richness 0.0001 0.01 Common to X, Altitude, and Richness 0.0005 0.12 Common to Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0039 0.88 Common to X, Area, and Richness 0.0010 0.23 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0003 0.06 Common to Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0007 0.17 Common to X, Y, and Human 0.0528 11.76 Common to X, Altitude, and Human 0.0197 4.39 Common to Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0642 14.30 Common to X, Area, and Human 0.0089 1.99 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0024 0.54 Common to Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0304 6.76 Common to X, Richness, and Human 0.0013 0.28 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0393 8.76 Common to Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0150 3.35 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0017 0.38 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Area 0.0042 0.95 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Richness 0.0000 0.01 Common to X, Y, Area, and Richness 0.0012 0.26 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0009 0.19 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0002 0.04 Common to X, Y, Altitude, and Human 0.0111 2.47 Common to X, Y, Area, and Human 0.0034 0.76 Common to X, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0047 1.05 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0240 5.35 Common to X, Y, Richness, and Human 0.0502 11.18

29 30

Common to X, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0023 0.51 Common to Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0008 0.19 Common to X, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0034 0.76 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0041 0.90 Common to Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0008 0.17 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Richness 0.0010 0.22 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, and Human 0.0132 2.95 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Richness, and Human 0.0156 3.47 Common to X, Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0048 1.08 Common to X, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0025 0.56 Common to Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0340 7.57 Common to X, Y, Altitude, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0061 1.35 Total 0.4489 100.00

Wisconsin: Average climate niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to Y 0.1997 38.62 Unique to Area 0.0034 0.65 Unique to Richness 0.0359 6.94 Unique to Human 0.0250 4.84 Common to Y, and Area 0.0173 3.35 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0308 5.96 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0015 0.28 Common to Y, and Human 0.2291 44.31 Common to Area, and Human 0.0003 0.06 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0065 1.26 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0009 0.17 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0198 3.82 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0141 2.72 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0002 0.04 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0126 2.43 Total 0.5170 100.00

30 31

Wisconsin: Average water quality niche breadths

Coefficient % Total Unique to Y 0.1729 36.60 Unique to Area 0.0310 6.55 Unique to Richness 0.1220 25.83 Unique to Human 0.0173 3.67 Common to Y, and Area 0.0356 7.53 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0615 13.03 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0085 1.80 Common to Y, and Human 0.1852 39.20 Common to Area, and Human 0.0008 0.17 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0093 1.96 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0064 1.36 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0298 6.32 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0423 8.96 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0006 0.12 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0069 1.46 Total 0.4724 100.00

Wisconsin: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Coefficient% Total Unique to Y 0.1558 30.54 Unique to Area 0.0035 0.68 Unique to Richness 0.0189 3.70 Unique to Human 0.0423 8.29 Common to Y, and Area 0.0147 2.88 Common to Y, and Richness 0.0179 3.50 Common to Area, and Richness 0.0011 0.22 Common to Y, and Human 0.2339 45.85 Common to Area, and Human 0.0004 0.08 Common to Richness, and Human 0.0061 1.19 Common to Y, Area, and Richness 0.0003 0.06 Common to Y, Area, and Human 0.0197 3.87 Common to Y, Richness, and Human 0.0314 6.16 Common to Area, Richness, and Human 0.0003 0.05 Common to Y, Area, Richness, and Human 0.0148 2.91

31 32

Total 0.5102 100.00

Online Resource 5. Spatial autocorrelation calculated using Moran’s I with 10 distances classes for each average niche breadth (i.e., response variable) and model residuals of the best linear regression models (AICc<2) for different study regions. Dist.class = distance class, coef = coefficient value, p.value = p value, n = optimal number of bins. Statically significant distance classes (p<0.05) are marked with red.

Finland: Average climate niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals (Y+Human) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 36278.63 0.18954 0.022524 260 [1,] 36278.63 0.312391 0.0008 260 [2,] 104132.6 0.07089 0.070157 498 [2,] 104132.6 -0.07297 0.79325 498 [3,] 171986.5 0.072757 0.057484 494 [3,] 171986.5 0.027848 0.216471 494 [4,] 239840.4 0.082113 0.039158 436 [4,] 239840.4 -0.02818 0.547847 436 [5,] 307694.3 -0.00229 0.404097 308 [5,] 307694.3 -0.20308 0.988791 308 [6,] 375548.2 -0.15416 0.909274 196 [6,] 375548.2 -0.3769 0.999775 196 [7,] 443402.1 -0.7271 1 96 [7,] 443402.1 -0.52064 0.999777 96 [8,] 511256.1 -0.52936 0.994291 40 [8,] 511256.1 -0.16759 0.706356 40 [9,] 579110 -0.7514 0.997284 18 [9,] 579110 -0.55064 0.969331 18 [10,] 646963.9 -0.95372 0.953793 6 [10,] 646963.9 -0.74247 0.890066 6

Finland: Average water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals (Altitude+Area+Human+Richness) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 36404.51 0.37069 0.000214 266 [1,] 36404.51 0.085148 0.162354 266 [2,] 104510.2 0.118013 0.014246 496 [2,] 104510.2 -0.08228 0.835808 496 [3,] 172615.9 0.0192 0.268202 496 [3,] 172615.9 -0.14181 0.973384 496 [4,] 240721.6 -0.08667 0.860928 456 [4,] 240721.6 0.088351 0.034721 456 [5,] 308827.3 0.045772 0.20744 320 [5,] 308827.3 -0.01377 0.466765 320 [6,] 376932.9 0.105947 0.092949 212 [6,] 376932.9 -0.17663 0.942326 212 [7,] 445038.6 -0.32521 0.984924 106 [7,] 445038.6 0.038605 0.294922 106 [8,] 513144.3 -0.17903 0.763585 56 [8,] 513144.3 0.211945 0.065776 56 [9,] 581250 -0.33784 0.853957 30 [9,] 581250 -0.0494 0.427026 30 [10,] 649355.7 -0.89019 0.981911 12 [10, 649355.7 -0.11177 0.274983 12

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] Model residuals (Area+Human+Richness+Y) dist.clas coef p.value n s [1,] 36404.5 0.10418 0.12401 266 1 4 [2,] 104510. -0.0955 0.88210 496 2 7 [3,] 172615. - 0.98598 496 9 0.15883 1 [4,] 240721. 0.07380 0.05849 456 6 8 7 [5,] 308827. 0.02029 0.30512 320 3 6 3 [6,] 376932. - 0.83390 212 9 0.11848 6 [7,] 445038. - 0.57500 106 6 0.05592 7 [8,] 513144. 0.10698 0.18256 56 3 6 7 [9,] 581250 0.02531 0.30316 30 5 2 [10,] 649355. - 0.58368 12 7 0.29373 5

Finland: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals (X+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 36404.51 0.561072 1.71E-08 266 [1,] 36404.51 0.386388 9.64E-05 266 [2,] 104510.2 -0.02213 5.05E-01 496 [2,] 104510.2 0.034609 1.85E-01 496 [3,] 172615.9 0.014712 2.82E-01 496 [3,] 172615.9 -0.10888 9.20E-01 496 [4,] 240721.6 -0.10167 9.19E-01 456 [4,] 240721.6 -0.10928 9.31E-01 456 [5,] 308827.3 -0.00366 4.14E-01 320 [5,] 308827.3 -0.07186 7.41E-01 320 [6,] 376932.9 -0.39229 1.00E+00 212 [6,] 376932.9 -0.30524 9.98E-01 212 [7,] 445038.6 -0.66667 1.00E+00 106 [7,] 445038.6 -0.45105 9.99E-01 106 [8,] 513144.3 -0.70908 1.00E+00 56 [8,] 513144.3 -0.40359 9.80E-01 56 [9,] 581250 -0.24962 7.61E-01 30 [9,] 581250 -0.02758 3.92E-01 30 [10,] 649355.7 -0.95908 9.91E-01 12 [10,] 649355.7 -0.8353 9.85E-01 12 Model residuals (X+Y+Human) Model residuals (X+Y+Altitude) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 36404.51 0.480295 1.85E-06 266 [1,] 36404.51 0.402285 5.01E-05 266 [2,] 104510.2 0.095346 2.96E-02 496 [2,] 104510.2 0.082947 4.69E-02 496 [3,] 172615.9 -0.12988 9.60E-01 496 [3,] 172615.9 -0.12698 9.55E-01 496 [4,] 240721.6 -0.12832 9.65E-01 456 [4,] 240721.6 -0.12091 9.54E-01 456 [5,] 308827.3 -0.11981 8.96E-01 320 [5,] 308827.3 -0.10574 8.59E-01 320 [6,] 376932.9 -0.33066 9.99E-01 212 [6,] 376932.9 -0.35424 1.00E+00 212

33 34

[7,] 445038.6 -0.4918 1.00E+00 106 [7,] 445038.6 -0.42841 9.99E-01 106 [8,] 513144.3 -0.43749 9.89E-01 56 [8,] 513144.3 -0.40713 9.82E-01 56 [9,] 581250 -0.0501 4.30E-01 30 [9,] 581250 -0.09551 5.08E-01 30 [10,] 649355.7 -0.87277 9.89E-01 12 [10,] 649355.7 -0.84566 9.87E-01 12

Sweden: Average climate niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals (Altitude+Area+Human+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 79070.69 0.53883 2.05E-08 270 [1,] 79070.6 -0.16125 0.91556 27 8 9 8 0 [2,] 221839.3 0.24964 4.84E-06 458 [2,] 221839. 0.009617 0.31213 45 6 3 2 8 [3,] 364607.8 0.19330 4.62E-04 438 [3,] 364607. -0.04524 0.64926 43 9 8 7 8 [4,] 507376.4 0.01235 3.39E-01 300 [4,] 507376. -0.01841 0.48994 30 3 4 9 0 [5,] 650144.9 -0.2329 9.91E-01 254 [5,] 650144. -0.06602 0.69447 25 9 9 4 [6,] 792913.5 -0.34673 1.00E+00 244 [6,] 792913. -0.02852 0.53454 24 5 6 4 [7,] 935682.1 -0.40182 1.00E+00 216 [7,] 935682. 0.013085 0.36564 21 1 2 6 [8,] 1078451 -0.40801 1.00E+00 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.07817 0.67135 16 4 8 [9,] 1221219 -0.50592 9.99E-01 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.00854 0.41308 82 5 [10,] 1363988 -0.91554 9.99E-01 20 [10,] 1363988 -0.18215 0.59180 20 8

Sweden: Average water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals (Altitude+Area+Human+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 79070.69 0.254551 0.003213 270 [1,] 79070.69 -0.26359 0.992127 270 [2,] 221839.3 0.155025 0.001847 458 [2,] 221839.3 0.045601 0.136887 458 [3,] 364607.8 0.068074 0.083012 438 [3,] 364607.8 -0.10932 0.918399 438 [4,] 507376.4 0.061121 0.149096 300 [4,] 507376.4 0.086188 0.086527 300 [5,] 650144.9 -0.18378 0.967632 254 [5,] 650144.9 -0.05882 0.66826 254 [6,] 792913.5 -0.17312 0.951187 244 [6,] 792913.5 0.11977 0.063835 244 [7,] 935682.1 -0.29542 0.996014 216 [7,] 935682.1 0.011546 0.369086 216 [8,] 1078451 -0.42165 0.999873 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.17103 0.904159 168 [9,] 1221219 -0.2653 0.943628 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.06647 0.573126 82 [10,] 1363988 -0.75299 0.993966 20 [10,] 1363988 0.022932 0.249182 20 Model residuals(Altitude+Human+Y) Model residuals(Area+Human+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n

34 35

[1,] 79070.69 -0.21315 0.971856 270 [1,] 79070.69 -0.21759 0.974537 270 [2,] 221839.3 0.045158 0.139141 458 [2,] 221839.3 0.040372 0.157522 458 [3,] 364607.8 -0.14737 0.976477 438 [3,] 364607.8 -0.12717 0.952474 438 [4,] 507376.4 0.085306 0.088834 300 [4,] 507376.4 0.141136 0.019738 300 [5,] 650144.9 -0.08023 0.750426 254 [5,] 650144.9 -0.11544 0.858411 254 [6,] 792913.5 0.132009 0.049264 244 [6,] 792913.5 0.108022 0.082031 244 [7,] 935682.1 0.081339 0.155762 216 [7,] 935682.1 0.01207 0.367591 216 [8,] 1078451 -0.25679 0.981878 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.18609 0.925214 168 [9,] 1221219 -0.07365 0.592491 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.02193 0.450042 82 [10,] 1363988 0.07275 0.178557 20 [10,] 1363988 0.054582 0.215401 20 Model residuals(Area+Human+X+Y) Model residuals(Altitude+Area+Human) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 79070.69 -0.24438 0.986795 270 [1,] 79070.69 -0.16539 0.925148 270 [2,] 221839.3 0.031692 0.194255 458 [2,] 221839.3 0.082886 0.043299 458 [3,] 364607.8 -0.11855 0.937789 438 [3,] 364607.8 -0.0444 0.646732 438 [4,] 507376.4 0.124102 0.032578 300 [4,] 507376.4 0.054176 0.170087 300 [5,] 650144.9 -0.10006 0.816125 254 [5,] 650144.9 -0.07084 0.716174 254 [6,] 792913.5 0.105078 0.086699 244 [6,] 792913.5 0.043763 0.242654 244 [7,] 935682.1 0.053201 0.229713 216 [7,] 935682.1 -0.09756 0.767325 216 [8,] 1078451 -0.19387 0.935595 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.1781 0.916364 168 [9,] 1221219 -0.04076 0.502121 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.17675 0.831022 82 [10,] 1363988 -0.0186 0.313054 20 [10,] 1363988 -0.36859 0.841839 20 Model residuals(Altitude+Area+Human+X) Model residuals(Human+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 79070.69 -0.23623 0.983925 270 [1,] 79070.69 -0.16278 0.920082 270 [2,] 221839.3 0.051729 0.115902 458 [2,] 221839.3 0.024067 0.231725 458 [3,] 364607.8 -0.0922 0.869851 438 [3,] 364607.8 -0.16039 0.985483 438 [4,] 507376.4 0.05613 0.164023 300 [4,] 507376.4 0.147433 0.016412 300 [5,] 650144.9 -0.04353 0.60328 254 [5,] 650144.9 -0.13967 0.910424 254 [6,] 792913.5 0.109049 0.079785 244 [6,] 792913.5 0.113206 0.074394 244 [7,] 935682.1 -0.05198 0.612181 216 [7,] 935682.1 0.087846 0.141893 216 [8,] 1078451 -0.12028 0.798223 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.26456 0.984697 168 [9,] 1221219 -0.08923 0.634351 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.02685 0.463636 82 [10,] 1363988 -0.06365 0.395708 20 [10,] 1363988 0.112076 0.144765 20

Sweden: Climate-water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(Altitude+Human) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 79070.69 0.164701 0.034628 270 [1,] 79070.69 0.15729 0.0391 270 3 [2,] 221839.3 0.01412 0.285743 458 [2,] 221839.3 -0.00971 0.429723 458 [3,] 364607.8 -0.11138 0.920809 438 [3,] 364607.8 -0.09578 0.880963 438 [4,] 507376.4 -0.0262 0.529186 300 [4,] 507376.4 -0.02691 0.533051 300 [5,] 650144.9 0.017126 0.337091 254 [5,] 650144.9 -0.01932 0.495098 254 [6,] 792913.5 -0.15046 0.918819 244 [6,] 792913.5 -0.18428 0.962258 244

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[7,] 935682.1 -0.06662 0.663502 216 [7,] 935682.1 -0.00521 0.432364 216 [8,] 1078451 -0.12541 0.811065 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.05659 0.598472 168 [9,] 1221219 -0.13481 0.745889 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.19416 0.864332 82 [10,] 1363988 0.015527 0.284465 20 [10,] 1363988 0.02181 0.272573 20 8 Model residuals(Altitude+Human+Area) Model residuals(Altitude) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 79070.69 0.137642 0.058157 270 [1,] 79070.69 0.11377 0.091605 270 9 [2,] 221839.3 -0.0157 0.468886 458 [2,] 221839.3 -0.00763 0.416207 458 [3,] 364607.8 -0.09489 0.878767 438 [3,] 364607.8 -0.10308 0.90234 438 [4,] 507376.4 0.005399 0.370681 300 [4,] 507376.4 -0.03358 0.566794 300 [5,] 650144.9 -0.04613 0.614667 254 [5,] 650144.9 0.03406 0.268864 254 [6,] 792913.5 -0.13726 0.89808 244 [6,] 792913.5 -0.19621 0.971826 244 [7,] 935682.1 0.011417 0.369676 216 [7,] 935682.1 -0.02231 0.498398 216 [8,] 1078451 -0.17047 0.909666 168 [8,] 1078451 -0.09587 0.731778 168 [9,] 1221219 -0.20716 0.883723 82 [9,] 1221219 -0.07065 0.585962 82 [10,] 1363988 0.038163 0.250002 20 [10,] 1363988 -0.00122 0.305873 20

Minnesota: Climate niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(Human+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.37883 0.26840 0.003058 270 [1,] 0.37883 0.17204 0.034323 270 4 2 4 8 [2,] 1.08027 0.02284 0.221276 634 [2,] 1.08027 -0.12047 0.957123 634 8 8 [3,] 1.78172 0.1005 0.004656 654 [3,] 1.78172 -0.01517 0.451815 654 2 2 [4,] 2.48316 -0.14334 0.977374 444 [4,] 2.48316 -0.04129 0.632446 444 5 5 [5,] 3.18460 -0.18261 0.953936 256 [5,] 3.18460 0.00250 0.404524 256 8 8 4 [6,] 3.88605 -0.09514 0.689658 94 [6,] 3.88605 0.08709 0.206594 94 1 1 5 [7,] 4.58749 -0.27627 0.94085 52 [7,] 4.58749 -0.25385 0.921611 52 5 5 [8,] 5.28893 -0.43858 0.970364 28 [8,] 5.28893 -0.3253 0.906198 28 8 8 [9,] 5.99038 -0.64147 0.984682 12 [9,] 5.99038 -0.5341 0.951982 12 1 1 [10,] 6.69182 -0.89335 0.948454 6 [10,] 6.69182 -0.19205 0.350333 6 4 4 Model residuals(Human) dist.cla coef p.value n ss [1,] 0.3788 0.1530 0.0526 270 34 36 5

36 37

[2,] 1.0802 -0.0932 0.8905 634 78 35 [3,] 1.7817 - 0.4155 654 22 0.0107 54 2 [4,] 2.4831 - 0.5727 444 65 0.0318 91 5 [5,] 3.1846 - 0.6570 256 08 0.0602 91 8 [6,] 3.8860 0.1256 0.1368 94 51 51 08 [7,] 4.5874 -0.1975 0.8511 52 95 52 [8,] 5.2889 - 0.9296 28 38 0.3562 44 6 [9,] 5.9903 -0.5507 0.9623 12 81 69 [10,] 6.6918 - 0.5907 6 24 0.4139 42 6

Minnesota: Average water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(X) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.37883 0.30093 0.001278 270 [1,] 0.37883 0.16514 0.041063 270 4 5 4 8 [2,] 1.08027 0.04570 0.124369 634 [2,] 1.08027 -0.09218 0.888055 634 8 1 8 [3,] 1.78172 0.02115 0.187072 654 [3,] 1.78172 -0.00269 0.350663 654 2 1 2 [4,] 2.48316 -0.00994 0.433295 444 [4,] 2.48316 -0.00388 0.395219 444 5 5 [5,] 3.18460 -0.07762 0.720049 256 [5,] 3.18460 -0.12656 0.861437 256 8 8 [6,] 3.88605 -0.42427 0.997847 94 [6,] 3.88605 0.07494 0.233298 94 1 1 [7,] 4.58749 -0.1835 0.827857 52 [7,] 4.58749 0.19120 0.071414 52 5 5 3 [8,] 5.28893 -0.25257 0.823955 28 [8,] 5.28893 0.02481 0.322246 28 8 8 4 [9,] 5.99038 -0.42629 0.856394 12 [9,] 5.99038 -0.01862 0.265141 12 1 1 [10,] 6.69182 -0.42867 0.695161 6 [10,] 6.69182 -0.07648 0.237107 6

37 38

4 4 Model residuals(Richness+X) Model residuals(Altitude+X) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.37883 0.16899 0.038217 270 [1,] 0.37883 0.12206 0.090444 270 4 4 5 [2,] 1.08027 -0.07716 0.830798 634 [2,] 1.08027 -0.08983 0.880427 634 8 8 [3,] 1.78172 -0.02912 0.569446 654 [3,] 1.78172 0.00691 0.278578 654 2 2 4 [4,] 2.48316 0.02457 0.235052 444 [4,] 2.48316 -0.03527 0.594436 444 5 8 5 [5,] 3.18460 -0.13103 0.871044 256 [5,] 3.18460 -0.09082 0.764188 256 8 8 [6,] 3.88605 0.12737 0.134234 94 [6,] 3.88605 0.14557 0.109138 94 1 6 1 9 [7,] 4.58749 0.22866 0.043979 52 [7,] 4.58749 0.23010 0.043185 52 5 8 5 9 [8,] 5.28893 -0.06471 0.49605 28 [8,] 5.28893 -0.12333 0.611846 28 8 8 [9,] 5.99038 -0.0627 0.297868 12 [9,] 5.99038 -0.10789 0.376188 12 1 1 [10,] 6.69182 -0.12117 0.274641 6 [10,] 6.69182 -0.17778 0.300212 6 4 4 Model residuals(Altitude+Richness+X) dist.cla coef p.value n ss [1,] 0.3788 0.1065 0.1166 270 34 75 44 [2,] 1.0802 - 0.8553 634 78 0.0830 17 6 [3,] 1.7817 - 0.4709 654 22 0.0173 85 9 [4,] 2.4831 0.0005 0.3681 444 65 65 3 [5,] 3.1846 -0.0868 0.7509 256 08 26 [6,] 3.8860 0.1790 0.0698 94 51 91 22 [7,] 4.5874 0.2233 0.0475 52 95 29 21 [8,] 5.2889 - 0.8741 28 38 0.2945 06 4 [9,] 5.9903 - 0.5731 12 81 0.1928 72 9 [10,] 6.6918 - 0.3758 6 24 0.2462 19

38 39


Minnesota: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(Altitude+Human+X) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.378834 0.276396 0.002695 270 [1,] 0.378834 0.112615 0.105226 270 [2,] 1.080278 -0.01151 0.433339 634 [2,] 1.080278 -0.11387 0.944435 634 [3,] 1.781722 0.018626 0.201579 654 [3,] 1.781722 -0.05694 0.778231 654 [4,] 2.483165 -0.10678 0.919249 444 [4,] 2.483165 -0.00234 0.385517 444 [5,] 3.184608 -0.12144 0.851412 256 [5,] 3.184608 -0.02603 0.521345 256 [6,] 3.886051 -0.13843 0.790585 94 [6,] 3.886051 0.006711 0.403873 94 [7,] 4.587495 -0.42619 0.994163 52 [7,] 4.587495 -0.16918 0.80536 52 [8,] 5.288938 -0.45694 0.976292 28 [8,] 5.288938 -0.10709 0.58126 28 [9,] 5.990381 -0.78769 0.990119 12 [9,] 5.990381 -0.26855 0.710023 12 [10,] 6.691824 -0.791 0.92843 6 [10,] 6.691824 -0.00875 0.146211 6 Model residuals(Human) Model residuals(Altitude+Human+Area) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.378834 0.13057 0.078083 270 [1,] 0.378834 0.135627 0.071786 270 [2,] 1.080278 -0.10711 0.92984 634 [2,] 1.080278 -0.14382 0.982194 634 [3,] 1.781722 -0.05463 0.762937 654 [3,] 1.781722 -0.02337 0.521369 654 [4,] 2.483165 -0.01887 0.49014 444 [4,] 2.483165 -0.01489 0.464712 444 [5,] 3.184608 -0.02921 0.534377 256 [5,] 3.184608 0.00322 0.402522 256 [6,] 3.886051 0.100694 0.17783 94 [6,] 3.886051 0.145517 0.107235 94 [7,] 4.587495 -0.41983 0.993305 52 [7,] 4.587495 -0.28965 0.948827 52 [8,] 5.288938 -0.40403 0.957292 28 [8,] 5.288938 -0.13247 0.630803 28 [9,] 5.990381 -0.70419 0.987428 12 [9,] 5.990381 -0.54181 0.953081 12 [10,] 6.691824 -0.24237 0.404113 6 [10,] 6.691824 -0.083 0.231448 6 Model residuals(Altitude+Human) Model residuals(Altitude+Human+Area+X) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.378834 0.08812 0.154255 270 [1,] 0.378834 0.146286 0.058439 270 [2,] 1.080278 -0.12382 0.960455 634 [2,] 1.080278 -0.12931 0.968534 634 [3,] 1.781722 -0.03627 0.62776 654 [3,] 1.781722 -0.04159 0.670359 654 [4,] 2.483165 0.002947 0.353961 444 [4,] 2.483165 -0.0175 0.481298 444 [5,] 3.184608 -0.01424 0.473053 256 [5,] 3.184608 -0.01132 0.460954 256 [6,] 3.886051 0.161445 0.087817 94 [6,] 3.886051 0.032137 0.334553 94 [7,] 4.587495 -0.34222 0.975587 52 [7,] 4.587495 -0.15221 0.774282 52 [8,] 5.288938 -0.30584 0.887735 28 [8,] 5.288938 -0.05033 0.466923 28 [9,] 5.990381 -0.6331 0.981797 12 [9,] 5.990381 -0.24966 0.653099 12 [10,] 6.691824 -0.19909 0.357208 6 [10,] 6.691824 -0.03575 0.157397 6 Model residuals(Human+Y) dist.cla coef p.value n ss [1,] 0.3788 0.1866 0.0255 270

39 40

34 28 21 [2,] 1.0802 - 0.9508 634 78 0.1170 26 3 [3,] 1.7817 - 0.7986 654 22 0.0601 14 2 [4,] 2.4831 -0.03 0.5615 444 65 19 [5,] 3.1846 0.0001 0.4142 256 08 62 27 [6,] 3.8860 0.0867 0.2052 94 51 13 96 [7,] 4.5874 - 0.9948 52 95 0.4340 64 2 [8,] 5.2889 -0.3705 0.9391 28 38 74 [9,] 5.9903 - 0.9872 12 81 0.6987 09 7 [10,] 6.6918 - 0.2808 6 24 0.1133 85 6

Wisconsin: Average niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(Richness+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.273744 0.409565 3.93E-08 524 [1,] 0.273744 -0.03526 0.567201 52 4 [2,] 0.808607 0.657993 4.93E-14 280 [2,] 0.808607 0.087864 0.115988 28 0 [3,] 1.34347 0.757032 1.58E-14 182 [3,] 1.34347 -0.15596 0.883707 18 2 [4,] 1.878333 0.051619 2.52E-01 118 [4,] 1.878333 -0.12922 0.800972 11 8 [5,] 2.413195 -0.14101 9.35E-01 354 [5,] 2.413195 0.069043 0.121635 35 4 [6,] 2.948058 -0.31107 1.00E+0 552 [6,] 2.948058 0.067931 0.106531 55 0 2 [7,] 3.482921 -0.35856 9.99E-01 170 [7,] 3.482921 -0.04279 0.550829 17 0 [8,] 4.017783 -0.66412 1.00E+0 42 [8,] 4.017783 0.002549 0.368246 42 0

40 41

[9,] 4.552646 -0.60071 1.00E+0 106 [9,] 4.552646 0.078934 0.136534 10 0 6 [10,] 5.087508 -0.80196 9.99E-01 24 [10, 5.087508 0.091655 0.13246 24 ] Model residuals(Human+Richness+Y) Model residuals(Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.273744 -0.0682 0.71979 524 [1,] 0.273744 -0.0355 0.56886 52 4 [2,] 0.808607 0.086129 0.119479 280 [2,] 0.808607 0.082688 0.12641 28 0 [3,] 1.34347 -0.08371 0.694969 182 [3,] 1.34347 -0.22984 0.970796 18 2 [4,] 1.878333 -0.16474 0.874525 118 [4,] 1.878333 -0.1152 0.768063 11 8 [5,] 2.413195 0.030479 0.250154 354 [5,] 2.413195 0.066213 0.128053 35 4 [6,] 2.948058 0.082771 0.073275 552 [6,] 2.948058 0.040233 0.193852 55 2 [7,] 3.482921 -0.00619 0.412394 170 [7,] 3.482921 -0.04104 0.544308 17 0 [8,] 4.017783 0.022512 0.321114 42 [8,] 4.017783 0.057181 0.246161 42 [9,] 4.552646 0.01252 0.310964 106 [9,] 4.552646 0.026084 0.267137 10 6 [10,] 5.087508 0.124431 0.106064 24 [10, 5.087508 0.009384 0.239719 24 ] Model residuals(Human+Y) dist.cla coef p.value n ss [1,] 0.2737 -0.0598 0.6843 524 44 06 [2,] 0.8086 0.0824 0.1268 280 07 44 54 [3,] 1.3434 - 0.9232 182 7 0.1805 92 4 [4,] 1.8783 - 0.8375 118 33 0.1448 98 9 [5,] 2.4131 0.0299 0.2514 354 95 74 37 [6,] 2.9480 0.0538 0.1461 552 58 33 27 [7,] 3.4829 - 0.4115 170 21 0.0060 77 5 [8,] 4.0177 0.0876 0.1888 42 83 98 09 [9,] 4.5526 -0.0423 0.5023 106 46 4 [10,] 5.0875 - 0.2527 24

41 42

08 0.0046 88 7

Wisconsin: Average water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(Area+Richness+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.273744 0.175281 6.32E-03 524 [1,] 0.273744 -0.0707 0.72819 524 [2,] 0.808607 0.367057 7.80E-06 280 [2,] 0.808607 -0.0098 0.451884 280 [3,] 1.34347 0.773133 8.81E-16 182 [3,] 1.34347 0.057854 0.198158 182 [4,] 1.878333 0.163896 5.23E-02 118 [4,] 1.878333 0.027668 0.319675 118 [5,] 2.413195 -0.00105 3.92E-01 354 [5,] 2.413195 -0.00124 0.394334 354 [6,] 2.948058 -0.22972 9.98E-01 552 [6,] 2.948058 0.062264 0.123031 552 [7,] 3.482921 -0.14835 8.72E-01 170 [7,] 3.482921 -0.02701 0.491001 170 [8,] 4.017783 -0.4641 9.96E-01 42 [8,] 4.017783 0.300744 0.012202 42 [9,] 4.552646 -0.34985 9.99E-01 106 [9,] 4.552646 0.151769 0.03647 106 [10,] 5.087508 -0.36333 8.85E-01 24 [10, 5.087508 -0.15996 0.53355 24 ] Model residuals(Richness+Y) Model residuals(Area+Human+Richness+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.273744 -0.0428 0.603003 524 [1,] 0.27374 -0.07427 0.742965 524 4 [2,] 0.808607 -0.02495 0.517967 280 [2,] 0.80860 -0.00367 0.42531 280 7 [3,] 1.34347 0.110947 0.089119 182 [3,] 1.34347 0.09821 0.106275 182 4 [4,] 1.878333 0.027802 0.319242 118 [4,] 1.87833 -0.04857 0.566244 118 3 [5,] 2.413195 -0.01574 0.467042 354 [5,] 2.41319 -0.0185 0.48105 354 5 [6,] 2.948058 0.076947 0.086598 552 [6,] 2.94805 0.08819 0.06429 552 8 5 [7,] 3.482921 0.017074 0.330732 170 [7,] 3.48292 -0.02034 0.466024 170 1 [8,] 4.017783 0.206193 0.050215 42 [8,] 4.01778 0.34665 0.005437 42 3 [9,] 4.552646 0.214791 0.009234 106 [9,] 4.55264 0.07832 0.131098 106 6 8 [10,] 5.087508 -0.20689 0.619661 24 [10,] 5.08750 -0.14364 0.501513 24 8 Model residuals(Human+Richness+Y) dist.clas coef p.value n s [1,] 0.27374 -0.0446 0.61164 524 4 1 [2,] 0.80860 - 0.49560 280

42 43

7 0.01983 4 [3,] 1.34347 0.16031 0.03407 182 9 [4,] 1.87833 - 0.56361 118 3 0.04778 4 [5,] 2.41319 - 0.48642 354 5 0.01956 6 [6,] 2.94805 0.10592 0.03897 552 8 3 7 [7,] 3.48292 0.01877 0.32516 170 1 7 3 [8,] 4.01778 0.24536 0.02907 42 3 8 [9,] 4.55264 0.16581 0.02757 106 6 9 4 [10,] 5.08750 - 0.60113 24 8 0.19729 2

Wisconsin: Average climate-water quality niche breadths

Response variable Model residuals(Human+Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.273744 0.407446 4.16E-08 524 [1,] 0.273744 -0.06659 0.716625 52 4 [2,] 0.808607 0.575968 2.59E-11 280 [2,] 0.808607 -0.00471 0.428567 28 0 [3,] 1.34347 0.823885 9.03E-17 182 [3,] 1.34347 -0.07451 0.665847 18 2 [4,] 1.878333 0.09878 1.44E-01 118 [4,] 1.878333 -0.07426 0.651649 11 8 [5,] 2.413195 -0.15159 9.51E-01 354 [5,] 2.413195 0.027489 0.259388 35 4 [6,] 2.948058 -0.35574 1.00E+0 552 [6,] 2.948058 0.049743 0.156815 55 0 2 [7,] 3.482921 -0.34065 9.98E-01 170 [7,] 3.482921 0.011 0.348326 17 0 [8,] 4.017783 -0.60127 1.00E+0 42 [8,] 4.017783 0.199766 0.054541 42 0 [9,] 4.552646 -0.49573 1.00E+0 106 [9,] 4.552646 0.062423 0.16572 10 0 6 [10,] 5.087508 -0.65075 9.92E-01 24 [10, 5.087508 -0.06532 0.357003 24 ] Model residuals(Human+Richness+Y) Model residuals(Y) dist.class coef p.value n dist.class coef p.value n [1,] 0.273744 -0.06876 0.72458 524 [1,] 0.273744 -0.02982 0.540879 52 4 [2,] 0.808607 0.001757 0.400842 280 [2,] 0.808607 -0.00329 0.422656 28

43 44

0 [3,] 1.34347 0.002581 0.374485 182 [3,] 1.34347 -0.14472 0.863612 18 2 [4,] 1.878333 -0.08716 0.690948 118 [4,] 1.878333 -0.02792 0.497794 11 8 [5,] 2.413195 0.026082 0.266209 354 [5,] 2.413195 0.047973 0.181639 35 4 [6,] 2.948058 0.069286 0.100689 552 [6,] 2.948058 0.034449 0.215019 55 2 [7,] 3.482921 0.010312 0.351085 170 [7,] 3.482921 -0.01979 0.463045 17 0 [8,] 4.017783 0.147161 0.103005 42 [8,] 4.017783 0.1451 0.105543 42 [9,] 4.552646 0.092639 0.108314 106 [9,] 4.552646 0.156834 0.033913 10 6 [10,] 5.087508 -0.04599 0.306259 24 [10, 5.087508 -0.10991 0.437317 24 ]


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