Hebrews - Making Jesus Bigger

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Hebrews - Making Jesus Bigger

Hebrews - “Making Jesus Bigger” Hebrews 1:1-3 – “God Has Spoken!”

Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-3

Memory Verse: “God…has in these last days spoken to us by His Son…” Hebrews 1:1a and 2a

Lesson Focus: How God has spoken through Jesus.

Activities and Crafts: Coloring page, Worksheet Craft for 1st and 2nd graders: Jesus is Bigger Poster

Introduction: What is Bigger Game: (ask the kids to the following questions and for them to guess what is bigger.) Which is bigger: 1. A basketball or a soccer ball? Basketball (29.5 inches & 22 ounces) 2. A Elephant or a Killer Whale? (Elephant slightly larger - killer whale averages about 20 to 26 ft long and weighs about 4 to 6 tons on average. The average african elephant weighs about 5 to 7 tons is about 10 to 13ft tall and is about 20 to 25 feet long.) 3. Pikes Peak or Mount Everest? (Mount Everest, 29,029’; Pikes Peak 14, 115’ 4. The earth or the moon? (The earth is much bigger…the moon is only 27% the size of the earth.) 5. The state of Colorado or the state of Wyoming? (Colorado is bigger – 6,367 miles larger and has 4,406,788 more people.)

Bible Lesson:

The book of Hebrews is written to a group of Hebrew believers that had never seen Jesus. When they came to know Jesus, they had persecution from their fellow Hebrews and they were slipping back into Judaism practices.

In C.S. Lewis’s book Prince Caspian form the Chronicles of Narnia, he writes about Lucy and as her spiritual journey. Lucy sees Aslan, the Lion (the Christ figure in the books) shining white and

1 huge in the moonlight. Lucy runs to him, burying her face in his thick fur and Lucy has the following conversation with Aslan;

“Aslan" said Lucy "you're bigger". "That is because you are older, little one" answered he. "Not because you are?" "I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger".” ― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian

What C.S. Lewis is showing us in his book is that as we grow as a Christian; Jesus should get bigger in our eyes. The more we learn about Jesus the more our hearts should soar with love for Him and our souls expand with all that He is. The book of Hebrews is going to teach us who Jesus is and as we grow in our Spiritual walk, Jesus should get bigger in our eyes.

Hebrews 1:1 – God Spoke in the Past √ What has God done? (spoken) √ When did God speak? (in times past) √ How did God speak? (In various ways) √ Who did God speak to? (The fathers of Israel) √ Who did God speak through? (The prophets)

√ So what is verse one teaching us? That God has spoken in the past through Prophets to the nations who would listen and specifically to the nation of Israel. God spoke in many different ways and through many different people. √ How did God speak in the past? 1. The Pentateuch: the 1st 5 books in the Old Testament – written by Moses. What did God tell us in these first 5 books? a. God created everything (Psalm 19:1-4) When we look at creation God is speaking. Creation speaks of a divine creator who spoke everything into existence. Nothing just happened – or evolved. b. God’s relationship with man c. Man’s sin d. God’s laws (10 commandments) 2. The Books of History: 12 books – Joshua – Esther What did God tell us in these 12 books? a. The History of God and the Nation of Israel b. The History of God working in all Nations

2 3. The Books of Poetry: 5 books – Job – Song of Songs What did God tell us in these books? a. God tells us that we are to have a relationship with Him b. God tells us of His Character c. God gives us guidance on how to live the Christian life 4. Major Prophets: 5 books – Isaiah – Daniel What did God tell us in these books? All of the Major Prophets were written during the books of History time period. These prophets spoke what God wanted His people to know. a. The promise of a Savior b. The dealings with God’s people c. Warnings to obey God 5. The Minor Prophets: What did God tell us through them? a. More warnings to obey God b. More dealings with the people of god c. More promises of a Savior

God spoke to Moses at Mt. Sinai in thunder and lightning and with a voice of a trumpet. God whispered to Elijah at Mt Horeb in a “still small voice.” God spoke to Ezekiel by Visions and Daniel through dreams God spoke to Abraham in human form God spoke through the Law

Hebrews 1:2-3; – God Speaks Now √ What are the last days? (all the days from Jesus until now) √ How is God speaking now? (through His Son – The ultimate speech of God!) √ Has God ever NOT been speaking? (no)

Throughout time God has been speaking to us. He spoke and the worlds were created and humans came into existence. God spoke truth to the Nation of Israel and worked mightily through the books of History. God spoke to Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David and many more. God’s words that He spoke are written down for us in the Bible. God’s words still speak to us today. But God ultimately has spoken through Jesus. Jesus is God’s final word! Since the beginning of time God’s plan was to send us a Savior and that Savior is Jesus. Jesus shows us who God is and in Jesus we meet God the Father.

Let’s take a look at what we can learn about Jesus from verses 2 & 3:

3 Jesus: 1. Jesus is heir to all things. To be an “heir” means that you will inherit something in the future from your father. We are Jesus’ inheritance. Jesus died on the cross so that He could win all that believe in Him for eternity. Ephesians 1:18 “… that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” 2. Jesus made all things. The Bible teaches us that Jesus was there at the creation of the world. Jesus created the world’s one hundred thousand million galaxies, each with a hundred thousand million stars and each with six hundred trillion miles across. Jesus upholds everything by the word of His power. John 1:3; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Romans 11:36 Colossians 1:16. Jesus is also the “sustainer” of all things; (Hebrews 1:3c) This means that Jesus is actively holding the created world together by His spoken word. 3. Jesus is the “brightness of God’s glory.” When the Bible says “brightness” is means “radiance.” Jesus is not the reflection of God; He is the “brightness” of God. Just like the moon reflects the suns light…but the sun radiates it’s own light. The sun is the source of it’s light. Jesus is the “source” of God’s light. Jesus does not just reflect the glory of God, He is the glory of God. Do you remember in Matthew 17:1; when Jesus went to the Mount with Peter, James and John? On the mountain top Jesus was transfigured, showing who He really was. “And He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.” 4. Jesus shows us who God is (“the express image of His person…”) Jesus is distinct from the Father but they are one. This is the mystery of the trinity of God, (Father, Son and Holy Spirit.) When we see Jesus we see what God is like and how He relates to us. Just think of some of the things that Jesus shows us about God. a. Jesus loves people b. Jesus had compassion on others c. Jesus knew what was in the heart of Man d. Jesus saw their sin and offered His life to pay the price for our sin e. Jesus always spoke truth f. Jesus saw the good in people that the world said was no good g. Jesus had patience with His disciples 5. Jesus took away our sin (“purged our sin”) by His death on the cross. Jesus paid the price for sin once and for all time. Jesus is our Savior!

4 6. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God. Jesus is our King and Ruler! The picture to the Hebrew reader would be the picture of the High Priest. When they entered the Holy of Holies in the Temple once a year, they would wear bells on their garments. These bells where there so that if they were struck dead the people on the outside could hear them fall and pull them out. They never sat down they stayed standing in the holy place before a holy God. Jesus’ work is complete on the cross. He has sat down at the right hand of the Father. Philippians 2:9-10

Conclusion: Vitamins: Why do we take them? We take vitamins so that we grow and remain healthy. If you want to grow in Jesus, the book of Hebrews is a good place to start. It’s like a vitamin for our soul; it builds up Jesus and helps us to realize how big Jesus is.

How big is Jesus to you? What do you do to grow in Jesus every day?

If God is speaking still today, then do the worksheet and tell how God is speaking to you through today’s lesson.

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