Choosing Accommodations That Fit Individual Needs: Strengths and Needs Self-Assessment Worksheet

ADA Accommodations Training Project Spring 2011

STEP ONE: Assess Your Strengths and Challenges:

Think about the kinds of activities you will be doing in your higher education program. Then think about the kinds of strengths you have to do those activities well and also the kinds of challenges that you will need to think about to determine what accommodations you may need.

Instructions: In the next section, we have listed skills in six categories of activities that are typical in a higher education setting. For each of the skills listed, check whether that skill is (a) a strength, (b) a challenge, or (c) neither a challenge nor strength for your personality.

Academics: Think about areas of basic school work skills that every student needs to be successful.

1. Reading: a. Speed: Is your reading speed a strength, a challenge, or neither for you? b. Understanding: Is your understanding of reading material a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2. Math: a. Completing word problems: Is completing word problems in math a strength, a challenge, or neither for you? b. Calculating: Is performing calculations in math a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3. Writing: a. Grammar and spelling: Is grammar and spelling while writing a strength, a challenge, or neither for you? b. Composition and writing style: Is your composition and writing style a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

4. Other: Is there an additional academic skill that is a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

Classroom Participation: Think about skills every student needs to get the most out of participation in a typical class (for example, group lectures, small group discussions, lab activities).

1 ADA Accommodations Training Project Spring 2011 1. Taking notes: Is taking notes in lecture, group discussions or during other academic activities a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2. Paying attention to instructor: Is paying attention to the instructor during lecture a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3. Avoiding distractions: Is avoiding distractions in lecture, group discussions or during other academic activities a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

4. Reading what the professor writes on the board or other visuals: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

5. Participating in discussions: Is participating in discussions in lecture, group discussions or during other academic activities a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

6. Other: Is there an additional classroom participation skill that is a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

Test Taking: Think about skills every student needs to show teachers what they have learned in a class.

1. Working under a time limit: Is taking timed tests a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2. Taking multiple-choice tests: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3. Writing test essays: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

4. Dealing with test anxiety: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

5. Remembering course information: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

6. Other: Is there an additional test taking skill that is a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

Homework: Think about skills every student needs to study effectively and complete homework assignments.

1. Organizing your study space: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2. Managing time: Is managing your time to get homework assignments completed a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3. Managing disruptions: Is managing disruptions while studying a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

4. Doing library research: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

5. Reading: Is reading homework assignments a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2 ADA Accommodations Training Project Spring 2011 6. Taking notes: Is taking notes while doing homework assignments a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

7. Reviewing notes: Is reviewing your lecture and homework notes a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

8. Completing writing assignments (including reports): Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

9. Completing worksheets or lab reports: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

10. Other: Is there an additional homework skill that is a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

Campus Accessibility and Mobility: Think about areas of the campus every student needs to access and utilize in order to have a successful academic and social life.

1. Finding your way around the campus and residential areas: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2. Accessing classrooms, dorms, unions, libraries: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3. Other: Is there an additional campus accessibility and mobility skill that is a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

Social / Self-Advocacy with Peers and Professors: Think about the social skills every student needs to have a successful academic and social life. 1. Participating well with other students in discussions or group assignments: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

2. Explaining your needs and accommodations confidently: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3. Speaking up for your rights: Is this a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

4. Other: Is there an additional social/self advocacy skill that is a strength, a challenge, or neither for you?

3 ADA Accommodations Training Project Spring 2011