Early Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

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Early Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

Early Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology: Cohort Studies (1946-1972)

Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study Coronary Heart Disease in Coronary Heart White, P.D. 1946- Young Adults. Disease in Young 1976 A Multidisciplinary Study. Adults Cambridge, MA; Harvard University Press, 1954: 1-218.* Coronary heart disease among Minnesota Keys, A. 1947- Minnesota business and Business and 1983 professional men followed Professional fifteen years. (1963) Men Study Circulation, 28 (9), 381-395. Coronary heart disease in the Framingham Dawber, T.R. 1948- Framingham Study. (1957) Heart Study American Journal of Public Health, 47, 4-24. Insomnia in young men and Johns Hopkins Thomas, C. B. 1948- subsequent depression: The Precursors Study John Hopkins Precursors Study. (1997) Am. J. Epidemiol. 146:105-14. Measuring the risk of coronary Los Angeles Civil Chapman, J. 1949- heart disease in adult Servants Study population groups. The clinical status of a population group in Los Angeles under observation for two to three years. Am J Public Health. 1957 Apr;47(4 Part 2):33-42. Coronary heart disease and London Morris, J. 1949- physical activity of work. Transport and 1952 (1953) Lancet 265, 1053-1057. Postal Workers Studies Work Activity of Longshoremen California Paffenbarger, R. 1951- as Related to Death from Longshoremen 1973 Coronary Heart Disease and Study Stroke. (1970) New England Journal of Medicine, 282(20): 1109-1114. Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study The mortality of doctors in British Doctors Doll, R. and A.B.Hill 1951- relation to their smoking Study 2001 habits. (1954) British Medical Journal, 1 (4877), 1451-55. Evaluation of serum lipoprotein Cooperative Cooperative 1952- and cholesterol measurements Lipoprotein Lipoprotein Study as predictors of clinical Study Group complications of atherosclerosis: report of a cooperative study of lipoproteins and atherosclerosis. (1956) Circulation. 14:691-742. A prospective study of Albany Civil Doyle, J. 1953- degenerative cardiovascular Servants Study disease in Albany: report of three years' experience. I. Ischemic heart disease. Am J Public Health. 1957 Apr;47(4 Part 2):25-32. A three-year study of Dupont Pell, S. and 1956- myocardial infarction in a large Company Study C.A. D’Alonzo employed population. JAMA. 1961 Feb 11;175:463-70. Seven Countries. A Multivariate Seven Countries Keys, A. 1957- Analysis of Death and Coronary Study Heart Disease. Cambridge, MA; Harvard University Press, 1980: 1-381. A longitudinal study of Chicago Western Paul, O. 1957- coronary heart disease. (1963) Electric Study Circulation 28: 20-31. Coronary heart disease in seven U.S. Railway Taylor, H.L. 1957- countries. IV. Five-year follow- Study up of employees of selected U.S. railroad companies. (1970) Circulation. 41(4 Suppl):I20-39. Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study Prevalence and incidence of Chicago Peoples Stamler, J. 1958- coronary heart disease in strata Gas Company of the labor force of a Chicago Study industrial corporation. (1960) J Chronic Dis. 11:405-20. Prevalence of chronic diseases Tecumseh Epstein, F. 1959- and distribution of selected Community 1973 physiologic variables in a total Health Study community, Tecumseh, Michigan. (1965) American Journal of Epidemiology. 81(3): 307-322. Hypertension: Effects of Social Charleston Heart Boyle, E. 1960- Class and Racial Admixture. Study The results of a cohort study in the black population of Charleston, South Carolina. (1977) American Journal of Public Health. 67(7):634-639. Clinically unrecognized Western Rosenman, R.H. 1960- myocardial infarction in the Collaborative Western Collaborative Group Group Study Study. Am J Cardiol. 1967 Jun;19(6):776-82. Evans County cardiovascular Evans County Hames, C. 1960- and cerebrovascular study. Heart Study 1995 (1971) Archives of Internal Medicine, 128 (6), 883-992. The Stockholm prospective Stockholm Study Carlson, L.A. 1961- study. 1. The initial values for plasma lipids. Acta Med Scand Suppl. 1968;493:1-135. Cerebral and aortic Hisayama Study Sadoshima, S. 1961- atherosclerosis in Hisayama, Japan. (1980) Atherosclerosis 36: 117-126. Physical activity as an index of Harvard Alumni Paffenbarger, R. 1962- heart attack risk in college Study alumni. (1978) American Journal of Epidemiology, 108 (3), 161-175. Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study Geographic and occupational Osaka Study Komachi, Y. 1963- comparisons of risk factors in cardiovascular diseases in Japan. (1971) Jpn Circ J 35:189-207.

Factors related to diabetes Israel Ischemic Goldbourt, U. 1963- incidence: a multivariate Heart Study analysis of two years observation on 10,000 men. The Israel Ischemic Heart Disease Study. J Chronic Dis. 1971 Feb;23(9):617-29. Risk factors for myocardial Goteborg Study Tibblin, G. 1963- infarction and death due to of Men Born in ischemic heart disease and 1913 other causes. (1975) Am J Cardiol. 35(4):514-22. Epidemiologic studies of NIHONSAN NIHONSAN Study 1963- coronary heart disease and Study Group stroke in Japanese men living in Japan, Hawaii and California: prevalence of coronary and hypertensive heart disease and associated risk factors. (1975) American Journal of Epidemiology 102 (6): 514- 524. Health Practices and Disability: Alameda County Breslow, L. 1964- Some Evidence from Alameda Study County. (1993) Preventive Medicine. 22: 86-95. Cerebrovascular Disease in an Seal Beach Study Cutler, J. 1964- Elderly Population. (1967) Circulation. 36:394-399. Coronary heart disease risk Glostrup Study Hagerup, L.M. 1964- factors in men and women. From the population study in Glostrup, Denmark. Acta Med Scand Suppl. 1974;557:1-116. Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study Epidemiological aspects of Honolulu Heart Kagan, A. 1964- coronary heart disease and Study cerebrovascular disease: The Honolulu Heart Program. (1966) Hawaii Medical Journal 25 (3), 231-234. Twenty-five-year mortality Belgian Bank Kornitzer, M. 1964- follow-up in the Belgian Bank Study Study. Cardiology. 1993;82(2-3): 153-71. Serum cholesterol and Yugoslavia Kozarevic, D. 1964- mortality: the Yugoslavia Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Disease Study. Disease Study (1981) Am J Epidemiol. 114(1):21-8. Coronary heart disease in Olmsted County Connolly, D.C. 1965 residents of Rochester, Study Minnesota, 1950-1975. I. Background and study design. Mayo Clin Proc. 1981 Nov;56(11):661-4. Urban-Rural Differences in Puerto Rico Garcia-Palmieri, 1965- Coronary Heart Disease in a Cardiovascular M.R. Low Incidence Area: The Disease Study Puerto Rico Heart Study. (1978) American Journal of Epidemiology. 107(3):206-215. The Social Insurance Finnish Social Aromaa, A. 1966- Institution's coronary heart Insurance disease study. Baseline data Institution Study and 5-year mortality experience. (1983) Acta Med Scand Suppl. 673:1-120. Glucose tolerance and coronary Helsinki Pyorala, K. 1966- heart disease: Helsinki Policemen Study Policemen Study. (1979) Journal of Chronic Disease, 32, 729-745. Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study The prevalence of coronary Busselton Health Welborn, T.A. 1966- heart disease and associated Study factors in an Australian rural community. (1969) Am J Epidemiol. 89(5):521-36. Inequalities in death–specific Whitehall I Marmot, M. 1967- explanations of a general Study pattern? (1984) Lancet, 8384, 1003-1006. Multivariate analysis of the Chicago Heart Stamler, J. 1967- relationship of seven variables Association to blood pressure: findings of Detection the Chicago Heart Association Project in Detection Project in Industry, Industry 1967-1972. J Chronic Dis. 1975 Nov;28(10):527-48. Predicting sudden death in the Paris Richard, J. 1967- population: the Paris Prospective 1975 Prospective Study I. Circulation, Study 1998;15, 1978-83. Effects of a health screening on Malmo Study of Lannerstad, O. 1970- mortality and causes of death in Men Born in middle-aged men. A 1914 prospective study from 1970 to 1974 of men in Malmo, born 1914. Scand J Soc Med. 1977;5(3):137-40. Jacobs DR, Jr., Mebane I, Lipid Research The Lipid Research 1971- Bangdiwala SI, Criqui MH, Clinics Clinics Program Tyroler HA. High density Population Study Epidemiology lipoprotein cholesterol as a Committee. predictor of cardiovascular disease mortality in men and women: The follow-up study of the Lipid Research Clinics Prevalence Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1990;131:32-47. Study Publication Common Principal Dates Title name of Investigator of Study Study Coronary heart disease risk Muscatine Iowa Lauer, R.M. 1971- factors in school children: the Study Muscatine study. (1975) Journal of Pediatrics. May;86(5):697-706. Cardiovascular disease risk Bogalusa Heart Berenson, G. 1972- factor variables at the Study preschool age. The Bogalusa Heart Study. (1978) Circulation. 57(3):603-12. Cardiorespiratory disease in Paisely-Renfrew Hawthorne, V.M. 1972- men and women in urban Study Scotland: baseline characteristics of the Renfrew/Paisley (midspan) study population. (1995) Scott Med J. 40(4):102-7. Four and two-thirds years Oslo Study Leren, P. 1972- incidence of coronary heart (Cohort) 1993 disease in middle-aged men: the Oslo study. (1980) Am J Epidemiol. 112(1): 149-60. The Copenhagen City Heart Copenhagen City Schnohr, P. 1976- Study. A prospective Heart Study cardiovascular population study of 20,000 men and women. (1977) Ugeskr Laeger. 139(32):1921-3. * This study began in 1946 as a case-control study and is included here because it was later converted into a cohort (prospective) study.

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