X22 bus time schedule & line map

X22 - Woodgate via University View In Website Mode

The X22 bus line (Birmingham - Woodgate via University) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bartley Green: 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM (2) Birmingham: 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest X22 bus station near you and nd out when is the next X22 bus arriving.

Direction: Bartley Green X22 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Bartley Green Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:25 AM - 10:55 PM

Monday 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8) Tuesday 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM Bus Mall, Birmingham Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham Wednesday 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM

New St Station, Birmingham (NS3) Thursday 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM Saint Martins Queensway, Birmingham Friday 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM

Granville St, Lee Bank Saturday 5:05 AM - 10:55 PM 10 Bath Row, Birmingham

Edencroft, Five Ways 22 Wheeleys Road, Birmingham X22 bus Info Gilldown Place, Direction: Bartley Green Stops: 39 Carpenter Rd, Edgbaston Trip Duration: 39 min Line Summary: Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8), Bus Church Rd, Edgbaston Mall, Birmingham, New St Station, Birmingham 70 Arthur Road, Birmingham (NS3), Granville St, Lee Bank, Edencroft, Five Ways, Gilldown Place, Edgbaston, Carpenter Rd, Somerset Rd, Edgbaston Edgbaston, Church Rd, Edgbaston, Somerset Rd, Block 2 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham Edgbaston, Westmere, Birmingham University, School Of Education, Birmingham University, Westmere, Birmingham University University North Gate, Birmingham University, Blood Transfusion Centre, Birmingham University, School Of Education, Birmingham University University Station, Birmingham University, Queen 54 Pritchatts Road, Birmingham Elizabeth Hospital, Park Rd, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Harborne Lane, Queen Elizabeth University North Gate, Birmingham University Hospital, Langford Grove, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cadnam Close, Harts Green, Elford Rd, Harts Green, Blood Transfusion Centre, Birmingham University Wheats Avenue, Harts Green, Quinton Rd, Harts Vincent Drive, Birmingham Green, Wentworth Way, California, Barnes Hill, California, Hillcrest School, California, Simmons University Station, Birmingham University Leasow, Woodgate Valley South, Stonehouse Lane, Woodgate Valley South, Modbury Avenue, Woodgate Queen Elizabeth Hospital Valley South, Pomeroy Rd, Bartley Green, The Cock Inn, Bartley Green, Adams Hill, Bartley Green, Field Harborne Park Rd, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Lane, Bartley Green, Scotland Lane, Bartley Green, The Storrs Way, Bartley Green, Rothesay Croft, Vincent Drive, Birmingham Kitwell, Harlech Close, Kitwell, Ravenhayes Lane, Harborne Lane, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kitwell, Woodside Way, Bartley Green, Field Lane, 22 Quinton Road, Birmingham Bartley Green

Langford Grove, Queen Elizabeth Hospital 92 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Cadnam Close, Harts Green 150 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Elford Rd, Harts Green 186 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Wheats Avenue, Harts Green 280 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Quinton Rd, Harts Green 344 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Wentworth Way, California Stableford Close, Birmingham

Barnes Hill, California Stonehouse Lane, Birmingham

Hillcrest School, California

Simmons Leasow, Woodgate Valley South

Stonehouse Lane, Woodgate Valley South Jiggins Lane, Birmingham

Modbury Avenue, Woodgate Valley South

Pomeroy Rd, Bartley Green

The Cock Inn, Bartley Green

Adams Hill, Bartley Green 2 Offmoor Road, Birmingham

Field Lane, Bartley Green

Scotland Lane, Bartley Green Field Lane, Birmingham

The Storrs Way, Bartley Green Glengarry Close, Birmingham

Rothesay Croft, Kitwell

Harlech Close, Kitwell Harlech Close, Birmingham

Ravenhayes Lane, Kitwell Balmoral Road, Birmingham

Woodside Way, Bartley Green Woodside Way, Birmingham

Field Lane, Bartley Green Direction: Birmingham X22 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Birmingham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 6:28 AM - 10:44 PM

Monday 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM Field Lane, Bartley Green Tuesday 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM Woodside Way, Bartley Green Woodside Way, Birmingham Wednesday 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM

Ravenhayes Lane, Kitwell Thursday 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM Friday 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM Harlech Close, Kitwell Harlech Close, Birmingham Saturday 5:20 AM - 11:34 PM

Rothesay Croft, Kitwell

The Storrs Way, Bartley Green Glengarry Close, Birmingham X22 bus Info Direction: Birmingham Scotland Lane, Bartley Green Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 40 min Field Lane, Bartley Green Line Summary: Field Lane, Bartley Green, Woodside Way, Bartley Green, Ravenhayes Lane, Kitwell, Adams Hill, Bartley Green Harlech Close, Kitwell, Rothesay Croft, Kitwell, The 149 Adams Hill, Birmingham Storrs Way, Bartley Green, Scotland Lane, Bartley Green, Field Lane, Bartley Green, Adams Hill, Bartley St Peters Church, Bartley Green Green, St Peters Church, Bartley Green, Pomeroy Rd, Bartley Green, Modbury Avenue, Woodgate Valley Pomeroy Rd, Bartley Green South, Jiggins Lane, Woodgate Valley South, Simmons Leasow, Woodgate Valley South, Hillcrest Modbury Avenue, Woodgate Valley South School, California, California Way, California, Wentworth Way, California, Northeld Rd, Harts Green, Wheats Avenue, Harts Green, Elford Rd, Harts Jiggins Lane, Woodgate Valley South Green, Cadnam Close, Harts Green, Langford Grove, Mill Lane, Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Quinton Rd, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Metchley Lane, Queen Elizabeth Simmons Leasow, Woodgate Valley South Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Station, Birmingham University, Hillcrest School, California Blood Transfusion Centre, Birmingham University, University North Gate, Birmingham University, California Way, California Westmere, Birmingham University, Somerset Rd, Edgbaston, Church Rd, Edgbaston, Carpenter Rd, Wentworth Way, California Edgbaston, Gilldown Place, Edgbaston, George Rd, St Andrews Close, Birmingham Five Ways, Regent Court, Five Ways, Granville St, Lee Bank, Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham (NS5), Northeld Rd, Harts Green New St Station, Birmingham (NS1), Albert St, 336 Quinton Road, Birmingham Birmingham (Ms9), Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8)

Wheats Avenue, Harts Green 263 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Elford Rd, Harts Green 205 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Cadnam Close, Harts Green 147 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Langford Grove, Queen Elizabeth Hospital 59 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Quinton Rd, Queen Elizabeth Hospital 17 Quinton Road, Birmingham

Metchley Lane, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Mindelsohn Way, Birmingham

University Station, Birmingham University

Blood Transfusion Centre, Birmingham University

University North Gate, Birmingham University

Westmere, Birmingham University

Somerset Rd, Edgbaston Block 7 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham

Church Rd, Edgbaston 1A Arthur Road, Birmingham

Carpenter Rd, Edgbaston

Gilldown Place, Edgbaston

George Rd, Five Ways St James's Road, Birmingham

Regent Court, Five Ways 37 George Road, Birmingham

Granville St, Lee Bank Washington Street, Birmingham

Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham (NS5) Theatre Approach, Birmingham

New St Station, Birmingham (NS1) Saint Martins Queensway, Birmingham

Albert St, Birmingham (Ms9) Moor Street Queensway, Birmingham

Old Square, Birmingham (Bs8) X22 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved