Millwood Primary Special School
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Tel: 0161764 6957 Fax: 0161-797 3290 [email protected]
Head Teacher: Helen Chadwick, MA, Dip RSA, NPQH
Deputy Head: Caroline Henley Assistant head: Joanne Hurst Assistant head: Jill Tierney
School Office Manager: Alison Wilkinson Premises Manager: Derek Spencer “This is a fabulous school” (OFSTED 2009)
Introduction to the school
Millwood is situated approximately one mile south of Bury town centre. Millwood opened in 1986 as a primary special school for children with learning difficulties. Millwood is funded for 80 children aged between 2 and 11 years, whose special needs range from high dependency to moderate learning difficulties.
Some children have associated special needs including physical difficulties, communication difficulties and autism, sensory impairments, epilepsy, challenging behaviour linked to their condition.
The Local Authority provides transport to and from school for all pupils.
The Ethos of Millwood
We aim to foster every pupil's academic, social, physical, and emotional development.
We will do this by:
providing a happy, positive and secure working and social environment in which all members of the school community feel valued. meeting every child’s needs by understanding the individual and diverse ways in which children learn and develop. giving every child access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, taking into account child’s learning styles and interests. encouraging active partnership with parents and carers in a sensitive, positive and non-judgemental way. extending our knowledge and understanding in order to support children’s learning by a programme of on-going professional training and development. Every Child Matters
We work within the Every Child Matters framework, ensuring that pupils Enjoy and Achieve, and are kept safe and healthy.
How the Groups Are Organised
There are twelve classes in the school.
Children are grouped according to their age with two exceptions:
Some pupils with high dependency needs have specialist classes with access to facilities such as hydrotherapy and a multi-sensory environment, as well as daily opportunities to mix with their peers in other classes.
Some children with autism are placed in specialist classes where we have created a structured environment suited to their need for a predictable and stable atmosphere.
Each class has a class teacher, who is supported by a team of teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants.
We also work closely with Bury Primary Care Trust, who provide on-site and visiting physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and nursing support. Other visiting professionals include staff from Educational Psychology, Social Care, Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health Service, the hearing-impairment service, the visual-impairment service, and the Education Welfare Service (pupil attendance). The school funds a music therapist and visits are made by a range of external providers for after-school and lunchtime clubs.
Millwood School has very good links with Bury FC Community.
Curriculum and assessment
Millwood offers an appropriate curriculum for all pupils based on the National Curriculum and reviewed according to the Rose Review. This includes the National Curriculum, and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. There are gifted and talented groups for reading and mathematics (Numicon). The school has a policy of total communication which includes speaking, objects of reference, on-body signing, sign- supported language, symbols and Picture Exchange Communication System. Signing does not reduce the pupil’s ability to speak; signing improves the pupil’s ability to speak and vocalise. Pupils are taught phonics using the Jolly Phonics system. The main reading scheme is the Oxford Reading Tree. Staff are trained in the National Strategies to support literacy and numeracy.
Millwood School ensures, through its system of Individual Education Plans, that each pupil's curriculum access is relevant and meaningful. Individual targets are set in November, February and June each year and are regularly evaluated and updated where appropriate.
At the end of each year, each pupil is assessed in each area of the curriculum and her or his progress is reported to parents in the annual end-of-year report. Pupils’ progress is usually measured using P-levels and National Curriculum levels.
At the beginning of each year, targets for pupil progress are set in each class and for each pupil. Pupils aim to make two levels of progress in each key stage.
Millwood School:
meets the needs outlined in the pupil’s Statement of Educational Need works closely with parents/carers and other professionals keeps all pupils’ needs actively under review prepares pupils for transition to high school monitors closely each pupil’s attendance at school
Educational visits
Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry Bury and Manchester Art Galleries The Space Centre in Preston Donkey riding in Oldham Sculpture Trails in Ramsbottom and Radcliffe Stapely Water Gardens Smithills Farm in Bolton Heaton Park Blackpool Zoo
We also arrange annual residential visits which encourages pupils to develop a range of skills including independence. These visits are hugely enjoyed by pupils.
Health and Safety and Safeguarding
All staff are appropriately checked through the Criminal Records Bureau – this includes permanent staff and visiting professionals as well as students and volunteers. All staff are trained in child protection at least to Level 1. There are excellent links between school staff, transport staff, nurses and social workers, all of whom work to ensure that your child stays safe at school.
The teacher in charge of Safeguarding is Helen Chadwick, Headteacher. The designated teacher in charge of looked-after children is Joanne Hurst, Assistant head.
All staff are trained in health and safety risk assessment.
All staff are trained in fire safety and fire practices are undertaken regularly at least each term. Staff are trained as fire marshalls and first aiders to ensure that your child stays safe in school.
The Health and Safety officer is Joanne Hurst, Assistant head.
Religious Education We are a non-denominational school. We follow the local authority guidance (SACRE) on the content and delivery of Religious Education lessons.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from R.E. lessons. The headteacher should be informed in writing. Sex Education Sex education is offered to Key Stage 2 pupils. Consideration is given to individuals’ particular needs, including their cultural and religious backgrounds. Sex education lessons encourage pupils to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from sex education lessons. The headteacher should be informed in writing.
Admissions and transition The Local Authority offers places to children whose needs can be met, and those whose Statement of Special Educational Need specifies a school for children with learning difficulties. We are often involved in the assessment process, and sometimes offer assessment places.
Pupils may have a dual placement and where appropriate, links are made with mainstream schools. Most children attend the school full time, but some spend part time of their week at other provision, such as local primary schools or nurseries.
It is a legal requirement that all children with Statements of Special Educational Need have their needs reviewed at least once a year. Millwood invites parents/carers and professionals to all Annual Review meetings.
At the Annual Review meeting, we always discuss whether placement at Millwood is suitable. When there is any doubt, a reassessment of the child’s needs may be undertaken, and alternatives, such as other specialised provision, or a transfer to a mainstream setting considered.
Parents and carers are also invited to a Parents’/Carers’ Evening in July each year. This provides an opportunity to discuss the end-of-year Report to Parents and to meet with new staff if your child will be moving to a new class in September.
Pupils who need specialist provision at high school may transfer to Elms Bank Specialist College in Whitefield at the end of Year 6. There are excellent links between the two schools and transition arrangements are carefully organised to ensure that your child is well-prepared for the move. Inclusion We pursue links with mainstream schools for as many children as possible. These links take many forms - visits by individuals, as well as group and whole class sessions where we visit or are visited by local schools. For some children this may be the beginning of a transfer to a mainstream setting.
Uniform The school colours are maroon and gold. The school uniform consists of sweatshirts and high-neck T-shirts displaying the school logo. Sweatshirts and T-shirts without the school logo may also be worn. Trousers and skirts are grey. Parents are asked to ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with their child’s name. School uniform may be ordered from the main office.
Complaints Most complaints are dealt with through informal discussion with the school. If this does not resolve a problem, a copy of the school’s Complaints Procedure is available from the school office 0161 764 6957. If parents are still not satisfied, they can approach the Local Authority (tel. 0161 253 5000), which has an approved complaints procedure.
Parents and Carers We are very keen to develop and maintain a real partnership between all the people involved with our pupils. This is especially true for parents and carers. We welcome parents and carers into school and to help as volunteers. In order to maintain a good working environment for pupils, we request that parents and carers make appointments whenever possible. Our parent/carer support groups enjoy a combination of social mornings and training sessions - we have run courses on signing, applying for benefits, diet.
There is a daily home / school diary which is completed each afternoon by class staff, and by parents/carers at home.
Transport Transport is provided to and from school each day, for all pupils, though some parents prefer to make their own arrangements. In case of difficulty parents should contact the SEN Transport Department on:- 0161-253-6968.
All transport has a trained adult to ensure the well-being and safety of the pupils. The escort must be informed if your child will be absent from school, and when he/she will be returning to school. Please note that neither escorts nor drivers may leave the bus. All children must be escorted onto the bus by a responsible adult. Please ensure your child is ready at the agreed time as the bus will wait for 3 minutes only before leaving.
2010-2011 Staff list
2010-2011 Governing body
2010-2011 Holiday list