Beyza Oba, Professor of Organization Studies
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Beyza Oba, Professor of Organization Studies
İstanbul Bilgi University • Department of Business Administration Silahtarağa Mah. Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 1• 34060 Eyüp, İSTANBUL Office Phone: ++90 (212) 311 77 84 • Cell: ++90 532 203 78 92 E-mail: [email protected]
1973 BA. Boğaziçi University, School of Business Administration
1978 Ph.D. from University of İstanbul, Faculty of Business Administration
Thesis "Business Ethics: A Comparative Study of the Development of Business Ethics in Turkey and Western Europe" Academic Career
1978 Certificate from ITP (International Teachers Program) in Paris
1979 Wirtshafts Universitat Vienna - Research at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
1980 United Nations, Vienna in UNIDO, Global and Conceptual Studies Department as a research assistant
1984 Associate Professor in University of İstanbul, Faculty of Business Administration
1990 Full Professor in University of İstanbul, Faculty of Business Administration
Teaching a term in University of Salzburg, 1994 Institute of Organizational Psychology
1 Courses recently thought
Organization Theory (PhD) Organizations and Organizing (undergraduate) Strategic Management (undergraduate) Advanced Strategic Management (PhD) Innovation Management (undergraduate)
Referee for; Journal of the Association for Information Systems Journal of Corporate Governance Academy of Management TUBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
Publications in indexed journals
Oba, B and Semerciöz, F. (2005). “Antecedents of trust in industrial districts; an empirical analysis of inter-firm relations in a Turkish industrial district”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 17, 163-182. Çakmakçı, U. and Oba, B. (2007). “The Role of Employer Unions in Hegemonic Struggle, Interest Representation and Promotion of Managerial Perspectives in Turkey”, Business History, 49:5, 695 – 716. Atakan, S., Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B., (2008). “Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Turkey: The Case of Doğan Yayın Holding”, Human Systems Management, 27: 3, 201-217. Oba, B., Ozsoy, Z. and Atakan, S., (2010). “Power in the boardroom: a study on Turkish family-owned and listed companies”, Corporate Governance, 10: 5, 603-616. Gencer, M and Oba, B. (2011). “Organizing the digital commons: a case study on engagement strategies in open source”, Journal of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Special Issue on ‘Competing and Developing Competitive Advantage in the Digitized World, 23(9): 969-982 Oba, B. Tigrel, E. Y. Sener, P. (2014). “Board Structure in Listed Firms; Evidence from an Emerging Economy” Corporate Governance, 14:3, 382-394.
Articles in review process
Gencer, M. and Oba, B. “Taming of ‘Openness’ in Open Source Software Innovation”
Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B. “Checkmate: Struggle for Popularizing Chess”
Book Chapters
2 Gencer, Oba, Ozel and Tunalıoğlu, (2006) “Organization of Internet Standards” in Open Source Systems, Damiani E., Fitzgerald B., Scacchi B., and Scotto, M. (eds.), USA, Springer
Gencer, M. and Oba, B. (2014) “An analysis of Open Innovation Ecosystems in the Software Industry” in Open Innovation Through Strategic Alliances, Culpan, R. (ed.) Palgrave, Macmillan.
Conference proceedings Oba, B. and T. Kocer, “Utilizing of Strategic Management in Big and Medium Sized Companies: A Study of Turkish Pharmaceutical Firms”, 1st Turkish - Austrian Management seminar, İstanbul.1992.
Oba, B. and T. Kocer, “Environmental Considerations, Strategic Decisions and Public Statements: A Survey on the Cement Industry in Turkey”, 2nd Turkish - Austrian Management Seminar, İstanbul, 1993.
Oba, B., “Managerial Fashions and Fads in Turkey”, 11th EGOS meeting, Paris, 1993.
Oba, B. and T. Kocer, “Behavioural Implications of Using Computer Simulation Games in Strategic Management Courses”, 9th European Forum on System Simulation and Management Gaming, Bonn, 1993.
Oba, B. and F. Semerciöz, “Trust, Reciprocity and Contractual Relations in Merter Textile District”, EGOS (European Group on Organization Studies) Organisational Responses to Radical Environmental Changes, Budapest, 1997.
Oba, B. “Is TQM a Management Ideology: Case of Turkish Companies”, Organisational Discourse: Pretexts, Subtexts and Contexts Conference, King’s College, University of London, 1998.
B. Oba, “Consulting Firms: their Role in the Production and Diffusion of Management Knowledge in Turkey”, EGOS colloquium, Warwick, 1999.
Oba, B. and A. İşeri, “From Intangibility to Fictionalization: Tales of the Consultancy World and Work”, 4th International Conference on Organisational Discourse, King's College, Management Centre, 2000.
İşeri, A. and B. Oba, “Consultant-Client Interaction as Precarious Networking” 16th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Subtheme: Dynamics of Profession-Dominated Organisational Fields, Helsinki, 2000.
Oba, B., A. İşeri and S. Karabatı, “Reconstructing the Consultancy Work: Clients’ Interpretations”, 16th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Subtheme: The Impact of Managerial Knowledge on the Convergence of European Practices, Helsinki, 2000.
Suerdem, A., B. Oba and A. İşeri, “Mediators of Meaning: Popular Media and Managerial Life Styles”, Conference on the Role of Media in the Consumption of Management Ideas in Europe, Barcelona, December 1-3, 2000.
3 Keenan, P., B. Furman (Oba) and S. Remington, “Comparing Turkish and American Managers on Whistleblowing: A Cross-Cultural Study”, Applied Business Research Conference, U.S.A, March, 2001.
Oba, B., “Antecedents of trust in industrial Districts”, EAISM Conference, Amsterdam, 2001
Gencer, M. Ozel, B. Tunalıoğlu, S. and Oba, B. “Flexible Organizing and Identity Fragmentation in Free/Open Source Software Development” paper presented to 22nd EGOS Colloquium, 2006 Bergen
Oba, B. and Ozsoy, Z. and Atakan, S. “Turkish Management Culture and Corporate Governance: A Comparative Study” paper presented at Good Governance Conference, 2006, İstanbul
Oba, B. Ozsoy, Z. and Atakan, S. “Power in the Boardroom: An Empirical Study on Turkish Listed Companies”, paper presented at ICCA's 2nd International Conference on Globalization and the Good Corporation, 2007, New York
Atakan, S. Oba, B. and Ozsoy, Z. “Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Turkey: The Case of Doğan Holding, paper presented at ICCA's 2nd International Conference on Globalization and the Good Corporation, 2007, New York
Gencer, M. and Oba, B. “Dual Processes of Collaboration and Competition in Open Source Communities: A Case Study on the Eclipse Project”, paper presented at 25th, EGOS colloquium, 2008, Amsterdam.
Gencer, M. and Oba, B, “Taming of ‘Openness’ in Open Source Software Innovation”, paper presented at 28th, EGOS colloquium, 2011, Gothenburg
Gencer, M. and Oba, B,, “Evolution of community structure in knowledge work: A case study in open source”, BAM (British Academy of Management Conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham, September 2011
Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B. “The Role of Boards in Strategic Decision-Making and Control: A Study on Family-Owned Turkish Firms”, 7th Workshop on Corporate Governance (Proceedings CD) EISAM, Brussels, 21-22 June, 2010.
Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B., “Corporate Governance Regime in Turkey” 8th Workshop on Corporate Governance, (Proceedings CD) EISAM, Brussels, 30-31 May 2011.
Oba, B., Tigrel, E. and Sener, P. “The Board Structure: An Explorative Study on Family- owned and Listed Firms in Turkey, 7th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Witten, Germany, May 27-29, 2011
4 Redeployment Prospects in Textiles and Clothing Between Developed Nations, Developing Nations and the Least Developed Nations, Vienna, UNIDO (Global and Conceptual Studies) Department 1981.
Human Resources Management in Turkey, Cranfield International Human Resources Management, İstanbul, 1993.
Has more than 30 articles published in Turkish academic journals