Beyza Oba, Professor of Organization Studies

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Beyza Oba, Professor of Organization Studies

Beyza Oba, Professor of Organization Studies

İstanbul Bilgi University • Department of Business Administration Silahtarağa Mah. Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 1• 34060 Eyüp, İSTANBUL Office Phone: ++90 (212) 311 77 84 • Cell: ++90 532 203 78 92 E-mail: [email protected]


1973 BA. Boğaziçi University, School of Business Administration

1978 Ph.D. from University of İstanbul, Faculty of Business Administration

Thesis "Business Ethics: A Comparative Study of the Development of Business Ethics in Turkey and Western Europe" Academic Career

1978 Certificate from ITP (International Teachers Program) in Paris

1979 Wirtshafts Universitat Vienna - Research at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

1980 United Nations, Vienna in UNIDO, Global and Conceptual Studies Department as a research assistant

1984 Associate Professor in University of İstanbul, Faculty of Business Administration

1990 Full Professor in University of İstanbul, Faculty of Business Administration

Teaching a term in University of Salzburg, 1994 Institute of Organizational Psychology

1 Courses recently thought

 Organization Theory (PhD)  Organizations and Organizing (undergraduate)  Strategic Management (undergraduate)  Advanced Strategic Management (PhD)  Innovation Management (undergraduate)

Referee for;  Journal of the Association for Information Systems  Journal of Corporate Governance  Academy of Management  TUBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)


Publications in indexed journals

 Oba, B and Semerciöz, F. (2005). “Antecedents of trust in industrial districts; an empirical analysis of inter-firm relations in a Turkish industrial district”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 17, 163-182.  Çakmakçı, U. and Oba, B. (2007). “The Role of Employer Unions in Hegemonic Struggle, Interest Representation and Promotion of Managerial Perspectives in Turkey”, Business History, 49:5, 695 – 716.  Atakan, S., Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B., (2008). “Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Turkey: The Case of Doğan Yayın Holding”, Human Systems Management, 27: 3, 201-217.  Oba, B., Ozsoy, Z. and Atakan, S., (2010). “Power in the boardroom: a study on Turkish family-owned and listed companies”, Corporate Governance, 10: 5, 603-616.  Gencer, M and Oba, B. (2011). “Organizing the digital commons: a case study on engagement strategies in open source”, Journal of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Special Issue on ‘Competing and Developing Competitive Advantage in the Digitized World, 23(9): 969-982  Oba, B. Tigrel, E. Y. Sener, P. (2014). “Board Structure in Listed Firms; Evidence from an Emerging Economy” Corporate Governance, 14:3, 382-394.

Articles in review process

 Gencer, M. and Oba, B. “Taming of ‘Openness’ in Open Source Software Innovation”

 Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B. “Checkmate: Struggle for Popularizing Chess”

Book Chapters

2  Gencer, Oba, Ozel and Tunalıoğlu, (2006) “Organization of Internet Standards” in Open Source Systems, Damiani E., Fitzgerald B., Scacchi B., and Scotto, M. (eds.), USA, Springer

 Gencer, M. and Oba, B. (2014) “An analysis of Open Innovation Ecosystems in the Software Industry” in Open Innovation Through Strategic Alliances, Culpan, R. (ed.) Palgrave, Macmillan.

Conference proceedings  Oba, B. and T. Kocer, “Utilizing of Strategic Management in Big and Medium Sized Companies: A Study of Turkish Pharmaceutical Firms”, 1st Turkish - Austrian Management seminar, İstanbul.1992.

 Oba, B. and T. Kocer, “Environmental Considerations, Strategic Decisions and Public Statements: A Survey on the Cement Industry in Turkey”, 2nd Turkish - Austrian Management Seminar, İstanbul, 1993.

 Oba, B., “Managerial Fashions and Fads in Turkey”, 11th EGOS meeting, Paris, 1993.

 Oba, B. and T. Kocer, “Behavioural Implications of Using Computer Simulation Games in Strategic Management Courses”, 9th European Forum on System Simulation and Management Gaming, Bonn, 1993.

 Oba, B. and F. Semerciöz, “Trust, Reciprocity and Contractual Relations in Merter Textile District”, EGOS (European Group on Organization Studies) Organisational Responses to Radical Environmental Changes, Budapest, 1997.

 Oba, B. “Is TQM a Management Ideology: Case of Turkish Companies”, Organisational Discourse: Pretexts, Subtexts and Contexts Conference, King’s College, University of London, 1998.

 B. Oba, “Consulting Firms: their Role in the Production and Diffusion of Management Knowledge in Turkey”, EGOS colloquium, Warwick, 1999.

 Oba, B. and A. İşeri, “From Intangibility to Fictionalization: Tales of the Consultancy World and Work”, 4th International Conference on Organisational Discourse, King's College, Management Centre, 2000.

 İşeri, A. and B. Oba, “Consultant-Client Interaction as Precarious Networking” 16th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Subtheme: Dynamics of Profession-Dominated Organisational Fields, Helsinki, 2000.

 Oba, B., A. İşeri and S. Karabatı, “Reconstructing the Consultancy Work: Clients’ Interpretations”, 16th European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Subtheme: The Impact of Managerial Knowledge on the Convergence of European Practices, Helsinki, 2000.

 Suerdem, A., B. Oba and A. İşeri, “Mediators of Meaning: Popular Media and Managerial Life Styles”, Conference on the Role of Media in the Consumption of Management Ideas in Europe, Barcelona, December 1-3, 2000.

3  Keenan, P., B. Furman (Oba) and S. Remington, “Comparing Turkish and American Managers on Whistleblowing: A Cross-Cultural Study”, Applied Business Research Conference, U.S.A, March, 2001.

 Oba, B., “Antecedents of trust in industrial Districts”, EAISM Conference, Amsterdam, 2001

 Gencer, M. Ozel, B. Tunalıoğlu, S. and Oba, B. “Flexible Organizing and Identity Fragmentation in Free/Open Source Software Development” paper presented to 22nd EGOS Colloquium, 2006 Bergen

 Oba, B. and Ozsoy, Z. and Atakan, S. “Turkish Management Culture and Corporate Governance: A Comparative Study” paper presented at Good Governance Conference, 2006, İstanbul

 Oba, B. Ozsoy, Z. and Atakan, S. “Power in the Boardroom: An Empirical Study on Turkish Listed Companies”, paper presented at ICCA's 2nd International Conference on Globalization and the Good Corporation, 2007, New York

 Atakan, S. Oba, B. and Ozsoy, Z. “Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Turkey: The Case of Doğan Holding, paper presented at ICCA's 2nd International Conference on Globalization and the Good Corporation, 2007, New York

 Gencer, M. and Oba, B. “Dual Processes of Collaboration and Competition in Open Source Communities: A Case Study on the Eclipse Project”, paper presented at 25th, EGOS colloquium, 2008, Amsterdam.

 Gencer, M. and Oba, B, “Taming of ‘Openness’ in Open Source Software Innovation”, paper presented at 28th, EGOS colloquium, 2011, Gothenburg

 Gencer, M. and Oba, B,, “Evolution of community structure in knowledge work: A case study in open source”, BAM (British Academy of Management Conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham, September 2011

 Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B. “The Role of Boards in Strategic Decision-Making and Control: A Study on Family-Owned Turkish Firms”, 7th Workshop on Corporate Governance (Proceedings CD) EISAM, Brussels, 21-22 June, 2010.

 Ozsoy, Z. and Oba, B., “Corporate Governance Regime in Turkey” 8th Workshop on Corporate Governance, (Proceedings CD) EISAM, Brussels, 30-31 May 2011.

 Oba, B., Tigrel, E. and Sener, P. “The Board Structure: An Explorative Study on Family- owned and Listed Firms in Turkey, 7th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research, Witten, Germany, May 27-29, 2011


4  Redeployment Prospects in Textiles and Clothing Between Developed Nations, Developing Nations and the Least Developed Nations, Vienna, UNIDO (Global and Conceptual Studies) Department 1981.

 Human Resources Management in Turkey, Cranfield International Human Resources Management, İstanbul, 1993.

Has more than 30 articles published in Turkish academic journals


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