Minutes of the Smithy Surgery PPG Meeting

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Minutes of the Smithy Surgery PPG Meeting

Minutes of The Smithy Surgery PPG Meeting

27th February 2014 5.30pm at The Smithy Surgery

Attendees: David Collins, Mai Spencer, Mary Jessop, Kay Phillips, Barrie Adams, Karen Ellis, Mary Fitton, Wendy Harrison, Pat Ralls, Jeff Barlow

Apologies: Sharon Battersby

1. Minutes of Last Meeting(Jan 14)/Matters Arising Deferred until next meeting

2. Chairperson’s Annual Report Mai has written a report covering the organisation and activities of the PPG during its’ first year The group agreed that this is an excellent report.  Mai to send the report to Alan Dow, Chair of CCG: Amir Hannan, Patient and Public Engagement Lead CCG: Tracey Turley, Patient and Public Engagement Manager Tameside

David wondered if/how the PPG had been useful to the surgery. Kay responded that it feels positive when people care enough to volunteer to help The Smithy through the PPG. The patient survey had provided good feedback to GP and staff; it is useful to have reports from other groups that PPG members attend eg Public CCG meetings, the Glossopdale PPG Cluster. Patients do read the PPG noticeboard and newsletter so are aware of the group’s activities.

Mai noted that the PPG feel that GPs have been very supportive of the group.

3. Election of officers Chairperson Mai to continue Vice Chair Karen will be “Acting Vice Chair” in Andrew’s absence Secretary Mary F

4. Other PPG roles Noticeboard Pat & Jeff Newsletter Barrie and Mary F to continue CCG Attendance Sharon to continue PPG Cluster Sharon & Mai to continue on alternate basis. Mary J to attend if cover needed Patient Survey Mary J Mary F Pat Speaking Events David 5. Review Issues The following items were discussed:  Length of meetings set at 1.5 hours, including meetings with a speaker. Matters arising will be time limited at all meetings. Matters will be itemised clearly on the agenda; members will read minutes and papers before attending the meeting;  Mary F to ensure that members who do not receive email attachments are sent a hard copy of any items before the meeting  Existing Ground Rules are satisfactory : see addendum to minutes  The maximum term of office will be 3 years unless notice is given previous to term. 3 months notice should be given of termination of role or office unless the holder is ill when this notice will be waived.  A formal constitution was deemed unnecessary for the group at present. A Statement of Purpose together with Ground Rules are sufficient to define the Group. Statement of Purpose: The purpose of The Smithy Surgery Patient Participation Group is to represent and support the interests of patients  PPG Web presence : it is not practical at present for the PPG to have access to a part of the surgery website or to set up an independent PPG website.  PPG Members to continue to liaise with Wendy H about what they need to be put on the PPG area of the surgery website.  If something is urgent, then Kay has agreed that Mai can ring her  Mary J will keep the group informed about how the construction of a website she is involved in for another organisation is progressing

6. Future Developments Discussion centred on recruitment of more members and attracting more varied members (eg younger members) through speaker related events.

 Mary J suggested that holding meetings in the early part of the afternoon might attract young mothers. This would be possible on Thursday afternoons between 2 and 3pm. Alternatively, the group could present at a Mothers and Toddlers meeting  The group felt holding meetings at a different time is not feasible at present but can be discussed again at a later date  Mary J to bring suggestions of how to take the PPG to other groups in the community to the next meeting  Barrie suggested adding some questions to the imminent Patient survey. These could cover awareness of the PPG and what would attract patients to participating in the PPG eg ideas for speakers  Barrie will send questions to MaryJ/F to include in the patient questionnaire  The newsletter and noticeboard should continue to be used to advertise the activities of the PPG.  Healthwalks could be advertised on the noticeboard and in the next Newsletter.  Mary F to send details of Tameside walks to Pat  David to write a piece about smoking for the newsletter. This can be adapted for the noticeboard  Mai suggested that the GPs might have issues that they would like to present at PPG meetings  Mai and Kay offered to plan a stress reduction event  Kay will ask Smithy GPs if they would like to speak about any particular topics at a PPG meeting  Mary F suggested that a patient reference group of “virtual” PPG members could be set up. These would be patients, contactable by email, who are sent PPG meeting information and can be asked for their feedback and their opinion about PPG matters.  Email addresses of such patients can be collected through the Patient survey  Kay will discuss with the practice if MJOG (text messaging facility) can be used to ask patients to join a reference group  Mary F to bring to the next meeting for discussion  Mai noted that from the original 20/30 attendees at initial PPG meetings, a core of 8/9 members had emerged . It would be good to have another 3 or 4 members with different views and skills.  PPG members to ask any patients they know personally if they are interested in joining the group  Mary F suggested that the PPG could be advertised on recall letters sent to patients and on prescriptions.  Wen to ask Wendy about the feasibility of this

7. Any Other Business

PPG Logo and School presentation

Pat has laminated the children’s pictures and made a very attractive laminated explanation of the project . She will make a display in the glass cabinet facing the front door (first 3 winners) and around the PPG noticeboard (other entries) 1st prize Isobel yr 2 Box of stamps 2nd prize Ellie & Jess Drawing book of facts 3rd prize Daniel Picture frame pad  Kay to buy one more prize  Simon to organise certificates (as per agreed at previous meeting? – nb minutes of last meeting refer to a graphic for a web design not certificates)  Mary J will call into school to trace the unnamed drawing/ to ask if Ellie Rose is one child or two

The prizewinning drawing needs the agreed wording adding to it to create the Smithy Surgery logo : “The Smithy Surgery PPG: Here to Help”  Pat will do a mock up of the logo for the next meeting  Discuss adding to the PPG section of the website at next meeting  Pat will send Mary F a copy of the logo for the Newsletter

Mai has already sent out possible dates for the presentation of prizes at a school morning assembly  David agreed to do the presentation  Kay will ask Heather if she can go with David and liaise with him about the date  Mai will ring the Glossop Chronicle once the date is known  Mary F to write a press release if necessary

Dates of future meetings:

27th March 24th April 31st July 30th October 29th May 28th August 27th November 26th June 25th September 18th December


Constitution and Ground Rules of The Smithy Surgery PPG

The purpose of The Smithy Surgery PPG is to represent and support the interests of patients

Elected Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary Maximum term of office is 3 years unless notice is given previous to term.3 months notice should be given of termination of role or office unless the holder is ill when this notice will be waived

Other Roles: Noticeboard; Newsletter; Oganising Speaker Events; CCG Attendance PPG Cluster Attendance; Patient Survey

All views will be listened to Meetings are not a forum for individual complaints Only one person should speak at a time Mobile phones must be silent If anyone wishes to speak in confidence or ask that comments not be recoprded in the minutes, s/he will request this

Meetings will last for 1.5 hours and no longer

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