Career Powerpoint Works Cited Entries

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Career Powerpoint Works Cited Entries

Career PowerPoint Works Cited Entries You must include AT LEAST four sources on your Works Cited slide. (Person you shadowed, song you’re using, bls site from Fast Shadow, business website) General Guidelines: 1. Your list of sources or bibliography must be labeled Works Cited. 2. Alphabetize the entries by last name or title. 3. Set margins to 1”. Double Space within and between the entries. 4. First line is flush with left margin, then indent the 2nd line of an entry and all subsequent lines. 5. Never number the entries! →Job Shadow Interview looks like this:

Last name, first name. Business Name. Personal Interview. day month year of interview.

Smith, Sally. Avera-McKennan Hospital. Personal Interview. 7 January 2008.

→Website for the Business where you shadowed will look like this. Include this if you took ANY info or photos or logos or banner off the business website for your presentation.

Title of the Site. Editor if available. Date of update. Name of Sponsoring Institution. Date of Access .

Sanford Health. 26 February 2008. Sanford. 27 February 2008. .

→Career Web Site Sources look like this. Use this format for info you got from the Bureau of Labor site, the O-Net site, the South Dakota Wages site, or a Jobseeker site.

Title of Article. Name of website. Date of publication of info. Sponsor or institution that put page together.

Date you downloaded . (sometimes the date of publication is just a year or # of years)

Samples: (note the alphabetizing, the spacing, the indenting, and the punctuation!!)

2008 Pay Scale. South Dakota Air National Guard. 2008. South Dakota Air National Guard. 16 January

2008 .

Accountants. O*Net Online. 2007. National Center for O*Net Development. 22 February 2008>. (this is a sample from the O*Net Site)

Biologist. Career Cruising. Anaca Technologies Ltd. 12 January 2009

Cosmetologists. Occupational Outlook Handbook. 2002-2003. U.S. Dept. of Labor. 6 January 2005

. (this is a sample from the Bureau of Labor Site)

Firefighters. Occupational Outlook Online. 2007. US Dept. of Labor. 27 April 2007

science03.htm>. (this is a sample from the Bureau of Labor Site)

South Dakota Occupational Wage Estimates. Labor Market Information Center. South Dakota

Department of Labor. 17 February 2009

/WAGES/OWLISTPUBA.ASP>. →The Song you include in your presentation will look like this: (You’ll need to Google for artist, album title and year)

Last name, First name of performer. “Name of Song.” Name of Album. Recording company, year.

Holliday, Billie. “God Bless the Child.” The Essence of Billie Holiday. Columbia, 1991.

Aqua. “Barbie Girl.” Aquarium. MCA Records, 1997.

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