ECHO Housing Work Group

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ECHO Housing Work Group

Housing Work Group September 17, 2014 9am-11am Street-Jones Building 1000 E. 11th 78702 Co-Chairs-Lisa Garcia, HACA and Darilynn Cardona-Beiler, ATCIC Attendance: Melissa Wheeler (Cartias) Christina Morgan(Caritas) Trey Nichols, Marti Bier, Sandra Chavez, Preston Petty, Dylan Shubitz, Kim Seaton (ECHO); Allison Bostrom (KAH); Kristen Focht (KAH); Alesandra Dominguez (ASA); Melissa Orren (Caritas) Eloine Ashmore (Caritas of Austin); Trey Nichols (Foundation for the Homeless);


9:00-9:10 Welcome and Introductions Co-Chairs

9:10-9:20 DSHS/HCC Update Darilynn Cardona-Beiler  Housing First Training Recap Kameron Fowler o Pathways to Housing (NYC) o DESE (Seattle) o Chris Laguna (ATCIC) will provide slides from training  Discussion: o Recommendation: Programs should review Housing First Manual available and very helpful. Jim Ward will send out a link o Role of ECHO with Program Monitoring and fidelity with the model . City RFP . Local CoC NOFA application includes points on Housing First Fidelity o What model of Housing First fidelity would we choose? o ECHO and Program Fidelity Monitoring o Appreciated structure of recording services attempted, but not requiring from the client-client choice focused. 5% 9:20-9:30 Task Group Updates Co-Chairs  Employment and Income o Completed Survey 45 people responded o Overview: lack of referral o Front Steps is hosting Job Fair, November 14th, Heather Thomas will be emailing out communication  Housing Specialist/Landlord Outreach o Focusing on addressing barriers in a systematic way o Researching Landlord Incentive Funds o Working with new ECHO Community Housing Liaison o Tracking relationships with landlords o Section 8 Waitlist Opening  Veterans Task Group o Capital Studios agreed to dedicated 15-18 units for HUD VASH and SSVF funds o Military Cultural Competence Training, Tuesday, September 23rd o Press Conference at NHCD 3pm, Mayors Challenge to End Veterans Homelessess  Prevention Committee o No updates

9:30-9:40 Coordinated Assessment Update Kameron Fowler  Finalizing DSHS Contracts with 3 “front doors” (Salvation Army, Caritas, Front Steps)  Reviewing HUD Guidance on Prioritization of Chronically Homeless  Preston will review data at next Housing Work Group meeting  Working with HACA with homeless preference for “Move up/Move On” for individuals living in PSH, but are interested in Section 8 voucher  66 Individuals and 8 families have been scored  Kameron to email current outcomes to Housing Work Group  Planning to roll out CA officially within the next two months  Each “front door” is contracted for Coordinated Assessment staffing and additional ECHO CA staff support  New Release of Information is being finalized  ROI training to be coordinated with new HMIS data standards training

9:40-11:00 Review/Discussion of HUD Prioritization Notice Kameron Fowler Experiencing-Chronic-Homelessness-in-PSH-and-Recordkeeping-Requirements.pdf  Reviewed Summary Document  Can we request other housing affordable housing opportunities to implement these priorities-yes moving in that direction  Explore distinctions between different eligibility criteria from different programs  What is the timeframe to adopt these prioritization?-October Membership Council meeting o Opinion: Consensus to move forward with Membership Council adoption

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, Street-Jones Building, 1000 E. 11th Street, 4th Floor Housing Work Group August 20, 2014 9am-11am Street-Jones Building 1000 E. 11th 78702 Co-Chairs-Lisa Garcia, HACA and Darilynn Cardona-Beiler, ATCIC

Minutes Kameron Fowler (ECHO), Niki Paul (ECHO) Marissa L. (DACC); Liz Baker (ATCIC); Chris Laguna (ATCIC); Casey Cork (ECHO); Alesandra Dominguez (ECHO); Katie Falgoust (Goodwill); Preston Petty (ECHO); Melissa Orren (Caritas); Tasha Shoemake (City of Austin); Kim Seaton (ECHO); Sandra Chavez (ASA); Dylan Shubitz (HACA); Trish Rivera (Austin Recovery); Jill Smith (TC); Marti Bier (NHCD); Rick Rivera (Salvation Army); Greg McCormack (Front Steps); Lisa Garcia (HACA); Erin Goodison (SafePlace); Jim Ward (FS); Allison Shurr (Saint Louise House); Tracey Fine (National Church Residences);

9:00-9:10 Welcome and Introductions Co-Chairs

9:10-9:20 DSHS/HCC Update Darilynn Cardona-Beiler  Housing First Training-Currently scheduled for September 9th and 10th (System Level and Provider Level) with HF experts  Received final statement of work to begin grant  Contract finalized with subcontractors

9:20-9:30 Task Group Updates Co-Chairs  Prevention and Diversion update o Diversion is when a person presents for shelter, may have another option than shelter o Diversion questions are not in HMIS, but HMIS will track where and what type of resources they used to divert from homelessness o Homeless Persons Leaving the Jail Initiative –update on process  Landlord Outreach and Housing Specialist o Revised Tenant/Landlord Guide  Veterans Task Group o Veterans Furniture Program update-volunteers needed o Keep Austin Housed looking for Veterans Day event-Lori Warren and Emma Tardif are looking for ideas or other events o Presentation on Heroes Lodge-Philip Gutierrez developing housing for Veterans near McKinney Falls Rd. o Military Competency Training-Tuesday, September 23rd (for non-veterans who work with veteran population)-Contact Dylan Shubitz for more information o HACA has applied for 50 additional HUD VASH Vouchers for 2015 o Lisa G, Niki Paul and Erin Young from the VA presented to the City’s Veterans Commission on state of HUD VASH and End of Veterans Homelessness initiatives  Employment and Income o Conducted survey and are in the process in compiling data to provide recommendations o Met with Easter Seals on employment programs o Will update information on next  Fair Housing Training on September 10th hosted by Austin Tenants Council o Currently conflicts with Housing First training scheduled. Stay tuned for updated information

9:30-9:40 Coordinated Assessment Update Kameron Fowler  New Staff Announcement o Casey Cork, Alesandra Dominguez; Kim Seaton new Coordinated Assessment Intake Staff  Scheduling weekly meetings with providers and finalizing weekly contracts to kick of process

9:50-10:20 VI-SPDAT/SPDAT Training Feedback Kameron Fowler

 Positive feedback-appreciated engaging presentation

 Took away how we are measuring success and rethink how to impact community wide efforts

 Appreciate the “human-ness” of the assessment

 Challenges to integrate into some established systems that are required (1115 Waiver (ANSA) and SPDAT

10:20-11:00 RRH Definition Review Kameron Fowler  Reviewed questions from Marge Wherley Training from THN Conference  Reviewed RRH Definition and requesting feedback  Feedback: o Supportive Service Requirement-“not required” Client Choice o Add language on “Housing Stability Plan” o Client-centered and housing-focused o Review program income requirements-are they aligned with RRH? o Utilize Progressive Case Management o What are the outcome measurement standards for RRH?-90 days o Look at 3 month, 6 month and 1 yr out-to check if they’ve re-presented o Will be looking at HMIS data more intensely over the next year  Detox Resources o Looking for additional information on detox center availability o DACC will have additional funds to send frequent users o The city is working on RFA for PSH 1115 Waivers to use the money that will be matched. To be released in early September 2014 o 1115 Waiver-Medicaid Transformation Project-Funds have been allocated to the State of Texas for innovated programs

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 17, 2014

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