South Carolina Palmetto STARS

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South Carolina Palmetto STARS

South Carolina Child Development Education Pilot Program 2009-2010


This package contains the Child Development Education Pilot Program (CDEPP) Application, which allows you to apply for continuation Child Development classes. Applications should be submitted to Linda Norwood, [email protected] with signature assurance forms mailed or faxed to Linda Norwood at 1429 Senate Street, Room B22 Rutledge Building, Columbia, SC 29201

Deadline for the FY 09-10 School Year is June 1, 2009

SECTION 1. DISTRICT/SCHOOL INFORMATION This form must be completed for each school in the district applying to participate in Child Development Education Pilot Program

Name of school district: ______Name of school:______School street address: ______Mailing Address (if different): ______School phone: ______School fax:______(area code) (area code) Name of Principal: ______Name of CDEPP site director: ______Name of CDEPP District Coordinator: ______What will be your CDEPP hours of operation? ______(Full day @ 6.5 hours of educational programming are required at a minimum)

Will you have a wrap-around child care program? ____ yes ___no

If yes, please state hours of operation ______a.m. _ (before educational day, i.e. 7:30-8:15 a.m.) ______p.m. (after educational day, i.e. 2:25-6:00 p.m.)

DSS license number (All CDEP Programs are required to be DSS licensed): ______Expiration date: ______mm/dd/yy Is the CDE P Program accredited? (SACS, NAEYC, etc.)  yes  no If yes, what is the accrediting organization(s)? ______NAEYC program ID number: ______Expiration date: ______mm/dd/yy

(Please attach copy of your letter of accreditation.) SECTION 2. GENERAL INFORMATION

Please indicate the maximum amount of Please fill in the appropriate boxes below related to time each day that children can attend your school calendar. school, including wrap-around care: MONTH Please Please list all Any other Monday: ______a.m.–______p.m. list dates district days that your professional classes are not school is in session Tuesday: ______a.m.–______p.m. development closed days (teacher conference Wednesday: ______a.m.–______p.m. days, etc.)

Thursday: ______a.m.–______p.m. August

Friday: ______a.m.–______p.m. September

Curriculum used in the Child October Development Education Pilot Program (check one): November  High/Scope December  Creative Curriculum  Montessori January  Other (Specify curriculum, and send a copy of your preapproval letter from February SDE): ______March





Maximum Number of If teacher classroom children Teacher’s does not have Teacher enrollment projected to certificate a certificate, (please print name) (based on 35 be number put a check in square feet enrolled in the square per child) class SECTION 3. SCHOOL STAFF INFORMATION (continued)

Employee Full-Time Was Initial Total Years Date of Social Educational Staff Name or Part- Certification in Experience Other Hire Security Qualifications (list Position (please print) Time? ECE? in ECE certificates number (last all degrees areas) (check one) (check one) 4 digits) FT PT Yes No


CDEPP Site Director

CDEPP District Coordinator


Teaching assistants SECTION 4. ADMINISTRATION

A. Indicate which of the following written policies and/or procedures your school has:  Nondiscriminatory hiring practices  Orientation for new staff that includes information regarding agencies and referral procedures for children with different abilities and needs  Noncorporal punishment policies  Annual Staff evaluations for all early childhood staff members  Annual parent/family survey  Annual early childhood program evaluation  NAEYC Code of Ethics  Procedures for child and staff safety  Procedures for release of staff from employment  Procedures for advertisement and soliciting parents and children  Curriculum choices and assessment measures  Open door policy for parents  Medication dispensing  Medical Emergencies  McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Policy B. Does the school regularly conduct internal program evaluations or self-studies?  yes  no C. The Work Sampling System (WSS) will be implemented in Child Development Education Pilot Program classrooms. Does your school have the WSS online system?  yes  no


A. Does the school provide orientation for new parents?  yes  no B. When are the required parent-teacher conferences held? Check all that apply:  winter  spring  summer  fall  more frequently C. Total number of parent-teacher conferences per child each year. ____ D. Does the school have a protocol that is used for conducting parent conferences?  yes no E. Are parents/guardians involved in activities that assist the school (e.g., volunteering, parent advisory committee, fundraising)? ______ yes  no F. Which school activities are a regular means of involving parents? Check all that apply:  volunteer  parent advisory committee(s)  fundraising  parent education sessions  other (specify):______

THIS APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. FAILURE TO PROVIDE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN PROCESSSING DELAYS AND MAY JEOPARDIZE FUNDING. Signature Page This page must be copied and sent to the South Carolina Department of Education, Attn: Linda Norwood, 1429 Senate Street, Rutledge Building Room B-22 Columbia, SC 29201

2009-2010 School Year Child Development Education Pilot Program Assurances The (school) agrees to participate in a comprehensive, longitudinal research and evaluation project to determine the relationship of provider and student variables to student success in school. All data collected or analyzed are subject to the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as well as South Carolina statutes and regulations protecting individual privacy and confidentially.

I Agree that: ___Our school has classroom space to provide Child Development Education Pilot Programs. ___We have received or applied for a DSS license. ___Eligible children in the CDEPP will receive 6.5 hours of daily instruction. ___The school agrees to participate in monitoring and technical assistance from the State Department of Education to assure quality programming. ___The school will submit all information requested in a timely manner (SASI, PCS, etc). ___It is understood that Child Development Education Pilot Program funds may be used to pay for staff salaries, materials, supplies, equipment, field trips, food, transportation, assessment materials, and any other items listed in the funding manual. ___We will provide, upon request, a list of all children on the waiting list. This information will include the child’s name, parent’s name, address, telephone number, DIAL-3 scores, and record of a completed Free/Reduced lunch application or copy of Medicaid card. ___CDEPP staff will have daily planning time to complete the required assessment documentation, conduct parent conferences, prepare for class, and address other items related to the CDEPP. ___We will comply with all federal and state laws and constitutional provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services. ___We will comply with all state and local health and safety laws and codes. ___We will comply with all state laws that apply regarding criminal background checks for employees and exclude from employment any individual not permitted by state law to work with children. ___The school will be accountable for meeting the education needs of the child enrolled in CDEPP and report regularly to the parents on his/her progress. ___The school will comply with all program, reporting, and assessment criteria required. ___The school will designate whether extended day services will be offered to the parents of children participating in the CDEPP program ___All eligible children in the CDEPP will be screened with the DIAL-3 screening tool. ___We will recruit and enroll CDEPP families into the Act 135 Family Literacy Program. ___We will comply with the Child Development Education Pilot Program Guidelines and any addenda.

Signature (Superintendent/Authorized Designee) Date

Print name


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