Differentiated Grading Kashani- Economics

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Differentiated Grading Kashani- Economics

Differentiated Grading Kashani- Economics

For C path: 1 Urban Plan project 1 current event 1 research paper (nickel and dimed, assigned during the second half of the semester) 1 speaker To earn a C >70% average in all grading categories: HW and Class work, Tests and quizzes, Papers and Projects and Participation.

For B path you must complete C requirements plus: 1 topical paper (topical or outside reading) for a total of 2 papers (research plus one) 1 speaker (for a total of 2 speakers) To earn a B >80% average in all grading categories: HW and Class work, Tests and quizzes, Papers and Projects and Participation.

For A path you must complete B requirements plus: 1 major paper (for a total of 3 papers: research paper, outside reading and topical) 1 speaker (for a total of 3 speakers) Special Topics: you teach the class Travels of a T shirt in a Global Economy To earn an A- >87% average in all grading categories: HW and Class work, Tests and quizzes, Papers and Projects and Participation.

Within each category, students will be assigned a +/- according to earned score for completed work.

*Please note if you attempt any grade and receive a >70% you will receive a D or F grade. See details below

Path Min.to earn an A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F A 90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% 67% 60% <60% B ------90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% 60% <60% C ------87% 83% 80% 77% 73% 70% <60%

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