Scripps Ranch High School s2

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Scripps Ranch High School s2

Point Loma High School English 3-4 English Language Arts

Required Materials: Contact Information: Ms. Jeannine Milan  Literature Textbook Voicemail: 619-223-3121 x4351  Spiral Notebook (8.5x11) Email: [email protected]  Writing Utensil (pencil, blue or black pen) Room 351  Planner  Independent Reading Book

Course Content:

The class content is based on the 10th Grade English-Language Arts Common Core Standards for California. Particular focus will be upon the California Standards as they apply to reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, as well as the writer’s craft. This course introduces students to a variety of text types with which students will interact through critical reading, multiple styles of writing, and discussions. Throughout this course, students will develop skills as critical readers and writers and effective listeners and communicators.

Argument Historical Mythology ERWC Unit Titles Narrative ERWC Drama Speeches Content

Classroom Expectations:

In addition to following all PLHS policies, students are expected to:  Arrive on time and prepared to learn  Bring all required materials  Respect yourself and others (no food, hats, or electronic devices)  Uphold the school’s Academic Honesty Policy  Be ready to contribute to classroom discussions and activities

Schoolwide Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Critical Thinking: Students analyze the use of vocabulary in reading and writing as well as compare literature and expository writing to real world situations.

Effective Communication: Students write in a variety of formats and for a variety of purposes as well as write and present speeches and project presentations.

Responsible Self-Directed Learning & Working: Students learn to use a planner, adhere to due dates for assignments as given by teacher and those dates designated by group projects.

Involved Citizens: Students will most directly be involved in the creation of a safe classroom environment. They will be encouraged to reflect and act upon various topics of social justice.


Assessments and Assignments: Students will be expected to:  Engage in writing assignments that will be kept in a writing portfolio  Participate in class discussions and activities  Take quizzes and exams on readings and class lessons  Complete supplementary assignments as they are announced

Grading is based upon a cumulative point system, including participation, preparation, testing, and assignment completion. Point availability generally includes:

Assignment Categories: Grading scale:  Classwork/Homework 90-100% = A 80-89% = B  Assessments/Projects 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 59% and below = F  Participation

 Assignments are posted on Grades are regularly updated and available online through Parent Connect.

 Citizenship grades are based on the PLHS Citizenship Grade rubric and a student’s active contribution to a positive learning environment.

 Plagiarism: This is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. No credit for the assignment, lowered citizenship grade, referral for documentation, parent and counselor are contacted.

Late Work:

Late work is up to the teacher’s discretion and subject to 50% deduction. All late work is due within its grading period. No exceptions. Process pieces will not be accepted after given due date (unless it involves an excused absence). Please be sure to communicate with me if problems occur. Assessments must be made up after school or during Advisory upon return.

Absences: If you have an absence from class, it is your responsibility to get the information posted online. Absences must be excused in order to make up work. Unexcused absences affect citizenship and academic grades.


If you have any problems or questions throughout the year, do not hesitate to discuss them with me.

 Tutoring: After school (T, W 2:30-3:30) and during Advisory.

 E-mail - I will respond within 24 hours. Writing an e-mail is the best way to reach me.

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