CPC Preliminary Agenda
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The City Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, January 8, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall Building, 107 N. Nevada Avenue, Suite 325, Colorado Springs, Colorado. If necessary, the Planning Commission will reconvene on Friday, January 9, 2004, at 8:30 a.m.
NOTE: Items will NOT be heard in the sequence listed in this agenda. The hearing order will be firm and will be in a numerical sequence when the final long agenda has been printed, which is approximately five (5) business days prior to the hearing date. If contact is made to the Planing Department, please reference scheduled items by the CPC file number. If you have questions, please contact the City Planning Department at (719) 385-5905.
(Postponed from the 12/4/03 A request by Bart Rice, P.C. for approval of a non-use variance to the CPC hearing) following Section of the City Code of Colorado Springs:
FILE NO: Section 7.4.102.F.4 - Projections into Setbacks: HO NV 02-00159-Quasi-Judicial To allow a deck with a 33-inch maximum height to project into the front yard setback where and 18-inch maximum height is allowed. TAX ID: 7412103087 The variance is required to bring into an existing front deck into compliance with the City Zoning Code. The R 1-9000 HS (Single-Family Residential with PLANNER: Hillside Overlay) zoned property is located at 1216 W. High Point Lane, and Ginna Sanders contains 10,000 sq. ft. of lot area.
(Postponed from the 12/4/03 A request by D.D. Greer Design Studio on behalf of Willowind Development CPC hearing) LLC for approval of the following development applications: FILE NO: 1. A change of zone classification from PUD/NP (Planned Unit Development CPC PUD 03-00197-Quasi-Judicial with Navigation Preservation Overlay) to PUD/NP (Planned Unit Development; Single-Family Residential, detached, 35 ft. max. bldg. ht., CPC CP 03-00198- Quasi-Judicial 10 d.u./ac. with Navigation Preservation Overlay). TAX ID: 2. A major amendment to the concept plan for Willowind Phase IV. 5320400026 The subject property consists of 10.3129 acres and is located north of Barnes PLANNER: and Marksheffel Road. Jan Prowell CPC Preliminary Agenda January 2004 Page 2
FILE NO(S): A request by John Tuccy on behalf of Fellowship Bible Church for approval of CPC ZC 03-00061 – Quasi-Judicial the following development applications:
CPC CP 03-00062 – Quasi-Judicial 1. A change of zone classification from OC/CR (Office Complex with Conditions of Record) to OC (Office Complex). CPC DP 03-00063 – Quasi-Judicial 2. A concept plan for Vet. Specialists of Southern Colorado. CPC FP 03-00064 – Quasi-Judicial
3. A development plan for Vet. Specialists of Southern Colorado. TAX ID: 6319101042 4. A final subdivision plat for Fellowship Bible Church Filing No. 2 consisting PLANNER: of 4 lots. James Mayerl
The subject property consists of 11.87 acres and is located at 5580 N. Nevada Avenue.
FILE NO(S): A request by N.E.S., Inc. on behalf of Schuck Holdings for approval of the CPC ZC 03-00205 – Quasi-Judicial following development applications:
CPC CU 03-00212 – Quasi-Judicial 1. A change of zone classification from PIP-1 (Planned Industrial Park) to PBC (Planned Business Center). CPC DP 03-00213 – Quasi-Judicial
2. A conditional use to allow multi-family dwelling units in a PIP-1 (Planned TAX ID: Industrial Park) zoned property. 6200000387 3. The Interquest Apartment/Commercial Development Plan.
PLANNER: The subject property consists of 26.427 acres and is located southeast of Robert W. Tegler Interquest Parkway and Federal Drive.
A request by Rockwell-Minchow Consultants on behalf of Hexokee, LLLP for FILE NO(S): approval of the following development applications: CPC ZC 03-00221 – Quasi-Judicial 1. A change of zone classification from PIP-1 (Planned Industrial Park) to CPC CP 03-00222 – Quasi-Judicial PBC (Planned Business Center).
TAX ID: 2. A concept plan for Kaman Retail in a proposed PBC (Planned Business 7323401070 Center) zone.
PLANNER: The subject property consists of 12.985 acres and is located northwest of James Mayerl Garden of the Gods Road and Centennial Boulevard at 1450, 1480 & 1490 Garden of the Gods Road. CPC Preliminary Agenda January 2004 Page 3
A request by N.E.S., Inc and JR Engineering on behalf of Vintage Companies for approval of the following development applications: FILE NO(S): CPC MP 83-356-A7(03) – Legislative 1. A request by NES, Inc. on behalf of Vintage Companies to amend the Peregrine Master Plan. CPC PUD 03-00227 – Quasi-Judicial 2. A change of zone classification from PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development CPC FP 03-00228 – Quasi-Judicial with Hillside Overlay) to PUD/HS (Planned Unit Development with Hillside Overlay; Single-Family Residential, 30 ft. flat max. bldg. ht. And 35 ft. CPC DP 03-00229 – Quasi-Judicial max. sloping bldg. ht., 3.10 du/ac.). TAX ID: 3. The La Bellezza Final Subdivision Plat that consists of 47 lots on 15.12 7302300002 acres. 7302300008 4. A development plan for La Belleza. PLANNER: James R. Mayerl The subject property consists of 15.12 acres and is located northwest of West Woodmen Road and Dutchrock.
FILE NO: A request by dcb Construction Company, Inc. on behalf of Norcal Capital CPC ZC 03-00241 – Quasi-Judicial Corporation for approval of the following development applications:
CPC CP 03-00239 – Quasi-Judicial 1. A change of zone classification from C-5/P (Commercial with Planned Provisional Overlay) to C-5 (Commercial). CPC DP 03-00240 – Quasi-Judicial 2. The Norcal Business Park Concept Plan. TAX ID: 6428402001 3. The Norcal Business Park Development Plan.
PLANNER: The subject property consists of 8.05 acres and is located northeast of Rick O’Connor Hancock Expressway and Circle Drive at 2155 Hancock Expressway.
FILE NO(S): A request by NES, Inc. on behalf of Broadmoor Hotel, Inc. for approval of the CPC DP 03-00281 – Quasi-Judicial following development applications:
CPC FP 03-00282 – Quasi-Judicial 1. A development plan for Broadmoor Greenhouse.
TAX ID: 2. A final subdivision plat for Broadmoor Greenhouse Subdivision. 7501200021
PLANNER: The subject property consists of 1 lot on 2.86 acres and is located south of James R. Mayerl Marland Road and Cheyenne Mountain. CPC Preliminary Agenda January 2004 Page 4
A request by Michael Zarlingo for approval of a waiver of the following Section FILE NO: of City Code of Colorado Springs: CPC SW 03-00286 – Quasi-Judicial Section 7-7-605.C of the Subdivision Ordinance: TAX ID: To permit access from the alley where the requirement is for each lot in a 7425118005 new or replatted subdivision to be provided with satisfactory access to a dedicated public street. PLANNER: Larry Larsen The subject property consists of 0.294 acre and is located southwest of Loraine Street and Cheyenne Boulevard.
FILE NO: CPC CA 03-00305 An ordinance amending Section 7.5.1403: Temporary Use Review Criteria of the Zoning Code of the City of Colorado Springs 2001 as amended. TAX ID: N/A The amendment pertains to establishing standards for mobile vendors located within commercial retail centers. PLANNER: Paul Tice
A request by DCA on behalf of Harstock Village Condominiums, LLC for FILE NO.: approval of the following development applications: AR MDP 03-504(RF)– Quasi-Judicial 1. A minor development plan for Hartsock Condominiums. AR NV 03-997 (RF)– Quasi-Judicial 2. A nonuse variance to Section 7.3.104 of the City Code of Colorado TAX ID: Springs: 6334402015 To allow a front setback of 6.5 feet along Academy Boulevard and 16 feet along Hartsock Lane where 20 feet is required. PLANNER: Steve Tuck The subject property consists of 2.96 acres and is located on the southwest corner of Academy Boulevard and Hartsock Lane.
WILLIAM T. HEALY CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR WTH/amh CPC Preliminary Agenda January 2004 Page 5
MAYERL CPC Preliminary Agenda January 2004 Page 6