Parish of Cororooke

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Parish of Cororooke

WELCOME. Parish of Cororooke. The Catholic Women’s League Colac Branch is having a fundraising P O Box 27, Cororooke 3254. screening, today, of the movie “The Phone: 5233 1282. Case for Christ”, Colac Cinemas. Email: [email protected] Tickets are $15 and can be purchased Moderator: Liz McGuane 52331222 0427041072 at Colac Cinema’s Ticket Office Visiting Priest: School Principal: Anne Ruddell. 52331464. St Brendan’s: 9.00am Sunday. WE WARMLY WELCOME St Joseph’s: 10.30am Sunday. FR. DENIS RYAN TODAY.

ST.BRENDAN’S: Sunday 6 th August 11.00am Communion Minister: Commentator: Reader: Funeral ministry: Organist: Procession of gifts. Gratitude to our wonderful Lay Leader: parishioners for the many ways assistance was offered as we said ST.JOSEPHS’ Sunday 6 th August. farewell to our cherished Maree. Our ongoing support and prayers ALTAR & SACRISTY DUTIES: St. Joseph’s: are with Terry & family. Rest in August: B & K McGuane Peace, Maree. Sept Ryan /Gibson

St. Brendans’: 30th July/ 6th Aug. J. O’Dowd/ H. Holland 13th /20th Aug. Marita O’Shea / K. Smith THOMAS CARR COLLEGE; COUNTERS; 3oth July A. McCarthy Mass @ St Brendans@ 11am on th 13 August N. McKay Sunday 6th August, 2017 at DATES TO REMEMBER… 11am.(No Mass at St Josephs on Leadership Meeting Thursday 3rd this Sunday). Refreshments will August @ 8pm. be available after Mass.

RECEN T DEATHS: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Proposals ANNIVERSARIES: Brian Leahy, Sr Dorothy Finnigan, Patrick Tibbits. In April this year, the bishops of Victoria published a pastoral letter in response to SICK: Fr. Brian Russell, Loretta Kervin, proposals to introduce legislation allowing Nathan DeLorenzo, Peter Stewart, Helen Hunt, euthanasia and assisted suicide. As a follow-up to Courtney McLennan, Amber Bayne, that letter, a group of lay people has prepared a Mitchell Johnstone, Maddi Allardyce flyer encouraging people to write to Steve Molloy (Hickman’s cousin]. parliamentarians and express their opposition to such legislation. Information is available at the back of both Churches if you wish to write to our local member in relation to this matter.

ago and intended to become true images of his Sunday 30th July 2017 Son, so that his Son might be the eldest of many 17th Sunday in Ordinary. brothers. He called those he intended for this; Time Year A those he called he justified, and with those he justified he shared his glory.

Gospel Acclamation See Mt 11-25 Alleluia, First Reading 1 Kgs 3:5.7-12 A reading from the alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven first book of the Kings. You have asked for and earth; you have revealed to little ones the wisdom. The Lord appeared to Solomon in a mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia! dream and said, ‘Ask what you would like me to give you.’ Solomon replied, ‘Lord, my God, you Gospel Mt 13:44-52 A reading from the holy have made your servant king in succession to Gospel according to Matthew. He sells David my father. But I am a very young man, everything he owns and buys the field. Jesus said unskilled in leadership. Your servant finds himself to the crowds, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like in the midst of this people of yours that you have treasure hidden in a field which someone has chosen, a people so many its numbers cannot be found; he hides it again, goes off happy, sells counted or reckoned. Give your servant a heart to everything he owns and buys the field. ‘Again, the understand how to discern between good and evil, kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for for who could govern this people of yours that is fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he so great?’ It pleased the Lord that Solomon should goes and sells everything he owns and buys it. have asked for this. ‘Since you have asked for ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet this’ the Lord said ‘and not asked for long life for cast into the sea that brings in a haul of all kinds. yourself or riches or the lives of your enemies, but When it is full, the fishermen haul it ashore; then, have asked for a discerning judgement for sitting down, they collect the good ones in a yourself, here and now I do what you ask. I give basket and throw away those that are no use. This you a heart wise and shrewd as none before you is how it will be at the end of time: the angels will has had and none will have after you.’ appear and separate the wicked from the just to throw them into the blazing furnace where there Responsorial Psalm Ps 118:57. 72. 76-77. 127- will be weeping and grinding of teeth. ‘Have you 130. R. v.97 understood all this?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ And he said (R.) Lord, I love your commands. to them, ‘Well, then, every scribe who becomes a 1. My part, I have resolved, O Lord, is to obey disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a your word. The law from your mouth means more householder who brings out from his storeroom to me than silver and gold. (R.) things both new and old.’ 2. Let your love be ready to console me by your promise to your servant. Let your love come to me Reflection by Michael Tate. and I shall live for your law is my delight. (R.) 3. That is why I love your commands more than A burning rubbish tip in Jerusalem (Gehenna) finest gold. That is why I rule my life by your provided Jesus with one image of Hell. Here is John between humanity and God. We could pause for a Henry Newman’s image. Have you travelled to a moment to move from incommunicado to foreign country and can’t speak the language? There communion by learning and practising the is lots of weeping and gnashing of teeth. What if you language of Heavenprecepts:I hate false ways (R). were born with a good ear for languages, but had deliberately never learnt the language of that other 4. Your will is wonderful indeed; therefore I obey place? You would only have yourself to blame. It it. The unfolding of your word gives light and would be a living hell. That is what happens at death. teaches the simple. (R.) The soul is suddenly transported to a different dimension of existence, and it can be either heavenly Second Reading Rom 8:28-30 A reading from or hellish depending on the choices and actions of a the letter of St Paul to the Romans He lifetime. So, our lifetime project is to ‘learn the predestined us to become true images of his Son. language of heaven’. We can mainly do this by We know that by turning everything to their good following the story of Jesus, the Word of God, the God co-operates with all those who love him, with perfect conversation between humanity and God. We all those that he has called according to his could pause for a moment to move from purpose. They are the ones he chose specially long incommunicado to communion by learning and practising the language of Heaven

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