Water Conservation and the Watersheds of Nova Scotia

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Water Conservation and the Watersheds of Nova Scotia

THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas Advances in Rail Research Project

Lesson Overview The history and geography of New Brunswick could easily be studied by exploring the development of New Brunswick trains and railways. The focus of this lesson is to examine the development of technology as it relates to train engines, train cars and cabooses. Students will review and research the information on railways located on the Canadian Atlas Online (CAOL), particularly the development of trains over the last 120 years. Grade Level Grades 9 - 12 (secondary school) Time Required Two 60 minute classes (if more time is required the project can be completed outside of class time) Curriculum Connection (Province/Territory and course) Atlantic Provinces Curriculum for Social Studies: Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET): New Brunswick, Canadian History 120 and Canadian Geography 120 Additional Resources, Materials and Equipment Required  Advances in Rail Research Project Instructions (attached)  Poster Rubric (attached)  Computer lab, LCD, internet access Websites: Canadian Atlas Online Tracking rail theme www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas Video clips: Train engines and early trains http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/rail/videos/ Wikipedia: History of Rail Transport in Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_rail_transport_in_Canada Canada Science and Technology Museum http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/english/collection/rail.cfm Railway Association of Canada http://www.railcan.ca The Canadian Encyclopedia (Historica/Dominion): History of Canadian Railways http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=a1ARTA0006655 http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=a1ARTA0001322 The New Brunswick Railway Heritage Association http://www.nbrailways.ca/ New Brunswick Railway Museum http://www.nbrm.ca/en/index.shtml THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas Main Objective The lesson is designed to raise student awareness of the Canadian Atlas Online Tracking rail theme theme and to strengthen students’ research, writing, historical and geographic skills. Students will also develop a deeper appreciation for the railways of New Brunswick.

Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  use the internet to plan and organize a research project;  systematically locate and gather historical and geographic information from a variety of primary and secondary sources;  produce a poster/diagram in great detail regarding the development of trains;  recognize that the development of technology leads to greater economic expansion;  formulate a historic and geographic perspective around the development of technology;  become more familiar with the Canadian Atlas Online. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas

The Lesson

The Lesson Teacher Activity Student Activity Introduction Show the train engines and early trains video clips. (You may View the video clips. want edit the length.)

Ask the following questions: Brainstorm answers.  What roles do trains play directly and indirectly in the lives of New Brunswickers?  Has anyone travelled on a train? (Students share their experiences.)  What are some of the functions of trains in the past as well as today?  How are trains of today different than the trains of the 1890’s?

Record records answer on white board or LCD. Lesson Develop Reassemble in the computer lab and distribute the Advances Read the assignment ment in Rail Research Project Instructions. Instruct students to and ask questions as read the directions and use the websites listed for required. information.

Direct students to: Complete the research,  Complete their project research. and design the poster.  Prepare their poster.

Distribute the Poster Rubric and instruct students to check Check the rubric the criteria before they submit their final draft. criteria.

Conclusion Display the posters around the classroom and conduct a Participate in the guided discussion on the: summary discussion.  future of trains in Canada  next advances in train technology  role of trains in economic development and sustainability  role of passenger trains,  the impact of trains on energy (carbon foot print) use and climate change Lesson Extension  Write a 400-500 word essay on the ‘Future of Rail in New Brunswick’. Be sure to include a cover page, a minimum of three pictures and a bibliography.

Assessment of Student Learning Student projects will be evaluated using the Poster Rubric. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas Further Reading  CANADA'S STEEL ROADS poster-map  Excellent teacher resource reading and background: Eastern New Brunswick Railway History http://www.trainweb.org/canadianrailways/articles/EastNBRailHistory.htm

 New Brunswick Southern Railway http://www.nbsouthern.com/nb-southern-railway-transport-home.aspx

 Intercontinental & New Brunswick railways http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/trains/021006-2080-e.html#b

Link to Canadian National Standards for Geography Essential Element #4: Human Systems  Economic development by world regions, country and regions within countries

Essential Element #6: The Uses of Geography  Influence of geographical features on the evolution of significant historic events and movements  Local, regional, and world policies and problems with spatial dimensions

Geographic Skill #1: Asking Geographic Questions  Plan and organize a geographic research project

Geographic Skill #2: Acquiring Geographic Information  Systematically locate and gather geographic information from a variety of primary and secondary sources.

Geographic Skill #4: Analyzing Geographic Information  Use the processes of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and explanation to interpret geographic information from a variety of sources. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas

Advances in Rail Research Project Instructions

Assignment: Create a poster displaying two fully labelled, scale-model train engines or train cars (engine, passenger car, restaurant car, caboose, cattle car, specialty cars, etc.) that were used on the railways of New Brunswick. There should be a minimum of 10 interior or exterior parts labelled per train car. Each label should explain in a few sentences the purpose of each part, or a pertinent interesting fact. Along with the diagrams, there must be a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two train cars. The poster must be organized and include titles and borders. The train cars must be from different time periods: one should be pre-1950 the other post 1950.

Step One: Research and Organizer Use information from the following websites to complete the graphic organizer below. You may also conduct research from other sources of information. Be sure to include a list of sources (bibliography) on a separate sheet.

Sources: Canadian Atlas Online Tracking rail theme http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas/ Canadian Encyclopedia http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=a1ARTA0006655 Canada Science and Technology Museum http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/english/collection/rail.cfm Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_rail_transport_in_Canada

Step Two: Poster design and creation Use information from your research above to help you design your poster and complete the Venn diagram. THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas Organizer:

Make 7 observations regarding the importance of rail.

 Make 5 observations regarding the technological advancements in rail.

 Extra observations  

Poster Rubric Criteria 0 1 2 3 4

Knowledge and No evidence of A limited Some The features of A thorough Understanding knowledge or knowledge or knowledge or the model mastery of Use of facts, understanding. understanding. understanding. demonstrated knowledge or concepts and considerable understanding. principles, in the knowledge or THE CANADIAN ATLAS ONLINE NEW BRUNSWICK – GRADE 9-12 www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas model of a railway understanding. engine or car. Communication No labels or Labels and Labels and Labels and An impressive Labels and written written accompanying information written amount of information on the information. information for have been information clarity and model have been The model the model used on the that understanding communicated with a lacks any have been model and the accompany the is evident high degree of clarity clarity. communicated information is model have through the and understanding. with a very communicated been used with use of labels The model was highly limited clarity. with some considerable and written realistic. The model is clarity. clarity and information lacking in The model is understanding. This model is some realism. somewhat This model is highly realistic, realistic. realistic. wow! Thinking/Inquiry No strengths or A limited Some of the Most of the Wow, all of the All of the strengths weaknesses number of strengths and strengths and strengths and and weaknesses of a listed. No strengths and weaknesses of weaknesses of weaknesses of railway engine or car suggested weaknesses of a railway a railway a railway were clearly improvements a railway engine or car engine or car engine or car demonstrated or alterations. engine or car demonstrated were suggested. Alterations or demonstrated. Some suggested. The alterations improvement Few alterations A considerable suggested suggestions would be alterations suggested, but amount of were effective effective and realistic suggested, but a few were alterations and highly were unrealistic. suggested, and realistic. somewhat most were unrealistic. realistic. Overall No written Written Written The written Written Presentation of component component component is component of component of Final Product. included. missing two missing one the assignment the assignment Work is complete. No inclusion of parts of the part of the is complete. went beyond Thorough mastery of bibliography. assignment. assignment. Grammar and what was grade appropriate Numerous Grammar and spelling are expected. conventions. spelling and spelling are used with Grammar & Bibliography included grammatical used with very considerable spelling on the desired form. errors, ideas limited accuracy and accurate & difficult to accuracy and effectiveness. complete. follow. effectiveness. Bibliography is Bibliography is Bibliography Bibliography complete. complete. missing missing a few several components. components.

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