List of Meetings

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List of Meetings




12 April 1965 - Organizational Meeting

1. The Acoustical Society and Education in Acoustics, Dr. R. Bruce Lindsay, Editor-in-Chief of JASA

18 September 1965 - 1st Awards Luncheon

1. Investigation of Shallow Sediments in the Deep Sea by Means of Underwater Sound, Dr. T. B. Hersey, WHOI 2. Acoustic Doppler Navigator, E. E. Turner, O. H. Jackson, SSD, Raytheon Company

7 December 1965 - Acoustics in Politics

1. Looking Backward in Ultrasonics, Dr. Walter G. Cady 2. Science and National Goals, Dr. Richard H. Bolt 3. Soviet Acoustics, Dr. Robert T. Beyer

30 March 1966 - The Ear and Hearing

1. The Activity of the Middle Ear Muscles, Dr. J. Donald Harris, SubBase Medical Center 2. Development of a Prosthesis for the Middle Ear, Dr. Mendell Robinson, Providence, RI

6-7 June 1966 - Joint Meeting with URI and SSD, Raytheon Company

1. Application of Stochastic Theory and Underwater Acoustics

17 September 1966 - 2nd Awards Luncheon

1. The History of the Acoustical Society of America, Wallace Waterfall 2. Hydroacoustic Noise Investigations at USL, George F. Carey, USN/USL 3. Flow Induced Noise, Dr. R. D. Collier, General Dynamics/Electric Boat

6 December 1966 -

1. Radiation Induced Cavitation, Dr. Martin Greenspan, Chief, Sound Section NBS & President ASA 2. Generation of Air Blasts by Underwater Explosions, Dr. Ira Dyer, Vice President BBN

28 March 1967 -

1. The Acoustical Geography of the Recital Hall, Dr. Helmut Etzold, URI 2. The Computer as an Aid to the Creative Musician, Ercolino Ferretti, MIT 3. A New Violin Family, Carleen Hutchins, Secretary, Catgut Acoustical Society

24 June 1967 - Bio-Acoustics

1. The Noisy Oyster Drill, Dr. M. R. Carriker, WHOI 2. Underwater Acoustic Telemetry, Dr. John Kanwisher, WHOI 3. The Use of Sound by Marine Fish, George Offutt, URI

16 September 1967 - 3rd Awards Luncheon, Underwater Acoustics

1. Marine Geophysics and Bottom Roughness, Dr. Clarence S. Clay, Jr., Hudson Labs 2. Interferometric Holography as a Tool for the Study of Active Sonar , Dr. Ralph M. Grant, G. C. Optronics

5 December 1967 - Psychological Acoustics

1. Tympanic Membrane Reconstruction, Dr. Mendell Robinson, Providence, RI 2. Aspects of the Problem of Directional Hearing in Teleosts and Larval Amphibians, Prof. J. M. Moulton, Bowdoin College

3 April 1968 - Architectural Acoustics

1. Acoustics and the Listener, Dr.Helmut Etzold, URI 2. The Theater - Prosceniom, Thrust and Arena - and Acoustics, Dr. P. Bentivegna, BBN

22 June 1968 - People and the Noise Environment

1. Environmental Noise and Human Response in Sleep, Dr. George Thiessen, NRC, Canada 2. Recent Studies in Sonic Boom Research, Harvey Hubbard, NASA/Langley

14 September 1968 - 4th Annual Awards Meeting, Engineering Acoustics

1. Current Developments in Audio Engineering, Benjamin B. Bauer, CBS Labs 2. Controlling Sound in Our Environment, R. B. Newman, BBN

3 December 1968 - Physical Acoustics

1. Finite Amplitude Effects in Underwater Sound, Dr. Robert Mellen, NUSC 2. Are Phonons for Real, Prof. Robert Beyer, Brown U.

25 March 1969 - Shallow Water Acoustics

1. Statistical Models of Shallow Water Propagation, Dr. Preston W. Smith, BBN 2. Experiments in Shallow Water Acoustics, Prof. Frank T. Dietz, URI

24 June 1969 - Speech and Hearing

1. Current Research in Linguistics, Prof. Alvin M. Liberman, et al, U.Conn. 2. Physiological and Psychological Research at the Submarine Medical Research Center, Dr. Donald Harris, et al

27 September 1969 - 5th Annual Awards Meeting, Underwater Acoustics

1. Sic Transit, Dr. F. V. Hunt, Harvard University 2. Ignorance, Inference, Innocence, Prof. A. O. Williams, Brown University

2 December 1969 - Acoustics in Musics

1. Relation of Noise to Hearing Loss, Dr. Barry Regan, R. I. Hospital 2. The Organ as a Musical Instrument, and its Dependence on the Acoustic Environment, William King Covell, Organist, St. John's Episcopal Church, Newport, RI

17 March 1970 - Engineering Acoustics

1. Underwater Sound Transducers, Dr. Ralph S. Woollett, USN/USL 2. Electrodeless Spark Sound Source, a Useful Tool for Underwater Acoustic Research, Hubert A. Wright, BBN

20 June 1970 - Ocean Acoustics

1. Acoustic Methods for Sea Floor Exploration, Dr. F. N. Spiess, Scripps Institute 2. Acoustic Signaling Problems of Marine Mammals, Prof. H. E. Winn, URI

19 September 1970 - 6th Annual Awards Meeting, Hearing

1. Auditory Training, Dr. P. J. Owsley, Mystic Oral School 2. Technological Advances in Sensory Aids for the Blind at MIT, Vito Proseia, MIT

1 December 1970 - Environmental Acoustics

1. Highway Noise Problems and Control in an Urban Environment, Grant Anderson, BBN

Insurance Aspects of the Walsh-Healey Act, Stanley E. Pihl, Liberty Mutual

16 March 1971 -

1. Acoustics, Old and New, Dr. R. B. Lindsay, Hazard Professor Brown University

5 June 1971 -

1. Davis 2. Allyn Vine

18 September 1971 -

1. Cavitation in 'Dirty' and 'Clean' Liquids, Dr. Robert Apfel, Yale University 2. Stresses and Strains in Acoustics and General Relativity, Dr. Peter J. Westerfelt, Brown University

December 1971 (and/or?)

11 January 1972 -

1. Alvin Novick 2. L. Thurstone

March 1972 (and/or?)

11 April 1972 -

1. Shelton Alexander 2. Henry Myers

3 June 1972 -

1. A Review of Current Developments in Civil Applications of Underwater Acoustics, Dr. Robert D. Collier, BBN 2. MIT/Woods Hole Programs Using Underwater Acoustics, Dr. Ira Dyer, MIT 3. Joint UNH-Raytheon Sea Grant Project in Coastal Sediment Classification, Arthur Westneat

16 September 1972 - Noise Inside and Outside the Submarine

1. Noise within a Submarine, Dr. J. Donald Harris, SubBase 2. The Noisy Sea, Mr. R. J. Urick, NOL

January 1973 - 8th Annual Awards Dinner; Optics and Acoustics

27 March 1973 - Demonstration for the Teaching of Acoustics

9 June 1973 - Joint Meeting with Boston Chapter, ASA;

Civilian Applications of Underwater Acoustics

1. History and Applications of Hydroacoustics, Dr. John Bouyoucos, Hydroacoustics, Inc. 2. Interpreting Acoustic Data, Dr. Walter Ligget, SSD Raytheon 3. Sonar System Technology, P. Skitzki

15 September 1973 - Holography

1. SMU History, Present, and Future, Dr. Damiel G. Aldrich III, SMU 2. Demonstration of an Acousto-Optical Light Modulator Operating in the Raman Nath Regime, Dr. Lee Estes, SMU 3. Holography, A New Development in Acoustics, Dr. Winston E. Kock, U. of Cincinnati

8 January 1974 - 9th Annual Awards Dinner; Stress Waves in Solids

1. Seismic Waves in Floating Ice Sheets, Henry Kutschale, Columbia 2. Some Aspects of Ultrasonic Stress Waves in Solids, Dr. Charles Elbaum, Brown University

19 March 1974 - Annual Business Meeting

1. The Guitar - Its Acoustics and Construction, Dr. E. E. Watson and R. Schneider

25 May 1974 - Joint Meeting with Boston Chapter, ASA

1. Hearing - An Asset Worth Saving, Dr. Leo Doerflet, Eye and Ear Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA 2. Hearing Conservation Programs in the Navy, J. Donald Harris, SubBase 3. A Review of the Developments in Hearing Protective Equipment, Clayton H. Allen 4. Impact of Noise Control at the Workplace, Robert D. Bruce, BBN

14 September 1974 - Underwater Acoustic Propagation

1. State of the Art in Underwater Acoustic Propagation Model Prediction, Dr. Frederick R. DiNapoli, NUSC 2. Sound Propagation in a Random Ocean, Dr. Robert H. Mellen, NUSC

14 January 1975 - Surface Acoustic Waves

1. Present State of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices, Dr. Melvin G. Holland, Raytheon Research Division 2. Future Surface Acoustic Wave Devices, Ernest Stern, Lincoln Labs

31 March 1975 -

1. The Acoustics and Construction of the Modern Harpsichord, Mr. Robert Pyle and Mr. Caleb Warner, BBN

31 May 1975 -

1. The Buzz Tape, Dr. Richard H. Bolt, BBN, and Dr. Franklin S. Cooper, Haskins Labs

18 October 1975 -

1. Digital Techniques for Computer Voice Response, L. R. Rabiner, Bell Labs, and Prof. R. W. Schafer, Georgia Tech.

13 January 1976 - 11th Annual Awards Dinner

1. Noise Measurements: An Anecdotal History, Dr. Leo L. Beranek, BBN

9 March 1976 - Acoustics Down Under

1. Undersea Acoustics in Australia, Dr. G. Gartrell, Australian Defense Scientific Service 2. Underwater Acoustics Research in New Zealand, Dr. L. Hall, New Zealand Defense Scientific Establishment 3. KIWI Acoustics - What is Happening in Underwater Sound Down Under?, Dr. Howard H. Schloemer, NUSC June 1976 -

September 1976 -

21 May 1977 -

1. Science at Woods Hole, Dr. Robert W. Morse, WHOI 2. Acoustics Fluctuations in the Ocean, Robert C. Spindel and Robert P. Porter, WHOI 3. Application of Long Range Acoustic Signaling to Ocean Circulation, D. Webb

June 1977 -

24 September 1977 -

1. Ultrasonics in Medicine, Dr. P. Lele and Dr. N. Senapati, MIT

December 1977 -

10 January 1978 - 13th Annual Awards Dinner

1. The Contribution of Lord Rayleigh to Physics and Engineering, Dr. John N. Howard, Hanscom AFB

March 1978 -

3 June 1978 -

1. Canada Basin Acoustic Reverberation Experiment, Dr. A. Baggeroer, MIT

23 September 1978 -

1. Underwater Sound Transducers, Dr. Charles H. Sherman, NUSC 2. How Transducer Design Makes Use of Antenna Theory, Physical Optics, Electrical Circuit Theory, and Other Disciplines, Harry B. Miller, NUSC

23 January 1979 - 14th Annual Awards Dinner

Acoustics of 'Recycled' Auditoriums, William J. Cavanaugh, Cavanaugh-Tocci Assoc.

3 April 1979 -

Analysis of Recorded Sounds of the Assasination of President Kennedy, Dr. James Barger, BBN

12 May 1979 -

Ultrasonics in Medical Diagnostics, Dr. Robert T. Beyer, Brown U.

13 October 1979 -

The Theory and Application of Side Scan Sonar, Marty Klein, Klein Assoc. 17 November 1979 - Fall Meeting

A Qualitative Model of Dolphin Sonar , J. Fitzgerald

22 January 1980 - 15th Annual Awards Dinner

The Chemistry of Sound Absorption in Sea Water, Dr. Robert Mellen, NUSC

8 April 1980 - Spring Meeting

Acoustics and the Acoustical Society of America in Historical Perspective, Dr. R. Bruce Linsey, Brown University

17 May 1980 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter

1. Overview of current Activities at NARADCOM, Major Richard Charles 2. Extra-Auditory Effects of Noise, Dr. Alexander Cohen, NOISH

27 September 1980 - Fall Meeting

Voices from Machines, Dr. Cecil Coker, Bell Labs

27 January 1981 - 16th Annual Awards Dinner

Stringed Instruments, Dr. Carleen M. Hutchins, Catgut Acoustical Society

7 April 1981 - Spring Meeting

Propagation in a Fluctuating Ocean, Mr. Allen Ellinthorpe, NUSC

30 May 1981 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter

Occupational Noise Exposure in America, Robert Bruce, BBN

26 September 1981 - Fall Meeting

Acoustical Levitation with Applications to Medicine and Biology, Dr. Robert E. Apfel, Yale University

19 January 1982 - 17th Annual Awards Meeting

Environmental Noise Programs in the Arctic, Dr. William Ellison, CAA

5 April 1982 - Spring Meeting

Some Research on Speech Perception, Evidence for a Phonetic Mode, Dr. Alvin M. Liberman, President Haskins Labs

8 May 1982 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter

Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Research Center Facilities Tour 21 September 1982 - Fall Meeting

Internal Friction in Rocks and Metal Alloys Due to Dislocations, Dr. Warren P. Mason

18 January 1983 - 18th Annual Awards Meeting

Four Contemporary Concert Halls Based on Old Massey Hall in Toronto, Dr. Theodore Schultz, BBN

12 April 1983 - Spring Meeting

Fiber-Optic Technology in Communications and Underwater Sound, Dr. Frank W. Cuomo, URI

4 June 1983 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter

1. An Overview of the Research and Education Program of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Ms. Shelley Lauzon 2. Ocean Bottom Acoustics, Dr. George Frisk, WHOI

28 September 1983 - Fall Meeting

1. The Mystic Marinelife Aquarium, Curt Horton, Aquarium Staff Member 2. The Fundamentals of DONAR (DOlphin NAvigation and Ranging) Systems, James W. Fitzgerald, Aquarium Research Associate

18 October 1983 - By Special Invitation from ASA Boston Chapter

The Red Line Harvard Square Station, Peter Hopkinson, Skidmore Owens & Merril, and Robert L. Turano, Goody, Clancy & Associates

17 January 1984 - 19th Annual Awards Meeting

Optoacoustic Detection, Dr. Gerald Diebold

3 April 1984 - Spring Meeting

Air Waves from Volcanic Explosions, Dr. Haraldur Sigurdson, URI

9 June 1984 - Summer Meeting

Parametric Sonar, William L. Konrad, NUSC

25 September 1984 - Fall Meeting

Acoustics in Robotics, Joseph A. Konrad, A&T

17 November 1984 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter and the Catgut Acoustical Society A Lecture - Concert of the 20th Century Instruments of the Violin Octet, Carleen Hutchins, et al

29 January 1985 - 20th Annual Awards Meeting

MIT and Acoustics in the Arctic, Dr. Peter N. Mikhalevsky, MIT

23 April 1985 - Spring Meeting

Recollections of Bruce Lindsey, Dr. Robert T. Beyer, Hazard Professor, Brown U.

11 June 1985 - Summer Meeting

The Perception of Speech in Early Infancy, Dr. Peter D. Fimas, Brown University

12 October 1985 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter

The Kurzweil 250 Synthesizer, Dr. Robert A. Moog, Kurzweil, Inc.

8 January 1986 - Winter Meeting

Transducers, Sensors, and Actuators, Dr. Robert E. Newnham, Penn State

15 April 1986 - Spring Meeting

History of Underwater Sound, Louis C. Maples, Physicist Emeritus, NUSC

7 June 1986 - Summer Meeting

Understanding Distorted Speech, Dr. Jerry V. Tobias, SubBase

16 August 1986 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter and AES Boston Section;

An Evening at Great Woods

1. Remarks by John Drew and Michael Tilson Thomas, Great Woods Center for the Performing Arts 2. Discussion of Acoustical Considerations, Mssrs. William J. Cavanaugh, Theodore J. Schultz, and David H. Kaye

2 December 1986 - Joint Meeting with IEEE Providence Section

Array Signal Processing in the Underwater Environment, Dr. Norman L. Owlsey, NUSC

19 February 1987 - 22nd Annual Awards Meeting

Stress Wave Propagation in Anelastic Solids, Dr. Herbert Kolsky, Brown University 27 April 1987 - Spring Meeting

Sonar Transducer Developments During WW II and Beyond, Frank Massa

16 June 1987 - Summer Meeting

Acoustic Ocean Tomography, Dr. Robert Spindell, WHOI

24 October 1987 - Fall Meeting

1. Ocean Acoustic Tomography, Dr. James Lynch, WHOI 2. Underwater Robotics and the Exploration of the Titanic, Dr. Dana Yeager, WHOI

12 January 1988 - Winter Meeting

Passive Acoustic Synthetic Aperture Processes. Dr. William M. Carey, NUSC

2 February 1988 - 23rd Annual Awards Meeting

Bond Graph Models of Sound and Vibration Systems, Dr. Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac

20 April 1988 - Joint Meeting with IEEE Providence Chapter

Sonar Echos in Time and Space, Mark A. Chramiec, SSD Raytheon Company

1 November 1988 - Fall Meeting

Recent Trends in Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging, Alan A. Winder, MSB Systems

31 January 1989 - First Ralph Woollett Memorial Lecture

Theory of the Piezoelectric Flexural Bar Transducer, Donald Ricketts, SSD Raytheon

11 April 1989 - Spring Meeting

Sound Scattering by Spherical and Elongated Objects, Dr. Timothy K. Stanton, WHOI

6 June 1989 - 24th Annual Awards Meeting

Modeling Ocean Waves for Underwater Acoustics, Dr. Robert H. Mellen, Kildare Corp.

17 June 1989 - Joint Meeting with ASA Boston Chapter

Some Further Thoughts on Concert Hall Acoustics, Dr. Leo L. Beranek, BBN

3 October 1989 - Fall Meeting The Acoustic Intensity Technique, Dr. Jiri Tichy, Penn State

30 January 1990 - Winter Meeting

Model-Based Passive Localization, Dr. Edmund J. Sullivan, NUSC/Newport Lab.

24 April 1990 - Joint Meeting with IEEE Providence Section

Neural Networks: General Considerations, Asa B. Simmons, SSD Raytheon.

16 June 1990 - Joint Meeting with the Greater Boston Chapter of ASA

Acoustics of Keyboard Musical Instruments, Dr. Daniel W. Martin, Editor-in-Chief of J. Acoust. Soc. Am.

16 October 1990 - Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Meeting

Turbulent Boundary Layer Noise Reduction, Dr. Sung-Hwan Ko, NUSC/New London, and Chair of The ASA Technical Committee on Engineering Acoustics.

5 February 1991 - Winter Meeting

Borehole Seismic Research for the Oil Industry, Dr. Roger Turpening, Assoc. Director of the Earth Resources Laboratory at MIT.

7 May 1991 - Annual Awards Dinner and Joint Meeting with the IEEE Providence Section

Modern Space-Time Signal Processing, Dr. Norman L. Owsley, NUSC/New London Lab.

8 June 1991 - Joint Meeting with the Greater Boston Chapter of ASA

OMNIMAX Theater, Boston Museum of Science, Timothy Foulkes, Cavanaugh-Tocci Associates

22 October 1991 - Annual Business Meeting

Neural Computation for Acoustic Imaging in Bat Sonar, Dr. James A. Simmons, Brown Univeristy

18 February 1992 - Winter Meeting

Magnetostrictive Terfenol-D for High-Power, Underwater Sound Sources, Dr. Mark Moffett, Naval Undersea Warfare Center/New London.

28 April 1992 - Annual Business Meeting

Auditory Classification of Complex Sound, Thomas Hanna, Director, US Navy Submarine Medical Research Laboratory 7 July 1992 - Spring Meeting

Secrets of Controlling Acoustic Back Radiation, Dr. John L. Butler, President, Image Acoustics, Inc.

10 November 1992 - Fall Meeting

Underwater Transducer Technology, ASW, and Foreign Policy: An Overview, Gerald A. Brigham, Principal Engineer, Ratheon, SSD

2 February 1993 - The 1993 Ralph S. Woollett Memorial Lecture

A Perspective on the Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient, William J. Marshall, Jr. BBN.

20 April 1993 - Spring Meeting

Recent Research in Violins, Carleen M. Hutchins, Catgut Acoustical Society.

29 June 1993 - Summer Meeting

Current Acoustic Research with Atlantic Bottlenose Dophins: Echolocation and Classification, Peter M. Scheifele, National Undersea Research Center, U. Conn.

23 October 1993 - Fall Meeting

Auditory Neurophysiology and Otoacoustic Emissions, Dr. Duck O. Kim, Director of Research, Division of Otolaryngology, U. Conn. Health Center.

12 December 1993 - Joint Meeting with the Greater Boston Chapter of ASA and the Boston Section of the Audio Engineering Society.

Acoustics of Large-Volume Assembly Spaces, Stephen Siegel, Acentech Inc.

8 February 1994 - Winter Meeting

Target Physics of Simple Bodies, Dr. Ronald P. Radlinski, NUWC/New London

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