Cononley Primary School

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Cononley Primary School

Cononley Primary School Meadow Lane Cononley North Yorkshire, BD20 8NA Email: [email protected] Tel: 01535 633040

May 2014 News

Tour De France

As a school we will be celebrating the Tour De France in style. The curriculum focus for the school will be Tour De France and there will be various events taking place with either a bike or French theme. We are encouraging all knitters to knit jersey bunting which will be placed around the school in preparation. Mrs Gartland has already knitted 6 green jerseys!! If anyone would like details including the knitting pattern (or crochet) or top tips if you’re not a confident knitter please speak to Mrs Purnell who will be able to assist.

Transition day for Y6

The transition date for any children in Y6 who are going to South Craven School in September 2014 has now changed to Wednesday 9 July 2014. This is due to anticipated congestion on the roads on 4 July in connection with the Tour De France. Mr Hill from South Craven School will be writing to all parents but has asked us to make reference to it in our newsletter.

Road Closure

The bottom of Meadow Lane will be closed from 8 June until the middle of August due to building works taking place at the barn. There will be congestion when dropping off and collecting children and we would just like to you to be mindful. It maybe that parents arriving by car will need to park further away from the school and walk a short distance.

Healthy Snacks

We would like to encourage all children to bring in a healthy snack for morning break as there have been a very small group of children who have started to bring in crisps and chocolate bars. Thank you to all families who have cooperated in this matter. Please do not send snacks containing nuts as we have children with nut allergies in school.


As part of the curriculum we pride ourselves in making the most of using the local area as a creative stimulus to enhance children’s learning of the local environment. During May the Y5 children visited Malham for a 2 night residential geography field trip and Y3, Y4 and Y5 had a visit to Skipton Woods using local transport.

Headteacher: Miss Paula Hillman BA Hons PGCE NPQH Y5 Residential to Malham

On our residential we went to Malham for three days. Once we got to school we had to fill two very long boring hours, so then we started to think about our expectations, worries and excitements. After we went outside and played a wet game of football and got ready to go on Emmadale travel. On the way we all sung nursery rhymes e.g. head shoulders knees and toes and ten green bottles on the wall. Finally we arrived.

We put our bags in the Dry Room then we learnt about Malhamdale and how it was formed. The example was a jam sandwich, the bread is the land and the butter is the sand and the jam is the mud and silt next it all gets washed away and it starts again. Then we went on our walk to Malham Cove. First we had to go up a vertical hill and everyone was begging and praying for their lunch. Finally after all the walking we sat down and ate our lunch.

After lunch we went on the lime stone pavement and we found out that the tops of the stones are called clints and the gaps are called grikes. We also found out that the last Harry Potter was filmed on the top of Malham Cove. After we came down 415 steps to see peregrine falcons. Then we walked back to the youth hostel. Next we went outside to make some fossils the different types of fossils are ammonites and trilobites, we got a model of them both. Tea time was awesome because it was like a buffet and everyone didn’t talk that much; they were stuffing their faces with food. Then it’s off to bed.

Day 2

When we got up everyone was tired we were all moaning and groaning. We got ready for our delicious breakfast, when we had our breakfast we got everything for our day and headed out on a walk. We went to Janet’s Foss and Gordale Scar. We got to Janet’s Foss first, the waterfall looked stunning. Next we scampered up some roots it took us to the top of the waterfall. Then we walked along the road to Gordale Scar. When we got round the corner we saw the magnificent Gordale Scar. When we arrived at Gordale Scar we got told how it was formed. It was formed by the erosion by the river on top of Gordale Scar and then the roof of the cave collapsed in and that made Gordale Scar. After lunch we headed back and we changed into scruffs and did some team building activities. For example: The marble run with some guttering pipe and a tennis ball. Next we went to the classroom to make pizza for tea. When we ate them for tea, they were delicious. After that we went into the lounge and found out about bats so when we went outside we used our bat hunting devices to find them but we had no luck. Finally we went up to our rooms and brushed our teeth had a shower and went to bed.

Day 3 (last day)

We woke up because Mrs Ellens was banging at everybody’s doors (we over slept). Next we went downstairs to have our last breakfast at Malham. After that we went back up to the rooms and got ready for the last walk, we went to the bottom of Malham Cove and were allowed to climb up the bottom of Malham Cove for a picture of us all. Next we headed back to the youth hostel and got our bags ready and headed off home.

Reported by: Ella Beetham, Rebecca Little and Bailey Yaxley

Skipton Woods – written by Bradley Harrison

2 On Monday 12th May the Jets went on a school trip to Skipton Woods. It was really good fun and we found out a lot about woodlands and ponds. First, we went on a train to Skipton. We got off the train and walked fantastically to Aireville Park and then up to the canal. Secondly, we met Tim and Mel, but my feet were killing me! They said, “watch out for dog poop and huge puddles, don’t eat garlic”. Then we set off to the woods.

We walked to the big pond. Half of us did pond dipping and the other half learnt about habitats. I was doing habitats and you needed to make a tree out of people (it was very hard) and a woodpecker pecked his way through and killed the tree. The pond dipping group tried to fish in the pond with a net. One of them caught a fish sort of thing. I caught a tadpole.

Next, we walked out of the woods and up to Aireville Park. Miss Preston told us to sit under a tree. We sat down and ate our lunch. I had two wraps with Dairylea and cucumber. Toby showed us his sandwiches but unfortunately they were squashed to pieces. I sat on my coat because the grass was absolutely soaking wet. I sat next to Aidan.

It was a fun day and we found out lots about Skipton Woods.

By Bradley Harrison

Tour De France

A gentle reminder, if you are intending to pick up your child early on Friday 4 July 2014 in anticipation of being affected by the congestion created by the Tour de France, you must complete the form which went out to all families stating how you will be affected. Thank you to all families who have already completed and brought back forms.

The Great North Swim

On Saturday 14 June Mrs Purnell will take part in the Great North Swim on Lake Windermere. She previously took part in the swim in 2011. This year she is not looking for sponsorship but if you would like to show your support and make a donation all proceeds will be given to Cononley School Fund to be spent on resources for the children. We all wish Mrs Purnell good luck with her swim.

FoCS News

Bags2School – unwanted clothing and textiles

We are having a Bags2School collection on Monday 2 June. Please make use of the school holidays to sort through your wardrobes and send any unwanted items to school by 9.00am on the first day back. Please leave items at the front door of school. Unfortunately we cannot accept any items that arrive after this time. Thank you for your support.

PE Kit

Headteacher: Miss Paula Hillman BA Hons PGCE NPQH There have been a few children who have not been wearing the correct PE kit in school. Children need to bring the following into school.

Outdoor  Either black/navy tracksuit bottoms or shorts  White or grey t-shirt  Warm long sleeved top which can include a red Cononley PE hoody  Outdoor trainers

Indoor  White or grey t-shirt  Black or navy shorts  EYs and KS1 – indoor pumps  KS2 – indoor trainers or pumps

If you are considering buying a new t-shirt it would be preferable to buy a grey Cononley t-shirt which can also be worn for after school activities. We do have a few items of uniform still available in school. All items are now available from MC Sports, Sackville Street, Skipton.


Also please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear for school, school shoes should be worn throughout summer with covered toes to protect from tripping and from toes being squashed.

Please see below term dates for next term.

Summer Term Dates

4 Summer Term

Headteacher: Miss Paula Hillman BA Hons PGCE NPQH Half Term Holidays

02.06.14 First Day back

05.06.14 6.30pm Information Evening for new parents

16.06.14 – 20.06.14 Y6 Residential to East Barnby

19.06.14 6pm Standards and Achievement Governors Meeting

24.06.14 Y3 and Y4 trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

27.06.14 (9.30 start) Sports Day 1 – weather permitting. If it is cancelled it will be held on 02.07.14

30.06.14 Y5 Visit to South Craven Secondary School 02.07.14 Sports Day 2

03.07.14 8.15am – 8.45am French Breakfast for families

03.07.14 Non-Uniform Day with a Tour De France Theme

03.07.14 6.00pm – 8.00pm FoCs Family Quiz Evening – details to follow

09.07.14 Y6 Transition Day to South Craven – NOTE change of date

10.07.14 6pm Full Governors Meeting

11.07.14 Transition Day – ‘Meet the New Teacher’

14.07.14 – 15.07.14 Bikeability for Y6

16.07.14 6.30pm KS2 Production

17.07.14 6.30pm KS2 Production

22.07.14 Y6 Leavers Assembly (time to be confirmed)

Summer Holidays

01.09.14 Staff Training Day 1 – Priorities for the new year

02.09.14 First Day back for children


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