Marathon School – AQA Science: The School follows AQA programme as outlined in this document

GCSE Core Science [Biology] – Schemes of Work

Unit 1: Biology 1

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 44 of

2 BMI calculator BMI can calculator be Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate ‘Behind theheadlines’‘Behind discussion topics hot PPTB1.1.Diet Exercise and NHS choice website NHS primary primary evidence you would run How to far have theenergy equal to transferred one from bar? chocolate that SomeResearch suggests the saltierpizzas than are sea. testthis How could you statement? link kidney There is between a and cancer obesity. How could testthisstatement? you Working with primary secondaryand evidence we height-weightHow usecan Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills withWorking critically products and discuss productsand how informative discuss these making in arehealthy choices. Presentingand writing arguments proportion What’stheideal muscleof bodytofat?Prepare presentation to a Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Developingexplanations using ideas models and Devise explaintothelink a model between transferand energy different foods.thestrengthsand Evaluate weaknesses and of own models of others Developingargument Shouldcompanies unhealthy advertise foods? range offood Explain a labelling on Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 2

(lessons) 1-2 activity you and activity do the you Explain that mineral ions mineralions Explain and that vitamins in needed are small amounts forhealthy of functioning the body. Describe thatfactors affect the metabolicegrate,ratethe varieswiththeamount of Evaluate information about Evaluate information the effectonhealth. offood carbohydrates,Explain fats how usedthe and are by proteins bodyreleaseto and energy to buildcells. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Metabolicrate– The rate at all which the chemical in reactions thecells the body of different foods you different foods you need and the right amountofenergy. Healthydiet Know the right ofbalance the Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option c a YEAR 10 - B1.1 Keeping - healthy YEAR 10 B1.1 exercise and B1.1.1 Diet

44 of

3 at or by searching by ‘BMI searching calculator’.] Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate theHealth in found the BBCsection of website at Developing Developing explanations using models model Develop ofblockage a artery. the in evaluateNow ofweaknesses strengths and other’s and your models Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills classifytopeople? charts BMIs Calculate using primary secondary and evidence. labels food Use discuss to Scientific CommunicationScientific skills compare theideal of proportion muscle thebodies in 3 fat to of differentcyclist, athletes eg rugby swimmer player, distance long Discuss: fatsand saturated unsaturated and their and effect levels cholesterol on heart disease. Developingargument: Accurately assess thevalidity a of scientific claim, Chocolate’. eg ‘Healthy Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) proportion of fatin toproportion muscle of your body. factors inheritedExplain how can affect also health; our these include rateand metabolic cholesterollevels. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be cholesterollevel. Inherited factors factors Inherited affect health, eg metabolicrateand are out. carried Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d 44 of

4 by ’. Importanceof More information on information More on beexercise found can theHealth section in at websitetheBBCof forsearching ‘ exercise Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate BBC Use Slim Super- video1/6 PARTMe to Youtube on discussion stimulate the fromthe UK or another Extendby country. datafrom comparing to countries different or conclude evaluate dietary values Calculate nutritional from onfood information packets. Research Research obesity in in problems children Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills withWorking critically secondary evidence   Research types Research different ofdiets, G.I., Slimfast,eg Atkins, Weight a and table watchers toproduce and compare evidence accept or reject evidence. to Match types different diets of an or employment. Write article a changes lifestyle foradvisetoblog of any the above Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Reaching on agreement scientific explanations   Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Evaluate information about Evaluate information the effecton oflifestyle developmentof diseases. Analyse claimsAnalyse evaluate and made by slimming programmes products. and Beto able explain the benefits ofexercise onthebody. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be

not Effectof Note: exerciseonbreathing and rateis heart required. body. Regular exercise improveshealth.your when when theenergy contentofthefood takenthanless in is theamountofenergy expended by the Mass A mass loses person Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option e b 44 of

5 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option B1.1.2 How our bodies defend How defend B1.1.2 our bodies themselves diseases against infectious 44 of

6 by Microbesand – conditions can beconditions theHealth in found the BBCsection of website at ‘Medicalsearching Conditions’. can beVideo clips at found ngzone/clips Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate usefulwebsiteis A www.curriculumbits.c om disease. onhealth Information Use datacomparetothe Use from numbers deaths of pathogens.different  Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Working critically with primaryevidence Aresomemorepathogens dangerous others? than Complete forascientificComplete report ofexamples illustrating journal virusesand diseases caused by bacteria.  Scientific CommunicationScientific skills audience Communicationfor and purpose Doallthesamepathogenshave effect onthebody? Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 2 (lessons) Explain pathogenscauseExplain how disease. Beto able describe the processes aseptic in involved techniques. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Structure of Structure of required. Note: bacteria is viruses and not Pathogens cause disease. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option a 44 of

7 by A video clip on videoAclip whiteon can cellsblood be BBCtheon found website at ngzone/clips Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Plan an Plan investigation an plates usingagar to comparethegrowth of micro-organismsfrom unwashed washed and hands.Check CLEAPPS advice helptowith assessingrisk  Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills our hands before meals ourhandsbefore meals and after thetoilet? Assessingrisk and workingsafely Why do scientists research working cause microbes that influenza,diseases such as AIDS Developingpractical skillsthrough planning and assessment risk Whywewash are to always told Conduct research into Research Research thework of writeblogand his Semmelweiss producemock or TV interview. work to Relate ofSemmelweiss withofinfectionspread problems appttoday hospitalsin in withvideo presentation clips/animations  Developingexplanations usingmodels Are and allbacteria viruses dangerous? Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Societal and aspects applications of scientific evidence   Opportunities to Opportunities develop 1 Suggested timing 1 (lessons) feel ill and how viruses feel how damage viruses ill and Describe thewhichways in bodyitselfagainstdefends disease. microbesExplain makehow us Describe thework of results toSemmelweiss link and ofclass investigations. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be reproduce rapidly reproduce rapidly and inside the body producethattoxins makeill.usfeel Microbescan importance of hand- importanceofhand- reducewashingto thespread of infection. Semmelweiss recognisedthe Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option b f 44 of

8 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate forclip searching ‘1838’. clipBBC Video:or video defenceon against disease. work Producerisk a assessment for their  Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills and Ebola, rarely catchrarelyand the Ebola, disease? vidence, E oint, oint, P xplanation helptoto xplanation Use Use E structure writing different aDevise diseases. model illustrate to how bacteria invade viruses and thebody . Producefora article an teenage explainto magazine howthebody itselfdefends againstdisease.   Developingideas using models Scientific CommunicationScientific skills audience Communicationfor and purpose Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Describe theactions whiteof cellsterms blood ‘ingest’, using ‘antibodies’ ‘antitoxins’. and cells. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be produce antibodies and antitoxins. White blood cellsbloodWhite ingest pathogens and The body has The body has different of ways protectingitself againstpathogens. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d c 44 of

9 Information on Information can vaccinations be NHS theon found website at by ‘When searching are given?’. vaccinations onthe Information vaccine MMR can be BBCtheon found website at by ‘MMR searching debate’.Information of thehistory about canmedicine be theGCSEon found Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Workingcritically with secondaryevidence therelationship between the percent and vaccinated frequencyUseofthedisease. dataafrom line to graph describe . Producecartoonor strip a to actionsanimation of show white cells. blood  Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Developingargument Lookinterpretupand child immunisationprogrammes. Role play onwhethergivechild to your vaccinations. Reaching on agreement scientific explanations ConsidertheactionsofDr Wakefield and vaccine. the MMR Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Evaluate theadvantages and disadvantagesofbeing disease,vaccinated against a eg themeasles, and mumps rubella(MMR)vaccine. Explain Explain ofnatural the processes and immunity. acquired Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be work. Vaccines what they – are how they and Immunity and actionImmunityand ofantibodies. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option l e 44 of

by 10 by Be ableBeexplainto do not why schools 25 incubate °C.above videoAclip on be penicillin can BBCtheon found website at ngzone/clips for‘2884’. searching information Useful found can be the on websiteat BBC our B1.1.2 How defend bodies Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate of Bitesize section the at websiteBBC ‘Medicinesearching time’. through

Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Selectingand managing variables Arein antibiotics their universal actionagainstpathogens? or Antibiotics etcantiseptics and ofmicrobes(area growth ofclearanceto be in measured later Investigatetypeof lesson). agent concentration. or Workingcritically with secondaryevidence Use evidence secondary from text and books, the internet sourcesother draw to a timeline how treatment show to . Brainstorm usedBrainstorm medicines Developingargument Describe theimpact antibiotic of resistance explainhow and this has impactedoncleaningpractices in Britain’sResearchMRSA and hospitals. C.treatment. difficile and infections Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Application societyand to cultural understanding Discuss: relieveto and disease; symptoms treat namesofsomeantibiotics. Researchwork ofFlemingand/or and theFlorey Chain discuss and impact society oftheir on work Opportunities to Opportunities develop 1 Suggested timing 1 (lessons) developing drugs thatdeveloping kill drugs Explain how antibiotics to antibiotics Explain work how combatpathogens. thetreatmentExplain how of changeddiseasehas due to understanding of the action antibiotics immunity. and Explain in the difficulty Describe ofaseptictheuse techniques explain theand precautionstaken when handling microorganisms. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be problems of problems overuse. of resistance,Antibiotic egMRSA. leadMutationsto temperatures. – Use ofantibiotics howworkthey and relieve symptoms. Investigating the actionofdisinfectants and antibiotics; aseptic techniques; incubation Use Use to ofmedicines Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option i h n o g m 44 of

11 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate against disease Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills of disease has changed overofdiseasehas changed theyears. Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Applicationsimplications and theEvaluate consequences flu of pandemicsidentifycategories and of atmostthe and individuals risk strategies therisks.reduceto used Developingexplanations using ideas models and Devise explain tohow a a model new, namedantibioticbeentohas used spread slow bacteria. down resistant of Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) rate of development of resistantstrains of bacteria. viruses without damaging damaging viruseswithout body tissues. Evaluatetheconsequencesof and mutationsofbacteria epidemicsviruses toin relation and pandemics. HTonly Explainwhat should we doslowto down the Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be antibiotics antibiotics combatto resistant bacteria. spread rapidly. spread Development ofnew resistant strains of resistant of strains pathogenswhichcan Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option k j 44 of

12 PPT B1.2 The system nervous Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Response to Response temperature: bowls three ofwater – and hot, warm ice- cold.  Selecting managing Selecting and variables manage and Plan a of variety body illustrate variables to eg responses Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Detecting response response different to Explain Explain ofstimuli how detection protects thebody danger from Demo: temperatures. HowWorks:Science Scientific CommunicationScientific skills audience Communicationfor and purpose reactions Describe response stimulus eglight,touch,loud movement, bang, smelland taste. Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) 1-2 Explain receptorsExplain thehow in Describe ofthethefunctions mainstructures thenervous in system. Beto able a sequence reflex to actionfrom stimulus response Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be stimuli. react their to and surroundings coordinate behaviour. Receptorsdetect The The system nervous enablesto humans Summary the of Specification Content Nerves and Nerves hormones Spec Reference Choose option b B1.2.1 The system The B1.2.1 nervous a B1.2 B1.2 44 of

13 The Sheep Sheep Dash The can activity be found websiteat the BBCon Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate

Skin sensitivity: Skin with1 cm set Hairpin gap, blindfolds. Taste receptors: Taste coffee and sugar, Salt, to solutions lemon taste.   Obtainingand primary presenting evidence and Discuss the senses to completea table show name sense, of main organ it stimulusto and responds primary evidence Obtainingand primary presenting evidence and systematic Use apply Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills

HowWorks:Science : : Developingargument Use and knee-jerk areflexes pupil as Studentsfordiscussion. stimulus Scientific CommunicationScientific skills different draw thetongue on – tastes of results diagram tongue. on Discuss areas Investigatesensitivity differentof ofthebody. Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) examples. Explain Explain of the importance reflex beactionsableand giveto eye, ear, tongue and eye, ear, skin tongue are and they linkedthestimulito detect. Describe light receptor how a cell cytoplasm a nucleus, has and membrane. cell Explain of the importance being able respond to to environmental changes. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Pathwayofnerve Impulses reflex and actions. Basic structure of Basic structure a of light cell. receptor Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option e d c 44 of

14 or sensors and sensors or dataloggers. Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate e/humanbody/sleep/s heep Metre- time: Reaction blindfolds rulers and time using using timedifferent ofcombinations Past receptors. BLY1 questions. exam cardsto Use sequence Match in structures Investigate Investigate reaction the ofanerve the pathway Arrange impulse. holdingcards candidates thissequenceand in role eachand discuss of impulse passes how one from another. to    Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills gather to observations data. presentation ofchosen Justify praph,chart pie data eg table, etc Scientific CommunicationScientific skills discuss importance gather and their examples other leading into are explanation ofwhy they than faster avoluntary action. Developingexplanations usingmodels a Studentsusemodel eg Sheep Dash Activityexplain toreaction times Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) sensory sensory response → → relay motor effector receptor → → → → Describe ways different of measuring reaction time. Describe ofa thepathway nervea reflex in impulse responseexplain theroles and ofthestructures involved. stimulus neurone neurone neurone Explain ofchemicals at the role synapses. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option 44



. temperature: Body and Digital forehead thermometers. Exercise: Thermometers, Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate pupil to response pupil light. is Investigate what body normal temperature. Investigate the effect nerve pathway to pathway nerve reflex different actions, ofsaliva eg production smellingfood; when   Planning and Planning approach Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills , sugar and heat., and Beto sugar the able link 2 Communication for audience Communicationfor and purpose Describe and thebody’sinputs outputs onadiagramwater, ofthebodyions, – CO helpsorgan control thecondition it to in the body. Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) 1-2 Describe some conditions thatDescribe some conditions needbetothecontrolled in body. temperatureExplain why body tohas be controlled. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be temperature and sugarblood levels. The The need control to waterion and contentofthebody, Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option B1.2.2 Control in the in ControlB1.2.2 human body a 44


16 tubes, water water tubes, baths, or solution ice, iodine Benedict’s solution goggles. and CLEAPPS Check PPTB1.2.2 the in Control human body Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate and cotton wool balance. Temperature and and enzymes: Starch solutions, amylase of ontemperatureof egenzyme activity, starch. of digestion of exercise of body on and/ortemperature sweating. Investigate the effect  . Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Recap the control of blood thecontrol Recapblood of sugar levelssugar into ofas a lead names hormones, otherthey where are producedand they how are thebody. aroundtransported Describe that collectively changes occurpuberty and in at – boys girls whatcauses them? Scientific CommunicationScientific skills audience Communicationfor and purpose Devise advertising campaign an for a holidayresort families at targeted to show the dangers body the to of remaining thesun periods. in for long Developingexplanations using ideas models and Discuss: Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Explain the source function of Explain of the source function hormones Describe that some changes occurlink at and with puberty secretion hormones. of Describe that thehormones control themenstrual and cycle theglandsthat produce them. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Hormonal control of Hormonalcontrol of themenstrual – cycle FSH, LH and oestrogen. chemicalsubstances produced by glands and to transported target in organs the blood. Hormones are Hormones are Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option c d b 44 of


can be found can be at /en good Acan activity be at found for‘New searching womb?’. on information Useful beatfound IVF can k by ‘In searching Vitro Fertilisation’. PPT1.2.2 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate information Useful Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills contraceptives. Beto how oral able state contraceptives been have improvedover the years. Researchwhyeach is hormone used forproduce a report and a teen onthemagazine advantages disadvantages and ofdifferent oral   Applicationsand implications Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Use egchart,diagram,a model etctoanimation thenames,sites show ofFSH, ofproduction effects LH and and in cycle. oestrogen the menstrual Workingwithprimary evidence Identify in usedthe hormones contraceptives audience Communicationfor and purpose Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Explain Explain thehormones the link contraceptivesused oral in to their onthebody. effects Use egadiagram a flowmodel explaintotheprocess In of Fertilisation Vitro(IVF). Evaluate thebenefits and problems using to of hormones controlfertility. Describe that thehormones may oral in be present contraceptives. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Uses of hormones Uses in hormones of thecontrol offertility – contraception oral drugs.and fertility Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option e 44 of

18 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate thein Control Body Human Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills to describeto

Invite Invite outside an speaker to discuss egcontraception, women’s nurse. health Researchtheprocess IVF of forand leaflet produce a a doctor’ssurgery themainstages in involved IVF treatment. differentApply ethical approaches amaking to decisionnon-vital about transplants. Discusspossible causes of meninfertility womenin and and available. treatment     Scientific CommunicationScientific skills cultural understanding Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option B1.2.3 Control in plants in ControlB1.2.3 44 of

19 by Three www.s- growth’ Obstacle course: shoe identical boxes obstacle with simple course and inside one dish hole at end, mustard seedlings, of broad germinating sprouting bean and potato. negativeand Positive Broad phototropism: held by bean seedling in with light pin jar througha entering slit. Light sensitivity: Three Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate on information Useful growth be plant can at found for‘plant searching Investigate

Students use evidence Students use demoofafromplant’s oftouch – sense fly Venustrap, Mimosa, Honeysuckle fromclips toor video ofsuggest degrees sensitivity plant Effectoflight on ofshoots growth – evenlightdark, light, and box in clinostat box. light ofashoot part which light. to is sensitive   evidence plants Are sensitive? all Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills withWorking critically primary evidence Obtainingand primary presenting Comparecontrasttheand to ability plants differentof reachcourse. – obstacle light Explain negative positive and phototropism. Use diagrams explain to plant responses terms in of of distribution auxin. InterpretDarwin’s Charles investigations tropisms into     Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Developingexplanationsand arguments using models Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 2 (lessons) Describe how plant shoots and Describe shoots how plant respond roots light, gravity to and moisture. Explain ofauxin in the role in plant of terms responses shoots in unequal distribution and roots. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be gravitymoistureand are by the controlled unequal distribution ofauxin causes which unequal rates growth roots. in and shoots and coordinate growth plants. in light,toResponses light, moisture light,moisture and gravity. Hormones control Plant shoots Plantshoots and respond roots to Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option c b a 44 of

Broad 20

Rooting Gravity: Gravity: Grow broad in in jar darkbeans positions, different paper. blotting in bean seedling – dark in clinostat still. and rotating B1.2.3 in Control plants Rooting hormone: ofwater powder, jars plant and cuttings. killer: Weed Selective weed killer solution. Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate seedlings oat pots of boxes three – in light tips removed, tips coveredand untreated. Interpret Interpret experiments and blocks using agar withshoot seedlings removed. tips Effect of gravity on Effectofgravity on ofplants growth responseDemo to water. Investigate ofInvestigate the effect onhormones rooting ofcuttings. growth ofweedInvestigate effect area killer lawn. an of on      Planning anapproach Planning panthormones Are all useful? Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Explain how plant plant Explain hormoneshow are and as used weed killers rooting hormones. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Use Use ofplant in hormones agriculture and horticulture. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d 44 of

21 PPT B1.3 PPTB1.3 Use abuseof and drugs on information Useful can thalidomide be at found www.thalidomideuk.c om Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills producea Research and Discuss drug safety and Discuss Brainstorm – what what is Brainstorm – a original use, use, original use pregnantwomen, in currentuses.    Discuss: how tested drugs are today. Using models sequencestagestoCards/cut-outs in drugand testingpurpose and trialling ofeach stage. Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Presentingand writing descriptionsand explanations Discuss: drug? ofmedicines.Names Use pictures relate to usesand problems with associated thalidomide. Research: to newspaper report thalidomide on include Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) double-blind double-blind trial. Describe theusesand problems with associated thalidomide. thedrugExplain testing how procedure was for thalidomide inappropriate. Describe in themainsteps atestingBenewdrug. able to give reasons for the different stagesdrugtesting. in Explain placebo the terms and Explain Explain and the term ‘drug’ give examples medical of drugs. needbe Explain to why drugs tested canbeforethey be prescribed. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Thalidomide Testing of Testing newdrugs of and trials. clinical Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d a b B1.3 The The abuseofdrugs B1.3 use and Drugs B1.3.1 44 of


timer/pulse ratetimer/pulse arulerand sensor measure (alternative ofeffect caffeine on concentration rateofdaphnia) heart dataableBeuseto graph a from line to describethe between relationship baby mass birth a of thenumberof and cigarettes by smoked the mother. on information Useful befound drugs can Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Caffeine: coffee/energy decaf drink/coke vs. water, or version Smoking machine toSmoking with inherited B1.1.1d). with factors inherited Obtainingand evidence presenting ofInvestigate the effect onheart caffeine rate or time reaction B1.2.1 (see time reaction experiment’). Obtainingand primary presenting evidence Demo: carbonand dioxide show tar Studentscontent smoke. of and data gather present Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills withWorking critically secondary evidence (links Interpret data statins on Brainstorm on recreational Brainstorm on Students work in groups Students work groups to in produceargumentsforand thenagainstthestatement debate class in Postershow toof effects   his life so why shouldn’t whyhis shouldn’t so I?’ life Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Developingargument Discuss: and legal drugs,sortinto illegal and discuss them. why people use Presentingand writing arguments ‘My 85 smoked has granddad and is all Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 1 (lessons) becomeaddictedato recreationaldrug Evaluate theimpact smoking of onhealth. Describe theevaluate and effect ofstatins in cardiovascular disease. Describe some recreational drugs. Describe ofsome effects caffeine the body. on person Explain why might a Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Overall impact of legal drugs amountofcholesterol in the blood. Recreational drugs Statins lower theStatinslower Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option g e c 44 of

23 by website website at searching‘smoking calculator’. information Further be smoking on can at found Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate at usefultool Aabout be smoking can NHS theon found Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills claims about made

chemicalssmoke in the on body. Calculate ofsmokingthe cost cigarettes.  an opinion about an opinion theeffect ofprescribedand non- prescribeddrugsonhealth. Students writecamea how aboutthey blog to thisview Scientific CommunicationScientific skills onpackets warningShow of health cigarettes;videoclips smoking of adverts. peoplesmoke? Why do agreementReaching an on scientific explanations Use evidence to research from at arrive Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Evaluatewhysomepeople use forrecreation. illegal drugs Evaluatemade claims the about effectofprescribedand non- prescribeddrugsonhealth. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option 44 of

24 by by drinks with units per drinks measure. tool drinking aboutA found can be the on website NHS at ‘alcohol searching tracker’. on Information can cannabis be NHS theon found website at ‘the searching of dangers cannabis’. information Further be drugs on can Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate alcoholic of Exhibition primary primary evidence individuals Evaluate whether smoke drinkwho alcoholand receiveexcess to should the NHS assame treatment those do not by-pass who eg heart lungtransplant operations, withWorking critically primary secondaryand evidence use Interpret data drug on Interpret use data cannabis on drugshard progression to and Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills withWorking critically Discuss effects Discuss ofalcohol How fine is the line Howtheline fine between is recreationaland drugs? hard ‘hard everCan drugs’ beusing justified? Students gather fora class evidence debate from Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Applications,implications and cultural understanding Discuss: onthebody,recommended for units men women. and and Survey calculate friends and family numberofunits consumed ofalcohol in give What you a advise would week. drinking?about Applicationsand implications cultural understanding Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 1 (lessons) thebodyand withdrawal symptoms. prescribeddrugsonhealth. Describe oftheeffects cannabis onthebody. Considerthepossible progressionrecreationalfrom hard to drugs. Describe oftheeffects heroin/cocaineaddiction on Evaluate the impact of alcohol Evaluate theimpact alcohol of onhealth. Evaluatewhysomepeopleuse forrecreation. illegal drugs Evaluatemade claims the about effectofprescribedand non- Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Drug and addiction withdrawalsymptoms – and heroin cocaine. Recreational Recreational drugs Cannabis than illegal drugs drugs than as illegal morepeopleuse them. Recreational Recreational drugs Impactdrugsoflegal onhealth is greater Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option h e f g e


and of by

25 by Watch video at at for‘drugs’. searching Video: from site clips NHS use.cocaineon Information about drugs in sport can be found onBBC GCSE Bitesize at ols/gcsebitesize searching ‘doping’or ‘performance enhancing drugs’. Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate theon found following websites the NHS on website Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills

Research types drugsof Invite Invite outside an speaker,eg alcoholadviser. drugsand Researcheffects ofcannabis onthebody. Watch NHS video clip the on dangerssmokingofcannabis.    increase muscle bulk? muscleincrease Students researchand debate Research: used insport and their effectson the arguments body andproduce a writing table. and Presenting Scientific CommunicationScientific skills . Reaching about agreement scientific explanations to supplement a dietary Is taking athletes in and stamina boost fitness to steroids taking to different any Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Evaluateofdrugstheuseto enhanceperformance sport. in Considertheethical issues of performance drugs. enhancing Describe and some effects risks ofthese drugs. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be enhancing drugs. Steroidsand performance Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option i 44 of

by 26

Useful information information Useful found can be the on websiteat BBC searching and ‘adaptations behaviours’. information Further found can be at m can video Usefulclips be the BBCon found Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Use full full of Use range enquirypracticaland planning; skillsie assessingvariable; and risk;obtaining evidence; presenting evaluating Investigate the rate cooling of eitherSURFACEAREA– colourofratio, (SA)/Volume or body, body covering Link to results huddling. Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills produce aofplants, display microorganismsanimalsand explainwithtohowlabels their helptoadaptationsthem survive their habitat. Include in examples extremophilesof  Scientific CommunicationScientific skills play, Rolewriteor a about story debate randomsport; drugusingdrugs in testing; caught cheating. getting audience Communicationfor and purpose Areontheplanetall living things adapted or one another? in way Use evidence to Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 2 (lessons) adaptations for survival in forsurvivalin adaptations a desert. Explain Explain the reason for range in ofadaptations a organisms. organismsExplain are how adapted in survive to their habitat. Describe explainand forsurvivalin adaptations the Arctic. Describe explainand Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be 1.4 Interdependenceand 1.4 adaptation withspecificfeatures oftheenvironment. Extremophiles Adaptations for survivalin deserts and the Arctic. Adaptations copeto Adaptations Adaptations for survival. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option g f e B1.4.1 AdaptationsB1.4.1 d YEAR - YEAR 11 44 of

27 by (clip 10469), plant plant (clip 10469), – adaptations extreme (clip cold plant 5506), and – adaptations extreme (clip heat 5514). Video clip on displays. courtship of Exhibition camouflaged organisms. PPTB1.4 Interdependenc adaptation e and Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate website at ngzone/clips forsearching bacteria extremophile Working withWorking critically secondary evidence curves, Interpret eg population greyred lynx,hare and and native and and squirrels, American crayfish.. withWorking critically primary evidence of thedistribution Investigating ontheschoolfield plants or Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills organisms. different Or Brainstorm factors that that Brainstorm factors and desert and and arctic desert and organisms. Prepareanypresentation in a mediaanswer to the question.  affect the survival of organisms in a affect a organisms thesurvival of in resourceshabitat.that Discuss competeorganismsmay forand the effectonpopulations. Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Presentingand writing arguments Discuss: Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) 2-3 Describe adaptations some Describe that adaptations Describe thatfactors affect the theirsurvivaloforganisms in habitat. Describe resourcesthat plants competeand forin animals a given habitat. Define the term extremophile and togeneral be able give examples. Beto able seen relate features to in a the organism’s diagram survival. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be light,space, water and nutrients. Animals for compete food, mates and Organismsrequire materials their from and surroundings from organisms other survive. to Plants compete for Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option b a 44


28 Be able to give able Begive to two in which ways damage thehumans environment. ableBeto dipping: Pond samplenets,Kick and trays pots, identification charts, oxygen,pHand sensorstemperature identification Lichen clipboards. charts, Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate


Investigate Planning anapproach Planning ofrainDemonstrateuse and -and gauges maximum minimum thermometers ofequipment usemeasure to and oxygen,temperature rainfall.. and Assessing risk workingsafely the effect levels phosphate of and growth algal oxygen on Pond/stream levels dipping measurementofand factors, egenvironmental Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills between light relationship plants. and of intensity types radishseedlings in Competition trials spacingheight – and withB3.4.1).B2.4.1 and (links environment can changehowenvironment and

distribution ofspecies, distribution bird disappearance ofbees, global sulfur warming,agriculturalpollution, and dioxide in oxygen levels water. Reaching on agreement scientific explanations Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Presentingand writing descriptionsand explanations Prepareconcept mapto a how show an these couldaffect changes organisms withinShow it. eg onthe impact Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) 2-3 Interpret dataoninvertebrates and pollution. water change and the distribution changethedistribution and and ofliving behaviour organisms. Describe howwith examples canan change. environment Interpretdataonlichen and dioxide distribution sulfur levels. organisms have to avoidorganismstohavebeing eaten. Interpretpopulation curves. Evaluatedataonenvironmental Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be – lichens – and lichens invertebrates. Measuring environmental organisms. Environmental livingchanges to due and non-living factors. Indicators pollution of Environmental changetheand of distribution territory. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d c b a B1.4.2 Environmental B1.4.2 change c 44 of

29 by Jars of water of Jars A useful clip on usefulclip Athe on beebe honey can BBCtheon found website at ngzone/clips forclip searching ‘7187’. Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Phosphate levels: algae, and phosphate pipettesand solution oxygenand sensor. choice Carrya lichen out survey on trees/walls. survey localon and Interpret data lichens on invertebrates. chambers: Choice with areas chambers, of conditions, woodlicedifferent maggots. or Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills changes temperaturea over oxygenday, content ofwater pH.. and areindicatorWhat species? Scientific CommunicationScientific skills isResearchwhythebee population falling theeffects have and this will (overlap and B3.4) with and come B2.4 Share an to with informed opinion. group Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be changes. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option 44 of

30 need be to Candidates not Useful information information Useful found can be at odwebs Leaf litter, identification charts, and balance containers. Note: do Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Obtainingand primary presenting evidence – litter Investigate leaf separate material and plant into types differentanimals; of pyramids construct ofnumber biomass. and critically with Working data secondary Interpret data energy on Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Developingexplanations usingmodels Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop 1 Suggested timing 1 (lessons) is transferred alongaisfoodtransferred Beto and able construct interpret pyramids biomass. of Describe mass how and energy Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Pyramidsofbiomass ofenergy for most communities; photosynthesis. Pyramidsofbiomass. The Sun The is Sun the source Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option b b a B1.5.1 biomassEnergyB1.5.1 in B1.5 biomassfood EnergyB1.5 and in chains 44 of

: 31 chains clippings Grass flaskswith Thermos thermometers/tempe probe, rature and disinfectant, wet and dry grass agent. composting Waste PPTB1.6 materials from and plants Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate able interpret to of pyramids number. B1.5 Energy and food biomass in Investigating the Investigating that affectfactors decay,eg moisture, temperature, oxygendecay pH, and  Selecting managing Selecting and variables leaves Why in do decay faster than winter? summer Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills chains listfood and transfer in at lossesenergy level. each Classify Classify items as biodegradable non- and biodegradable agree and criteria for classification.  bebanned? Scientific CommunicationScientific skills and Are biomass pyramids number, of energy pyramidshaped? always Review research and compare to pyramids information of in shown numberand discuss and why biomass biomass each decreasesat level. Presentingand writing arguments packaging Shouldnon-biodegradable Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 2 (lessons) leaves decay? to Describe how plants Describe and how plants theanimalstoreturn materials environment. Describe of therole microorganismsin decay. Beto able name the type of livingorganismwhichcauses chain. Explain why and energy reducedbiomass is at successivestagesafood in chain. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be environment in wastes when and and organismsdie decay. Living things things Living remove materials thefrom environmentfor growth other and processes;are these toreturned the Energy losses in food Energy in losses chains. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option B1.6.1 processesDecayB1.6.1 a B1.6 plantsand WastematerialsB1.6 from animals c 44 of

32 Useful information on information Useful can earthworms be at found www.curriculumbits.c byfor searchingom ‘Earthworm investigation’. Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate animals Earthworm Competition – whose – Competition will potato decay the thebest Plan fastest? fordecay conditions of or breadof fruit. Investigate the rate of decay ofgrass clippings Set up up a Set wormery and   Demo: howthey observe improve the breakdowndeadand soil leaves. activity: Online investigation. Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills some Show gardencanwastes be recycled. Discuss why plants in in Discuss whyplants a wood to continue the without grow and use relate to fertilisers of recycling ofmaterials. Researchhowkitchen and Discuss: examples rotting of foods; caused hasdiscuss what the tofoodWhat would rot. happen rotthings if didn’t when died? they    Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Developingexplanations using ideas models and Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) effectiveness ofrecycling organic garden kitchen or wastes. Describe affecting factors the rateofdecay. decayExplain is useful to how plants. Evaluate thenecessity and Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be to stable to communities. Decay releases forplantnutrients growth. Materialis constantly cycled can and lead Conditions for Conditions decay Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d c b 44 of

33 Carbon dioxide Carbon coaloil and sensor, Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Assessing risk and Assessing risk workingsafely Show ofDemos: examples fossil fuel burn fossil a fuels; bubblethefumesthrough and limewater. to sensors Use carbon measure in a levels theair; dioxide show ofcoaldiscuss piece and what howis and it formed. it was Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Revise Revise dioxideis how carbon used plants in by why photosynthesis this is and  programme? Gather debateto evidence this topic from the following Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Applicationsand implications cultural understandings resources actionto Can natural any use be recyclingif is justified part it a of Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) dioxide in in dioxide the atmosphere. Explain Explain in the carbon cycle terms ofphotosynthesis, respiration,death feeding, and decay, wood of combustion fuels. and fossil Explain of the role microorganismsand detritus feeders decay. in Explain why deforestation increasestheamountofcarbon Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be involved in in involved the carboncycle. The The main processes Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option a B1.6.2 The The B1.6.2 carboncycle 44 of

34 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate fuels, inverted glass inverted fuels, glass Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Demo: directto funnel fumesthrough and tube oflimewater pump. of use to animals. ofuse What animals. to tohappens carbon? the how thecarbon passes from it plants is how animals; to toreturned the air; die; whatwhen happens things describehow thecarbon in dead bemayrecycled. bodies offormation combustion and fossilfuels.    Cut-out coloured different cards for processes arrange organisms and and them in the carbon as cycle. Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Developingideas through models Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option 44 of

35 B1.7 GeneticB1.7 and variation its control information Useful found can be at Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Obtainingand primary presenting evidence – survey characteristics of Class and results a collate table in the results produce of a display appropriateformat. in Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Discuss genetic and Discussgenetic and environmental variation. Discussand continuous   Developingargument sameoftheWhy do species organisms show variation? Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) 1-2 tables charts. and Classify asClassify characteristics being due or genetic to environmental causes. Decidetothebest way present information in variation about Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be ofvariation. Genetic and environmental causes Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option B1.7.1 WhyorganismsB1.7.1 aredifferent d B1.7 GeneticB1.7 variation itscontrol and 44 of

36 by searching by ‘the searching Name cards to sort.cardstoName Microscopes, and prepared slides, bioviewers. karyotypes of Photos partiallypaired – chromosomes. www.sciencemuseum. OutMore/Yourgenes also available this is PDF. for download in Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate your in futuregenes’. What determines determines What gender? cells Why stem are so valuable? genetic Should be screening compulsory    species different in species growing ofschool grounds, areas eg in oflength leaf areas sun/shade withWorking critically primary secondaryand evidence as Rich such Ask questions secondary Students use toanswers evidence suggest to the questions Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills whetherin Include the table due eachcharacteristic to is or genetic environmental both. or causes, plant variationin Measure a Look at chromosomes on bioviewers. slides or Lookof at photographs chromosomesfrommale a femaleand pair cuta and or chromosomesfromof photos discontinuous variation. discontinuous variation.   Scientific CommunicationScientific skills knowtohad you Would you a want if illnessgenetic tothat predisposition couldbe linkedenvironment? to Eg highcholesterollevels family in Examine of thebenefits how knowing genes can be linked diseases to Developingexplanations usingmodels egStudentsproduce models animations, explain diagram toartefact, therelationship between nucleus, cell, chromosome. gene gather evidence, for example, from Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) gene. Describe theorderofsize of cell, chromosome nucleus, and Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be chromosomesthat carry genes. information about information about characteristics and are passed from parents offspring to in gametes. Nucleus contains Different genes controldifferent characteristics. Genes carry Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option b a c 44 of

37 Be ableBesequenceto the stages in involved cell adult cloning. videoclips Show of of egg fertilisation an sperm and by a of Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Application ofscience Application the subsidise Should EU farmer the horticultural at oftraditional growingexpense methods? cuttings Take stem of leaf ofgeraniums or cuttings Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Do needwe males? really maleand female karyotypes.  Developingargument to recap Rich ofsupport questions reproduction pairs Students work small groups or in researchto shareanswers and Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) Describe reproduction sexualas Explain why sexual Explain why sexual reproductionin results but variation, asexual produce reproduction does not variation. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be sexual results sexual in results variationin the offspring to due ofmixing genes; Thereareforms two ofreproduction – Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option B1.7.2 Reproduction B1.7.2 a 44 of

38 Healthy potato sprouting, sprouting, potato plant spider runners, producing amoebaand bulb, yeast. Cuttings: and geranium plants African violets, potatoes, sprouting or knives scissors, compost,pots,warm water, and. labels rooting marker pens, wanted. if compound forWorksheet Cauliflower activity found can be at Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate pollinating insects Show flowers strawberry runners, on carrot growingtop paper, damp blotting Working withWorking critically primary evidence cauliflower Students produce Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills African produce potato violets; sprouting frompotatoes. plants Issex necessary? solve theworld Can scientists shortage? food Doleadhermaphroditesa solitaryexistence?    Applications,implications and cultural understanding/ Developingexplanations using ideas models and Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) about theeconomic,about and social Interpret information about Interpret information about cloningtechniques. Makeinformed judgements the joining ofmaleand thejoining female gametes. Define the term ‘clone’. can plant Explain cuttings how begrown newplants. into Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Moderncloning techniques tissue – culture,embryo adult and transplants to theto plant. parent clones. New can be plants produced by taking Theycuttings.are genetically identical asexual produces genetically identical Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option c b 44 of

and 39 by Video oncloning Video clips found can be the on websiteat BBC ngzone/clips forclips searching ‘4139’. and ‘4140’ websites Usefulare Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate k/students/projects/1 49 Applications, Applications, and implications unders cultural anding Interpret information/ cloningtechniques. dataabout Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills from guidance –follow clones draw and SAPS reliable from evidence conclusions the gathered Discuss how identical Discuss twins Watch a video Watch cell a video clip adult of Developingargument cloningbeallowed? Shouldhuman Researchand theadvantages debate plants of and disadvantages cloning and animals. Research latestlegislation human on ethicaland cloningand social discuss Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Discuss: are and formed lead embryo to on transplants. toStudentsproduce models explain themethod or transplants embryo of adult cloning. cell and strengthsStudentsevaluate weaknesses ownother and their of models Developingexplanations using ideas models and Video: cloning/Dolly the sheep. Produce flow the describediagram to a processofadult cloningor cell carry outactivity.sortingcard Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) cell animals. in cloning Explain and advantages disadvantagesofcloning techniques. Beto argumentsable present humanforand cloning. against ethical issues concerning cloning. Describe theprocessoftissue culture plants. in Explain of the importance plant cloningto growers. Describe theprocessofembryo animals. in transplants Describe theprocessofadult Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be cell cloning. Moderncloning techniques tissue – culture,embryo adult and transplants cell cloning. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option c 44 of

40 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills Scientific CommunicationScientific skills cloning.issues related human to Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option 44 of


Information on Information reasons whypeople reasons against growingare crops. GM modified genetically can food be at found www.curriculumbits.c om PPTB1.7 Genetic and variation its control Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate ableBegive to two whyfarmers reasons in ofare favour GM growing crops. able Begive to two by searching Organic farmers Organic organisers Food-Aid Researchscientists GM Students themselves     and cons ofgrowing cons and modified geneticallyand food produce up fifty wordto headline to paragraphs represent of the views ongenetic Information can at be engineering found malaria’. for ‘mosquitoes vs Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills withWorking critically secondary evidence about Interpret information engineering genetic Weigh up pros the techniques. and Research advantages theterms Brainstorm what producea a web table or page of benefits concerns forhomework. versus Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Reaching on agreement scientific explanations Discuss: geneticgenetic engineering, genemodificationtherapyand mean. List ofgenetic examples engineering. audience Communicationfor and purpose Produceleaflet doctors a surgery for a explaintohow is human insulin producedbyand the bacteria discuss advantages porcine this over of insulin B3.3.3). (links with Research: disadvantages ofGM crops; what characteristics bemodified;may Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) 1-2 about theeconomic,about and social ethical issues concerning genetic engineering. Explain and advantages disadvantagesofgenetic engineering. Define the term ‘genetic engineering’. Describe theprocessofgenetic engineering produce to bacteria can producethat have insulin crops that and desiredcharacteristics. Interpret information about genetic techniques. engineering Makeinformed judgements Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Examplesofgenetic engineering. Concerns about genetically modified (GM)crops Genetic engineering techniques. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option f d e 44 of

42 by evolution natural and evolution be selection can BBCtheon found website at ngzone/clips forclips searching ‘5516’. and ‘5523’ Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate on Video clips Planning an Planning with approach/Working Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills produceResearch and Look at exhibition to show to exhibition Look at Watchvideo onDarwin’s report on evolutionary reportegtheories,onevolutionary Lamarck,Darwin, Creationism, Buffon, and able Cuvier. Begive to two reasons why people were against ideasDarwin’s that Presentingand writing descriptionsand explanations Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Workingcritically with primaryand secondary evidence Discuss: thatthewidevariety live, organisms of or onEarth. lived, have Where come did they from?Describe Video: theories othertheory and evolutionof Research: Opportunities to Opportunities develop 1 Suggested timing 1 plus (lessons) HWK Darwin’s theoryDarwin’s ofevolution Identify differencesIdentify between Describe Darwin’stheory of evolution. Describe theoriesofdifferent evolution. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be Evolution Evolution occurs by natural selection. beinherited. Other theories,Other eg Lamarck, basedare mainlyontheidea that changes that occur in organism an its duringcan lifetime Darwin’s theoryDarwin’s of by evolution natural selection. Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option e c a B1.8 B1.8 Evolution Evolution B1.8.1 44 of

43 PPT1.8 Evolution Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate HT between organisms between ( organisms scalesthetimeinvolved include evolution). in withWorking critically primary secondaryand evidence Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills secondary evidence) how gather Describe to for evidence evolutionary an tree describerelationships to finches and upfincheswith thematch and they Galapagos Island lived onfoodonbased available there. Naturalselection role play activities. Pepperedgame; explain moth in ofnatural terms selection. Produce todiagram flow byexplain evolution natural selection. ofLook at pictures Darwin’s     Reaching agreementReaching an on scientific explanations Scientific CommunicationScientific skills Does producebetter always evolution organisms? selectionand Discuss natural create a mediaofchoicepresentation in to answer the rich question Developingexplanations using ideas models and Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing 1 (lessons) was only gradually was accepted. only to moreto achange rapid in species. Explain why theory Darwin’s and conflicting and theories. conflicting for Suggest reasons the different theories. Explain ‘inherited’ the terms and characteristics. ‘acquired’ Describe thestages natural in selection. Define the term ‘mutation’. Explain lead may why mutation Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be The The of theory was evolution only accepted. gradually evolution. Mutations may Mutations lead moreto rapid Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option b f 44 of

44 Self/Peer Self/Peer assessment & Opportunities resources past to reference that questions success indicate Exhibition of organisms to organisms of Exhibition could groups (this classify into on be the first lesson evolution). ofinto Sort pictures organisms evolutionarytimeline. an Opportunities to developto Opportunities apply and Practical and Enquiry skills by drawn Evaluate conclusions followers. his Why Darwin and somepeopletodaynot do accept theories Darwin’s

Explain why Darwin did not Explain why Darwin did straight publish theory his was away why it only and accepted. gradually Interpret evidence to relating evolutionarytheory fossils, – pictures ofhorses, humans, treeoflife etc.   Scientific CommunicationScientific skills HowWorks:Science Opportunities to Opportunities develop

Suggested timing (lessons) Interpret toevidence relating evolutionarytheory. Classify organisms on based their similarities. Learning Learning Outcomes should mostWhat candidates do to able be between organisms betweenorganisms to allows us classify them animals, as plants or microorganisms. Studying Studying similarities and differences Summary the of Specification Content

Spec Reference Choose option d