Notice is hereby given that a proposed Annexation Agreement to the Village of Winnebago, Winnebago, Illinois, has been filed by each of the owners of record of the properties located at 1426 Westfield Road (ownership by Taylor Houston and Betty Houston); 216 West Cunningham Road (Brian D. Pauley and Donna L. Pauley); and 1529 Westfield Road and 1545 Westfield Road designated as Northern portion and Southern portion, respectively, (Donald J. Stacy and Jane E. Stacy), which properties all share a Winnebago, Illinois, address, but are in the unincorporated area of Winnebago County. Said parties are each requesting that their respective lands owned, as legally described below, be annexed to the Village of Winnebago, and as to Property No. 1, and Property No. 3, (Northern Portion) listed hereinbelow, that the same be zoned as District No. 1--One Family Residential District, as to Property No. 3 (Southern Portion) listed hereinbelow, that the same be zoned as District No. 5--Light Industrial District, and as to Property No. 2 listed below, that the same be zoned District No. 6--Agricultural (with livestock):


Part of the West Half (1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 9, Township 26 North, Range 11 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the West line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, distant 316.90 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Quarter (1/4) Section, as measured along the West line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence East parallel with the South line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 217.80 feet; thence North, parallel with the West line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 200 feet; thence West, parallel with the South line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 217.80 feet to the West line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence South, along the West line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 200 feet to the place of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Common Address: 1426 Westfield Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088 Owner(s) of Record: Taylor Houston and Betty Houston P.I.N.: 14-09-451-002 PROPERTY NO. 2: Part of the West Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 17, Township 26 North, Range 11 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the West Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section; thence South along the East line of said tract, 409 feet; thence West parallel with the North line of said Section, 280 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of said tract, 409 feet to the North line of said Section; thence East along the North line of said Section to the place of beginning; situated in Winnebago County, State of Illinois. Common Address: 216 West Cunningham Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088 Owner(s) of Record: Brian D. Pauley and Donna L. Pauley P.I.N.: 14-17-226-001 PROPERTY NO. 3: Whole Property Description Part of the East Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 16, Township 26 North, Range 11 East of the 4th P. M., bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 16; thence West along the North line of said Section, a distance of 412.5 feet; thence South parallel with the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, a distance of 507.0 feet; thence East parallel with the North line of said section, a distance of 412.5 feet to the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section; thence North along the East line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, a distance of 507.0 feet to the place of beginning. Northern Portion Description

Part of the East Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twenty-six (26) North, Range Eleven (11) East of the Fourth (4th) Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16; thence South, along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16, a distance of 272.00 feet; thence West, parallel with the North line of said Section 16, a distance of 412.50 feet; thence North, parallel with the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16, a distance of 272.00 feet to its intersection with the North line of said Section 16; thence East, along the North line of said Section 16, a distance of 412.50 feet to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois. Common Address: 1529 Westfield Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088 (Northern Portion) Owner(s) of Record: Donald J. Stacy and Jane E. Stacy P.I.N.: 14-16-126-001 Southern Portion Description Part of the East Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Twenty-six (26) North, Range Eleven (11) East of the Fourth (4th) Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16; thence South, along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16, a distance of 272.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence South, along the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16, a distance of 235.00 feet; thence West, parallel with the North line of said Section 16, a distance of 412.50 feet; thence North, parallel with the East line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 16, a distance of 235.00 feet; thence East, parallel with the North line of said Section 16, a distance of 412.50 feet to the point of beginning; situated in the County of Winnebago and State of Illinois.

Common Address: 1545 Westfield Road, Winnebago, Illinois 61088 (Southern Portion) Owner(s) of Record: Donald J. Stacy and Jane E. Stacy P.I.N.: 14-16-126-001

An accurate map of the subject property proposed to be annexed to the Village of Winnebago, and each of the complete proposed respective Annexation Agreements are on file with the Village Clerk for public inspection.

You are further notified that said proposed respective Annexation Agreements may be changed, altered, modified, amended, or re-drafted in their entirety after the public hearing.

All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and an opportunity to be heard will be provided in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Village authorities, and any applicable laws.