Name ______Hour ______CLOTHING Fashion, Fabrics & Construction

Lesson 7: Understanding Patterns Directions: as you read the lesson, answer the following questions.

1. Give two guidelines for organizing a project before actually beginning to sew.


2. Why should you press a garment after each construction step? ______

3. What are three parts of a pattern? ______

4. What are four things you can learn by reading the front of a pattern envelope?


5. How does a cutting layout help you organize pattern pieces? ______

6. How are pattern pieces marked to make sewing easier?


7. When preparing a pattern, how can you help ensure that you use only the pattern pieces you need? ______

8. How do you use the grain line to place pattern pieces on grain? ______

9. How can you tell where to sew garment pieces together if a pattern piece is not marked with a seam line? ______Name ______Hour ______CLOTHING Fashion, Fabrics & Construction

Lesson 7: Understanding Patterns 10. What is the difference between “lace on fold” and “fold line” marked on a pattern piece? ______

11. How can you be sure to use the size you want when using a multisized pattern? ______

Directions: What if you were missing part of your pattern? It would be nearly impossible to complete the project! The pattern envelope, guide sheet, and tissue pattern pieces are all vital components of a pattern. Using the codes shown below, indicate where you would expect to find the pattern information and features listed.

PE: Pattern Envelope GS: Guide Sheet PP: Pattern Pieces

_____ 1. Cutting layouts

_____ 2. Photo of finished projects

_____ 3. Amount of fabric needed

_____ 4. Notches

_____ 5. Average time required to complete project

_____ 6. Step-by-step directions

_____ 7. Cutting lines for multisized patterns

_____ 8. General sewing directions

_____ 9. Back view of garments

_____ 10. Dots

_____ 11. Designation as “easy to sew”

_____ 12. Fabric key

_____ 13. Adjustment lines

_____ 14. Required notions

_____ 15. Placement lines