AND POLITICAL Tntellltfenuk
AND POLITICAL TNTELLltfENUK ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, ,>-V t'JrV«*r«*e Waihingto* City WetU} men? Tbj^ In England th*rsi* a stupen thvnuetv£Pinto a totyrohtee, irp- t» an annual j'Ury, wo vww j|| the ' ' Oattfte, a democratic pbper. dous paper system ? And Ibat person* pointed Jordan Hill, £i(|. chairman, counterpart' «f caumaaiug, »p|-.a» William Cobbett.-*- The newt-paper* in authority trample on the neelu of and adopted the protest which wiH having terrible squinting attiiat* •T Inform us that this popular writer' is tbe poorer clause*? Are these to be be" found in tins paper, h was or tocrdioy. It certainly has its (Wo abonttoe«tablish a brunch of his Poltti- tbe topic* of hi* communication* t It coiMtitutctit parts, wtaltlt and power GREEN, col RtgUtff in the United State* of dered to'be published in the three is to be inferred from hi* intimations, of the city. ^IWKthotit an union of the ftro, aa America The motive which he amigrl* that they are. And are these thing" arratocracy could not . exist. , Arc | for the undertaking i* curious, and the nrw to the American mind?. .Do we vre not itrangly prcuwnVshed that I sincerity of it may be regarded as doubt not find the same fact* staring u* in the We the undersigned gfand'juVof*, such must b» t**e u-tuiency ofcau- I ful.. .... face from the day* of Nioirua to those drawn from the counties of Wake, cussea contpossHl 'ofCoMgreeatnfn a<j Mr. Cobbett ha* stated that ba-frndu of George the Third? Prom the period j Franklin, Craftville, Orange, Chat, lie of 'Maryland, sc it difficult, if not impossible, to procure nominau D pr«»rdant, /and -of trie- of the Assyrian empire to t-bat of the ham, Cumberland and lohiistpn, of.
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