Dear Director ( Insert Name)

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Dear Director ( Insert Name)

West Hill Primary School

Minutes of the Full Governing Body Meeting

held on Thursday May 5th 2016 at 6.30 pm at the school

Actions (Bold)

Questions and challenges (Italics)


Present: Sue Nield, Dot Bioletti, Jonathan Brook, Hilary Eade, Matt Fripp, Kara Green, Ian Heard, Debbie Hudson, Jenny Meredith, Sally Sycamore, Sue Tovey and Chris Webster

Clerk: Margaret Whitlock

1. Introduction:

Apologies: Debbie Hudson – sanctioned unanimously

Resignation: Lewis Jones – thanks were extended by the GB for the time, dedication and work that Lewis Jones had contributed to the school through the GB.

Declaration of Governor Interests:

Nothing was declared for this meeting.

Confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on 17.3.16:

The minutes were agreed unanimously by the GB and signed. There was one amendment made by MF to section 5a where the sentence “Governors raised a concern that this figure actually showed a decreasing surplus over each year and CH and MF had noted that it was becoming harder to meet SDP requirements with the reducing level of income, noting an ever greater reliance on PTFA and other external sources of funding for essentials.” This should be moved to section 5b under the 5 year budget plan. (Action - JB to place amended FGB Meeting Final Draft P1 minutes – 17.3.16 on the WHPS website.)

Confirmation of minutes of the meeting held on 19.4.16:

The minutes were agreed unanimously by the GB.

(v) Matter arising from P1 Minutes-17.3.16: a. (1)Visit to be arranged for SN to talk through H&S Audit action plan with SS –not needed as the report is sufficient information, giving clear actions and feedback with a score of 99% compliance. The issue off asbestos will be monitored more closely by the Business Manager and records kept when work is carried out such as the removal of heaters or work on ceilings. JB asked if this was a good result for a H&S Report and SN confirmed that it was exemplary.

b. (1)MW to inform LD that the original date for the GB/staff social has been cancelled and postponed to the summer term - done c. (2) Spring term Visits Reports are pending from MF, LJ and IH – IH done. MF is to submit reports from visits with Emma Powley and Cheryl Haddy as soon as possible. Due to the resignation of LJ the GB agreed that he should be approached to submit the report as the discussions and topics covered related to important issues such as Safeguarding and these notes would be greatly valued. (Action – SN is to contact LJ to request the submission of his Visits Report covering Safeguarding and related topics.) d. (2)MW to send GB the link to register and access courses- - done e. (3a) The role of Village Hall & SMILE Trustee will be outlined for candidates on the Interview Days as Job description not sent out with the App. Pack - done. JB has included this information with the contract and job description sent to Cheryl Boulton. f. (3c) The Committee Terms of Reference to be modified to show the roles of DB and JM by MW - done g. (4a) the D P SCITT document, related to the £300.00 annual funding, will be printed and will be signed by SN & JB - done h. (4) SN to contact David Kirkness to see if he is willing to become Co. Sec. for SMILE LT - done i. (6) DH to complete amendment and review of E-Safety Policy for submission to FGB 5.5.16 - done j. (6) SN to place ratified policies on website if not already updated following committee meetings – done k. (7) JB to compile the documents for the Interview Information Pack for sending to SMc by the end of Monday March 21stMatters arising from actions 17.3.16 – done

Matter arising from P1 Minutes-19.4.16: None

Date of the next FGB Meeting: June 30th 2016 at 6.30 pm

2. Committee Key issues: a. The current vacancy on the HT Performance Management Committee was discussed with a concern raised that the role should be taken by a governor who is neither a parent nor member of staff. Hilary Eade was agreed as the third governor to join Jonathan Brook and Dorothy Bioletti on the committee, which would also be responsible for setting the new HT objectives in September. b. The vacancy of Vice Chair was discussed and it was agreed that the appointment would be deferred until September when elections would take place for both the Chair and Vice Chair.

The role was discussed and responsibility for training and induction was recognised as a key commitment. The role of Foundation Governor, which LJ had held, was explained to the GB and it was agreed that the right skills and background were important considerations, with a person outside the parent group being sought. (Action – The GB was asked to seek out a neutral and suitably skilled person who may be willing to become a Foundation Governor within the next six months.)

However, it was acknowledged that the role of Safeguarding Governor, held by LJ, should be filled immediately. The monitoring and review of the Safeguarding Audit falls under the T&L Committee Lead for Inclusion, which JM has just taken on and to support her in this role Level 3 Safeguarding training will be researched for JM by MW and SN. (Action – JM to attend Safeguarding training to support her new role as Inclusion Lead.) The short Safeguarding training will be followed up for those Governors who did not attend the in-house training on September 2nd led by the Education Welfare Officer with SN checking to see if there are places on the course being held at Feniton Primary School shortly. (Action – SN to see if places are available for Governors on the Safeguarding course to be held at Feniton School.) SN outlined the role which includes termly meetings with her, the Safeguarding Officer, where there is regular monitoring of procedures, concerns are raised and safeguarding issues from other meetings discussed. It was noted that all staff meetings and committee meetings have safeguarding on the agenda and all members of staff and governors are responsible for reporting any safeguarding concerns they may have.

The vacancy left by LJ for Community and Parent Relations was filled by KG who offered to take on the role. (Action – MW to send KG and JM the Terms of Reference for the T&L Committee.)

3. Governing Body Monitoring and Improvement: a. Governor Visits – HE stated that she had been greatly impressed by all she had seen on her English Learning Walk with Emma Powley. Questions had been raised by EP and HE, with ensuing actions being taken by EP to subsequent staff meetings to be discussed; including items such as a handwriting review across the school. In line with the requirement for triangulation of evidence HE will follow up on questions raised in the report during her next visit in the autumn term.

IH reported on his useful meeting and premises discussions, checking on the installation of the boilers, pond fencing etc. He will compose a report for the next Resources Committee meeting, as he will be unable to attend. This will follow up on issues and provide input on any work to be done in the holidays.

MF stated that his EYFS Report was being checked by Emma Powley and that his report following finance meetings with Cheryl Haddy is still to come. (Action – MF to send his reports to MW for circulation following their agreement by EP and CH.)

Governor training – DB reported on the useful training course she attended for Head-teacher CPD, noting that she was pleased to find that WHPS is meeting all the requirements. Concerns were raised by JM about the timings of HT Performance Management and Teacher Appraisal at WHPS, when objectives and targets are set for all members of staff. This was discussed by the GB, who concluded that there was clear evidence that the current structure worked well. They noted that the SDP is created from the assessment data generated in the summer term, which then fed into the creation of targets set across the school for all members of staff. Governors were reassured that this method ensured there was a clear direction of travel for all, meeting the concern raised by MF. SN noted that she would be setting the SDP priorities from the summer data ready for Cheryl Boulton to build on. It was agreed that objectives for CB would be set after three to four weeks, giving her time to get to know the school. These would cover pupil progress, leadership and management and professional development, and would be measured against a number of success criteria. Governors were keen to ensure the SIP would be maintained to support and monitor the new HT and noted the budget included this cost.

MF stated that the Online safety training had been very beneficial and was concerned that constant 360 degree monitoring was maintained which SN confirmed was done annually by DH.

HE stated that the new Governor course had been very informative and highlighted the importance of setting aside sufficient time for reading the many documents required for effective governance, as well as building knowledge of the many acronyms specific to Devon LA Education. DB noted the lengthy policies that the GB had to review, though it was agreed that policies should be shared out between the GB according to their areas of responsibility. It was acknowledged that those polices, which were non-statutory or originated from DCC, should be skimmed for review and referenced when required, as annotated on the WHPS Policy Overview. SN noted that the Pay Policy was particularly important to read as it contained information specifically pertinent to WHPS.

4. Head teacher’s Update: a. Assessment Data - Governors had read the colour coded data provided by SN for the spring assessments and raised the following points:

Pupil Premium Pupils – it was noted that there are only 9 pupils who receive PP, as shown in the data, which Ofsted would be likely to examine closely. SN stated that this is a set of data that is difficult to present as these children may not necessarily be achieving at a lower level with a gap to address; as illustrated, currently, by two PP children who have been recognised as able and talented. JB had already discussed intervention with DH and was keen to know how effective the interventions were for these PP pupils and JM asked how the gap was being narrowed; if it existed for these pupils. SN explained that TAs are used to provide support, Lego Therapy is taking place in the second half of the Summer Term in Year 1, aimed at all children including those with particular needs. IH wanted to know if the number of PP pupils was constant, which SN stated remained fairly static, with a maximum of twelve. SN explained that SEND pupils were compared against national figures and that in addition she made comparisons with all children at WHPS to check their progress; which was challenging. This was a recommendation from Brad Murray, the School Improvement Partner.

Governors looked at the chart on page 24 and KG raised a concern about the year 1 results. SN reported that there had been a number of KS1 meetings to look at improving these Year 1 results, particularly in Maths, noting an improvement in writing was already beginning to be observed. Actions were being put in place to develop strategies to improve Maths, such as extra Maths teaching in the afternoon, the effective use of Forest School to reinforce Maths teaching, the use of additional resources and the planned invitation extended to Caroline Ainsworth, Head of Maths at Stockland School, who uses Cuisenaire Rods to aid Maths teaching. (Action – SN to arrange for Caroline Ainsworth to come and work with Year 1 to teach Maths.)

JM noted that science had not been included in some data for the younger children, which SN stated was not included in the data at that stage.

Governors also noted that a very small number of pupils were below average in EYFS having dropped from the term before. SN reported that this was due to immaturity and a lack of readiness in some pupils. SN stated that much support was being given, though she was concerned that several children would still have not made sufficient progress by the end of the year. KG hoped that other criteria were being used to judge the progress - including emotional, behavioural and social readiness; which SN confirmed was the case and that the expected ‘good level of development’ is about the education of the whole child rather than just reading, writing and maths. SN stated that EP was making excellent use of Tapestry to communicate each child’s learning journey with their parents online and that EP had also shared this best practice with other schools. In response to a question from MF, SN reported that the data had shown up nothing unexpected, though the assessment system was still being tweaked regularly as it was relatively new. Teachers were sometimes perceived to be cautious in their assessment of pupils, as had been proved in a recent book scrutiny of borderline children, who the teaching staff had agreed, following discussions in the staff meeting, achieved #3. SN explained that the NAHT had called for a total review of assessment as schools are currently following a variety of systems, with no consistent structure or sense of agreement. b. Review Impact of LLC – SN would ensure a smooth handover of all information related to the LLC to CB. She informed the GB that the new HT at the King’s School, Rob Gammon, had also been appointed and was very supportive of continuing to work as a learning community.

All the local HTs were keen to maintain the LLC, although funding had been withdrawn and meetings were now going to take place in each of the schools, with a learning walk included. Beneficial projects such as the Sports Partnership and Devon Wildlife Project will be maintained, with schools sharing the costs. The HT of Payhembury C of E Primary School will be the new Chair of the LLC and the network will continue to provide essential support for the HTs involved. It was noted that Cheryl Boulton would benefit from having a mentor from the LLC as this colleague would understand the demands and complexities of a being a HT in East Devon. c. SMILE Issues – SN reminded the GB of the meeting held with David Kirkness in March and stated that he had now requested a meeting with CH to clarify whether the SMILE LT finances were dormant. The bank account, set up last June, is still empty but WHPS has been acting as a cost centre to pay SLT expenses, which may mean that the SLT may ultimately need to pay Corporation Tax and that the SMILE LT account is actually not dormant.

(The meeting went into Part 2 at 8.05 – 8.20 pm)

It was agreed that the proposed FGB meeting to discuss MATS would be deferred until the next academic year to enable CB to be part of the discussions. In addition, there could well be a number of changes made by the Government by that time. A sub-committee of Governors (JM, KG, IH, DH, MF and CW) was set up by the GB to investigate MATs and to conduct a SWOT Analysis for the WHPS GB, with JM to arrange a meeting in June. JM will report back to the GB at the next FGB meeting – 30.6.16. (Action – JM to arrange a meeting of the MATs investigation Sub-Committee and to report back to the FGB Meeting – 30.6.16)(Action – MW to send JM contact details for the MATs Sub-Committee.)

MF also mentioned the MATs course that is being run on June 21st for 2 representatives from each GB in the LA, which is to be attended by the new Regional Commissioner, Rebecca Clark. (Action – Members of the MATs Investigation Sub-Committee to agree which two governors will sign up to attend the MATs conference – 21.6 16 and make the booking.) d. Website Safety Information – SN read a letter to the GB about website infiltration by ISIS and the dangers for all, which she had been sent recently, in line with Prevent Guidance and the advice given by SW Grid for Learning and the Babcock Safeguarding Team. There is a growing concern about the extent of radicalisation of pupils related, particularly in Devon schools, due to the greater use of the internet by children in rural areas. (Action – SN to send all Governors a copy of the letter containing information about website infiltration by ISIS.) KG suggested that parents would benefit from a reminder about on-line safety issues as she had valued the advice given by Common Sense Media. (Action – SN to send out another letter to parents about on- line safety and useful sources of advice.) The security and appropriate use of the new WHPS PTFA Facebook Page was also raised and the GB discussed the rigorous monitoring that would be essential to ensure the page would be used appropriately to foster stronger links with parents across the school. The GB was reassured that, though there will not be a trial period, the Chair of the PTFA and Committee would not use photos of children, would remain vigilant and would close the page if necessary. The GB will continue to check this issue and were pleased that members of staff were on the PTFA Committee to oversee outcomes.

5. Accountability and Monitoring:

a. Budget Monitor – The GB had received a copy of the Budget Monitor for month 12. MF highlighted the increase in the surplus from just under £40,000.00 to nearly £43,000.00, though it was noted some amounts have been earmarked for future costs including the boiler installation, Babcock support, LLC Music funding which belongs to all LLC schools etc. This is an improvement on the original projection of a surplus of £30,000.00. The 5 year plan will be amended to show this change.

b. School Improvement Plan – further discussions will take place in the next FGB as the current Governor School Improvement Plan 2015 – 16 was not available, updated by JB, and it was also hoped that CB would be able to attend that meeting.

6. Policies, Statements and Provisions:

E Safety Policy and Internet safety Code – these have been amalgamated and updated by DH and submitted to the GB for review. The GB agreed unanimously to accept it – proposed SN, seconded DB. (Action – SN to place the updated E Safety Policy on the WHPS website.)

7. Report on MATs:

Discussed under LLC and SMILE LT – section 4b.

8. Head-teacher Induction Overview:

DB and HE outlined the plans they had made for the induction of Cheryl Boulton, which are to be passed to JB and SN for their input. Much information that needs to be communicated is held by SN, who will hand over all the necessary documentation on a memory stick to CB, as well as speaking to CB at length about all matters operational and strategic. CB hopes to attend the next FGB meeting and will spend time meeting with SN to ensure a smooth transition. As CB is already a HT there was limited concern about her integration, though the GB acknowledged there would be much for her to learn about the school and local education authority. It is hoped a cascade of meetings will be arranged with staff across the school to build lines of communication and help to create a picture of the school as soon as possible. A mentor is being sought for CB from the local HTs to ensure support is in place from the start of her tenure. MF was also concerned that CB will need to cope with the arrangements for relocation as well as taking on a new post. HE reminded the GB that CB will also need to plan the two inset days for the start of term. (Action - JB to send CB contact details of DB and HE and make the date for her visit in the summer term, checking with LD for SN’s availability.)

9. Matters Brought Forward at the Chair’s Discretion:

It was agreed that the social event would be deferred as there is much happening this term. It will now take place next term, once Cheryl Boulton had taken up her post, enabling all school staff and governors to get to know each other better.

10. Impact of Meeting:

Governors were pleased that they had discussed many issues including:

 Safeguarding – checking that this area continues to be monitored following the resignation of LJ, with training to be put in place for JM.

 The creation of a Sub-Committee to investigate MATs, making a SWOT Analysis that will help to further future investigations and deliberations, once CB has taken up her post as the new HT at WHPS.

 The planned attendance of two governors on the MATs course arranged for 21.6.16, with a chance to hear Rebecca Clark in her new role as Regional Commissioner.

 The planning of the HT Induction process to ensure a smooth transition for CB, enabling her to get to know all at WHPS in the next academic year.

Part 1 of the meeting closed at 9.00 pm

Part 2 Actions:

7. Action – The MATs Sub-Committee is to conduct a SWOT Analysis of MATs for WHPS. e. Action - SN to request ideas and quotes for new door security systems.

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