If Explorers had Facebook

Directions: Create a Facebook page as if you were an explorer.

Choose ONE of the following explorers:  Hernan Cortes p.103-104  Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca p.105  Alonso Alvarez de Pineda p.104-105  Francisco Vasquez de Coronado p.109-110

Your Explorers Facebook page must include the following:

_____ Profile Picture and Name

_____ Minimum 3 friends (related to exploration)

_____ Minimum 3 pictures (related to their exploration)

_____ Minimum 8 status updates with the date

_____ Minimum 3 friend comments (related to their exploration)

_____ Religion

Name______Profile Religion______Picture

Friends ______Photos

Status Update: ______Date/Time

Status Update: ______Date/Time

Status Update: ______Date/Time Comment: ______

Status Update: ______Date/Time Comment: ______You will also be graded on: