Proceedings of the Board of Education s1

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Proceedings of the Board of Education s1

Proceedings of the Board of Education Community Unit School District No. 5 Regular Meeting of January 18, 2012

The Board of Education of Mt. Olive Community Unit District #5 met in regular session on January 18, 2012 in the Superintendent’s office. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Baum. Present were Baum, Brunnworth, Heeren, Kernich, Pastrovich (via telephone), Sievers and Thimsen. Others present were Superintendent Murphy, Principal Smith, Principal Schuricht, Secretary Bruch, Jeff Rabida, Nikki Garrels, Karen Gall, Jennie Binney, and Sandie Pezold.

Motion by Thimsen, second by Sievers to adopt the agenda, the addendum to the agenda and the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 21, 2011 with correction. All ayes. Motion carried.

Recognition, comments, and correspondence from employees and public. Nothing to report.

The board suggested to Mr. Murphy to check on other companies for sanitation service. They also suggested looking into natural gas and electric services for cheaper rates.

Motion by Baum, seconded by Brunnworth to pay the bills as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.

Financial Report for December 2011: Mr. Murphy reported that the Education Fund took a major hit in December due to three pay periods and the only income was from General State Aid. Bond and Interest is sitting with a negative balance of -$46,320.81 and the Tort Fund has a negative balance of -$5,449.52. These funds will be in the positive once we receive the final Macoupin County Tax check. The rest of the funds are doing well. Regarding the categorical payments, the State made last year’s payments in the fall, but we have not received any of this year’s payments. The categorical payments are two payments behind. Mr. Murphy estimated that we are $110,000 behind in the Transportation Fund, $60,000 behind in Pre-K and $70,000 behind in Special Education.

Budget Report for December 2011: Mr. Murphy reported that 55% of the total revenue has come in and 54% of expenses have gone out. The revenue is slightly above the predicted amount at this time because of local tax money that has come in. The State is pro-rating our General State Aid and we will receive $111,000 less this fiscal year. The expenses are a little above the line right now. There are also 27 pay days this fiscal year. He hopes to see the expenses coming back down.

Motion by Heeren, seconded by Pastrovich to approve the Financial Report and Budget report for December 2011. All ayes. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business: Motion by Kernich, seconded by Thimsen to adopt the Memorials and Retirement written procedure. All ayes. Motion carried. New Business: Mr. Schuricht asked the board to consider the 2012-2013 course proposals for the high school. He would like to add Earth Science, Physical Science, ACT/PSAE Prep course, Introduction to Drama and Advanced Metals II. Mr. Schuricht explained to the board the student benefits for adding these classes.

Motion by Kernich, seconded by Baum to hire Jessica Williams as an unpaid assistant softball coach for the 2012 softball season. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Heeren, seconded by Sievers to hire Jon Yoch as an unpaid assistant high school track coach for the 2012 track season. All ayes. Motion carried.

Principal’s Reports: Mr. Smith reported that the Jr. High had a Math Marathon. Eight students raised $616. Joey Stephens raised $362 himself. The solar grant application is now available. The application is about 90% complete. Mr. Smith thanked the staff members who helped put the grant information together. The solar panels will generate enough electricity to power a computer lab. We will know around June if approved for the grant.

On January 23rd is the WATCHDOGS meeting. Mrs. Griffel and Mr. Martin have been working hard to organize the event. Over 300 people signed up to participate which include 133 father figures. Last month Mr. Thimsen has mention the parent involvement in Carlinville. Mr. Smith checked into it and it is called Heart. The committee has talked about it and Mrs. Komor is going to do more research and see if that type of program would be feasible with our staff and schedules. It would be for the first and second grade. The program is a reading intervention program which is all teacher controlled and directed.

The seventh grade boy’s regional is January 21st in Carrollton. They play Madison. They are seeded 5th out of 7. Their record is just under .500. The eighth grade won one game. Their regional starts in Jerseyville January 28th.

The seventh grade volleyball record is 2-0, the eighth grade is 0-2. We have received no applications for an assistant volleyball coach. Emily Grejtak has been a volunteer assistant for volleyball and she has been coming to some practices and games when she is available.

Mr. Schuricht reported that first semester report cards were mailed out on January 9th.

Our greenhouse was damaged during football season by a bus from an opposing team. We have received a check from the insurance company for the damage. Pawnee said they wouldl like to take the old greenhouse when we get it replaced.

The Macoupin County Tournament is going on. The boys were 0-3. They lost in triple overtime and lost by two points the other two games. It has been exciting basketball. Through Saturday, twenty-four games will have been played in our gym. The boy’s regional is at Hardin Calhoun. The Ladies Senior Night is January 30th against North Mac. Boys Senior Night is February 7th against Greenfield. In wrestling, Mt. Olive got 3rd out of 11 teams at the Mt. Olive Invitational. Regionals is February 4th at Belleville Altoff. Mid terms will be sent out February 6th. Illinois State Scholars from Mt. Olive are Haley Titsworth, Carrie Grandidier and Nichole Bergrath. ACT/PSAE prep has been offered to students who are currently preparing for these tests. Mrs. Haenel, Mr. Yoch and Mr. Allen will be giving these Juniors and Sophomores practice for the tests in English, Math, Science and Reading. There have been 8-10 students every day.

IVS (Illinois Virtual School) allows our students to take courses we don’t offer here. The courses can be taken online. The board four years ago allowed ten slots per semester for these classes. Not until this year have almost all of the slots been used. The courses are done via email and video chat.

The math team has their regional on February 25th. In art, three of our students were honored at St. Francis Hospital for their donation of pencil drawings for the newly remodeled maternity department. The students who were selected were Amber Shaw, Shelby Buchanan and Carrie Grandidier.

Mrs. Steiner conducts the Model U.N. group which area high schools debate like they are the United Nations. There are 23 students who will be representing four countries, France, Iraq, Egypt and Slovakia.

Valantine’s Day Dance is February 11th from 8 to 11 p.m. Post Prom is having a dress re-sale Saturday from 8 – 2 in the High School gym. On February 1st at 6:00 p.m. in the High School computer lab, Mrs. Meurer is having the FAFSA meeting which helps parents with financial aid information.

Motion by Heeren, seconded by Sievers to hire Danylle Hudzik as a two hour cafeteria worker for the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year. All ayes. Motion carried.

Superintendent’s Report: On Teachers’ Institute day, labels were provided to the teachers to put on all technology equipment. Mr. Murphy will then transfer the numbers to a data sheet to keep a record of all equipment.

On January 19th, 2012 Mrs. Heeren, Mr. Thimsen, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Murphy have registered to attend and will report back at the next meeting.

Mr. Murphy has put together a Student Transportation Service Bid Notice. He would like to put it out for bid and bring it back to the next board meeting. After a short discussion the board decided to take the issue to the Transportation Committee to go over the bid specs.

Mr. Murphy said he would be happy to sign any board member up for the Board Workshop; Detecting and Communicating a Compelling Vision.

Johnson Controls came in and talked to Mr. Murphy and Mr. Rabida about school efficiency. We ranked very well with gas and electrical, but not with water. They offered to come back to give us specific areas where we could save money.

Mr. Murphy mentioned that our lunch costs are over budget for the first semester. He said he plans to work with Lori, our cook, to bring it back in line. Mr. Murphy said food costs have increased. We have been offering a hot breakfast every day and most of it is pre-packaged products of which prices have gone up.

Motion by Heeren, seconded by Brunnworth to enter into closed session at 7:53 p.m. for the following purposes as allowed under the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.): discussion of the appointment, employment and dismissal of employees of the public body. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Baum, seconded by Brunnworth to return to open meeting at 8:10 p.m. Roll call: 7 ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Sievers, seconded by Heeren to adjourn at 8:13 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.



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