The Record Year 2016 and the Plans for 2017 in Slovenian Tourism

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The Record Year 2016 and the Plans for 2017 in Slovenian Tourism

Press Release

The record year 2016 and the plans for 2017 in Slovenian tourism

2016 – Another Record Year for Slovenian Tourism

31 January 2017 – According to preliminary data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS), 9% more tourist arrivals were recorded in Slovenian tourism in 2016 and 8% more overnight stays compared to 2015, approaching 11 million overnight stays. With 11% more foreign tourist arrivals and 10% more overnight stays by foreign tourists in 2016, Slovenian tourism is once again ranked above the European and global averages. According to estimates, the income from the export of travel services will also beat the record, as the export of travel services grew by 4% in the first eleven months. A joint press conference of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Slovenian Tourist Board was held today at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, where the Minister of Economy, Zdravko Počivalšek, State Secretary Eva Štravs Podlogar and Maja Pak, Director of the Slovenian Tourist Board, presented the record results and the main achievements from last year, and planned activities for the development and marketing of Slovenian tourism in the coming year.


Current data on the 2016 tourist year prove that tourism is an increasingly important industry in our country, which also has great potential for continued growth. Tourism in Slovenia contributes close to 13 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product, accounting for 8 per cent of total exports, and approximately 37 per cent of service exports.

Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology: “ We are very glad to see positive results. They indicate that the efforts of the Slovenian business sector, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, and the Slovenian Tourist Board have borne fruit. The Ministry already laid the foundations for the effective promotion of Slovenian tourism the year before, in 2015. We believe that the implementation of the most intensive promotional campaign in the history of Slovenian tourism, financed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology using European funds amounting to €3.7 million, and providing a considerable increase in funds for promotion carried out by the STB in 2016 contributed to such results. Furthermore, I would like to stress that our main objective for the coming strategic period is to increase income from the export of travel services. In recent years, there has been a trend of increasing tourist arrivals and overnight stays, which has not been followed by an equal or greater increase in revenue. This increase is positive, but a few per cent lower than the increase in the number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays. The task of all stakeholders in the tourism industry is to do everything necessary to increase the added value in tourism. In this regard, the Slovenian economy faces challenges, such as necessary investments in existing and new tourist offers, accessibility, innovative products, quality assurance, and the motivation of employees. The 2017–2021 Strategy for the Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism is in preparation and will face all of the above challenges. We will do our best to define the direction, measures, and necessary activities for increasing the competitiveness of Slovenian tourism.”

Eva Štravs Podlogar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology: “ As early as in 2016, the Ministry made active efforts to establish a more favourable business environment, both through changes in legislation and by providing more funds for the promotion of Slovenian tourism abroad and granting financial incentives for developing new and innovative tourist products, and we will also continue to take all of these measures in 2017 as well. A new Promotion of Tourism Development Act has been prepared, by means of which we wish to establish the conditions for the faster development of tourism, including a new source of funding for the tasks of the STB. Furthermore, an amendment to the Hospitality Industry Act is also in preparation, which will regulate the field of short-term letting of real property to tourist, among other things. Our objectives in this field are to enable entities letting rooms for up to 30 days per year to welcome guests in their homes more easily, to mitigate the overly strict requirements for entities letting real property for up to five months per year, and to prevent black- market letting and unfair competition with legitimate businesses. The new Kobilarna Lipica (Lipica Stud Farm) Act, which will definitively regulate the conditions at the Lipica Stud Farm, and new Rules on Categorisation, which will comprehensively regulate the field of categorisation, are also in preparation. The systems of the Hotelstars Union will be introduced for Slovenian hotels, and the Rules on Minimum Technical Conditions will be updated. It should be noted that we do not wish to lower quality standards under any circumstances, but wish to establish an encouraging and friendly business environment for our tourism industry. Furthermore, tourism is an industry that contributes greatly to the recognisability of Slovenia, identifying it as a green, active, and healthy country focused on sustainability. Slovenia and Slovenian tourism received numerous awards in 2016. The country was ranked at the top of the lists of the most popular and desired tourist destinations, and it was the subject of the publications of numerous renowned global media outlets. Slovenia was declared the first green country in the world, while Ljubljana was given the title European Green Capital. According to the Environmental Performance Index (EPS), Slovenia was the fifth greenest country in the world, and at the 2016 MITT Moscow exhibition, our country received a special award for its development and promotion as a sustainable destination. The European Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators declared Slovenia the Preferred Destination of the Year 2016. Slovenia also hosted the annual general meeting of the European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Association (ECTAA) and the SITE Executive Summit 2016 in the field of congress activities, and the PATWA organisation awarded Slovenia for being the fastest- developing tourist destination. We reached the very top of lists of the safest countries, and global media stressed that security risks in Slovenia are insignificant. Slovenia was a partner state at the TTG Incontri 2016 tourism exhibition, and it formed a partnership for the 2017 ITB Berlin global tourist exhibition as the “Convention & Culture Partner ITB 2017.”

Maja Pak, Director of the Slovenian Tourist Board: More proof that Slovenia is gaining recognisability and popularity as a tourist destination includes an increase of 11% in the number of foreign tourists, exceeding the European average, numerous placements among the most attractive and green countries in the world, and many awards, particularly for sustainability. Measures and activities in 2016, such as a doubling of promotional funds by the relevant ministry, the excellent results of an extensive digital campaign titled "Slovenia - Make New Memories," the launch of a new national tourism portal, advertising on television and outdoor surfaces in main markets, hosting of many foreign journalists in Slovenia, high-profile appearances at fairs and markets, and more than a hundred presentations to foreign tour operators contributed to Slovenia’s greater visibility as a green, active, and healthy destination. This year, we will continue the upgraded and intensified promotional activities. Together with the outstanding success recorded by the Slovenian tourism industry, numerous challenges lie ahead of us: the development of new high added value products to attract higher income class tourists, the further improvement of cooperation between stakeholders in the tourism industry through a new organisational structure in tourism, and an improvement in digital marketing at all levels.”


In addition to having record statistics, 2016 will also go down in the history of Slovenian tourism for the numerous successful and high-profile promotional and development-related activities of the STB. An extensive digital campaign, “Slovenia – Make New Memories,” was carried out; the new national tourism portal was launched, and communication via social media was updated. Advertising campaigns were carried out on TV channels and on outdoor advertising surfaces in major markets; more than 200 foreign journalists were hosted, and more than one hundred presentations were given to foreign tour operators. The project The I Feel Slovenia Brand Ambassadors was carried out in order to promote Slovenia and Slovenian tourism even more effectively. In order to understand target tourists even better and market Slovenian tourist offers even more effectively, the STB carried out a project to segment the market by defining what is known as the person of Slovenian tourism. Significant steps were made in developing and implementing the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, as no fewer than 17 destinations and 10 providers have already been certified, and ten destinations are in the certification process. The core of all STB activities and projects in 2016 was the clear and consistent promotion of Slovenia as a green, active, and healthy boutique destination by a cooperative partnership of all major stakeholders. Within this cooperative partnership and trend, attractive and innovative tourist products that focus on sustainability were created. Two topics were particularly emphasised: Healthy Waters and Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016.


The STB will also carry out numerous development and promotional activities in 2017 in order to position the country as an excellent green, active, and healthy boutique destination for five-star experiences. Activities have been in full swing, and presentations held at numerous trade fairs and exhibitions abroad. This year, Slovenia will be presented to the expert and general target public at more than 45 trade shows and exhibitions and give more than 100 presentations to foreign tour operators. Activities in the US market and in Gulf countries will be intensified. The 20th Slovenian Incoming Workshop will be held in Slovenia in May, and the topics for the tourism panel at the Bled Strategic Forum and the Days of Slovenian Tourism will focus on overhauling current topics and acquiring new knowledge from the expert public dealing with tourism. Within the scope of STB training, essential knowledge on digital content marketing, an increasingly indispensable feature of advertising and marketing in tourism, will be disseminated.

In 2017, promoting healthy water will remain a central topic, and preparations on the topic of tourism and culture for the 2018/2019 period are intensively under way. The year ahead also marks the 400th anniversary of the Reformation and the year of Jože Plečnik. The STB has also joined the initiative to declare 20 May World Bee Day, so the topic of bees will be included in the promotion of Slovenia in foreign markets.


Slovenia is a destination that meets the expectations and wishes of modern tourists. Tourists have been increasingly seeking destinations for unique and authentic experiences, and they also give priority to safer destinations when they make their choice. Destinations that enable active getaways have become more popular, particularly with experiences such as biking, hiking, and adrenaline-fuelled activities in unspoilt nature. Given the ageing population trend, the demand for spa and wellness programmes has been rising. The increasing awareness of tourists about environmentally friendly tourism is a major trend that is important for Slovenia as a sustainable destination, and this is an area in which Slovenia has a significant competitive edge.


Slovenian tourist destinations, the Slovenian Spas Association, and Slovenian ski resorts can also boast good results.

According to data from the Slovenian Spas Association (SSNZ), the number of visitors to Slovenian natural health resorts exceeded 700,000 for the first time in 2016. Physical indicators were also very good, as they achieved record results among some SSNZ members. In 2017, there are promises of new investments and encouraging prognoses. As expected, better results were achieved among foreign guests, as 4.7% more guests were recorded and 4.8% more overnight stays. There were also more local guests compared to the previous year, by just under one per cent, and the number of overnight stays increased by 1.5%. Most foreign guests are from Austria or Italy, which jointly account for no fewer than 23.5% of total arrivals, and they also have very good growth indexes (Austria 105, Italy 104); these guests are followed by guests from Croatia (an impressive index of 111, accounting for 4.3% of total guests), then Germany, Serbia, the Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Israel, and the Czech Republic. With the exception of the Russian Federation and the Netherlands, very good growth rates in overnight stays were also recorded among guests from these nine countries. The highest growth in overnight stays, with an index of no less than 167, was recorded for Israeli guests – this was a one-off deal with a selected partner that lasted a few weeks.

Last year was a record year for Ljubljana with regard to the number of overnight stays. It is estimated that there were no less than 9% more overnight stays compared to 2015. At the beginning of this year, the figures have continued to reflect growth compared to the previous year: according to data from the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) that include 80% of accommodation facilities in Ljubljana, there have been 8% more overnight stays than in January 2016. This information is especially good, because it indicates an increase in overnight stays in an off-season month. Since the new Easy Jet Ljubljana–London (Gatwick) connection was introduced in December last year, the TIC has observed an increase in the number of British visitors. Furthermore, an increase in the number of Asian visitors was also recorded this January.

In January 2017, a total of more than 6% more overnight stays are expected for the Municipality of Piran (Piran and Portorož) compared to 2016. Domestic guests at last year's level, 6% more foreign guests. In 2016, hotels in the Municipality of Piran recorded 5% more overnight stays than in 2015. There were 7% more foreign guests compared to 2015. According to data from the Cable Car Operator Association of Slovenia, the season began at the end of November. Ski resorts had to face long- lasting dry weather without precipitation. Fortunately, all major and even some minor ski resorts were able to produce snow, at least partially, on their slopes using artificial snow. Therefore, most ski resorts operated with limited capacities. It is estimated that by mid-February, when nearly all of Slovenia was covered with natural snow, only 60% of cable cars were in operation. Despite the lack of snow, the ski resorts are satisfied with the number of visitors. This was mainly due to an abundance of good weather. Sunshine and the wonderful views from the ski resorts attracted many skiing enthusiasts and those who wish to enjoy some fresh mountain air to the white slopes. The winter break is approaching, which will be the second peak of the skiing season. Slovenian ski resorts are also hoping for many visitors in the rest of the season and, overall, they would also like to have a better season than last year, when 990 thousand skiing visitors were recorded.


Slovenian Tourist Board Dimičeva 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone no.: 00386 (0)1 5898 550, Fax: 00386 (0)1 5898 560 Rebeka Kumer Bizjak, Global Public Relations, [email protected]

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