WA State Mr. Application Package

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WA State Mr. Application Package

Washington State Mr. Leather 2018

Contestant application package WASHINGTON STATE MR. LEATHER 2018 CONTESTANT APPLICATION Asterisked (*) items must be filled in. You may attach a sheet to application.

Stage Name: ______

Portions of the following questions may be read aloud at the Contest by the MC - Typed answers may be used to the questions below - attached to application Sponsored By: (optional) ______Current/Previous Titles (if any) ______Leather/Fetish Club Memberships: ______

How long have you been into “Leather”? ______

*Why do you want to be WA State Mr. Leather? ______*What would you do to unify the community as WA State Mr. Leather? ______*What health issues in the State of Washington would you address during your year? ______*What do you think makes a Leather man? ______

I wish to enter the Washington State Mr. Leather 2018 Contest. I have read, and agree to abide by the rules & regulations of WSMLO and the WAC’s for this contest. I declare that I am at least 21 years of age or older and am otherwise eligible to enter this contest, in accordance with contest rules and regulations. I hereby waive all rights to photos, negatives, videotapes and other images taken of me. I release the Board of Directors, Sponsors and Contest Officials from all claims for injury, accidents or theft. I attest that the data given on this form is accurate and authorize use of this information for this contest. Judges shall have right to see completed contestant application. Should I win, I agree to take personal responsibility for the sash during my year and also agree to sign the winner’s contract.

Name - Print (FULL legal name please)______

SIGNATURE: ______Washington State Mr. Leather 2018 Contest Information for Contestants Mailing address: 1122 East Pike Street, PMB 1032, Seattle, WA 98122

Application Deadline: Postmarked March 19, 2018 WSMLO, 1122 East Pike St. #1032, Seattle WA 98122 Application Deadline: Dropped Off March 21, 2018 9:00pm Drop off is at Doghouse Leathers. Contestants Meeting of Judges: March 23, 2018 8:00pm Location: The Cuff Dance Bar 1533 13th Ave., Seattle Public Meet & Greet: March 23, 2018 8:30pm Location: Same as above Prejudging: March 24, 2018 10:15am Location: The Cuff Dance Club Rehearsals: March 24, 2018 Following Judging The Cuff Dance Club Arrival Time at Contest: March 24, 2018 6:30pm CONTEST WILL START AT 7:00pm SHARP! The Cuff Emerald Awards / Victory Brunch March 25, 2018 Food Service: 11:30am; Program: 12:00 - noon Location: The Cuff Dance Club Seattle


That by becoming a Contestant for this title, Contestants will become public figures. This visibility can impact a Contestant’s personal life and career. Contestants may wish to use a scene name to compete, but realize that the visibility of competing and winning the title can bring to light a Contestant’s private and professional life.

CONTEST EVENTS & SCORING Scoring the Contest: Judges (and one alternate) have been selected based on their active participation in the leather community either in Washington or Nationwide. Each judge is assigned a code letter, using these codes; one score (code letter) has been randomly chosen to be eliminated from each category. The contestant with the highest overall score shall be declared the winner. In the event that there is only one contestant, they must receive 75% + 1 of the total possible score to be declared the winner. INTERVIEW: 40 points maximum Each contestant will meet privately with the panel of judges and respond to whatever questions they may ask. This is one of the most important sessions of the contest and has the highest point value. The judges will be scoring on intelligence, personality, ability to communicate and general ability to fulfill the role of Washington State Mr. or Ms. Leather. Keep your answers clear, concise and to the point. The interviews will last approximately 20 to 30 minutes depending on the number of contestants. Appropriate dress would be "leather casual."

SOCIAL INTERACTIONS: 15 point maximum The judges will view each contestant on how well they interact with judges, contestants and general public at the Meet & Greet and through out the next day.

CRUISE-BAR WEAR: 15 points maximum Each contestant is introduced to the audience wearing “Leather” (cruise/bar wear) or other appropriate costume of their choice, which best exemplifies their characteristics of a leather person.

POP QUESTION: 15 points maximum Each contestant will be asked a pop question that has been written by the judges and is chosen by the contestant. After the MC reads the question you will have 1 minute to answer the question to the best of your ability. Scoring will be on general stage presence (level of comfort in front of an audience) and knowledge of the question asked.

Listen carefully to the MC when they read the question, and you have the right to ask the MC to repeat it if you are unsure of what they said. You also may take a moment of time after it is read to develop your answer.

WASHINGTON IMAGE: 15 points maximum Contestants will appear wearing their take, or interpretation, on the Washington Image. This would be what one sees and/or is “on the streets” here in Washington. This would be “the outside look” versus the Bar Wear look and the Formal Leather Image Look (three different looks that reflects the contestant). This will be the time that the Emcee takes the opportunity for contestant to “introduce” themselves to the attending crowd. Emcee will ask a few questions gleaned off of contestant application or general questions like “where did you grow up and what was that experience like?” or “what is your favorite travel spot in Washington?”

LEATHER IMAGE: 15 points maximum Contestants will dress in a look of their choosing. Judging will be based on how well the contestant wears their look, as well as, comfort ability in the clothing.

SPEECH: 15 points maximum Each contestant will make a 2-minute speech to the audience. The subject you speak about is totally up to the contestant. Scoring will be on general stage presence (level of comfort in front of an audience) and knowledge/passion of/for the topic. A deduction of points will occur if contestant exceeds the two-minute mark (there will be a signal of time countdown, which will be explained to you at rehearsal).


INTRODUCTION ON STAGE AT VARIOUS TIMES DURING THE CONTEST: Each contestant will be brought out to be introduced/re-introduced to the judges and audience by the MC.

FINAL PARADE: All contestants are returned to the stage and each contestant is introduced to the audience one more time. The winners will then be announced. WINNERS WILL REMAIN ON STAGE FOR PHOTOS!

QUESTIONS please contact Toby Noon with the Washington State Mr. & Ms. Leather Organization at (206) 372-4838 (leave message if no one there, with return phone number).


Mailing address: WSMLO, 1122 East Pike Street, PMB 1032, Seattle, WA 98122 Washington State Mr. Leather 2018 Contest Rules & Regulations TO QUALIFY: A. You must be at least 21 years of age. Your signature on your application form certifies that you are least 21 years of age and male gender by legal ID. B. You must live within the State of Washington and have resided for at least 3 months prior to the date of the application. C. You must be available to participate fully in ALL contests related events, including rehearsals, prejudging interviews, and meetings with contest officials. D. The application postmark date is March 19, 2018 if mailed to: WSMLO, 1122 East Pike Street, #1032, Seattle, WA 98122 or March 21, 2018 by 9:00pm, if hand delivered to Doghouse Leathers.

NIGHT OF CONTEST Each contestant will appear about Six (6) times during the contest: 1. Opening Introductions 2. Washington Image (street look) a. General Question 3. Cruise/Bar Wear a. Pop Question 4. Leather Image a. Speech (2 minutes) 5. Final Parade 6. Winner’s circle (photo ops) Final score sheets will be available to the contestants at a time determined by WSMLO.

REQUIREMENTS OF WASHINGTON STATE MR. LEATHER: 1. With Board of Directors approval, Washington State Mr. Leather has the option of competing at an International Contest, the year following their completion of their title step down. Financial support for attending either event is limited to air fare. 2. Washington State Mr. Leather is required to help sell enough advertisements in The Washington State Mr. & Ms. Leather, Bootblack Program 2019, to cover all printing costs of the program. 3. You shall hold a minimum of two (2) fundraisers during your year. 20% of all proceeds from all fund-raisers held by Washington State Mr. Leather, will go directly to the Washington State Mr./Ms. Leather Organization, the other 80% will go to the beneficiary of their choice (that is an IRS approved, 501(c)(3) organization). 4. Washington State Mr. Leather is required to make appearances at: WA State Mr. & Ms. Leather 2019, and the 2018 Seattle Daddy/Daddy’s boy contest. All other appearances are of your choice. 5. The Winner must maintain a dignified and professional standard during their year as a community representative. When in a Liquor establishment, the winner must adhere to WAC 314-11-050 laws (see attached). 6. The Winner of Washington State Mr. Leather contest must agree to sign a formal contract between himself and the Washington State Mr./Ms. Leather Organization agreeing to requirements of holding the title. Failure to perform any of these requirements will result in the forfeiture of the title and the 1st runner-up will receive the title. WASHINGTON STATE MR./MS. LEATHER ORGANIZATION WASHINGTON STATE MR./MS. LEATHER TITLEHOLDERS CONTRACT

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITES: The titleholder shall: 1) Follow the directives of the "WSMLO" Board of Directors at all times.

2) Be public relations agents of "WSMLO", always maintaining the best possible public image.

3) Represent "WSMLO" at local and out of town functions.

4) Support all worthwhile efforts by the community organizations and individuals, which are consistent with the purpose of "WSMLO" as set forth in the attached rider/page 2.

5) It is understood that the title sash is the sole property of "WSMLO" and the titleholder is responsible for any loss or damage to it. The sash must be returned to "WSMLO" when the titleholder is no longer holding the "active" title.

6) The Current Year Washington State Mr./Ms. Leather, Bootblack, are required to sell enough advertising for the stepping down program, (to cover all printing costs of the program).

7) Timing/location of fundraisers can be held at titleholder's discretion. 20% of all proceeds from all fundraisers shall go directly to "WSMLO', with the other 80% going to the beneficiary of their choice. (Must be an IRS approved 501(c)(3) organization). Each Mr./Ms. titleholder shall hold a minimum of two (2) fundraisers during the year.

8) All fundraiser(s) shall have prior approval from the "WSMLO" titleholder's board liaison, with any budget to be set by a "WSMLO" Board Officer or titleholder board liaison. Any funds received from the fundraiser(s) shall be processed through the Organization: (Receipts shall be submitted within 7 days of the event to the "WSMLO" Board representative/location designated.)

9) Washington State Mr./Ms. leather is required to make appearances at: Washington State Mr./Ms. Leather Contest (step-down), and the Seattle Daddy/Daddy's Boy contest. All other appearances are of your choice. Waivers to miss attendance at above functions may be granted by the Board President.

10) Maintain a consistent line of communications the "WSMLO" Board of Directors.

11) The Titleholder shall serve (unless removed) until the succeeding contest.

By signing this contract, I agree fully and voluntarily and under no threat coercion or duress, to comply fully with al the terms and conditions hereof. I also understand that as the reigning titleholder, if I should fail to fulfill any of my responsibilities as stated in this contract, or if my conduct damages "WSMLO", I shall be subject to removal by majority vote of the "WSMLO" Board of Directors.

Legal Name (please print)______Signature______


For the Washington State Mr./Ms. Leather Organization:





This corporation shall be organized and operated exclusively for social welfare, civic and charitable purposes. Subject to the limitations stated in the Articles of Incorporation, the purpose of this corporation shall be to engage in any lawful activities, none of which are for profit, for which this corporation was organized in the State of Washington and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or its corresponding future provisions).

The Corporations primary purpose shall be to raise needed funds for other non-profit organizations through various events and to provide educational forum on a variety of related health and social issues that impact the gay/lesbian community. In compliance with its 501(c)(3) status, WSMLO does not take a part in or a stance in or on politically related activities and or issues.

By signing this attached rider, I fully, voluntarily and under no threat, coercion or duress, will comply fully with all the conditions hereof. I also agree with, and abide by, the purpose of "WSMLO" and it’s Articles of Incorporation.

Dated: ______

Legal Name (print legible)______


Additional required information:

Mailing Address: ______

Phone: ______E-mail Address (if have one):______

Driver Lic #______

WAC 314-11-050 What types of conduct are prohibited on a premises with a liquor license? (1) Licensees may not allow, (a) Be unclothed or in such attire, costume, or clothing as to permit, or encourage expose to view any portion of the breast below the top of the areola or of employees (including him or any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttocks, vulva, or herself) to: genitals.

(2) Notwithstanding the (a) Expose to public view any portion of his or her genitals or provisions of subsection (3) of anus; this rule, licensees may not encourage any person on the (b) Touch, caress, or fondle the breasts, buttocks, anus, or licensed premises to: genitals of any other person; or (c) Wear or use any device or covering that is exposed to view which simulates the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair, or any portion thereof.

(3) Licensees must ensure any (a) Entertainers may only expose their breast and/or buttocks if entertainers on the licensed the performer(s) is on a stage at least eighteen inches above the immediate premises perform under the floor level and removed at least six feet from the nearest patron. following guidelines:

(b) Performers must be at least six feet away from the nearest patron. This restriction will not be applied to performances of traditional ethnic dancing, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

(i) The dancers are compensated by the licensee;

(ii) At all times, the licensee must maintain and have available for inspection by any liquor enforcement officer a list of all traditional ethnic dancers employed at the licensed premises. The list must be retained for a period of thirty days after termination of employment and must contain the following information for each dancer or entertainer:

 True name and professional or stage name, if any;

 Residence address and phone number;

 Terms of the agreement of employment; and

 Signature of both the licensee and the dancer or entertainer;

(iii) The traditional or ethnic dance performances will be those performed for the enjoyment of the general audience of the licensee and not for individual patrons. (4) The occurrence of any of the above acts or conduct, whether permitted by a licensee, employee, or any other person under the control or direction of the licensee or an employee, constitutes good and sufficient cause for cancellation of license privileges.

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