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A COMPLETE ANGELOLOGY e-PROGRAMME, (LEADING ALSO TO APPROVED TUTOR STATUS): A SELF-STUDY COURSE DESIGNED TO HELP YOU PURSUE HEART AND/OR SOUL QUESTS WITH ANGELA MCGERR BY:  Working closely with specific angels every day and so deepening your energy connection (one vibration in Angelic Numerology)  Transforming and changing self and life (two and three vibrations)  Self-healing, removing energy blocks, especially in heart (four)  Growing in spiritual consciousness/awareness (five vibration)  Subtly enhance self/other healing ability (six vibration)  Cleansing your soul and release archaic pledges (seven vibration)  Discerning your soul purpose (eight – Zodiac, nine – Ascension)

FOUNDATION MODULES 1 to 3, basic cost £144.00 per Module

All Modules last 9 weeks, with a maximum of 12 students per group. Angela McGerr is personally involved in the moderation and monitoring of each group. The basic cost is £144.00, and includes the relevant set of 9 unique Angelic Light Attunements, given distantly to each student by Angela, in Templa Mar, at the start of the course. These are designed to deepen your daily/weekly angelic connection and to support and facilitate your self-healing.

Optionally, for each Foundation Module you can also book with Angela: NB: Other optional extras also available from other course mentors.

 A personal 6-card reading from Angela at the beginning of the course for an extra £55.00, to guide your healing priorities for the 9 weeks. Please specify either Heart or Soul Quest for this.  A second (personal) set of Angelic Light Attunements in line with the key angels that manifested in your 6-card reading, for an extra £27.00, to help consolidate your self-healing and process/integrate your deeper links to the angels.

NB: Distant Attunements are given by Angela McGerr in Templa Mar and fully described in Module 1; there is an Aide Memoire you can ask for.

These three Foundation Modules provide a complete grounding in Angela McGerr Angelology, a philosophy based on Essene traditions of angel healing. Their primary purpose is self- healing and working towards physical and spiritual harmony and balance. However, each module also carries its own optional Certificate of Competence (sent and completed via the Internet during a timed period of one month). For those healers who obtain each Certificate there are suggested Angelology Workshops, fully supported by Angela McGerr's nine published works that can be given with or without Angelic Light Attunements. In order to be able to give these, an Approved Angelology Tutor Workshop must be attended, that if passed, confers Approved Angelology Tutor Status and provides the Angelic Light Symbols. MODULE 1 : MELCHISADEC, PRINCE OF PEACE, & THE SACRED SEVEN ANGELS OF THE WEEKDAYS

Transforming self/life: How to start living life with angels every day. As the angels become your friends, your angelic connection deepens; you begin to tackle energy blocks, heal/resolve issues, change your life.

This first module in the Rainbow Eye Series introduces the healing power of mighty Melchisadec and his Sacred Seven Angels - rulers of the weekdays (one of these seven will be a Guardian of yours). Its purpose is life transformation: to aid you to self-heal and expand your spiritual consciousness at your own personal pace. Work intensively with a different angel each week. Each has a specially designated, ancient role aiding a different aspect of self and life; together they cover all major issues.

Learning about these enables you to focus on healing those different aspects. Begins and concludes with Melchisadec, Prince of Peace, "father" to the Sacred Seven, Ruler of Seven, Rainbow and Chalice. The Chalice contains the key to the 7-turn Labyrinth, a metaphor for the path to find true self. If you so choose, Melchisadec becomes your own spiritual Director, and with his Sacred Seven, fast tracks your spiritual development in this life path. * Included in the £144.00 fee: Set of nine Attunements: Violet Flame of Transmutation and spiritual cleansing, plus Melchisadec's own & planetary ones for each Sacred Seven angels. For other optional extras, see Page 1.


Heart and Soul Quest, i.e. Love and Light Factors: Building your Nature connection, plus removing energy blocks with angels of the Nature Kingdom plus Element Rulers: Ariel (Earth/Air), Uriel (Fire), Phuel (Water) and Seraphiel (Spirit). Explore power of Five, Microcosm, spiritual consciousness; Six, Macrocosm and healing; including an introduction to personal /Planetary Ascension & 44:44 Angel Star Gate.

Building on Module 1, this is introduced by Seraphiel, ruler of the Seraphim Creation Angels (highest angelic vibration, to which you are working!). It focuses on Heart Quest (self-healing – Love Factor) and Soul Quest (applying this knowledge to aid others – All Life – Light Factor). Thus you achieve enhanced self-healing potential and spiritual advancement with each of the ruling elemental angels in turn, plus a myriad of other relevant angels. With regard to Ariel, Uriel and Phuel one of these will also be a Guardian Angel of yours (connected through your Zodiac sign). If you trust and surrender you begin to really understand how to work with the huge potential of these Light beings; you start to perceive see your own soul’s purpose (Soul Quest).

The Module begins and concludes with Seraphiel, Soul Quest and Diamond Cosmic Spirit, explaining about Ascension and the 44:44 Star Gate, as you are encouraged to work with Diamond Angelic Light energy rays to help heal All. *Included in the £144.00 fee: Set of ten Attunements: Seraphiel, Ariel, Uriel, Phuel, Achaiah, Aratron, Nathaniel, Ruhiel, Haurvatat, Zuphlas. For other optional extras, see Page 1. MODULE 3 : METATRON & SHEKINAH & SACRED EDEN TREE OF ONENESS; HERMES TRISMEGISTOS & PISTIS SOPHIA; REVISITING RAPHAEL, GABRIEL, ARIEL, SERAPHIEL.

This Module takes you into Oneness so that you can follow your Heart/Soul Quests via the Sacred Eden Tree (highest vibration of Tree of Life) with its Guardians: Shekinah and Metatron. First, the Gateway is through Pistis Sophia, and Hermes Trismegistos: Grounding, harmony and balance with Caduceus. Then the angels’ spiritual development will place your roots in the heart of Mother Earth and Below, your heart in beloved Templa Mar, your crown touching the 44:44 Angel Star Gate of Heart and Above; other Star Gates beckon as Heart Quest transitions to Soul Quest. The next step is to learn the Merkaba/Angelic Light Body.

Introduced by Metatron and Shekinah, Twin Guardians of your pathway on the Tree of Life/Sacred Eden Tree, who will deepen your Divine Connection by guiding you to greater Universal harmony. This module then teaches Pistis Sophia's connection through heart with Above and Below, and Hermes Trismegistos' Spiritual Laws and Caduceus for the first levels of harmony and balance. (These two mighty angels also hold twin 13th Zodiac Gateways).

The Caduceus and Tree of Life are linked archetypes that you will use with Ariel, Raphael and Gabriel. Following your healing in Modules 1 and 2, now re-balance solar and lunar energies to third eye in conjunction with remedial visualisations that address any blocks in each triplicity of chakras: Root/sacral/solar, heart/thymus/higher heart, throat/third eye/towards crown). Then as your vibration rises, move on to white gold and silver, and White Flame as you achieve Oneness in higher heart and crown and can link to Templa Mar. Become One with Metatron & Shekinah's Eden Tree drawing diamond Angelic Light with Seraphiel, through the 44:44 Star Gate to begin your transformation from carbon to Gem self aka Adam Kadmon Divine self. *Included in the £144.00 fee: Set of nine Attunements: Metatron & Shekinah; Eden Tree, Hermes T Caduceus Gold/Silver Gateway, Pistis Sophia Zodiac Gateway, Ariel*, Raphael*, Gabriel* Seraphiel* *Different from previous ones

*Second optional set of Angelic Light Colour Healing Attunements for the 12 Colours of Creation, including orange Fire of Life, aqua Water of Life, violet Breath of Life, White Gold/White Silver, Diamond Ray of the Seraphim (Spirit), at £77.00 for the set. For other optional extras, see Page 1.

Module 3 also prepares students (who so choose) to progress to the Blue Star Angels Mystery School.

NB: FOUNDATION MODULES 1, 2 AND 3 can be taken individually (they are stand-alone) for those seeking spiritual self-development, but they are designed in chronological order, with a gradually rising vibration and must be taken in that sequence. Those who pass the tests will be offered the chance to run specific one-day Angelology Workshops designed by Angela McGerr, or are of course free to run their own versions as they wish or prefer. However, all three are mandatory for those who wish to become Approved Angelology Tutors for Angela McGerr Workshops. HEART QUEST IS COVERED BY THE E-MODULES 1 - 3; MODULE 3 TRANSITIONS TO SOUL QUEST.


 ANGELIC LIGHT MERKABA FOR HEART ASCENSION/aka BLUE STAR LEVEL 1; work with a host of angels to daily self-heal and to aid you with creating your own Merkaba Angelic Light Body; this will benefit not just you but Mother Earth and all sentient life, and create an influx of Love & Light for Planetary Ascension and beyond.

This is the next step after completing Foundation Module 3 and may be taken as a one-level only course, or as the first level of the multi-level Blue Star Angels Mystery School that can also follow on from the e-Modules (see website Courses Section and separate downloadable details). This first course teaches the Merkaba Angelic Light Body with angels. Also run occasionally as a face-to-face course – see Angela McGerr’s e-Newsletters for dates.

SOUL QUEST MODULE planned to follow in 2010

 ACCESSING THE PURE ANGELIC LIGHT ZODIAC* – with Pistis Sophia, Hermes Trismegistos, Uriel, Phuel and Ariel. Through the Bull of Alpha & Omega, Star Bear (Ariel: Earth – Grounding & Manifestation and Air – Breath of Life), and the 13th signs of Dolphin (Delphinus & Phuel: Water of Life) and Dragon (Ophiucus & Uriel: Fire of Life). *This is the unfallen Light Zodiac (aka Atassic) of Lemurian and early Atlantean times, when all Signs were in perfect balance and we link back to it through various Gateways (Star Gates).

In this Module you will retrieve the original Angelic Light Zodiac energies of pure balance for each Sign, aiding astrological studies and angel card readings with the Zodiac Rulers. This may also run as a face-to-face course – see Angela McGerr’s e-Newsletters for all course dates.

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