Mid-State Special Educaiton
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Chairperson, Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Mid- State Special Education Office in Morrisonville, Illinois.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ms. Ann Chandler, Morrisonville; Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau, Taylorville; Mr. Dave Dively, Pana (attending for Dr. Lett); Dr. Scott Doerr, Nokomis; Mr. Jeff Strieker, Bond County; Mr. Rich Well, Vandalia; Ms. Melissa Ritter, Ramsey; Mr. Mike Kelly, Carlinville; Ms. Connie Woods, Panhandle.
PRESENTATION OF PROXIES: Ms. Ann Chandler, Morrisonville, for Ms. Patty Wood, Edinburg.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Ms. Patty Wood, Edinburg; Dr. David Lett, Pana; Mr. Bob Pritchett, South Fork; Mr. Mike Gauch, Mulberry Grove; Ms. Deb Philpot, St. Elmo; Mr. Doug Slover, Brownstown; Mr. David Powell, Hillsboro; Mr. Chad Allison, Litchfield.
OTHERS PRESENT: Ms. Alison Boutcher, Director; Ms. Brenda Patrick, Assistant Director Christian Region; Ms. Angie Armour, Assistant Director Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region; Ms. Crystal Lawler, Assistant Director Bond/Fayette Region; Ms. Jeanne Vancil, Comptroller; and Ms. Tammy Hadley, Secretary/Recorder.
Presentation to Dr. Doerr – On behalf of the Mid-State Executive Committee, the Christian Region Board, Brenda Patrick, and Alison Boutcher, Dr. Doerr was presented with a gift to congratulate him for completing his doctorate.
You Make the Difference Award – Ms. Boutcher recognized and presented Pattie Hamlin with the 3rd quarter award, describing her as a very humble, loyal, and dedicated employee who takes initiative and actively seeks ways to improve processes throughout the cooperative. Pattie has been with Mid-State for 25 years.
CONSENT AGENDA: Presented for review and approval: Regular and Executive Session Minutes from January 17, 2012. Recommendation for destruction of Executive Session audio recordings older than 18 months – none to destroy. Payables lists – Total $917,696.62 o $899,247.41 = MSSE Central o $2,140.70 = CR/MSSE o $11,746.94 = BF/MSSE o $4,561.57 = MC/MSSE
0c2050bdd4fe7c54967fe40fe434b594.doc Statement of Position – as of January 31, 2012, the fund balance for MSSE was $1,615,902.53. Receipts vs. Expenditures – Ms. Boutcher presented the receipts vs. expenditures report.
Motion to approve all items on the consent agenda: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Kelly. Roll call yielded 9 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Maintenance of Effort – Ms. Boutcher provided superintendents with their districts’ preliminary MOE information for FY11 and projected FY12.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 4:15 Identity – Ms. Boutcher presented and recommended approval of the revised Policy and Procedures for Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Eligible Students. She indicated that the policy would need to be approved by the board of education of each of the member districts. The original document was adopted by MSSE on September 29, 2008, and then adopted by the district boards of education.
Motion to approve the revised Policy and Procedures for Behavioral Interventions for Special Education Eligible Students: Mr. Well; second, Ms. Chandler. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: FY12 MSSE Consolidated Budget Amendment – Ms. Boutcher presented a summary of the major points on the on the MSSE Central which resulted in the FY12 amendment. She explained that the FY12 Amended MSSE Consolidated Budget reflects the changes in the MSSE Central Budget and the Regions’ budgets. Region adjustments were reviewed at the Region Board meetings.
FY12 Budget Changes FY12 Amendment IDEA Part B $ 3,882,552,42 $ 41,128.17 $ 3,923,680.59 Flow Through IDEA Part B $ 165,321.66 $ (617.75) $ 164,703.92 Preschool State & Local $ 4,539,437.89 $ (411,076.44) $ 4,128,361.46 GRANT $ 8,587,311.97 $ 370,566.02 $ 8,216,745.94 TOTAL
The amended FY12 MSSE Consolidated Budget will be available in our office for review for 30 days. It will be presented to the Governing Board for approval at the budget hearing scheduled for Monday, March 26, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the MSSE Central office.
Motion to approve the amended FY12 MSSE Central Budget: Mr. Kelly; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
0c2050bdd4fe7c54967fe40fe434b594.doc Motion to approve the amended FY12 MSSE Consolidated Budget: Mr. Strieker; second, Ms. Ritter. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Letter of Resignation – Ms. Boutcher presented a letter of resignation from Rich Stempinski, Program Coordinator in the Bond/Fayette Region.
Motion to accept letter of Rich Stempinski’s letter of resignation effective at the end of the 2011-2012 school year upon completion of his 200-day work calendar: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Strieker. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Leave of Absence – Ms. Boutcher presented a maternity leave request from Kristy Haston, School Psychologist in the Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region. Ms. Haston plans to use 21 sick days and return to work at the beginning of next school year. No action is necessary.
Renewal of Bushue Background Check Agreement – Ms. Boutcher presented a three- year renewal agreement from Bushue Human Resources for background checks. There is no increase in the cost for the service.
Motion to approve renewal of the Background Check Agreement with Bushue Human Resources: Mr. Strieker; second, Dr. Doerr. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
First Reading of New Policy and Policy Updates – Ms. Boutcher presented the following policies for first reading: New policy: o 5:130 – Responsibilities concerning Internal Information Policy Updates: o 2:190 – Mailing lists for Receiving board Material o 2:200 – Types of Board Meetings o 5:10 – Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment o 5:30 – Hiring Process and Criteria o 5:125 – Personal Technology and Social Media: Usage and conduct o 5:190 – Teacher Qualifications
Motion to recognize first reading of new policy and policy updates: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Kelly. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion to enter executive session at 10:29 a.m. to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Joint Agreement: Mr. Kelly; second, Ms. Chandler. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion to return to open session at 10:32 a.m.: Ms. Chandler; second, Ms. Woods. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.
0c2050bdd4fe7c54967fe40fe434b594.doc ACTION FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion to accept Director’s evaluation as presented: Dr. Doerr; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 1 nay. Motion carried
DISCUSSION: The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Mid-State Central Office in Morrisonville.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn at 10:34 a.m.: Mr. Kelly; second, Dr. Doerr. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Tammy Hadley, Recorder
Chairperson Date
Secretary Date