Union Council Bath Spa Students Union

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Union Council Bath Spa Students Union

Student Council Terms of Reference Union Council Bath Spa Students’ Union

1. Purpose and preamble

1.1 The aim of this document is to clarify and ratify the terms of reference for Student Council.

1.2 This document forms an appendix to the Constitution and in the event of any conflict the Constitution is the overriding document of authority.

1.3 Union Council is established in accordance with the Union Constitution.

2. Powers of Student Council

2.1 Student Council shall represent the voice of the students.

2.2 Subject to the Constitution, set the Policy of the Union and refer Policy to Referenda of the Members

2.3 Make, repeal and amend the bye-laws jointly with the Trustees in accordance with the Constitution.

2.4 Discuss the affairs of the Union and make recommendations in accordance with the bye-laws and the delegated powers from the Trustees.

2.5 To delegate its powers to any committee it thinks fit, and recall such delegated powers.

2.6 In accordance with the Constitution, Student Council shall have the power to consider a motion of no-confidence in an Officer/Trustee. Such a motion shall only be triggered by a Secure Petition of no confidence signed by at least 60 Union members.

2.7 Confirm the appointment of Trustees in accordance with the constitution.

2.8 Receive a quarterly report from the Trustees.

2.9 The Trustees shall have the right to revoke a decision of Union Council if the decision is not within the powers of the committee, it is not within the powers of the Union, or is likely to affect the charity status of the Union.

2 Union Council Bath Spa Students’ Union

3. Membership & Quorum

3.1 Student Council shall be made up of all officers and representatives of the Union. This shall include:

3.1.1 Sabbatical Officers

3.1.2 Part-Time Officers

3.1.3 Clubs & society representatives

3.1.4 Liberation Representatives

3.1.5 Senior Student Academic Representatives

3.1.6 Any other Union Representative as agreed by the Chair, subject to their democratic appointment in accordance with the bye-laws.

3.2 No member of Student Council may hold more than one position on Union Council at any one time.

3.3 The quorum for Student Council meetings shall be half of the committee membership plus one, and such quorum must include at least one Sabbatical Officer and one Part-Time Officer

3.4 Where the resolution or issue under discussion concerns a matter in respect of which some of the members present have a conflict of interest, the quorum shall be half of the total committee membership that do not have a conflict of interest, plus one.

3.5 Should quorum not be reached for an item on the agenda, then the item shall be removed and submitted to the meeting.

3.6 Any ordinary member of the Union may attend any meeting of Union Council or its’ Committees, except as otherwise provided in the bye-laws.

3.7 It shall be permitted for Student Council or its’ sub committees to exclude non-members from discussion of matters of a confidential nature. Minutes of decisions shall be kept. It shall not be in order to go into closed session to discuss motions of censure.

3.8 Guests or observers can attend and speak at meetings of the Union Council at the discretion of the Chair. However, guests or observers may not play any part in the democratic processes within the meeting.

3 Union Council Bath Spa Students’ Union

4. Student Council meetings

4.1 Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the Bye-Laws, Student Council may regulate their proceedings as the Chair sees fit.

4.2 Student Council shall hold a minimum of four meetings in any Academic Year.

4.3 The Chair of Student Council shall be the Union President, and Deputy Chair shall be a Vice President, appointed in accordance with By-Laws.

4.4 The role of the Deputy Chair will be to support the Chair; in the absence of the Chair and the Deputy Chair, another Officer appointed by the members present shall preside as chair of the meeting.

4.5 Two Union Officers or the Chair may call a meeting of Student Council at any time.

4.6 The Chair shall call a meeting of Student Council on receiving a request to that effect, signed by ten members of Student Council.

5. Notice

5.1 A Student Council meeting shall be called with at least ten working days’ notice unless either: all the members of Student Council agree to shorter notice; or urgent circumstances require shorter notice.

5.2 Every notice calling a Student Council meeting shall specify the place, day and time of the meeting and the general particulars of all business to be considered at such meeting.

5.3 Notice of Student Council meetings shall be sent to each member of Student Council by post or by electronic communication

5.4 Items for the agenda are to be submitted at least ten working days before the meeting and the agenda to be circulated five working days before the meeting.

5.5 Any ordinary member of the Union may submit a motion to Union Council or its’ Committees, and may attend and talk at the meeting. However, they may play no part in any vote on the item.

6. Decision making by Student Council

4 Union Council Bath Spa Students’ Union

6.1 Questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote.

7. Minutes

7.1 Minutes of Student Council proceedings shall be kept, including the names of the Union Council members present at each meeting, and all resolutions of the members.

7.2 The minutes of the meetings of Student Council shall normally be considered open and shall be available to the members on the Union’s website. Copies of the minutes shall also be kept in the Union’s offices.

7.3 Minutes of Student Council shall be circulated within ten working days, documenting the relevant action to be taken.

8. Conflicts of Interest

8.1 Whenever a matter is to be discussed at a meeting and a Student Council member has a personal interest in respect of that matter then he or she must:

8.2 declare his or her interest to the Chair;

8.3 remain only for such part of the meeting as in the view of the other members of Student Council is necessary to inform the debate;

8.4 not be counted in the quorum for that part of the meeting or decision-making process; and

8.5 Withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter

9. Sub-Committees of Student Council

9.1 Student Council shall have the power to establish sub-committees as necessary. The powers and membership of sub-committees shall be agreed by Student Council.

9.2 The Chair and Deputy-Chair of sub-committees of Student Council shall be nominated by the Chair of Student Council.

9.3 Any Officer of the Union may attend any sub-committee of Union Council.

9.4 Minutes and recommendations of all sub-committees of Student Council shall be forwarded to the Chair of Student Council within ten days of the meeting. Minutes shall also be made available to the members of Student Council at the next full meeting of Student Council. 5 Union Council Bath Spa Students’ Union

9.5 Unless otherwise stated, all sub-committees of Student Council shall follow the same proceedings and terms of reference as Student Council.

10. Removal of Student Council Members

10.1 Any non-Officer member of Union Committee or sub-committee who fails to attend two consecutive meetings without offering a written explanation to the Chair, shall normally be deemed to have resigned and there shall be a casual vacancy.

10.2 Any member of Student Council or other body holding a position as a member of that body shall be deemed to have vacated the position on resignation, or cease holding office.

10.3 Student Council shall consider a motion of no-confidence in a member of Student Council, on the request of the Trustees if triggered by a Secure Petition of no confidence signed by at least 60 Union members.

11. Amendments to Student Council Terms of Reference

11.1 Details of any alterations shall take the form of a motion and shall be passed by a majority vote of Student Council. Any such amendments must be ratified by the Trustees before they are implemented.

11.2 No amendments may be made that would contradict references made within the Constitution, or alter the powers of the committee delegated to it by the Trustees.


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