Village of Chippewa Lake

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Village of Chippewa Lake

Village of Chippewa Lake P.O. Box 25 Chippewa Lake, Ohio 44215-0025 Clerk’s phone: 330-769-9600 Clerk’s Email Address: [email protected]

Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014

The Village of Chippewa Lake Council met in regular session on Monday, September 8, 2014 in the Community Center-Pochedley Hall located at 24 Circle Crest. The Honorable Joanne Dodaro called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

All in attendance stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present: Mayor Joanne Dodaro, Clerk-Treasurer Cathy Osborn, Law Director Allan M. Michelson, Council President Keith Riedel, Barb Hunter, Alan Robbins, Brent Osborn, Brad Schleter and Tim Karhan.

Motion made by Robbins to accept the minutes from the Monday, August 11, 2014 Council meeting as written. Riedel seconded. 6 Ayes. Motion approved.

The Clerk-Treasurer reported the following bills to Council:

Joanne Dodaro 218.62 Cathy Osborn 1,122.92 Allan M. Michelson 1,064.56 Jim Brandenburg 382.73 Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 2

Bills (Continued): Ohio Edison 1,343.02 Columbia Gas 26.66 Ohio Public Employees Retirement System 1,272.71 Albright Security Center 200.00 Shelli Miller 150.00 Randall Wightman 150.00 Riley Braun 251.68 Shelby Warner 109.12 Tyler Glasenapp 77.44 Chase Demeter 482.23 Emily Sommers 271.45 Haley Knox 175.99 Katelyn Young 179.52 Brandon Ortiz 78.47 Kris Thompson 118.22 Christopher Sydenstricker 181.28 Eve Conley 24.00 Time Warner Cable 103.12 Treasurer of State of Ohio 234.00 Public Entities Pool of Ohio 3,347.00 Keith Riedel 140.29 Treasurer of State of Ohio 65.00 Pro Touch Lawn Care 750.00 Valley View Spray Service, LLC 2,170.00

Total Of All Bills $14,690.03 Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 3

Motion made by Robbins to pay the bills from their proper funds. Hunter seconded. 6 Ayes. Motion approved.

Mayor Dodaro said that the proceeds from the Labor Day dance that was turned in to benefit the village parks was $1,500.00. She gave her thanks to Bill & Connie Glasenapp, Tim & Sharon Karhan, Brent Osborn, Barb Hunter, Keith Riedel, Cyndy Naragon, Tom Melter, Claire List, the Pride Committee, Ski Team, the Smoltzers, Shelly Wharton and those who donated door prizes and their time to make that night a success. There was also a nice ceremony in the Stephenson Park at Willow Wood and Rockridge. Thank you the Pride Committee, Garden Club, Council, to all the volunteers, the Stephensons, Pam & Bob Williams and to Alan Robbins who thought of this in the first place.

Committee Reports

Safety: Robbins said that Chief Hall and Asst. Chief Brad Winter had conflicts tonight and they were unable to attend tonight’s meeting. They did drop off the monthly report to Robbins. The reports shows there were 2 fire calls and 5 EMS calls for the month of August in the village. (See report) Robbins read the deputy report for August as follows: 2 suspicious persons and vehicles, 1 C40’s being discharged, Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 4

Safety (Continued): 4 disturbances, 2 drive offs, 1 follow up, 1 golf cart inspection, 1 juvenile, 2 open door at business or home, 1 phone harassment/obscene phone call, 1 relay person, 5 squad or ambulance, 2 traffic stops, 2 vandalisms, 24 extra patrols, 4 business checks, 1 civil matter, 1 domestic, 1 drugs, 2 fraud, 2 harassment, 1 larceny, 2 parking complaints, 2 reckless operation, 3 school bus observations, 1 suspicious circumstances, 1 unwanted subject and 1 wires down or sparking. There were 71 total counts in the village for the month. (See report) Robbins thanked Deputy Easterday for his help with the vandalism issues in the village. Deputy Easterday thanked Robbins for his acknowledgement of his work. Mayor Dodaro asked if the fire department got the tornado sirens fixed yet. Robbins said he does not know. Robbins said he will discuss this with Chief Hall and report back to Council. Bill Glasenapp said there new people that live on Brookshore Drive just west of the Mattingly residence. He said they constantly park on the right of way and partially on the street. Bill is concerned about EMS having the ability to get down Brookshore. Mr. Glasenapp said this is still happening. Mayor Dodaro asked Deputy Easterday to pass the word to the other deputies that this vehicle should be ticketed without someone having to call to complain. She said it is happening often enough that a deputy should have taken care of this issue. Hunter said there is a vehicle that is being parked frequently next to a fire hydrant on Richard Drive. There is parking allowed on Richard but not next to a fire hydrant. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 5

Safety (Continued): The vehicle is also parking right on the corner where Hunter has concerns that someone turning off of Beachside Blvd onto Richard will hit this parked vehicle because there is a bush blocking the view. Mayor Dodaro adds that there is a fire hydrant on Bass Bay that also gets parked in front of. Robbins writes down this information to relay it to the deputies.

Zoning: Osborn reports that the Zoning Board held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 7 pm. (See attached report) Under old business, the hedges on Bungalow Bay will be trimmed in the fall at four feet from the base. There was a discussion about dead trees. The Zoning Inspector has been around the village and determined there are 41 trees that are sick but only 5 are considered dead or dangerous. The Law Director sent out an email listing four criteria that must be met and the Zoning Inspector will forward this email to the Zoning Board. Osborn reported that Jon Overholt sent a letter of thanks to everyone on the Zoning Board for approving his request to hold a flea market on this property (old Latex factory). He is considering one more time yet this year and hopes to hold one each month next summer. Osborn said he did notice that there were a lot of cars parked on the Briarwood divide and he mentioned this to Jon. He said he would rope off that area to prevent parking there in the future. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 6

Zoning (Continued): A suggestion was made that maybe he could use his business, Cycles R Us, on Lake Road to park cars there and shuttle them back to the storage building where the flea market is held. Mayor Dodaro suggested that Lions Park might also provide additional parking. Glasenapp mentions at the Zoning Board about the parking at 142 Brookshore Drive. The deputies need to be called if this parking is observed again. This property is also being cited by the Zoning Inspector for high weeds. Under new business, Mr. Dowdell submitted a permit application for a garage. He will speak with Zoning Inspector Jim Brandenburg after the meeting. The Zoning Inspector reviewed his monthly report with members of the Zoning Board and those in attendance. There is a property on Rustic Rook that has a boat and there is trash on the premises. The boat is not considered debris so there is no action on this now. The owner is going to be written up for the trash. A zoning workshop meeting is scheduled for September 10, 2014 at 7 pm in the Community Center. All materials should be reviewed PRIOR to this meeting. The next Zoning Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 7 pm in the Community Center.

Finance: Cathy did not receive the August bank statement yet so she will review August and September with Council and Mayor at the October 13th meeting. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 7

Finance (Continued): Cathy will have the quarterly reports prepared to review at the October meeting. The solicitation permit that she granted to Legacy Roofing expired on Saturday, September 6, 2014 so they no longer should be in the village. Cathy did receive an application for four people to solicit in the village along with a $25.00 check from Direct Energy which is an energy marketing company. Two of the applicants were from out of state. She called to let him know she would like a background check done and she requires a $25.00 check per person. He said what if only one of us applies for a solicitation permit in the village? Cathy told him that only one of you needs a background check. He asked if he still needed a background check if he knows Randy the minister of the Cross Point Church. Cathy told him yes because I don’t know you! Cathy told him the permit application is on hold until she receives his background check report. Application is dated August 19, 2014 and Cathy hasn’t heard back from him. Cathy reviews the monthly Cash Summary by Fund report. The beginning balance in all funds as of August 1st was $225,775.15. The revenue deposited was $111,070.19 and the expenditures were $112,191.17. The balance as of September 8th before the approved bills are paid is $224,654.17. Star Ohio currently has a balance of $12,316.13. Mayor Dodaro asked Schleter if he had any information concerning the FEMA application. Schleter said he emailed Laura Adcock from FEMA that he has been working with he was told there is no final resolution yet. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 8

Finance (Continued): Mayor Dodaro reports that an application for Phase 6 was filed last week. This project will be for resurfacing on Beachside Blvd from the beach area down to the bridge, Rockridge all the way over to Briarwood Blvd, Cottage Cove, Richard and Shadow Shore. The total project amount is $218,000.00. The village’s match will be $23,980.00 at 11%. Mayor Dodaro said that Phase 6 would be done next year if the village is lucky enough to receive this grant. Riedel asked Mayor Dodaro about having flyers printed up to inform the residents about the upcoming Road & Bridge levy that will be on the ballot in November. Mayor Dodaro thought it was a good idea to have flyers printed up and deliver them by golf carts to all the residents of the village. It was also mentioned to put this information in the Trading Post, the Gazette and Claire’s email letter. Pam Williams said Pride prints up 340 flyers when they are passing out information for their events. Robbins suggested delivering the flyers in the last two weeks of October would be a good time. Mayor Dodaro said that Schleter has been trained in preparing a village newsletter. Robbins asks Schleter to forward his newsletter draft to Joanne and Cathy so they can proofread this before it is printed. Robbins offers to look into some yard signs for the levy. Mayor Dodaro said that Riedel and Schleter will work on the newsletter. Schleter will email everyone a copy of the draft to review before the October meeting. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 9

Building & Utilities: Hunter said the Gisela Mattingly was recognized for being a non-professional amateur gardener of the year for Ohio. That brought a lot of pride and recognition to the Village of Chippewa Lake. Congratulations to Gisela for this honor. Hunter said she has been looking at the security camera footage to try to figure out who has been leaving the building unlocked. She came across some children vandalizing the fence in the parking lot. It was easy to determine who did this damage because they left their name on the fence. Hunter and Deputy Easterday went to the mother to speak with her about the damage to the fence. The mother thought the fitting punishment would be for her daughter and the other girl to paint the fence. Hunter met the girls at the building. Hunter gave her thanks to Tim and Sharon Karhan for gathering the paint and brushes. The girls did re-paint the fence and did a good job and hopefully learned a lesson. Thank you to Hunter for taking the time to teach some young girls that they need to be responsible for their actions. Hunter said that sometime around Labor Day weekend someone tried to move the playground picnic bench and she thinks they tried to take it but it was chained down. They also left something oily on one seat. She will review the security camera tapes to determine who did this and report back to Council. Hunter gave her thanks to Vanna Robbins for helping her decide where to hang some pictures in the Community Center. She thanked Alan Robbins for helping her hang each picture. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 10

Building & Utilities (Continued): Hunter said she did take the flood plain posters down that were thumb tacked to the wall. She would like to attach those to a map board and set up an easel to display them as needed. Hunter had all outside doors re-keyed and members of Council have been given a copy of those keys. For the time being the keypad code has not been changed. The building has not been left unlocked recently but everyone will watch that situation closely. Cathy asked if Hunter met with Jack from the Board of Elections. Hunter said he was impatient so Riedel met with him instead. The building passed inspection so voting will continue to be held at the village’s Community Center. Mayor Dodaro told Hunter that Tom Melter and Rick Stephenson have both offered to pay for the installation of one of the new street lights in front of their houses. Hunter will contact Ohio Edison to get two of the new lights installed. Hunter tried to get the damaged street light replaced with one of the new cut off lights but they put one of the original drop down lights back in.

Community Relations: Schleter said he has been in contact with Laura Adcock from FEMA and there is nothing new to report. Schleter has been trying to reach Tom James from the Park District to discuss some fishing issues. Schleter said he is going to try to attend the Lafayette trustees meeting next week to find out more information about the tornado sirens. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 11

Community Relations (Continued): Robbins sent a text to Assistant Fire Chief Brad Winter during the meeting and Brad responded that the sirens have been working normally. He said the antenna was raised at Lions Park. Brad will attend the meeting to find out if any upgrades are planned for the future concerning the sirens. Schleter was unable to attend the Labor Day party because his entire family was sick that weekend. Mayor Dodaro said there was a very nice Pride Party held on Sunday, August 17th at Point Park. The guy with the animals received many compliments for his presentation and the way he handled the crowd. Karhan announced that the Recycle Facility on Lake Road is taking refrigerators and dehumidifiers at no charge through Saturday this week. Cathy said she usually receives a Recycle Facility schedule for the year but she did not receive one this year.

Parks: Karhan said that there were nine park attendants this year and the village will be losing two of them to college and the marines. Seven have agreed to return for next season. He may decide to keep the attendants at seven in order to give each one more hours. Karhan said there are a few pot holes that need filled on the boat ramp. He would like to get that done as soon as possible. It will mean shutting down the boat ramp for a few days to allow time for the sealer to dry. He will plan to do that during the week and if anyone needs to take their boat out they can take it out at the Park District boat ramp. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 12

Parks (Continued): He also has someone who volunteered to paint the free throw line and the arch at the basketball court near the boat ramp at no charge to the village. He hopes to have that done also while the boat ramp is closed for a few days. Karhan asked Mayor Dodaro how long should the mosquito spraying be done. Mayor Dodaro said that Dale Sidle will let the village know when it’s time to stop spraying for the season. Karhan reports that on September 11th there will be two ash trees taken down by Tree Maintenance in Point Park. He gave his thanks to his wife, Sharon, for contacting Ohio Edison to have the power lines taken down in preparation for the trees being cut down. Motion made by Riedel to encumber up to $1,400.00 to have Tree Maintenance take down two ash trees in Point Park. Karhan seconded. 6 Ayes. Motion approved. Karhan said at the Stephenson Park there is a temporary water meter sticking out of the hydrant right now. There is an underground irrigation system under the park. There is a need to tap into the water line to run water into the irrigation system. Motion made by Karhan to approve $2,600.00 for a tap in for Stephenson Park’s irrigation system. Riedel seconded. 5 Ayes, 1 Nay. Motion approved. Karhan said that he will not be in attendance at the October 13th Council meeting. He and Sharon will be on vacation celebrating their 40th anniversary! Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 13

Streets: Riedel reports that paving has been completed on Heather Hedge. The construction company will be sealing the center line and around all catch basins. The final walk-through will be done by Engineering Associates, Riedel, Mayor Dodaro and the contractor in the near future before the Phase Five project is considered completed. The expansion to the community center’s parking lot has begun. The area has been dug out and graded. Fabric will be laid down in preparation to add the millings that will come off of the Phase Four road project. This will provide a solid base for the parking lot addition. Cathy asked who is doing the work on the parking lot expansion. Riedel said CW Landscaping. Riedel reports that all of our fire extinguishers have been updated as of today. Riedel said he spoke with Lafayette Trustee Bryon Macron who told him that there is a new person in charge of shared services. Riedel said he met with him and explained what the village wants. Cathy said that our shared services agreement with Lafayette Township will expire on September 30, 2014. The Law Director asked if the village wanted any changes in the existing agreement. Riedel didn’t think any changes are needed at this time. Motion made by Riedel to renew the shared services contract with Lafayette Township with the same terms for one year. Osborn seconded. 6 Ayes. Motion approved. Robbins suggests having the agreement cycle to a January 1 period. The Law Director suggests a multi-year agreement would be a good idea too. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 14

Streets (Continued): Mayor Dodaro asks Riedel when Phase Four is scheduled to begin. This is the resurfacing project for Lee Lore, Shorefield, Northvale and Beachside Blvd from Lee Lore to Craggy Creek. Mayor Dodaro thought they were supposed to start today. Riedel will contact Engineering Associates tomorrow for an update.

Law Director: The Law Director said he has a lien for Cathy to sign if we are going to go forward with the cutting and clean up lien on 360 Craggy Creek. This property was owned by a bank until June 20, 2014 and after that it is owned by an individual. The bank is the one who received the letters from the village. The Law Director said if the Zoning Inspector posted notice on the property itself then he is fine with going forward with the lien. It is not clear if the Zoning Inspector posted a notice on the property or just mailed a certified letter to the bank who was the owner at that time. The Law Director will check with Inspector Brandenburg for clarification. Since the last Council meeting the Law Director said he has received the paperwork back from the Buck brothers and he has opened the estate for Robert Buck. The Law Director is the administrator of the estate. The Law Director said he has to wait for a court hearing on September 25th and then he should be able to get the title transferred pretty quickly which means the village will then own it. He should get a key and a title for the vehicle from one of the brothers and then he can sell that. He said he could use some help to determine what it is worth. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 15

Law Director (Continued): Mayor Dodaro said she would help him. He said if anyone is interested in the mower to let him know. Hunter said she has the key to the mower for safe keeping. She said it won’t start because all the wires and hoses are melted. The plan is that the brothers will donate the property to the village. When that happens then the village can demolish the property and try to sell it. The village has received an estimate for $7,000.00 to demolish the house and haul it away. Brad will check that the quote is still valid for the demolition. No demolition can be scheduled until the title is in the village’s name! There is an additional $2,600.00 fee for capping off the sewer. The Law Director can contact the county auditor and talk to them about the property tax on that property. When it comes time for the village to sell that property it can be only be sold by public sealed bids or by public auction. The Law Director said he has a case involving 5 charges of violation to the Property Maintenance Code that will go to trial on October 1st. There is a trial scheduled for September 10th for charges for menacing and criminal trespass on Brookshore Drive. The property on Rustic Rook has five cases pending now with no trial date yet. There was a case scheduled for today. This is a property on Willow Wood that has a lot of extensive paint removed and bare surfaces of wood on both the house and the garage. The owner came into court and showed that it was almost completely finished now with new siding and the magistrate said that amounts to compliance and he is not guilty. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 16

Audience: Bill Glasenapp said that he approached a woman who was at the Point Park playground. She told him that she looked up Chippewa Lake on the internet and it said it was a public park. Glasenapp said you are in the Village of Chippewa Lake and our parks are for residents only. He told her she was welcome to stay today but she doesn’t live in the village so she should not return. Mayor Dodaro said that all residents are to use their permits and the police should be ticketing those who do not display a permit. Carol Hannah asked what the fire department is doing with the houses on Lake and Chippewa Road that has the siding torn off. She was told they are doing fire training on those right now but they are scheduled to be taken down. Pam Williams said that the Pride Committee has acquired a totem pole that they would like to put in the Point Park along the edge of the water. The Pride Committee will take care of moving it in the winter and returning it to the Point Park in the spring of each year. It’s approximately 9 feet tall. They would like to build a stand and store it in the Community Center each winter. This will be bolted to a metal bracket to secure it. Motion made by Riedel to approve the Pride Committee placing a totem pole in the Point Park as a temporary structure where no permit will be required. Schleter seconded. 6 Ayes. Motion approved. Mayor Dodaro said that the Village of Chippewa Lake will observe Halloween trick or treat on Friday, October 31st from the hours of 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Please leave a light on if you wish to participate. Village of Chippewa Lake Council Meeting Minutes September 8, 2014 Page 17

At 9:15 pm, Hunter motioned that the meeting be adjourned. Osborn seconded. 6 Ayes. Motion approved

Next Meeting: Monday, October 13, 2014 at 7:30 pm in the Community Center-Pochedley Hall located at 24 Circle Crest.

______Joanne Dodaro, Mayor

______Cathy Osborn, Clerk-Treasurer

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