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Table of Contents s257


REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Charter County of Wayne Wayne County Head Start and Early Head Start Partnership for Program Services

Program Year 2017 – 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION I Overview ...... 3 Background ...... 3 Program Requirements ...... 4 Program Option ...... 6 Roles of Expectations of Partner Agencies ...... 6 Parent Engagement/Family Community Partnerships ...... 6 Quality Early Childhood Education ...... 7 Early Head Start ...... 7 Staff Training and Professional Development ...... 7 Maintaining Full Enrollment and Attendance ...... 7 Children with Disabilities ...... 7 Management Staffing ...... 7 Data Collection and Reporting ...... 8 Safe Environments ...... 8 Transportation ...... 8 Fiscal Capacity and Accountability ...... 8 Program Option ...... 9 Staffing Requirements ...... 9

SECTION II Submittal Procedures ...... 10 Contact Person Information ...... 10 Timeline ...... 11 Bidders Conference ...... 11 Award Letters ...... 11 Minimum Mandatory Space Requirements ...... 11 Application Requirements ...... 12 Evaluation and Selection Procedures ...... 13 General Selection Criteria ...... 13 Proposal Signature Sheet ...... 15 Proposal Narrative Format ...... 16-21 Budget Form Page (blank – see separate attachment) ...... 22

2 OVERVIEW Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA) on behalf of the Wayne County Head Start and Early Head Start program is seeking qualified educational institutions, or other not-for-profit or for-profit entities with experience in providing comprehensive child development services, to serve as a partner agency for the Head Start and Early Head Start program in the City of Westland.

Organizations which become a Head Start and Early Head Start partner agency will be required to fulfill the following program goals:  Provide high quality, comprehensive Head Start and Early Head Start child development services that allow children and families to flourish;  Promote children and families’ physical and social emotional well-being and children’s learning and development so that children are ready to succeed in school when they begin kindergarten;  Allocate resources in a manner that is consistent with federal cost principles and responsive to community and family need;  Ensure financial accountability and sustainability by following fiscal best practices; and  Promote reflective management practices and data-driven decision making.

BACKGROUND Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA), a Michigan Works! Agency serving Wayne (excluding the City of Detroit) and Monroe counties is the administrative entity for the Wayne County Head Start and Early Head Start Program. Head Start is a national program that promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services to enrolled children and families.

Head Start programs engage parents in their children’s learning and help families make progress toward meeting their educational, literacy and employment goals. Head Start understands that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher, and parents (or primary caregivers) play a significant role in the administration and oversight of local Head Start programs.

3 Early Head Start emphasizes mother and child pre/post-natal health, infant and parent mental health, and opportunities for infants and toddlers to explore and develop physically, cognitively, and social- emotionally. Like Head Start, Early Head Start understands that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher, and parents (or primary caregivers) play a significant role in the administration and oversight of the local program.

Children are eligible for Head Start if 1) they are at least age 3 by September 1st of the program year and not yet age-eligible for Kindergarten; and 2) their family income is at or below the Federal Poverty Level. Similarly, children are eligible for Early Head Start if they are: 1) younger than age 3; and 2) their family income is at or below the Federal Poverty Level. Children are also categorically eligible if they are both age eligible and family eligible for public assistance through SSI or TANF; homeless; or are in foster care. In addition, programs must ensure that no less than 10 percent of the total number of enrolled children have disabilities.

PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS SEMCA will award a contract to the successful Partnering Agency that is able to demonstrate their ability to operate quality Head Start and Early Head Start programming in a manner that meets the Head Start Act and Head Start Program Performance Standards, community needs, and state licensing standards. Successful respondents must have in place or have detailed plans for implementing:  A system for ongoing monitoring to ensure that Head Start program performance standards are met in all program areas.  Hiring practices that attract, recruit, and retain qualified staff (as defined by the Head Start Performance Standards and Section 648A of the Head Start Act).  A system for ensuring ongoing professional development and educational opportunities for staff and parents/families;  A system of shared governance that allows for board and parent oversight of program planning, human resources, finances, and decision making;  A system for up-to-date data collection, reporting, and communication related to all program areas and services.  A system to ensure that programming is responsive to community and family needs and that children and families have access to a network of community partners and services;

4  Education programming that promotes positive outcomes for young children and supports their school readiness, including children with disabilities and dual language learners. Education planning must take into account the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework that builds on five essential domains (Physical Development & Health, Social & Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Language and Literacy and Cognition and General Knowledge). For more Framework information see: the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) at The Partnering Agency is required to participate in the WCHSEHS child assessment system, (currently COR Advantage Online). All Partnering Agencies must use research-based age, and program appropriate curricula (currently, HighScope).  A system to engage and build relationships with families that supports family well-being, nurtures strong relationships between parents and their children, and fosters ongoing learning and development for both parents and children. For more information see the Head Start, Parent and Community Engagement Framework at  A system to ensure that 10 percent of enrolled children have an identified disability (for 0-3 year olds, an Individualized Family Service Plan, and for 4-5 year olds an Individualized Education Plan, and that children receive appropriate education and other services in the least restrictive environment;  Demonstrated fiscal capacity, including proof of other sources of funding, the ability to provide 30% of the program budget in-kind or cash match, a recent A-133 Single Audit report, and other assurances of long term fiscal stability. In addition, applicant must demonstrate the ability to comply with all established regulations applicable to program administration and grants management indentified in the Head Start Program Act, Performance Standards and other Office of Head Start Regulations (45 CFR 1301-1211). For a full understanding of Head Start programs and expectations, see the Head Start Act and Program Performance Standards which are available online at the ELCKC website at


ROLE AND EXPECTATIONS OF PARTNER AGENCIES Head Start and Early Head Start are highly regulated federal-to-local child development programs. The Partnering Agency is expected to meet all the programmatic, fiscal and operational requirements of the Head Start Act, Program Performance Standards, and Grants Administration rules.

The Partnering Agency agrees to follow the Head Start Act and all Performance Standards, and consent to all required governing program reporting and monitoring, which includes, but is not limited to attendance, assessments, outcomes reporting, and Program Information Reports (PIR).

WCHSEHS will work closely with The Partnering Agency to ensure that all program standards are met, including but not limited to providing mandatory and optional training and professional development opportunities.

Parent Engagement/Family Community Partnerships The Partnering Agency is expected to engage parents and families in program planning and decision- making, in setting and reaching family goals, and in encouraging them in their role as stewards of their children’s well being. The Partnering Agency should have vigorous family services outreach and programming strategies that include the development of Family Partnership Agreements to engage parents and families, to ensure that families receive the medical, dental, and mental health care they need, and to connect families with other services and opportunities needed to thrive. The Partnering Agency must have budgeted funds to cover the cost of parent involvement activities, including those related to Policy Committee meetings, such as child care arrangement and transportation costs. Parent involvement activities may include but are not limited to training, non-program adult food, child care expenses, airfare and per-diem local travel and funds linked to programmatic purposes.

Quality Early Childhood Education The Partnering Agency is expected to implement High Scope, an evidence-based curriculum, and individualized lesson plans to meet each child’s needs. All education staff must meet the teacher qualification standards associated with the Center-Based Program Option and provide staff with opportunities for professional development and education, including providing qualified classroom substitutes. The Partnering Agency is expected to participate in the Child Assessment and Outcomes System (currently, COR Advantage Online) and must report child outcomes three times a year (fall,

6 winter, and spring). Head Start center-based programming must participate in CLASS evaluations and related professional development.

Early Head Start The Partnering Agency will provide Early Head Start services for infants, and toddlers, ages 0-3. The Partnering Agency must have staff with the appropriate qualifications. Infants and toddlers must receive age appropriate care in all program areas, including health, dental, mental health, nutrition, education and family engagement.

Staff Training and Professional Development WCHSEHS will provide pre-service and in-service training opportunities to program staff and parent volunteers to assist them in acquiring and increasing the knowledge and skills they need to operate a comprehensive Head Start program. The Partnering Agency must participate in mandatory training and educational opportunities offered by WCHSEHS and provide staff-relief when classroom staff are required to attend. Each Head Start-related staff member must have an up-to-date professional development plan, and teachers are required to have 15 hours of professional development annually.

Maintaining Full Enrollment and Attendance The Partnering Agency is required to have 100 percent full enrollment on the first day of service and maintain full enrollment and an active waitlist throughout the program year. In addition, they must have an Average Daily Attendance of 85 percent and maintain records indicating the reason for each absence. The Partnering Agency must implement procedures for follow-up on patterns of absenteeism and on non-excused absences.

Children with Disabilities The Partnering Agency must reserve ten percent of their enrollment for children with diagnosed a disability. Children with disabilities must be served in the least restrictive environment.

Management Staffing The Partnering agency must ensure that they have adequate staffing to monitor and ensure progress in all program areas. At a minimum, The Partnering Agency must designate a program director and staff to

7 fulfill management functions in education, health services, disabilities and social services (i.e., family and community partnerships).

Data Collection and Reporting The Partnering Agency is required to update the online child Outcomes, Report and Assessment (COPA) system on a regular basis. Teachers and education staff are required to participate in the on-line assessment and outcomes systems, and report child outcomes three times a year (fall, winter and spring). Other data and reports may be collected on an as needed basis.

Safe Environments All buildings, facilities, equipment and personal and real property used as part of the Head Start program must conform to the following requirements: 1) all aspects of the proposed program must confirm to all appropriate local, state, and federal codes, regulations and laws prior to the commencement of the program and during its entirety; 2) all state and local fire, health, sanitation, safety and building codes must be complied with prior to the commencement of the program and during its entirety; 4) required approvals or licenses from all appropriate state and local authorities must be obtained prior to the commencement of the program and during its entirety; and 5) there must be a valid lease agreement or title of ownership for the program space or building in which the Head Start program is operated.

Transportation (If Applicable) The Partnering Agency will be expected to participate in annual trainings on bus and pedestrian safety. The Partnering Agency is expected to use pre-approved bus companies and to receive prior approval for any field trips from WCHSEHS.

Fiscal Capacity and Accountability The Partnering Agency must be sound financial managers of their Head Start funding and allocate funding in a manner that ensues appropriate program staffing. WCHSEHS is projecting an estimated cost per child of $8,000 for Head Start slots and $9,000 for Early Head Start slots. The Partnering Agency should have diverse funding streams and must meet a 30 percent non-federal share requirement for their total Head Start program budget. The Partnering Agency is required to comply with the Single Audit Act. The Single Audit is an organization-wide audit or examination of entity that expends $750,000 or more of federal assistance received for its operations. Its objective is to provide assurance

8 to the US federal government as to the management and use of such funds by recipients. The audit is typically performed by an independent certified public accountant (CPA) and encompasses both financial and compliance components. Single Audits must be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse along with a data collection form.


Head Start Option Hours Per Days Per Days Per Age Group Class Size Home Hours per Day Week Year Visits Home Visit Center- 6.5 5 days 240-248 4-5 17-18 2 1 Based 3 -4 15 - 17 2 1 Full Day

Early Head Start Option Hours Per Days Per Days Per Age Group Class Size Home Hours per Day Week Year Visits Home Visit Center- 6.5 5 days 240-248 0-3 8 2 1.5 Based Full Day

STAFFING REQUIREMENTS Program Program Option Staff Qualifications Head Start Center-Based Teacher BA in ECE Assistant Teacher CDA/AA/BA Early Head Start Center-Based Teacher CDA -IT/AA/BA

9 SECTION II RFP SUBMISSION INFORMATION SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Please email an exact and complete scanned copy of your proposal, budget and all attachments to: [email protected] by 4:30 pm on September 15, 2017 . The emailed copy must be in a PDF file. Often large files cannot be quickly or successfully electronically submitted to us. If your application packet consists of these files, we highly recommend the use of file compression software such as Win Zip (which can be downloaded for a free trial period at or any other similar software in order to keep your e-mail submissions to a single e-mail.

A confirmation email will be sent as proof of timely submittal. All proposals must be complete. Incomplete proposals may not be reviewed.

Proposals received after the due date and time may be deemed NON-RESPONSIVE and therefore, subject to rejection.

CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION Respondents are strongly encouraged to submit all questions and comments related to the RFP via e- mail. For answers to program-related questions please contact Carolyn Gray at [email protected].

TIMELINE Proposal Release Date September 8, 2017 Bidders Conference September 12, 2017 Proposal Due September 15, 2017 Award Notification September 18, 2017 Anticipated Contract Start Date September 25, 2017

10 BIDDERS CONFERENCE The Bidders conference will be held at on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at: Southeast Michigan Community Alliance 25363 Eureka Road Taylor, MI 48180

AWARD LETTERS Award, if any shall be made to the responsible Proposer whose Proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to SEMCA, taking into consideration price and compliance with the requirements and preferences in this RFP. Successful respondents will receive an award letter that will grant partnership status and will identify the provisional number of slots, program models, community and funding amount awarded, based on the bidders stated program capacity and the program need. Upon approval, contacts will be awarded indicating the anticipated slots and funding range. All funding is based on actual number of children served. Partners will be expected to begin providing services on Monday, September 25, 2017.

MINIMUM MANDATORY SPACE REQUIREMENTS The Partnering Agency should ensure that all space requirements, as outlined in these Specifications are met. Variances in square footage will be allowed to a reasonable extent and long as it meets the minimum usable square footage requirements for classroom space as determined by the State of Michigan Childcare Licensing Administrative Rules.

The following is to provide the minimum specification for building space requirement listed herein. Total Net Usable Square Feet: +4,000 (desired) Type of Space Requested (Design Function): School Building Space Requirements: Total Number of Rooms: up to 7 Head Start Classrooms: (+) 600 Square Feet each Total Number of HS Classrooms: 6 desired/2 required Early Head Start Classrooms: (+) 400 Square Feet each Total Number of EHS Classrooms: 1

11 Restrooms All restrooms shall meet ADA requirements and the number of stalls, urinals, sinks, etc. shall meet the minimum requirements of the Bureau of Community Health Systems Child Care Licensing Division. Additional information can be found at,4601,7-154- 63294_5529---,00.html.

It is the responsibility of The Partnering Agency that the property is maintained in a reasonable working and operable condition. As such, The Partnering Agency should ensure that the property has operation and maintenance schedules in place for all items related to the building and equipment as appropriate. The Partnering Agency may be required to provide copies of any operations and maintenance schedules and contracts in place.

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS The Bidders Package should consist of the Program Cover Sheet, Program Narrative and Program Appendix. All documents should be submitted in the order outlined below:

Program Cover Sheet Respondents should submit a completed Application Cover Sheet signed by an authorized representative of the Respondent’s organization.

Program Narrative Respondents should submit the following forms, which together comprise the Program Narrative: o Owners, Members of Board of Directors, Officers o Previous Programmatic Experience and Expertise o Administrative/Fiscal Capacity and Experience o Systems Management o Services Management

Program Appendix Respondents should include in the appendix the following documents o Head Start/Early Head Start Budget Summary o Proof of non-profit status (if applicable)

12 o Copies of applicable child care licenses o Proof of accreditation and quality certifications if available (NAEYC, QRS, etc.) o Organizational Chart o Floor Plan with available space highlighted. o Resumes of key agency leadership staff (or job descriptions if position is vacant) o Copies of audited balance sheet (Independent Auditor’s Report) for three most recently completed annual audits. o Evidence of sufficient cash reserves or other resources to operate the proposed program for at least 30 days prior to receiving reimbursement. o Documentation of participation in or eligibility for the USDA Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) o Certificate of Liability Insurance o Copy of the official Articles of Incorporation for your agency o Letters of Support (optional, maximum of five) Respondents should provide a list of items in the Appendix.

EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCEDURES An evaluation committee selected by SEMCA will evaluate and rate all proposals based on the valuation criteria outlined below. Each proposal will be evaluated on the strengths of the proposal and the responsiveness to selection criteria outlined below. Selected Respondent must be ready to proceed with the proposed program at the time of contracting. Selections will not be final until SEMCA has fully negotiated and executed a contract. SEMCA assumes no liability for costs incurred in responding to this RFP or for costs incurred by the Respondent in anticipation of a fully executed contract.

GENERAL SELECTION CRITERIA The Proposals will be evaluated on The Partnering Agency’s ability to operate a Head Start and Early Head Start program as defined in this RFP. The following criteria will be used in evaluating all proposals for partner agency status. 1. Previous Programmatic Experience and Expertise (10 points/10 percent) Respondents should demonstrate experience providing high quality, comprehensive, early childhood development services and knowledge of the populations to be served or similar populations.

13 2. Administrative/Fiscal Capacity and Experience (30 points/30 percent) Respondents should demonstrate the resources and expertise to assume and meet all administrative and fiscal requirements. This includes the Respondent’s financial management system, technological, management, and administrative and staff capabilities. 3. Systems Management (30 Points/30 percent) Respondents should demonstrate the organizational capacity to design and deliver the Head Start program and that follow Head Start Performance Standards in the areas of Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance (ERSEA) and Program Design Management (PDM) which includes Human Resources , Safe Environments and Transportation (if applicable). 4. Services Management (30 Points/30 Percent) Respondent will demonstrate the programmatic capacity to design and deliver comprehensive program services that fit the individual needs of the children and families they serve and that follow Head Start Program Performance Standards in the area of Education, Disabilities, Family and Community Partnerships, and Health Services which include medical, oral and mental health services and nutrition. 5. Additional Evaluation Criteria In addition to general selection criteria, proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria in order to allocate slots: a. The capacity to serve high need areas; b. The capacity to serve underserved populations; and c. The capacity to offer program options that fit the demonstrated needs of local families.


(Legal Name of Bidding Organization)

Address: ______(Street) ______(City) (Zip Code)

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

Type of Organization (Check all that Apply) Date Established: ______Private Non-Profit ___ School District ___ Public Non-Profit ___ Private for Profit

Signed Statement Authority

I, ______, ______(Type Name of Official) (Type Title of Official) Of______, am authorized to make the (Type Name of Agency or Organization) Following proposal on behalf of ______I hereby certify: The bidding organization understands and will comply with the specific assurances and certifications contained in this proposal, as well as the rules, regulations, and policies of the Head Start Act, Head Start Program Performance Standards, State of Michigan Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers, and the Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA).

All responses to this Request for Proposals concerning the respondent organization, its operation, and proposed program are true and accurate.

The bidding organization understands this proposal is an application for funding and does not ensure subsequent funding.

If selected for funding, the bidding organization will be bound by the information contained herein as well as by the terms and conditions of the resultant contract.

Signed: ______Date: ______Typed Name: ______Title: ______Contact Person: ______Phone: ______Email: ______Fax: ______

15 OWNERS, MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS, OFFICERS List the names and titles of all owners, members of the Board of Directors, and/or any other officers of the bidding entity. (Response should not exceed the following space.)

16 PROGRAM EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE (10 Points) Describe relevant experience in providing high quality, comprehensive, early childhood development services and knowledge of the populations to be served or similar populations.

17 SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT (30 Points) Describe the organizational capacity to design and deliver program options that fit the needs of the community and that follow Head Start Program Performance Standards in the areas of Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment and Attendance (ERSEA) and Program Design Management (PDM), which includes Human Resources, Safe Environments and Transportation (if applicable).

18 SERVICES MANAGEMENT (30 Points) Demonstrate the programmatic capacity to design and deliver comprehensive program services that fit the individual needs of the children and families served and follow Head Start Program Performance Standards in the areas of Education, Disabilities, Family and Community Partnerships and Health Services which includes medical, oral and mental health services and nutrition.

19 ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY/FISCAL CAPACITY AND EXPERIENCE (30 Points) Describe the resources and expertise to assume and meet all administrative and fiscal requirements. This includes the financial management systems, technological, management, administrative and staff capabilities.



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