Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
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Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Architectural / Engineering Firms
ADA Renovation Project Simon Fairfield Public Library 290 Main Street, Douglas, MA
March 15, 2011
Board of Selectmen 29 Depot Street Douglas, MA 01516
T: (508) 476 - 4000 x100 F: (508) 476 – 4012
Town of Douglas, MA ADA Compliance Project Simon Fairfield Public Library
Table of Contents
ADVERTISEMENT...... 1 1.0 Introduction...... 2 2.0 Background...... 2 2.1 Community Description...... 2 2.2 History of the Simon Fairfield Public Library...... 3 2.3 Simon Fairfield Public Library Mission Statement...... 4 2.4 Library Activity...... 4 3.0 Project Goals and Objectives...... 4 4.0 Scope of Services...... 6 5.0 Project Phases and Work Plan...... 10 6.0 Minimum Requirements...... 11 7.0 Selection Criteria...... 12 8.0 Selection Process...... 18 9.0 Selection Schedule...... 19 10.0 Contract Requirements...... 19 11.0 Pre-Proposal Meeting...... 20 12.0 Withdrawal...... 20 13.0 Public Record...... 20 14.0 Waiver/Cure of Minor Informalities, Errors and Omissions...... 20 15.0 Rejection of Responses, Modification of RFQ...... 20
Appendix A: Standard Designer Application Form For Municipalities and Public Agencies not within DSB Jurisdiction
Appendix B: Certificate of Non Collusion
Appendix C: Tax Compliance Certification
Appendix D: Debarment Certification
Appendix E: Certification on Mass General Laws and Building Code
Appendix F: Plans & Figures
Appendix G: Contract for Designer Services
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page i of i March 15, 2011 doc
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Architectural / Engineering Firms
ADA Renovation Project Simon Fairfield Public Library 290 Main Street, Douglas, MA
The Town of Douglas, Massachusetts (“Owner”) is seeking the services of a qualified “Designer” within the meaning of M.G.L. Chapter 7, Section 38A½, to provide professional design and construction administration services for the ADA Renovation Project on the Simon Fairfield Public Library in Douglas, Massachusetts. Selection of a Designer will be made by the Douglas Board of Selectmen in accordance with the Town of Douglas Designer Selection Procedures.
The Owner is seeking designer services to develop construction bid documents and cost estimates for renovating and making the Simon Fairfield Public Library “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA) compliant with all Federal, State and Local codes and regulations for Handicap Accessibility. Associated work is expected to require property and topographic survey, soil testing, local permitting and site plan preparation. The target completion date is the 2011 Fall Town Meeting which is currently scheduled for November 14, 2011.
The estimated construction budget for a potential future ADA renovation project is $998,000.00.
The Owner has established a not-to-exceed fee of $49,000.00 for the development of bid documents and associated permitting activity over the next year. The Owner intends to ensure that the successful Respondent will complete the services described in this procurement.
The ongoing project is subject to funding authorized by the Town Meeting. Accordingly, the contract between the Town and the Designer may be amended to include continued designer services through bidding, award of construction contract(s), construction administration, final closeout and warranty period of the potential Project.
Requests for Qualification documents may be downloaded from the following web address: or copies may be obtained from the Board of Selectmen Office, 29 Depot Street, Douglas, MA 01516.
Among other requirements contained in the RFQ, the Applicants shall be a registered Architect (AIA) or a Licensed Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and have designed similar improvements to libraries in Massachusetts that have been constructed.
Submittals of Qualifications must be made to the Board of Selectmen Office, 29 Depot Street, Douglas, MA 01516 on or before May 2, 2011 at noon in order to be considered.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 1 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 1.0 Introduction The Board of Selectmen for the Town of Douglas is soliciting Qualifications proposals from Designers to serve as project architect/designer for the Accessibility Modifications (the Project) to the Simon Fairfield Public Library, 290 Main Street (Route 16), Douglas, MA 01516.
The Building Facilities Construction Committee (BFCC) will be performing the submittal review and applicant scoring and will make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding contract award.
2.0 Background 2.1 Community Description Established around 1715 as New Sherburn, the name of Douglas was first given to the town in the year 1746. The area of the town is 36.93 sq. miles with approximately 149 persons per square mile. Located in the Blackstone River Valley, its neighboring towns include Uxbridge Whitinsville, Sutton and Webster. It lies in the southernmost limits of Worcester County and borders Northern Rhode Island and Connecticut. Predominately a rural town, Douglas is surrounded by hills, valley, woodlands and numerous lakes and ponds.
The Douglas and Providence Turnpike (which still exists today) was built around 1808 through dense forest and was a direct link between these two towns. Main Street was originally a turnpike connecting Boston and New York. Numerous hotels were once found throughout Douglas accommodating an endless stream of travelers and merchants. As the town grew, manufacturing became the major industry in Douglas largely due to its abundant resources and to its having major thoroughfares between important eastern cities. Large quantities of shingles were produced from the cedar found in area swamps. Barrel staves were also manufactured by early settlers. A saw mill manufactured boards and numerous grist mills were located in town. As manufacturing went on for years and became a distinguished characteristic of Douglas with the formation of the famous Douglas Ax Manufacturing Company.
Although most of this industry has disappeared, many residents of Douglas today are descendants of the early mill owners. Douglas remains largely a rural, working class town with most of the work force commuting out of town for employment. Approximately 30% of the civilian labor force are operators and laborers, 21 % are technicians or sales people, 19% are managers and professionals and 17% are involved in precision products, craft and repair. Those involved in service occupations represent 6% of the work force. Those who are self employed represent 4% and less than 1 % are involved in farming, fishing and forestry.
Douglas residents can be characterized in various ways. They are predominately white (98.8%) with 37% of the total population aged 25-44. A fairly large percentage (29%) is below the age of 18. Only 10% of the population is 65 and over. 78% of the total households in Douglas are family households with the average number of persons per household being 2.87. Therefore it seems safe to presume that there are many families with young children in town.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 2 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc The current student population in Douglas is as follows:
School Building Grade Levels Student Population Municipal Center Pre-K 92 Elementary School K – 2 379 Intermediate School 3 – 7 645 High School 8 – 12 615 Total: 1,731
As in many small towns, financial concerns and balanced budgets are a real concern for town officials. In addition, the town of Douglas has been battling to preserve, its environment and way of life. Because of the building boom in town, there has been discussion to limit the number of new housing construction. The concern in town continues to center on how to raise revenue without sacrificing a chosen way of life.
The town of Douglas is quite small, although it continues to grow. There are four church, two gas stations, two convenience stores, three pizza stores, a family restaurant, and other small businesses. Being in the center of town, the library is and always has been an important part of the community. Besides the Senior Center, there are no cultural centers in town. There are sports programs in school and the recreation department sponsors an active sports program, but little else for young people to do. The library is currently the only place for people to come for performances, story hours and cultural enrichment.
2.2 History of the Simon Fairfield Public Library1 The town of Douglas has had a library of sorts since 1770. At that time, books were kept in various locations throughout the town including homes, places of business and public buildings. On the 8th of April, 1799, the Douglas Social Library Association was formed with Reverend Isaac Stone as librarian. The library was composed of approximately 60 volumes including a set of Rollins’ Ancient history, Josephus' Works, Winterbottom's History of America, Edward's History of the Reformation, and a few others of a similar nature. In those early years, a six cent fine was charged for a leaf turned down, for a drop of tallow or other spot or for a torn page. The fine was one cent a day for a book kept over 2 months. After thirty years of keeping the library, Reverend Stone resigned and his successor, Reverend David Holman kept the books in his home until his pastorate ended in 1842.
The first library in Douglas was founded in 1850 with a hundred volume set of strictly agricultural works. The first public funding for a library was in 1879 for the Douglas Free Public Library. The town now owned 500 volumes which were housed in an old school house. In 1904, the final move took place into the Simon Fairfield Public Library.
James M. Fairfield was one of seven sons born to Simon and Phoebe Churchill Fairfield. He left Douglas at an early age and went on to accumulate great wealth from investment in real estate in the city of Lawrence. Sometime during 1902, a childhood friend of James, George Jepherson, urged him to part with some of his wealth. James F airfield decided to give his home town a lasting memorial to his parents. This significant landmark and benevolent gift would be called the Simon Fairfield Public Library.
At a town meeting in December, 1903, voters accepted the generous donation. The acceptance included a provision that the control and government of the library and real estate be permanently vested
1 Information obtained from: History of the Town of Douglas, WM. Emerson, 1879. 0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 3 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc in and eight member board of trustees, three to be elected by the town voters, and five to be appointed for life.
On January 29, 1904, the building, completely furnished, was properly dedicated with great ceremony. The afternoon occasion took place without Mr. James Fairfield. Too modest to attend, Mr. Fairfield continued to support the library until his death in 1912. Fearful that the shelves in the stack room would appear too empty for the day of dedication, he gave a large sum of money for the purchase of 700 volumes to be in place for the open house viewing. Among other gifts he gave a $5,060 endowment in the form of state savings bonds, a new heating system in 1907, a new Walk, and funds for reconstructing the seven granolithic steps leading to the front entrance in 1908.
In 1905, one of the original life members of the board of trustees, Winfield S. Schuster, gave the clock that hangs on the wall in the library and still keeps remarkably good time. That same year, the building was wired for electricity. In 1912, town water was installed in the building. The iron railing in the center of the outside steps was put in place in 1935. A new oil burning furnace in the basement replaced the older coal burning one in 1938.
In 1946, to celebrate the town's 200th anniversary and Welcome Home Veterans Week, the interior walls and woodwork of the library were redecorated with a fresh coat of paint. Other changes over the years include the installation of timed outside lights which give a friendlier appearance in the evening and improves Main Street during those hours, carpeting over the entire main level, new shelving in the stack room, rearrangement of the main desk counter to allow public access to the stack room, and a separate room in the basement set aside and refurbished as a meeting room for all ages. 2.3 Simon Fairfield Public Library Mission Statement The Simon Fairfield Public Library in Douglas, Massachusetts shall serve as a reference center, a resource for information, lifelong learning, and creative use of leisure time to all members of the community. The library shall be a starting place, a point of commonality, for the community. Adopted by the Board of Trustees on May 16, 2006. 2.4 Library Activity There are approximately 30,000 volumes in the library. In 2010, approximately 42,300 items were circulated. The library is most often used as a recreational reading center for adults in addition to a reading and reference center for children. Because the library Board has been long committed to servicing the children of the community, the library offers story hours throughout the year. A total of six story times each week are offered for children ages 2 through 12. On average, all story hours are filled to capacity. In addition to summer story hours, the library offers a summer reading program for children of all ages. In 2010, a total of 150 children participated in this program alone.
3.0 Project Goals and Objectives
Project goals and objectives for an effective library ADA Renovation project include:
1. Handicap access to the building from the outside;
2. Convenient access to all materials for the physically challenged, elderly and disabled;
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 4 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 3. Material storage on easily accessible well-lighted shelves sequenced to make it easy to find materials;
4. Children's facilities for programs, materials, electronic access, staff work and quiet study;
5. Efficient staff and technical services work areas to assure good productivity;
6. Comfortable, quiet adult reading room; visible but acoustically isolated;
7. Upgrade of electrical systems as necessary;
8. Environmentally controlled interior: adequate heating and air-conditioning;
9. A Young Adult area that has sound proofing for group study;
10. Adequate light levels and reduced glare;
11. A community meeting room for library programs with access during times when other library services are not in operation;
12. An efficient circulation area for staff productivity and convenient public service;
13. Flexibility for future changes/expansion such as:
a. Additional electronic work stations with local and remote access Internal and external communications technology;
b. Additional materials storage;
c. A library facility that is safe and user-friendly.
14. The ability to locate a 3,000 gallon or larger underground heating fuel storage tank.
Additional project objectives under consideration by the Owner include:
1. Identification of community concerns that may impact options;
2. Focus on providing affordable functional space and maximizing use of the existing building;
3. Assist with community relations as this project may require a Debt Exclusion authorization, which would consist of both a two-thirds vote at Town Meeting and a majority vote on an election ballot question to approve funding.
4. Develop a plan to minimize the disruption and use of the existing facilities during renovation and construction.
5. Consideration of Green Building Alternatives (ie. ground source heat pump).
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 5 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 4.0 Scope of Services
The Architect shall provide the following services as part of this project:
Task 1 – Meetings
1.1 Kick off Meeting – This meeting with the BFCC is to review the scope of work presented in the proposal and modify or shift focus as may be required by the BFCC and agreed to by the successful bidder. This will also be the first of monthly progress meetings with the BFCC until the project has been completed. Some meetings are highlighted in the Scope items below however, monthly meetings should be planned.
1.2 Progress Meetings – Monthly progress meetings will be held with the BFCC to provide updates and obtain direction on the project progress & status. Relevant information and backup documentation regarding progress should be provided at these meetings to substantiate invoicing.
1.3 Milestone Meetings – Throughout the design process, several meetings will be significant with respect to refining the scope of work and providing direction on how to proceed. These meetings will be the kickoff meeting as indicated in Task 1.1; the site visit meeting after Task 2.4 has been completed; and a Final Design Meeting after Task 3 has been completed. Ten (10) copies of any materials for the committee to review shall be provided one week in advance of the milestone and/or progress meetings.
Task 2 – Research Background Information and Site Visit
2.1 Plan Review – Review Original Building Drawings as may be available in the Douglas Building Department. Also review schematic concept plans entitled Proposed Handicapped Modifications, Simon Fairfield Public Library, East Douglas, MA prepared by Robert D. Farley Associates and dated December 7, 2007.
2.2 Accessibility Report Review – Review the Town of Douglas Accessibility Plan prepared by Attorney Madeline Moreno, New England Disability Services (NEDS), 390 Worcester Street, Suite 718, Worcester, MA 01608 with respect to the Simon Fairfield Public Library. This document may be found at http – // ADA-final.pdf
2.3 Site Visit – Perform a detailed site visit to confirm findings and suggestions from the above referenced documents. Furthermore, this visit should also be used to identify
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 6 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc any Federal, State, or Local code compliance issues that would need to be addressed as part of an ADA compliance project. During this site visit an inspection of various other building elements including, but not necessarily limited to those listed in Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, should also be made and recommendations should be presented as indicated in Section 2.4.
2.3.1 Exterior Review – A comprehensive review of the site and the exterior building components shall be made as follows –
a) Site – The site shall be reviewed for a minimum of the following – onsite structures, access and egress of the site, traffic safety, parking capacity and need, above ground and underground utilities, property boundaries, topography, landscaping, zoning compliance and overall use of the property (and general review of surrounding properties).
b) Roof – The membrane roof had been installed in 2003 and has a 30-year warranty. A general inspection of the roof system should be performed. The inspection should also include a review of the drainage system, parapet, and overhang.
c) Building Exterior – Perform an inspection of the exterior brickwork and chimney system. The inspection should be adequate to make recommendations on repointing and any chimney repair work that is required.
d) Windows – Inspect and review the windows in order to make recommendations for replacement.
e) Doors and access – Inspect the front sidewalk, staircase, doorway and façade for code compliance, accessibility, and visual integrity. Inspect the rear stairs (fire exit) for code compliance.
2.3.2 Interior Review – a comprehensive review of the interior building components shall be made as follows General – Review flooring materials, wall & ceiling treatments, lighting, insulation and general layout and flow of the spaces. Mechanical – Evaluate the existing Heating & Air Conditioning systems and determine adequacy. Evaluate Boiler and fuel oil tank and determine if replacement is advisable if relocated. Electrical – Review existing electrical system and determine adequacy. Structural – Make note of structural load bearing walls/elements.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 7 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 2.4 Progress Report (Program Development, Feasibility Study & Schematics) – Prepare a letter report summarizing the findings and provide a written description of the design items that are required/recommended to be incorporated into the Final Design Plans. Findings shall include code compliance issues with an emphasis on ADA compliance as well as a review of the overall function area analysis of the library. Present report, including budgetary cost figures, to the BFCC at their monthly progress meeting.
Task 3 – Develop Bid Documents (Design Development & Construction Documents)
3.1 Develop Existing Conditions Base Plans
3.1.1 Site Survey – Perform an existing conditions survey which includes survey of the property boundaries and easements as well as topography of the site. All existing features including buildings, overhead and underground utilities, limits of paving and grassed areas, test locations, and any other features that are essential to the development of an existing conditions plan that is suitable for use in the development of final design and construction bid documents. A final mylar plan that is stamped by a Massachusetts Registered Professional Land Surveyor showing the existing site conditions shall be submitted to the Town. An electronic copy of the final AutoCAD file shall also be provided to the Town for their use.
3.1.2 Soil Testing – Soil Testing shall be performed onsite by a Massachusetts Licensed Soil Evaluator to determine soil infiltration capacity of the in-situ soils in order to properly design an infiltration system suitable for meeting the requirements of Section 8.1 of the Douglas Zoning Bylaws – Water Resource Protection Overlay District (WRPOD). DESIGNER is responsible for selecting number and locations for testing, notifying Dig- Safe and for logging the Test Holes with the Planning Board, according to the WRPOD Bylaw.
Additional soil testing that is required to determine the structural bearing capacity of the soils in the vicinity of the proposed elevator shaft shall be performed.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 8 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 3.1.3 Building As-Built Plan – Develop an accurate and to scale set of existing building architectural drawings which accurately detail the existing dimensions and materials of the existing library building including, but not necessarily limited to – interior and exterior features such as roof; ceilings; exterior walls; interior walls and wall partitions; windows; doors; fixed furniture; desks; counters and shelves; electrical; mechanical (HVAC) and plumbing fixtures and equipment and flooring. Any potential hazardous material elements should be identified during this task.
3.2 Proposed Work – Develop a set of Architectural and Engineering Bid Documents (Plans and Specifications) suitable to detail the scope of work to be performed as part of this project. At a minimum, the Bid Documents shall include the following:
3.2.1 Site Plan – Develop a Site Plan which complies with all Federal State and Local requirements. The Plan shall adequately show existing and proposed site and building features (ie. retaining walls, trees); access and egress to the site; off-street parking; driveways; locations of existing and proposed above ground and underground utilities including, but not necessarily limited to water, sewer, electric, drainage, and data. The site plan shall also show existing Property Boundaries as determined by a Professional Land Surveyor, Soil Testing Locations and results, existing and proposed topography, access and egress and parking areas.
3.2.2 Floor Plans – Develop floor plans and associated detail sheets which depict the building layout, materials, furnishings and equipment needed for construction accurately and definitively.
3.2.3 Elevation Views – Develop elevation views of the building exterior as necessary to adequately define the scope of work necessary for this project.
3.2.4 Elevator Shaft – Develop any drawings that are required for the construction of an elevator that will service the ground floor, the first floor and potentially the second floor.
3.2.5 Details – Provide details which supplement the design drawing by showing all materials and components in sufficient detail to bid and construct the project.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 9 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 3.2.6 Cost Estimate – Provide an itemized cost estimate of all components of construction sufficient for budgetary planning purposes.
3.2.7 Scheduling and Phasing – Provide recommendations for project scheduling and phasing which will minimize the impact to library operations during construction.
3.2.8 Other – Additional Plans may be warranted as a result of the progress meetings which would require detail for demolition, HVAC, Electrical, Lighting, etc. These items will be determined after the Site visit has occurred and recommendations are made.
4.0 Permitting – Perform the required permitting as indicated below. Note that all permit application fees shall be waived as this is a local project, however please be advised that advertising and abutter notification costs should be included.
4.1 Water Resource Protection Overlay District (WRPOD) Special Permit – Prepare permit application and apply for a WRPOD Special Permit with the Douglas Planning Board, as detailed in Section 8.1 of the Douglas Zoning Bylaws. Attend all meetings and present the project to the Board as may be required. This permit application may be reviewed jointly with Site Plan Review in Section 4.2 below.
4.2 Site Plan Review – Prepare permit application and apply for Site Plan Review with the Douglas Planning Board, as detailed in Section 9.4 of the Douglas Zoning Bylaws. Attend all meetings and present the project to the Board as may be required. This application may be reviewed jointly with the WRPOD Special Permit in Section 4.1 above.
4.3 Notice of Intent – Prepare a Notice of Intent application for filing with the Douglas Conservation Commission using the Wetland Protection Act Regulations and the Town of Douglas Conservation Bylaw as a basis for the filing. Attend all meetings and present the project to the Board as may be required.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 10 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 5.0 Schedule – The project is planned so that funding may be obtained at the Fall Town Meeting which is expected to be in October – November, 2011. Accordingly, progress should be made based upon this timeframe.
5.0 Project Phases and Work Plan The development of Bid Documents and project permitting shall be completed within 4.5 months of the executed contract in preparation for a November 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting. The estimated schedule for completion of the Scope of Work Task Items is as follows:
Task 1 – Meetings (ongoing throughout project): 18 weeks
Task 2 – Survey, Research & Testing: 4 – 6 weeks
Task 3 – Bid Document Preparation: 6 – 8 weeks
Task 4 – Permitting: 4 – 8 weeks
Estimated Total Duration: 18 weeks
The durations listed above are estimates only. Actual durations may vary depending upon the agreed upon solution, the extent of required document revisions and the time required for regulatory approvals. Such variances in estimated time will not, in and of themselves, constitute a justification for an increased Fee for Basic Services, nor are they a substitute for the performance time requirements shown below.
The Designer performance times listed in the table below are requirements, not estimates. The BFCC will review each submission and, if acceptable, provide notice to the Designer to proceed to the next phase.
The Designer’s adherence to the performance times listed below will be part of the Owner’s performance evaluation of the Designer’s work, which will be conducted at the end of the Project.
Task(s) Description within __ weeks of executing Contract 1.1 Kick off Meeting 1 1.2 Concept/Draft Plan Review 4 1.2 & 2.4 Final Design Program 4
1.2 & 2.4 Site Visit Meeting/Progress Report 8 (Recommendation of Preferred Solution) 1.2 & 2.4 Schematic Design 8 1.2 & 3.0 Design Development 12 1.2 & 3.0 60% Construction Documents 16 1.2 & 3.0 Bid Documents 18 (100% Construction Documents )
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 11 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 6.0 Minimum Requirements Persons or firms interested in applying must meet the following requirements: 1. Applications shall be on “Standard Designer Application Form for Municipalities and Public Agencies not within DSB Jurisdiction 2005” as developed by the Designer Selection Board of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ( Applications (one original and ten (10) hard copies and one electronic file in PDF format) must be received on or before 12:00 PM, May 2, 2010. Applications should be printed double-side and bound in such a manner that the pages lie and remain flat when opened. The specific organization and orientation of the proposal is at the applicant’s discretion, but its recommended that the proposal be laid out in such a manner that the reader doesn’t need to be constantly rotating the proposal. Applications should not be provided with acetate covers.
2. Applications must be accompanied by a concise cover letter that is a maximum of two pages in length. A copy of the cover letter should be attached to each copy of the application. (A copy of the MCPPO certification, or other certifications, should be attached to the cover letter as appropriate.)
The Respondent must certify in its cover letter that it meets the following minimum requirements. Any respondent that fails to include such certification in its response, demonstrating that these criteria have been met, will be rejected without further consideration. To be eligible for selection, the Designer must meet all of the following qualifications. a) Be a qualified Designer within the meaning of M.G.L. Chapter 7, Section 38A½, employing a Massachusetts registered architect responsible for and being in control of the services to be provided pursuant to the Contract. b) The Project Architect/Engineer for the Designer has been certified as a Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official as administered by the Office of the Inspector General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. c) The Project Architect/Engineer has completed at least one (1) accessibility compliance renovation project that is similar in size and scope. d) The Project Architect/Engineer has completed at least one (1) accessibility compliance renovation project that is similar in size and scope. 3. Applicants may supplement this proposal with graphic materials and photographs that best demonstrate design capabilities of the team proposed for this project.
4. Proposals shall be addressed to:
Douglas Board of Selectmen c/o Michael Guzinski, Executive Administrator 29 Depot Street, Douglas, MA 01516 (508) 476-4000, ext. 101
5. Proposals must be clearly identified by marking the package or envelope with the following:
Simon Fairfield Public Library – ADA Compliance Project “Name of Applicant”
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 12 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 6. All questions regarding this RFQ should be addressed exclusively in writing to:
Douglas Board of Selectmen c/o Michael Guzinski, Executive Administrator 29 Depot Street, Douglas, MA 01516
7.0 Selection Criteria In addition to the minimum requirements set forth above, all Respondents must demonstrate that they have significant experience, knowledge and abilities with respect to public construction projects, particularly involving the construction and renovation of ADA compliance projects on public buildings in Massachusetts. The Owner will evaluate Responses based on the criteria listed below. Each criterion will be rated one of the following scores by each BFCC member for the response provided: Highly Advantageous (100 points), Advantageous (67 points), Not Advantageous (33 points) or Unacceptable (0 points). The methodology used by each BFCC member to score that particular criterion is detailed below the criterion. The overall weight of each criterion is listed as a percentage next to that criterion.
1) Past performance of the Respondent (20 Percent), if any, with regard to public ADA compliance projects across the Commonwealth, as evidenced by:
a) Documented performance on previous projects as set forth in Attachment A, including the number of projects managed, project dollar value, number and percentage completed on time, average number of projects per project manager per year and number and outcome of any legal actions.
b) Experience managing renovation/expansion projects in existing and occupied public buildings.
c) Satisfactory working relationship with contractors, Owner and local officials.
Highly Advantageous: (1) The Respondent has at least ten (10) years of experience with at least five (5) projects of similar dollar value, and (2) has good references (All the Respondent's references indicate the projects are completed on schedule or with minimal and insignificant delays).
Advantageous: (1) The Respondent has at least five (5) years of experience with at least two (2) projects of similar dollar value, and (2) has good references (All but one of the Respondent's references indicates the projects are completed on schedule or with minimal and insignificant delays).
Not Advantageous: (1) The Respondent has at least three (3) years of experience with at least one (1) project of similar dollar value, and (2) has good references (All but two of the Respondent's references indicate the projects are completed with substantial delays
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 13 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc attributable to the Respondent and no current project or project completed in the last year experienced substantial delays attributable to the Respondent).
Unacceptable: (1) The Respondent has fewer than three (3) years of experience with projects of similar dollar value, and/or (2) does not have good references and/or more than two of the Respondent's references indicate the project(s) are completed with substantial delays attributable to the Respondent and/or projects completed in the last year experienced substantial delays attributable to the Respondent.
2) Thorough knowledge of the Massachusetts State Building Code (5 Percent), regulations related to the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other pertinent codes and regulations related to successful completion of the project.
Highly Advantageous: The Respondent has documented at least ten (10) years of experience with projects within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including new construction and retrofitting for ADA compliance.
Advantageous: The Respondent has documented at least five (5) years of experience with projects within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including new construction and retrofitting for ADA compliance.
Not Advantageous: The Respondent has documented at least three (3) years of experience with projects within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including new construction and retrofitting for ADA compliance.
Unacceptable: The Respondent has documented less than three (3) years of experience with projects within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts including new construction and retrofitting for ADA compliance.
3) Thorough knowledge of Commonwealth construction procurement laws (5 Percent), regulations, policies and procedures, as amended by the 2004 Construction Reform laws.
Highly Advantageous: The Respondent has at least ten (10) years of experience of successfully procuring construction for projects within the Commonwealth, including procurement since construction reform in 2004. The Respondent has documented experience with the prequalification of General and filed sub-bidders. The Respondent has documented a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance (SOMWBA) guidelines and regulations.
Advantageous: The Respondent has at least five (5) years of experience of successfully procuring construction for projects within the Commonwealth, including procurement since construction reform in 2004. The Respondent has documented experience with the prequalification of General and filed sub-bidders. The Respondent has documented a clear and comprehensive knowledge of construction procurement. The Respondent has documented a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance (SOMWBA) guidelines and regulations.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 14 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc Not Advantageous: The Respondent has at least three (3) years of experience of successfully procuring construction for projects within the Commonwealth, including procurement since construction reform in 2004, or the Respondent has documented an understanding of construction procurement, or the proposer has documented an understanding of the State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance (SOMWBA) guidelines and regulations.
Unacceptable: The Respondent has less than three (3) years of experience of successfully procuring construction for projects within the Commonwealth, including procurement since construction reform in 2004, or the Respondent has not documented an understanding of construction procurement, or the proposer has not documented an understanding knowledge of the State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance (SOMWBA) guidelines and regulations.
4) Management approach (15 Percent): Describe the Respondent’s approach to providing the level and nature of services required as evidenced by proposed project staffing for a potential (hypothetical) ADA-compliance project for the renovation of a small historic municipal library building; proposed project management systems; effective information management; and examples of problem solving approaches to resolving issues that impact time and cost.
Highly Advantageous: The plan of services proposes a detailed, logical and highly efficient scheme for producing bid documents that addresses all of the required issues from data collection, alternatives analysis, design development, cost estimating, value engineering, final design and permitting within the ideal timeframe of 4 months.
Advantageous: The plan of services proposes a credible scheme for producing bid documents that addresses all of the issues from data collection, alternatives analysis, design development, cost estimating, value engineering, final design and permitting within the ideal timeframe of 4 months.
Not Advantageous: The plan of services proposes a credible scheme for producing bid documents that addresses most of the issues from data collection, alternatives analysis, design development, cost estimating, value engineering, final design and permitting within the ideal timeframe of 4 months.
Unacceptable: The plan of services is not sufficiently detailed to fully evaluate, or the plan does not contain all the components necessary to produce bid documents that addresses all of the issues from data collection, alternatives analysis, design development, cost estimating, value engineering, final design and permitting within the ideal timeframe of 4 months.
5) Key personnel (20 Percent): Provide an organizational chart that shows the interrelationship of key personnel to be provided by the Respondent for this project and that identifies the individuals and associated firms (if any) who will fill the roles of Prime
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 15 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc Consultant (Principal in Charge) and Project Manager for Design and any other key roles identified by the Respondent, including but not limited to roles in survey, testing, design, estimating, cost and schedule control. Specifically, describe the time commitment, experience and references for these key personnel including relevant experience in the design and construction of projects that have been either successfully completed or are in process that are similar in type, size, dollar value and complexity to the project being considered.
Highly Advantageous: The plan of services provides an organizational chart and identifies individuals and associated firms acting and roles of Prime Consultant (Principal in Charge) and Project Manager for Design and all other key roles on this project. Time commitment and experience and references for key personnel are fully identified, including relevant experience in similar projects.
Advantageous: The plan of services provides some information on the individuals and associated firms who will be acting in the roles of Prime Consultant (Principal in Charge) and Project Manager for Design and other key roles on this project. Some time commitment and experience and references for key personnel are identified.
Not Advantageous: The plan of services is not sufficiently detailed and/or it does not adequately present the organizational chart or the individuals and associated firms and their proposed roles and/or the time commitment, experience and references for key personnel are not sufficiently detailed.
Unacceptable: The plan of services does not provide an organizational chart and/or it does not identify key individuals associated with the project and/or the time commitment and experiences of personnel are not included.
6) Capacity and skills (10 Percent): Identify existing employees by number and area of expertise (e.g. ADA compliance, library design, field supervision, cost estimating, schedule analysis, value engineering, quality control and safety). Identify any services to be provided by Sub-consultants.
Highly Advantageous: The plan of services provides thorough identification of existing employees by number and area of expertise that is available to participate in the project and identifies all services to be provided by Subconsultants. The combined skills identified herein are determined to exceed the requirements for this project.
Advantageous: The plan of services provides identification of existing employees by number and area of expertise that are available to participate in the project and identifies all services to be provided by Subconsultants. The combined skills identified herein are determined to be adequate for the requirements for this project.
Not Advantageous: The plan of services provides some level of identification of employees by number and area of expertise and identifies services to be provided by
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 16 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc Subconsultants and/or the combined skills identified herein are determined to be inadequate for the requirements of this project.
Unacceptable: The plan of services does not identify existing employees by number and area of expertise and/or does not identify services to be provided by Subconsultants and/or the combined skills identified herein are determined to be incapable for the requirements for this project.
7) Identify the Respondent’s current and projected workload versus available staffing levels (5 Percent).
Highly Advantageous: The plan of services provides current and projected workload and staffing levels showing availability of staffing to be dedicated to this project.
Advantageous: The plan of services provides some of the current and projected workload and staffing levels showing availability of staffing to be dedicated to this project.
Not Advantageous: The plan of services does not provide current and projected workload and staffing levels showing availability of staffing to be dedicated to this project.
Unacceptable: The plan of services does not provide any current and projected workload and/or staffing levels showing availability of staffing to be dedicated to this project.
8) Thorough knowledge and demonstrated experience with life cycle cost analysis cost estimating and value engineering with actual examples of recommendations and associated benefits to Owners (10 Percent).
Highly Advantageous: The Respondent has demonstrated at least 10 years of experience in life cycle costing and analysis, cost estimating, and value engineering specifically including school projects and includes supporting documentation demonstrating actual examples of recommendations and associated benefits.
Advantageous: The Respondent has demonstrated at least 5 years of experience in life cycle costing and analysis, cost estimating, and value engineering specifically including school projects and includes supporting documentation demonstrating actual examples of recommendations and associated benefits.
Not Advantageous: The Respondent has demonstrated at least 3 years of experience in life cycle costing and analysis, cost estimating, and value engineering specifically including school projects and/or includes little supporting documentation demonstrating actual examples of recommendations and associated benefits.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 17 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc Unacceptable: The Respondent has no experience in life cycle costing analysis and/or includes no supporting documentation demonstrating actual examples of recommendations and associated benefits.
9) Financial Stability (10 Percent): Provide current balance sheet and income statement as evidence of the Respondent’s financial stability and capacity to support the proposed contract.
Highly Advantageous: Provides detailed documentation regarding the firm’s balance sheet and income statement in order to demonstrate that the firm is financially stable and has the ability to successfully complete the project.
Advantageous: Provides some documentation regarding the firm’s balance sheet and income statement in order to demonstrate that the firm is financially stable and has the ability to successfully complete the project.
Not Advantageous: Provides little documentation regarding the firm’s balance sheet and income statement in order to demonstrate that the firm is financially stable and has the ability to successfully complete the project.
Unacceptable: Provides no documentation regarding the firm’s balance sheet and income statement or has not demonstrated that the firm is financially stable.
In order to establish a short list of Respondents to be interviewed, the Owner will base its initial ranking of Respondents on the above Evaluation Criteria. The Owner will establish its final ranking of the short-listed Respondents after conducting interviews and reference checks.
The Owner reserves the right to consider any other relevant criteria that it may deem appropriate, within its sole discretion. The Owner may or may not, within its sole discretion, seek additional information from Respondents.
8.0 Selection Process
1) The BFCC will receive and evaluate proposals. The BFCC will review each Respondents proposal that meets the minimum requirements and complete a score sheet for each using the evaluation criteria. The individual evaluations will be tallied and reconciled. A joint score sheet will be developed ranking the Respondents in order of preference and a short- list of a minimum of three Respondents will result. References will be checked on all Respondents on the short-list.
2) Each of the short-listed Respondents will be invited for a presentation and interview by the BFCC. The presentation will begin with the introduction of the Project Team followed by a description of the Project approach and identification of the key factors for project success. Key personnel listed in the response who must be at the interview will
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 18 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc include, at a minimum, the proposed Project Representative and Project Director. During the interview, the BFCC will confirm the following:
a. The Respondent’s qualifications to complete the job. b. The Respondent’s ability to meet the schedule. c. The Respondent’s identification of key personnel and their time commitment to the Project. d. Perceived ability and style to work well with various stakeholders such as local boards. e. May be asked about their experience with green initiatives.
Following the interviews, the finalists will be ranked by the BFCC in order of preference. Evaluation criteria for the interview and presentation will be weighted between: specific details of management approach, overall presentation/communication skills, overall experience and capability of key personnel, and demonstrated approach to working with other project team members including designer, contractor and other project stakeholders. The final overall ranking will be determined solely by the Respondents score from the interview with no consideration given to the score from the written proposal preparation.
3) The BFCC shall transmit its recommendation of the top ranked Respondents to the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen will make the final selection and will execute the Contract.
4) The Owner has established a not-to-exceed fee of $49,000. The Owner intends to ensure that the successful Respondent will complete the services described in this procurement. Specifically, the services of a Project Designer for the preparation of Bid Documents and permitting of the ADA-compliance project for the Simon Fairfield Public Library Project.
5) The Owner reserves the right to reject all responses and re-advertise if less than three responses are received or for any other reason.
9.0 Selection Schedule 03/30/11 - Advertise RFQ in Central Register of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and a newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the project is located or to be located.
04/18/11 - Last day for questions from Respondents.
05/02/11 - Submittal Packages Due.
06/01/11 - Respondents short-listed (3 – 5 Respondents).
06/15/11 - Interview short-listed Respondents & Final selection submitted to the Board of Selectmen for review and approval.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 19 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc 06/21/11 - Board of Selectmen review and approve recommendation
06/30/11 - Execute contract
10.0 Contract Requirements
This Request for Qualifications, any addenda issued by the Owner, and the selected Respondent’s response, will become part of the executed contract. The key personnel that the Respondent identifies in its response must be contractually committed for the Project. No substitution or replacement of key personnel or change in the Sub-consultants identified in the response shall take place without the prior written approval of the Owner.
The selected Respondent(s) will be required to execute a Contract for Designer Services with the Owner in the form that is attached hereto as Attachment G and incorporated by reference herein. Prior to execution of the Contract for Designer Services with the Owner, the selected Respondent will be required to submit to the Owner a certificate of insurance that meets the requirements set forth in the Contract for Designer Services.
The fee for Designer Services is as established in the attached Contract for the scope of services described herein. The fee shall be paid as each Task or subtask has been completed. The selected Respondent will be required to provide pricing information for each Task and subtask specified in the Contract prior to Contract Execution.
11.0 Pre-Proposal Meeting All interested parties may choose to attend an informational briefing session at the Simon Fairfield Public Library, 290 Main Street, Douglas, MA scheduled for April 13, 2011 at 9:00 AM. This meeting is not required to submit a proposal.
12.0 Withdrawal Applicants may withdraw an application as long as the written request to withdraw is received by the Town of Douglas prior to the time and date of the proposal opening.
13.0 Public Record All responses and information submitted in response to this RFQ are subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L. c. 66, § 10 and c. 4, § 7(26). Any statements in submitted responses that are inconsistent with the provisions of these statutes shall be disregarded.
14.0 Waiver/Cure of Minor Informalities, Errors and Omissions
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 20 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc The Owner reserves the right to waive or permit cure of minor informalities, errors or omissions prior to the selection of a Respondent, and to conduct discussions with any qualified Respondents and to take any other measures with respect to this RFQ in any manner necessary to serve the best interest of the Owner and its beneficiaries.
15.0 Rejection of Responses, Modification of RFQ The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all responses if the Owner determines, within its own discretion, that it is in the Owner’s best interests to do so. This RFQ does not commit the Owner to select any Respondent, award any contract, pay any costs in preparing a response, or procure a contract for any services. The Owner also reserves the right to cancel or modify this RFQ in part or in its entirety, or to change the RFQ guidelines. A Respondent may not alter the RFQ or its components.
0f49156458d0dd66316ee27162477acc. Page 21 of 20 March 15, 2011 doc Attachment A
Standard Designer Application Form For Municipalities and Public Agencies not within DSB Jurisdiction
Attachment B
Certificate of Non Collusion
The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals.
______(Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal)
______(Name of business)
Attachment C
Tax Compliance Certification
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 62C, §49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support.
______(Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal)
______(Name of business)
______Social Security Number/Federal Tax ID Number of Bidder
Attachment D
Debarment Certification
The undersigned certifies, as to the Respondent and each of its principals and, with respect to each of Respondent employees and agents certifies to the best of its knowledge, that each such entity or person or entity with which such person was previously affiliated:
(a) is not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or otherwise declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded by any Federal, state or local department or agency from entering into a contract for a public (Federal, state or local) transaction;
(b) has not, within the three-year period preceding the date of its proposal, been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a criminal offense relating to or had a civil judgment rendered against it for commission of fraud or other misconduct in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction;
(c) has not within the three-year period preceding the date of its proposal, been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a criminal offense of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
(d) has not, within a three-year period preceding the date of its proposal, had one or more public transactions (Federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
(e) will submit a revised certification immediately at such time as the status on any of the above certifications changes.
If the Respondent is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, the Respondent may attach an explanation to this proposal.
______(Signature of individual)
______(Name of Respondent)
Attachment E
Certification on Mass General Laws and Building Code
The undersigned, a duly authorized representative of ______, hereby certifies under the pains and penalties of perjury that the contractor has thorough knowledge of the Massachusetts State Building Code, regulations related to the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other pertinent federal, state and local codes and regulations related to successful completion of the project.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Print Name: ______
Title: ______
Company: ______Telephone: ______
Address: ______
Attachment F
Maps / Figures
Attachment G
Contract for Designer Services
Simon Fairfield Public Library ADA Compliance Project Contract for Designer Services
TOWN OF DOUGLAS Contract for Designer Services
PROJECT TITLE: ADA Renovation Project Simon Fairfield Public Library 290 Main Street, Douglas, MA
PROJECT TYPE: Schematic Design through Construction Contract Document Preparation
This AGREEMENT is made under seal the day of in the year Two Thousand and eleven, between the Town of Douglas by its Board of Selectmen hereinafter, the AWARDING AUTHORITY, and ______acting as PROJECT ARCHITECT.
1.1 GENERAL LAWS -- the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as amended, including any rules, regulations and administrative procedures implementing said laws.
1.2 DESIGNER -- the individual or firm performing professional services under this AGREEMENT.
1.3 PRINCIPALS -- the registered professional Architects or Engineers listed in response to the Awarding Authority’s solicitation of proposals for the Project identified on page 1 (Project Title).
1.4 NOTICE TO PROCEED -- written communication from the Awarding Authority, constituting an essential condition of this AGREEMENT, authorizing the Designer to perform services for the project phase to which such Notice shall relate. The Notice to Proceed shall include the basis for compensation, the fixed limit construction cost, if any, and may include the time of submittal. Subsequent written communications amending the Notice to proceed are required to change either a submittal date or the fixed limit construction cost. Proceeding with various phases of contract work is contingent upon the Awarding Authority or its designees' satisfaction with and acceptance of services performed for each phase.
1.5 SUBMITTAL DATES -- those dates referred to in the Notice to Proceed or any subsequent amendment thereto.
1.6 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT -- contract for construction of a whole or part of the project, including all change orders.
1.7 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST -- the sum of the actual construction contract award price and each authorized change order revising the construction contract
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award price. The construction contract award price shall be the same as the construction price of the lowest responsible and eligible bidder.
1.8 AWARDING AUTHORITY -- The board, commission, agency or department of the Town having authority to award design and construction contracts in connection with the Project.
1.9 PROJECT -- the building project for which designer services have been procured under this AGREEMENT, and which is identified on Page 1 (Project Title).
2.1 The Designer shall not employ additional consultants, not named in the proposal(s) nor sublet, assign or transfer any part of his services or obligations under this AGREEMENT without the prior approval and written consent of the Awarding Authority. The Awarding Authority shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. Written consent shall not in any way relieve the Designer from his responsibility for the professional and technical accuracy and the coordination of all data, designs, drawings, specifications, estimates and other work or materials furnished.
2.2 Except as otherwise provided in this AGREEMENT or authorized by the Awarding Authority, the Designer shall employ within the basic fee for this project the following consultants where their specific services are required: Architect, Structural Engineer, Civil Engineer, Sanitary Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Landscape Architect, Cost Estimator, and Electrical Engineer, or any other consultant specifically listed in the proposal. Consultants must be registered in their respective disciplines if registration is required under the applicable General Laws.
2.3 When the Designer receives payment from the Awarding Authority, the Designer shall promptly make payment to each consultant whose work was included in the work for which payment was made by the Town. The Awarding Authority shall have the contractual right, but not the obligation, to require corrective measures necessary for the best interests of the Town.
3.1 The Awarding Authority shall furnish to the Designer available surveys of the project building site, showing the grades and lines of streets, pavements and adjoining properties; the rights, restrictions, easements, boundaries and controls of the site, or sites; reports from any borings, test pits, chemical, mechanical or other tests, any photographs and information as to water, sewer, electricity, steam, gas, telephone and other services.
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3.2 The Awarding Authority does not guarantee the accuracy of information furnished and the Designer must satisfy himself as to the correctness of data, except in instances where written exception to the contrary is specifically indicated by the Awarding Authority. If the above data are not available or they are in the opinion of the Designer insufficient, the Designer, upon request, may be given authorization to obtain the services of a consultant or perform the work with his own employees. In no case shall the Designer commence such work without prior written authorization of the Awarding Authority.
3.3 During the construction phase of this contract, the Designer may retain the services of a photographer, a qualified testing laboratory, and special field inspectors when required by the project, subject to the prior approval of the Awarding Authority or its designee.
3.4 If a consultant's services estimated to cost more than $25,000 are required, including the services of a qualified testing laboratory functioning under the jurisdiction of both a Massachusetts registered Engineer and licensed inspectors, a detailed description of the proposed services shall be prepared by the Designer and approved by the Awarding Authority. Consultant fee proposals shall be received by the Designer and accompanied with recommendations of approval submitted to the Awarding Authority before any work is authorized. Such consultants shall carry adequate Liability Insurance. When a consultant's services are estimated to cost $25,000 or less, the Designer shall use established standard rates for such services.
3.5 Drawings and/or specifications needed to obtain survey or subsoil information, and any other soils engineering shall be prepared by the Designer as part of the basic fee. The Designer shall then analyze and evaluate such surveys and tests and make his design conform to the results of such evaluation.
3.6 The Awarding Authority will compensate and reimburse the Designer as provided in ARTICLE 9 for the cost of consultant services performed under this Article. For responsibility, coordination inspection, analysis and evaluation of consultant services retained under this ARTICLE, the Designer shall similarly be compensated as provided by ARTICLE 9.
4.1 The Designer shall perform the work required under this AGREEMENT in conformity with all requirements and standards of the Awarding Authority, all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, by-laws, codes, rules and regulations, and executive orders of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions, and the Federal Government. The Construction Documents shall comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, by-laws, codes, rules and regulations, and executive orders. The Designer, including all approved consultants and subcontractors, shall comply with all applicable provisions of the rules and
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regulations of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and Procedures promulgated by the Governor of Massachusetts or his designees, insuring equal opportunity for employees and minority and women-owned business enterprises.
5.1 The Designer shall be responsible for the professional and technical accuracy and the coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, estimates and other work furnished by him or his consultants and subcontractors. The Designer shall staff his office with sufficient personnel to complete the services required under this contract in a prompt and continuous manner, and shall meet the approval schedule and submittal dates established during the course of this AGREEMENT.
The Designer shall commence work under this AGREEMENT upon written notice to proceed issued by the Awarding Authority in conformance with the provisions of Section 1.4 of this AGREEMENT. The Designer shall complete the services required under this AGREEMENT in a prompt and continuous manner, and to meet such time limits as are established during the course of the AGREEMENT and stated in each Notice to Proceed. If the completion of the scope of work is delayed through no fault of the Designer, the time limit may be extended upon written approval of the Awarding Authority.
5.2 The Designer shall furnish appropriate competent professional services for each of the phases to the point where detail checking and reviewing by the Awarding Authority will not be necessary. Any changes, corrections, additions or deletions made by the Awarding Authority shall be incorporated in the design of the Project unless detailed objections thereto are received from the Designer and approved by the Awarding Authority.
5.3 The Designer shall thoroughly acquaint his employees and consultants with all provisions of the General Laws governing the conduct of public construction projects, including but not limited to M.G.L. c.149, and c.30, and in particular, M.G.L. c.30, §39M, wherein the description of material specifications and proprietary items in construction bid documents is governed.
5.4 Neither the Awarding Authority's review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for any of the services furnished shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under the AGREEMENT or any cause of action arising out of the performance of the AGREEMENT.
5.5 In the event an Owner’s Project Manager has been engaged for the project as required by G. L. c. 149, §44A½, the Designer shall cooperate and coordinate his work pursuant to this AGREEMENT with the Project Manager and shall thoroughly acquaint himself and his employees and consultants with the duties
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and responsibilities of the Project Manager as defined in the latter’s contract with the Awarding Authority.
1. Upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the Awarding Authority acceptable to the Designer, the Designer shall meet as necessary with the Awarding Authority and shall prepare and submit programs, preliminary reports, master plans, studies, sketches, space utilization criteria and estimates in accordance with the Scope of Services set forth in Attachment A to this AGREEMENT. Monthly progress reports shall be submitted by the Designer to the Awarding Authority. The Designer shall prepare and submit concept sketches of various design ideas to determine a workable plan solution in terms of the programs, funds available, and as complete an overall design concept as possible including cost estimates. The Designer shall furnish to the Awarding Authority eight (8) copies of the report for final approval on or before the date set forth in the Notice to Proceed or any supplement thereto.
2. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.7, §38H, the Awarding Authority, in its sole discretion, may allow the feasibility designer to continue with the design of this project, pursuant to submission of an additional proposal in accordance with the Designer Selection statute. The Awarding Authority, in its sole discretion, may commission an independent review, by a knowledgeable and competent individual or business doing such work, of the feasibility Designer’s work to insure its reasonableness and its adequacy prior to allowing the Designer to continue on the project.
Drawings shall be furnished to the Awarding Authority by the Designer.
1. Phase 1. - Schematics
Upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the Awarding Authority acceptable to the Designer, the Designer shall meet as necessary with the Awarding Authority for the purpose of arriving at a mutual understanding of the Awarding Authority's project needs. Thereafter, the Designer shall prepare and submit to the Awarding Authority single line schematic drawings including floor plans, elevations and space criteria to establish basic design ideas and respective cost estimates as set forth in the scope of services included as Attachment A. The Designer shall submit to the Awarding Authority for approval ten (10) copies of said schematic plans, outline specifications and cost estimates, on or before the date or time for submission specified in the Notice to Proceed or any supplement
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thereto, unless the Designer shall have obtained from the Awarding Authority an extension of time in writing.
Estimated construction cost and fee as set forth in the original Notice to Proceed will not be changed by the Awarding Authority without the agreement of the Designer.
2. Phase 2. - Design Development
Upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed the Designer shall prepare from the approved Phase 1 documents complete design development documents consisting of plans, outline specifications, and cost estimates and other documents to fix and describe the size and character of the project as to architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems, materials, and such other elements as may be appropriate to enable the Awarding Authority to study and understand the progress and development of the Project. Such plans, outline specifications and cost estimate shall be subject to the written approval of the Awarding Authority. The Designer shall submit to the Awarding Authority for approval ten (10) copies of said design development documents on or before the date or time for submission specified in the Notice to Proceed or any supplement thereto, unless the Designer shall have obtained from the Awarding Authority an extension of time in writing.
3. Phase 3. - Construction Documents
Upon receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the Awarding Authority for Phase 3 of the Project, the Designer shall meet as necessary with the Awarding Authority, and shall prepare and submit to the Awarding Authority on or before the date or time specified in the Notice to Proceed or any supplement thereto, complete working plans and specifications in sufficient detail to permit firm bids in open competition for construction of the project, and a detailed cost estimate. Said plans and specifications shall be based on the design development, outline specifications and construction cost estimate approved in Phase 2 of the Project, the Notice to Proceed with Phase 3, or any subsequent modification thereto. The detailed estimate of the cost of the Project shall include quantities of all materials and unit prices of labor and materials as well as cost estimates for each item of work. Such working plans and specifications and cost estimates shall be subject to the written approval of the Awarding Authority. The Designer shall furnish to the Awarding Authority for approval ten (10) sets of the said plans, specifications and construction cost estimates.
Following the approval of the plans, specifications and construction cost estimates, the Designer shall incorporate all changes required by the Awarding Authority in the working drawings and specifications and shall prepare and transmit to the Awarding Authority one set of Construction Contract Documents for approval.
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7.1 For the performance of all services required under the terms of this AGREEMENT and excluding those services specified under ARTICLES 8, 9 and 10, the Designer shall be compensated by the Awarding Authority in accordance with the lump sum fee for this project. The fee for this project is a lump sum of $49,000.00.
7.2 If there is a material change in the scope of services provided in this agreement, the Designer and the Awarding Authority will mutually agree to an adjustment in the Designer's Basic Fee. Delay of one year or more by the Awarding Authority plus a significant change in the estimated construction cost of the project will be considered a material change in scope of services.
7.3 The basic fee shall be paid to the Designer in accordance with Attachment B to this agreement. Billings for services shall be made monthly and shall be in proportion to the amount of work completed.
8.1. With the formal written approval of the Awarding Authority, the Designer shall perform all or any of the following services in addition to the services performed pursuant to ARTICLE 6 above: (1) making measured drawings of existing construction facilities when required for planning additions, or alterations thereto; (2) revising previously approved drawings, specifications or other documents to accomplish changes authorized by the Awarding Authority; (3) preparing documents for alternate bids requested by the Awarding Authority except alternates prepared by the Designer to adjust the fixed limit construction cost, if any; (4) providing consultation concerning replacement of any work damaged by fire or other cause during construction and furnishing professional services of the type set forth in ARTICLE 6 as may be required in connection with the replacement of such work; (5) providing professional services made necessary by the default of the contractor in the performance of the construction contract; (6) providing services after final payment to the contractor; (7) for preparing change orders and supporting data, except as set forth in ARTICLE 10; (8) revising working plans and specifications submitted in their final and complete form for which bids were not received within six months after submission; (9) making studies other than those normally required and preparing applications and reports to assist the Awarding Authority in obtaining federal and/or state aid; (10) preparing operating and maintenance manuals; (11) observing the balancing of air and water circulation systems and reporting the results thereof; (12) observing and setting and adjusting automatic controls and reporting the results thereof; (13) assisting the Awarding Authority in litigation arising out of the construction contract; and (14) performing any other professional services not otherwise required under this Contract.
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8.2 For the services provided pursuant to paragraph 1 of this ARTICLE, the Designer shall be compensated by the Awarding Authority at the rates set forth in Attachment B.
9.1 The Designer shall be reimbursed by the Awarding Authority:(a) at one and one tenth (1.1) times the actual cost to the Designer of consultants hired to obtain any data in accordance with ARTICLE 3 above, provided, however, that no reimbursement for such expense shall be made unless the rates of compensation for said consultant services have been approved by the Awarding Authority or its designee, which may approve a lump sum fee; (b) at one and one tenth (1.1) times the actual cost to the Designer of special consultants not specified in ARTICLE 2, and approved by the Awarding Authority or its designee, provided, however, that no reimbursement for such expense shall be made unless the rates of compensation for said consultant services shall have been approved in writing by the Awarding Authority or its designee, which may approve a lump sum fee; (c) any other specially authorized reimbursement, including special printing; and (d) for all printing and reproduction costs.
10.1 The Designer shall be compensated in accordance with the rates specified in ARTICLE 8 for the services of its employees or any consultant listed in ARTICLE 2 for the preparation of modifications, change orders and supporting data. The Designer shall not be compensated for any services involved in preparing change orders required to make unit price adjustments due to existing conditions. Changes for which the Designer receives no compensation under this ARTICLE shall be "no fee modifications" or "no fee change orders." The fact that the Designer receives no fee shall not limit the Town's legal remedies regarding such changes.
Any services in connection with change orders and change directives which are necessitated by a lack of reasonable clarity, deficiencies or conflicts in the Construction Documents or other errors or omissions of the Designer, or which result from existing conditions encountered in the building which should have been anticipated by the Designer based on reasonable investigation of said building as required herein, shall not qualify as additional services and shall be performed within the scope of Basic Services.
10.2 Payments for modifications or change orders to the Designer shall be made upon completion of the Designer's work under such modifications or change orders.
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11.1 By written notice to the Designer, the Awarding Authority may terminate this contract at any time. If any such termination shall occur without the fault of the Designer, all compensation and reimbursement due to the Designer up to the date of termination, in accordance with all contract terms, shall be paid to the Designer by the Awarding Authority. Such payment shall not exceed the fair value of the work, as the Awarding Authority shall determine.
11.2 By written notice to the Awarding Authority, the Designer may terminate this contract (1) if the Awarding Authority, within sixty (60) days following written notice from the Designer of any default by the Awarding Authority under the AGREEMENT, shall have failed to remove such default or (2) if, after the Designer shall have performed all services required of the Designer in Phase 1, Phase 2, or Phase 3 of the Project, if applicable, at least six (6) months shall have lapsed without receipt by the Designer of Notice to Proceed with the next phase of the Project. Upon any such termination by the Designer all compensation and reimbursement payable to the Designer in accordance with the AGREEMENT up to and including the date of termination shall be paid to the Designer by the Awarding Authority.
12.1 The acceptance by the Designer of the last payment for services paid under the provisions of ARTICLES 11 and 12 in the event of contract termination shall in each instance operate as and be a release to the Awarding Authority, and every member or agent thereof, from all claims and liability to the Designer for payment on account of services performed or reimbursable expenses incurred under this AGREEMENT, except for those written claims submitted by the Designer to the Awarding Authority with the last payment requisition.
13.1 Any notice required under this contract to be given by the Awarding Authority to the Designer, or by the Designer to the Awarding Authority, shall be deemed to have been so given, whether or not received, if mailed by prepaid postage by, respectively, the Awarding Authority to the Designer at the address specified for the Designer on Page 1, or the Designer to the Awarding Authority.
13.2 Written approval by the Awarding Authority for Extra compensation as provided under ARTICLES 8 and 9, Reimbursements, shall be in the form of a letter issued by the Awarding Authority.
13.3 All invoices may be submitted monthly and subject to contract terms and proper documentation will be promptly processed by the Awarding Authority or returned to the Designer. No invoice, however, shall be required to be submitted or processed when the net amount due is less than $100.00.
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13.4 Invoices for services under ARTICLE 6 where such invoices pertain to design services during construction shall also describe the names, payroll titles, and dates of site visits required for construction-phase services.
13.5 Invoices submitted for services which have not been previously authorized in writing shall be returned to the Designer.
13.6 Requests for previously authorized expenses of any nature must be accompanied by a billing or receipt from the source of the expense.
14.1 The Designer shall at his own expense obtain and maintain a Professional Liability Insurance policy for errors, omissions or negligent acts arising out of the performance of this AGREEMENT in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 each occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate.
14.2 The coverage shall be in force from the time of the agreement to the date when all construction work designed under the contract is completed and accepted by the Awarding Authority. If, however, the policy is a claims made policy, it shall remain in force for a period of six (6) years after substantial completion.
Since this insurance is normally written on a year-to-year basis, the Designer shall notify the Awarding Authority should coverage become unavailable.
14.3 The Designer shall, before commencing performance of this contract, provide by insurance for the payment of compensation and the furnishing of other benefits in accordance with M.G.L. c.152, as amended, to all employed under the contract and shall continue such insurance in full force and effect during the term of the contract. The Designer shall also maintain broad public liability insurance to protect against damage or injury to persons or property.
14.4 The Designer shall carry insurance in a sufficient amount to assure the restoration of any plans, drawings, computations, field notes or other similar data relating to the work covered by this contract in event of loss or destruction until the final fee payment is made or all data are turned over to the Awarding Authority.
14.5 Certificates and any and all renewals substantiating that required insurance coverage is in effect shall be filed with the Agreement. Any cancellation of insurance whether by the insurers or by the insured shall not be valid unless written notice thereof is given by the party proposing cancellation to the other party and to the Town at least fifteen days prior to the intended effective date thereof, which date should be expressed in said notice. The Designer shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Awarding Authority harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, actions, causes of actions, costs and
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expenses arising out of the Designer’s breach of the Agreement or the negligence or misconduct of the Designer or the Designer’s agents or employees.
14.6 Upon request of the Designer, the Awarding Authority reserves the right to modify any conditions of this Article.
15.1 The Designer hereby certifies:
(i) if an individual, the individual is a registered architect;
(ii) if a partnership, a majority of all the partners are persons who are registered architects;
(iii) if a corporation, sole proprietorship, joint stock company or other entity, the majority of the directors or a majority of the stock ownership and the chief executive officer are persons who are registered architects, and the person to have the project in his or her charge is a registered architect;
(iv) if a joint venture, each joint venturer satisfies the requirements of this section. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.7, §38A½)
15.2 The Designer hereby certifies that it has not given, offered or agreed to give any person, corporation or other entity any gift, contribution or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with the award of this Agreement. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.7, §38H(e)(i))
15.3 The Designer hereby certifies that no consultant to or subcontractor for the Designer has given, offered or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the Designer, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the Designer. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.7, §38H(e)(ii))
15.4 The Designer hereby certifies that no person, corporation or other entity, other than a bona fide full-time employee of the Designer, has been retained or hired by the Designer to solicit for or in any way assist the Designer in obtaining this Agreement upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation or other entity be paid a fee or other consideration contingent upon the award of this Agreement to the Designer. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.7 §38H(e)(iii))
15.5 The Designer hereby certifies that it has internal accounting controls as required by subsection (c) of section thirty-nine R of chapter thirty and that the
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Designer filed and will continue to file an audited financial statement as required by subsection (d) of said section thirty-nine R. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.7, §38H(e)(iv))
15.6 The Designer shall maintain all books, records, and accounts related to the Project in compliance with the following:
1. The Designer shall make, and keep for at least six years after final payment, books, records, and accounts which in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the Designer.
2. Until the expiration of six years after final payment, the Awarding Authority, the office of the inspector general and the deputy commissioner of capital planning and operations shall have the right to examine any books, documents, papers or records of the Designer or of its consultants that directly pertain to, and involve transactions relating to, the Designer or its consultants.
3. The Designer shall describe any change in the method of maintaining records or recording transactions which materially affects any statements filed with the Awarding Authority, including in the Designer's description the date of the change and reasons therefor, and shall accompany said description with a letter from the Designer's independent certified public accountant approving or otherwise commenting on the changes.
4. The Designer has filed a statement of management on internal accounting controls as set forth in Paragraph (6) below prior to the execution of this Agreement.
5. The Designer has filed prior to the execution of this Agreement and will continue to file annually, an audited financial statement for the most recent completed fiscal year as set forth in subparagraph 15.6.8 below.
6. The Designer shall file with the Awarding Authority a statement of management as to whether the system of internal accounting controls of the Designer and its subsidiaries reasonably assures that:
(a) transactions are executed in accordance with management's general and specific authorization;
(b) transactions are recorded as necessary:
1. to permit preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles; and
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2. to maintain accountability for assets;
(c) access to assets is permitted only in accordance with management's general or specific authorization; and
(d) the recorded accountability for assets is compared with existing assets at reasonable intervals and appropriate action is taken with respect to any difference.
7. The Designer shall also file annually with the Awarding Authority a statement prepared and signed by an independent certified public accountant, stating that such accountant has examined the statement of management on internal accounting controls, and expressing an opinion as to:
(a) whether the representations of management in response to this paragraph and paragraph 15.6.6(b) above are consistent with the result of management's evaluation of the System of internal accounting controls; and
(b) whether such representations of management are, in addition, reasonable with respect to transactions and assets in amounts which would be material when measured in relation to the Designer's financial statements.
8. The Designer shall annually file with the Awarding Authority during the term of this Agreement a financial statement prepared by an independent certified public accountant on the basis of an audit by such accountant. The final statement filed shall include the date of final payment. All statements shall be accompanied by accountant's report.
9. Records and statements required to be made, kept or filed in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph 15.6 shall not be public records and shall not be open to public inspection, except as provided in subparagraph 15.6.2. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.30, §39R)
15.7 The Designer and its consultants shall not be compensated for any services involved in preparing changes that are required for additional work that should have been anticipated by the Designer in the preparation of bid documents, as reasonably determined by the Awarding Authority. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.7, §38H(J))
15.8 Life-cycle cost estimates for the Project shall be obtained at an initial stage and as a regular part of the services to be performed under this Agreement. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.149, §44M)
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15.9 The Designer hereby certifies under penalties of perjury that the Designer has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to taxes. (Statutory reference: M.G.L. c.62C, §49A)
16.1 One (1) reproducible copy of all Drawings and Specifications furnished by the Designer and all other documents prepared by the Designer shall become the property of the Awarding Authority. Ownership of the stamped drawings and specifications shall not include the Designer's certification or stamp. Any re-use of such Drawings and/or Specifications without the Designer's written verification of suitability for the specific purpose intended shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Designer or to the Designer's independent professional associates, subcontractors or consultants. Distribution or submission to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with the project is not to be construed as an act in derogation of the Designer's rights under this AGREEMENT.
16.2 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors, assigns, and personal representatives.
16.3 This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Awarding Authority and the Designer, and supersedes any prior agreements whether oral or written. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument executed by both the Awarding Authority and the Designer.
16.4 The Designer agrees that the Awarding Authority and any of its officer or employee assumes no personal liability under this Agreement.
16.5 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
16.6 In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such invalidity or unenforceability shall attach only to such provision and shall not affect or render invalid or unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, on the day and year hereinabove first written, the Designer has caused this agreement to be signed and sealed in its name and behalf, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed by the signatory below authorized to do so, and the ______has signed this agreement on behalf of the Awarding Authority.
Accepted by Designer Accepted by Awarding Authority
By: ______By: ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
Witness: ______
Title: ______
Date: ______
Witness: ______
I hereby certify that there is an appropriation available for the amount of the Agreement and that the ______is authorized to execute this Agreement and approve all requisitions and change orders.
______Town Accountant
Approved as to Form
______Town Counsel
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Attachment A Scope of Services
The Architect shall provide the following services as part of this project:
Task 1 – Meetings
5.1 Kick off Meeting – This meeting with the BFCC is to review the scope of work presented in the proposal and modify or shift focus as may be required by the BFCC and agreed to by the successful bidder. This will also be the first of monthly progress meetings with the BFCC until the project has been completed. Some meetings are highlighted in the Scope items below however, monthly meetings should be planned.
5.2 Progress Meetings – Monthly progress meetings will be held with the BFCC to provide updates and obtain direction on the project progress & status. Relevant information and backup documentation regarding progress should be provided at these meetings to substantiate invoicing.
5.3 Milestone Meetings – Throughout the design process, several meetings will be significant with respect to refining the scope of work and providing direction on how to proceed. These meetings will be the kickoff meeting as indicated in Task 1.1; the site visit meeting after Task 2.4 has been completed; and a Final Design Meeting after Task 3 has been completed. Ten (10) copies of any materials for the committee to review shall be provided one week in advance of the milestone and/or progress meetings.
Task 2 – Research Background Information and Site Visit
4.1 Plan Review – Review Original Building Drawings as may be available in the Douglas Building Department. Also review schematic concept plans entitled Proposed Handicapped Modifications, Simon Fairfield Public Library, East Douglas, MA prepared by Robert D. Farley Associates and dated December 7, 2007.
4.2 Accessibility Report Review – Review the Town of Douglas Accessibility Plan prepared by Attorney Madeline Moreno, New England Disability Services (NEDS), 390 Worcester Street, Suite 718, Worcester, MA 01608 with respect to the Simon Fairfield Public Library. This document may be found at http – // ADA-final.pdf
4.3 Site Visit – Perform a detailed site visit to confirm findings and suggestions from the above referenced documents. Furthermore, this visit should also be used to identify any Federal, State, or Local code compliance issues that would need to be addressed
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as part of an ADA compliance project. During this site visit an inspection of various other building elements including, but not necessarily limited to those listed in Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, should also be made and recommendations should be presented as indicated in Section 2.4.
4.3.1 Exterior Review – A comprehensive review of the site and the exterior building components shall be made as follows –
f) Site – The site shall be reviewed for a minimum of the following – onsite structures, access and egress of the site, traffic safety, parking capacity and need, above ground and underground utilities, property boundaries, topography, landscaping, zoning compliance and overall use of the property (and general review of surrounding properties).
g) Roof – The membrane roof had been installed in 2003 and has a 30-year warranty. A general inspection of the roof system should be performed. The inspection should also include a review of the drainage system, parapet, and overhang.
h) Building Exterior – Perform an inspection of the exterior brickwork and chimney system. The inspection should be adequate to make recommendations on repointing and any chimney repair work that is required.
i) Windows – Inspect and review the windows in order to make recommendations for replacement.
j) Doors and access – Inspect the front sidewalk, staircase, doorway and façade for code compliance, accessibility, and visual integrity. Inspect the rear stairs (fire exit) for code compliance.
4.3.2 Interior Review – a comprehensive review of the interior building components shall be made as follows General – Review flooring materials, wall & ceiling treatments, lighting, insulation and general layout and flow of the spaces. Mechanical – Evaluate the existing Heating & Air Conditioning systems and determine adequacy. Evaluate Boiler and fuel oil tank and determine if replacement is advisable if relocated. Electrical – Review existing electrical system and determine adequacy. Structural – Make note of structural load bearing walls/elements.
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4.4 Progress Report (Program Development, Feasibility Study & Schematics) – Prepare a letter report summarizing the findings and provide a written description of the design items that are required/recommended to be incorporated into the Final Design Plans. Findings shall include code compliance issues with an emphasis on ADA compliance as well as a review of the overall function area analysis of the library. Present report, including budgetary cost figures, to the BFCC at their monthly progress meeting.
Task 3 – Develop Bid Documents (Design Development & Construction Documents)
7.1 Develop Existing Conditions Base Plans
7.1.1 Site Survey – Perform an existing conditions survey which includes survey of the property boundaries and easements as well as topography of the site. All existing features including buildings, overhead and underground utilities, limits of paving and grassed areas, test locations, and any other features that are essential to the development of an existing conditions plan that is suitable for use in the development of final design and construction bid documents. A final mylar plan that is stamped by a Massachusetts Registered Professional Land Surveyor showing the existing site conditions shall be submitted to the Town. An electronic copy of the final AutoCAD file shall also be provided to the Town for their use.
7.1.2 Soil Testing – Soil Testing shall be performed onsite by a Massachusetts Licensed Soil Evaluator to determine soil infiltration capacity of the in-situ soils in order to properly design an infiltration system suitable for meeting the requirements of Section 8.1 of the Douglas Zoning Bylaws – Water Resource Protection Overlay District (WRPOD). DESIGNER is responsible for selecting number and locations for testing, notifying Dig- Safe and for logging the Test Holes with the Planning Board, according to the WRPOD Bylaw.
Additional soil testing that is required to determine the structural bearing capacity of the soils in the vicinity of the proposed elevator shaft shall be performed.
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7.1.3 Building As-Built Plan – Develop an accurate and to scale set of existing building architectural drawings which accurately detail the existing dimensions and materials of the existing library building including, but not necessarily limited to – interior and exterior features such as roof; ceilings; exterior walls; interior walls and wall partitions; windows; doors; fixed furniture; desks; counters and shelves; electrical; mechanical (HVAC) and plumbing fixtures and equipment and flooring. Any potential hazardous material elements should be identified during this task.
7.2 Proposed Work – Develop a set of Architectural and Engineering Bid Documents (Plans and Specifications) suitable to detail the scope of work to be performed as part of this project. At a minimum, the Bid Documents shall include the following:
7.2.1 Site Plan – Develop a Site Plan which complies with all Federal State and Local requirements. The Plan shall adequately show existing and proposed site and building features (ie. retaining walls, trees); access and egress to the site; off-street parking; driveways; locations of existing and proposed above ground and underground utilities including, but not necessarily limited to water, sewer, electric, drainage, and data. The site plan shall also show existing Property Boundaries as determined by a Professional Land Surveyor, Soil Testing Locations and results, existing and proposed topography, access and egress and parking areas.
7.2.2 Floor Plans – Develop floor plans and associated detail sheets which depict the building layout, materials, furnishings and equipment needed for construction accurately and definitively.
7.2.3 Elevation Views – Develop elevation views of the building exterior as necessary to adequately define the scope of work necessary for this project.
7.2.4 Elevator Shaft – Develop any drawings that are required for the construction of an elevator that will service the ground floor, the first floor and potentially the second floor.
7.2.5 Details – Provide details which supplement the design drawing by showing all materials and components in sufficient detail to bid and construct the project.
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7.2.6 Cost Estimate – Provide an itemized cost estimate of all components of construction sufficient for budgetary planning purposes.
7.2.7 Scheduling and Phasing – Provide recommendations for project scheduling and phasing which will minimize the impact to library operations during construction.
7.2.8 Other – Additional Plans may be warranted as a result of the progress meetings which would require detail for demolition, HVAC, Electrical, Lighting, etc. These items will be determined after the Site visit has occurred and recommendations are made.
8.0 Permitting – Perform the required permitting as indicated below. Note that all permit application fees shall be waived as this is a local project, however please be advised that advertising and abutter notification costs should be included.
8.1 Water Resource Protection Overlay District (WRPOD) Special Permit – Prepare permit application and apply for a WRPOD Special Permit with the Douglas Planning Board, as detailed in Section 8.1 of the Douglas Zoning Bylaws. Attend all meetings and present the project to the Board as may be required. This permit application may be reviewed jointly with Site Plan Review in Section 4.2 below.
8.2 Site Plan Review – Prepare permit application and apply for Site Plan Review with the Douglas Planning Board, as detailed in Section 9.4 of the Douglas Zoning Bylaws. Attend all meetings and present the project to the Board as may be required. This application may be reviewed jointly with the WRPOD Special Permit in Section 4.1 above.
8.3 Notice of Intent – Prepare a Notice of Intent application for filing with the Douglas Conservation Commission using the Wetland Protection Act Regulations and the Town of Douglas Conservation Bylaw as a basis for the filing. Attend all meetings and present the project to the Board as may be required.
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9.0 Schedule – The project is planned so that funding may be obtained at the Fall Town Meeting which is expected to be in October – November, 2011. Accordingly, progress should be made based upon this timeframe.
Project Phases and Work Plan
The development of Bid Documents and project permitting shall be completed within 4.5 months of the executed contract in preparation for a November 14, 2011 Special Town Meeting. The estimated schedule for completion of the Scope of Work Task Items is as follows:
Task 1 – Meetings (ongoing throughout project): 18 weeks
Task 2 – Survey, Research & Testing: 4 – 6 weeks
Task 3 – Bid Document Preparation: 6 – 8 weeks
Task 4 – Permitting: 4 – 8 weeks
Estimated Total Duration: 18 weeks The durations listed above are estimates only. Actual durations may vary depending upon the agreed upon solution, the extent of required document revisions and the time required for regulatory approvals. Such variances in estimated time will not, in and of themselves, constitute a justification for an increased Fee for Basic Services, nor are they a substitute for the performance time requirements shown below.
The Designer performance times listed in the table below are requirements, not estimates. The BFCC will review each submission and, if acceptable, provide notice to the Designer to proceed to the next phase.
The Designer’s adherence to the performance times listed below will be part of the Owner’s performance evaluation of the Designer’s work, which will be conducted at the end of the Project.
within __ weeks of Task(s) Description executing Contract 1.1 Kick off Meeting 1 1.2 Concept/Draft Plan Review 4 1.2 & 2.4 Final Design Program 4 1.2 & 2.4 Site Visit Meeting/Progress Report 8 (Recommendation of Preferred Solution) 1.2 & 2.4 Schematic Design 8 1.2 & 3.0 Design Development 12
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1.2 & 3.0 60% Construction Documents 16 1.2 & 3.0 Bid Documents 18 (100% Construction Documents )
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Attachment B
Designer's Basic Fee
Task Description % of Contract Price Dollar Value 1.0 Meetings % $
2.0 Research Background Information % $ & Site Visit
3.0 Develop Bid Documents 3.1 Existing Conditions Base Plan 3.1.1 Site Survey % $
3.1.2 Soil Testing % $
3.1.3 Building As-Built Plans % $
3.2 Proposed Work % $
4.0 Permitting 4.1 WRPOD Special Permit % $
4.2 Site Plan Review % $
4.3 Notice of Intent % $
Totals: 100.00 % $49,000.00
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